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# Note, the expressions for the first three tasks must end with commas.
# Recall that a jq program is a *single expression*. For this exercise,
# you are solving four separate tasks with one source file. Use the
# comma operator so the outputs of these filters are joined into a
# single output stream. jq prints each item in a data stream on a
# separate line, which makes the tests easier to write.
# This is an error:
# jq -n '
# 1
# 2
# 3
# '
# With commas, it is OK:
# jq -n '
# 1,
# 2,
# 3
# '
# You'll need to use parentheses to control order of operations
# Task 1: replace `null` with the "name" element of the shopping list.
# Task 2: replace `null` with the count of the required ingredients.
# Task 3: replace `null` with the amount of sugar.
(.ingredients[]|select(.item == "sugar").amount.quantity),
# Task 4: replace `null` with the mapping of ingredient names with their substitutions
# (no comma after the last filter)
."optional ingredients" + .ingredients | map(select(has("substitute"))|{(.item): .substitute})|add