# This is the source code for bats-support and bats-assert, concatenated # * https://github.com/bats-core/bats-support # * https://github.com/bats-core/bats-assert # # Comments have been removed to save space. See the git repos for full source code. ############################################################ # # bats-support - Supporting library for Bats test helpers # # Written in 2016 by Zoltan Tombol <zoltan dot tombol at gmail dot com> # # To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all # copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the # public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any # warranty. # # You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication # along with this software. If not, see # <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. # fail() { (( $# == 0 )) && batslib_err || batslib_err "$@" return 1 } batslib_is_caller() { local -i is_mode_direct=1 # Handle options. while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in -i|--indirect) is_mode_direct=0; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done # Arguments. local -r func="$1" # Check call stack. if (( is_mode_direct )); then [[ $func == "${FUNCNAME[2]}" ]] && return 0 else local -i depth for (( depth=2; depth<${#FUNCNAME[@]}; ++depth )); do [[ $func == "${FUNCNAME[$depth]}" ]] && return 0 done fi return 1 } batslib_err() { { if (( $# > 0 )); then echo "$@" else cat - fi } >&2 } batslib_count_lines() { local -i n_lines=0 local line while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do (( ++n_lines )) done < <(printf '%s' "$1") echo "$n_lines" } batslib_is_single_line() { for string in "$@"; do (( $(batslib_count_lines "$string") > 1 )) && return 1 done return 0 } batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width() { local -i max_len=-1 while (( $# != 0 )); do local -i key_len="${#1}" batslib_is_single_line "$2" && (( key_len > max_len )) && max_len="$key_len" shift 2 done echo "$max_len" } batslib_print_kv_single() { local -ir col_width="$1"; shift while (( $# != 0 )); do printf '%-*s : %s\n' "$col_width" "$1" "$2" shift 2 done } batslib_print_kv_multi() { while (( $# != 0 )); do printf '%s (%d lines):\n' "$1" "$( batslib_count_lines "$2" )" printf '%s\n' "$2" shift 2 done } batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi() { local -ir width="$1"; shift local -a pairs=( "$@" ) local -a values=() local -i i for (( i=1; i < ${#pairs[@]}; i+=2 )); do values+=( "${pairs[$i]}" ) done if batslib_is_single_line "${values[@]}"; then batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${pairs[@]}" else local -i i for (( i=1; i < ${#pairs[@]}; i+=2 )); do pairs[$i]="$( batslib_prefix < <(printf '%s' "${pairs[$i]}") )" done batslib_print_kv_multi "${pairs[@]}" fi } batslib_prefix() { local -r prefix="${1:- }" local line while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do printf '%s%s\n' "$prefix" "$line" done } batslib_mark() { local -r symbol="$1"; shift # Sort line numbers. set -- $( sort -nu <<< "$( printf '%d\n' "$@" )" ) local line local -i idx=0 while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do if (( ${1:--1} == idx )); then printf '%s\n' "${symbol}${line:${#symbol}}" shift else printf '%s\n' "$line" fi (( ++idx )) done } batslib_decorate() { echo echo "-- $1 --" cat - echo '--' echo } ############################################################ assert() { if ! "$@"; then batslib_print_kv_single 10 'expression' "$*" \ | batslib_decorate 'assertion failed' \ | fail fi } assert_equal() { if [[ $1 != "$2" ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \ 'expected' "$2" \ 'actual' "$1" \ | batslib_decorate 'values do not equal' \ | fail fi } assert_failure() { : "${output?}" : "${status?}" (( $# > 0 )) && local -r expected="$1" if (( status == 0 )); then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'command succeeded, but it was expected to fail' \ | fail elif (( $# > 0 )) && (( status != expected )); then { local -ir width=8 batslib_print_kv_single "$width" \ 'expected' "$expected" \ 'actual' "$status" batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" \ 'output' "$output" } \ | batslib_decorate 'command failed as expected, but status differs' \ | fail fi } assert_line() { local -i is_match_line=0 local -i is_mode_partial=0 local -i is_mode_regexp=0 : "${lines?}" # Handle options. while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in -n|--index) if (( $# < 2 )) || ! [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then echo "\`--index' requires an integer argument: \`$2'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \ | fail return $? fi is_match_line=1 local -ri idx="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;; -e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \ | fail return $? fi # Arguments. local -r expected="$1" if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $expected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$expected'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_line' \ | fail return $? fi # Matching. if (( is_match_line )); then # Specific line. if (( is_mode_regexp )); then if ! [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 6 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'regexp' "$expected" \ 'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match line' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_partial )); then if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != *"$expected"* ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 9 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'substring' "$expected" \ 'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'line does not contain substring' \ | fail fi else if [[ ${lines[$idx]} != "$expected" ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 8 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'expected' "$expected" \ 'actual' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'line differs' \ | fail fi fi else # Contained in output. if (( is_mode_regexp )); then local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $expected ]] && return 0 done { local -ar single=( 'regexp' "$expected" ) local -ar may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" } \ | batslib_decorate 'no output line matches regular expression' \ | fail elif (( is_mode_partial )); then local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$expected"* ]] && return 0 done { local -ar single=( 'substring' "$expected" ) local -ar may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" } \ | batslib_decorate 'no output line contains substring' \ | fail else local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$expected" ]] && return 0 done { local -ar single=( 'line' "$expected" ) local -ar may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" } \ | batslib_decorate 'output does not contain line' \ | fail fi fi } assert_output() { local -i is_mode_partial=0 local -i is_mode_regexp=0 local -i is_mode_nonempty=0 local -i use_stdin=0 : "${output?}" # Handle options. if (( $# == 0 )); then is_mode_nonempty=1 fi while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in -p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;; -e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;; -|--stdin) use_stdin=1; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \ | fail return $? fi # Arguments. local expected if (( use_stdin )); then expected="$(cat -)" else expected="${1-}" fi # Matching. if (( is_mode_nonempty )); then if [ -z "$output" ]; then echo 'expected non-empty output, but output was empty' \ | batslib_decorate 'no output' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_regexp )); then if [[ '' =~ $expected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$expected'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: assert_output' \ | fail elif ! [[ $output =~ $expected ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \ 'regexp' "$expected" \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'regular expression does not match output' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_partial )); then if [[ $output != *"$expected"* ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \ 'substring' "$expected" \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'output does not contain substring' \ | fail fi else if [[ $output != "$expected" ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 8 \ 'expected' "$expected" \ 'actual' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'output differs' \ | fail fi fi } assert_success() { : "${output?}" : "${status?}" if (( status != 0 )); then { local -ir width=6 batslib_print_kv_single "$width" 'status' "$status" batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi "$width" 'output' "$output" } \ | batslib_decorate 'command failed' \ | fail fi } refute() { if "$@"; then batslib_print_kv_single 10 'expression' "$*" \ | batslib_decorate 'assertion succeeded, but it was expected to fail' \ | fail fi } refute_line() { local -i is_match_line=0 local -i is_mode_partial=0 local -i is_mode_regexp=0 : "${lines?}" # Handle options. while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in -n|--index) if (( $# < 2 )) || ! [[ $2 =~ ^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]]; then echo "\`--index' requires an integer argument: \`$2'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \ | fail return $? fi is_match_line=1 local -ri idx="$2" shift 2 ;; -p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;; -e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \ | fail return $? fi # Arguments. local -r unexpected="$1" if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$unexpected'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_line' \ | fail return $? fi # Matching. if (( is_match_line )); then # Specific line. if (( is_mode_regexp )); then if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 6 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'regexp' "$unexpected" \ 'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match line' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_partial )); then if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 9 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'substring' "$unexpected" \ 'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'line should not contain substring' \ | fail fi else if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single 5 \ 'index' "$idx" \ 'line' "${lines[$idx]}" \ | batslib_decorate 'line should differ' \ | fail fi fi else # Line contained in output. if (( is_mode_regexp )); then local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do if [[ ${lines[$idx]} =~ $unexpected ]]; then { local -ar single=( 'regexp' "$unexpected" 'index' "$idx" ) local -a may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" else may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" | batslib_prefix | batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )" batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}" fi } \ | batslib_decorate 'no line should match the regular expression' \ | fail return $? fi done elif (( is_mode_partial )); then local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then { local -ar single=( 'substring' "$unexpected" 'index' "$idx" ) local -a may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" else may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" | batslib_prefix | batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )" batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}" fi } \ | batslib_decorate 'no line should contain substring' \ | fail return $? fi done else local -i idx for (( idx = 0; idx < ${#lines[@]}; ++idx )); do if [[ ${lines[$idx]} == "$unexpected" ]]; then { local -ar single=( 'line' "$unexpected" 'index' "$idx" ) local -a may_be_multi=( 'output' "$output" ) local -ir width="$( batslib_get_max_single_line_key_width "${single[@]}" "${may_be_multi[@]}" )" batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${single[@]}" if batslib_is_single_line "${may_be_multi[1]}"; then batslib_print_kv_single "$width" "${may_be_multi[@]}" else may_be_multi[1]="$( printf '%s' "${may_be_multi[1]}" | batslib_prefix | batslib_mark '>' "$idx" )" batslib_print_kv_multi "${may_be_multi[@]}" fi } \ | batslib_decorate 'line should not be in output' \ | fail return $? fi done fi fi } refute_output() { local -i is_mode_partial=0 local -i is_mode_regexp=0 local -i is_mode_empty=0 local -i use_stdin=0 : "${output?}" # Handle options. if (( $# == 0 )); then is_mode_empty=1 fi while (( $# > 0 )); do case "$1" in -p|--partial) is_mode_partial=1; shift ;; -e|--regexp) is_mode_regexp=1; shift ;; -|--stdin) use_stdin=1; shift ;; --) shift; break ;; *) break ;; esac done if (( is_mode_partial )) && (( is_mode_regexp )); then echo "\`--partial' and \`--regexp' are mutually exclusive" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \ | fail return $? fi # Arguments. local unexpected if (( use_stdin )); then unexpected="$(cat -)" else unexpected="${1-}" fi if (( is_mode_regexp == 1 )) && [[ '' =~ $unexpected ]] || (( $? == 2 )); then echo "Invalid extended regular expression: \`$unexpected'" \ | batslib_decorate 'ERROR: refute_output' \ | fail return $? fi # Matching. if (( is_mode_empty )); then if [ -n "$output" ]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'output non-empty, but expected no output' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_regexp )); then if [[ $output =~ $unexpected ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \ 'regexp' "$unexpected" \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'regular expression should not match output' \ | fail fi elif (( is_mode_partial )); then if [[ $output == *"$unexpected"* ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 9 \ 'substring' "$unexpected" \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'output should not contain substring' \ | fail fi else if [[ $output == "$unexpected" ]]; then batslib_print_kv_single_or_multi 6 \ 'output' "$output" \ | batslib_decorate 'output equals, but it was expected to differ' \ | fail fi fi }