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scrabble-score.jq | ||
test-scrabble-score.bats |
Scrabble Score
Welcome to Scrabble Score on Exercism's jq Track.
If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out HELP.md
Scrabble is a word game where players place letter tiles on a board to form words. Each letter has a value. A word's score is the sum of its letters' values.
Your task is to compute a word's Scrabble score by summing the values of its letters.
The letters are valued as follows:
Letter | Value |
A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T | 1 |
D, G | 2 |
B, C, M, P | 3 |
F, H, V, W, Y | 4 |
K | 5 |
J, X | 8 |
Q, Z | 10 |
For example, the word "cabbage" is worth 14 points:
- 3 points for C
- 1 point for A
- 3 points for B
- 3 points for B
- 1 point for A
- 2 points for G
- 1 point for E
Created by
- @glennj
Based on
Inspired by the Extreme Startup game - https://github.com/rchatley/extreme_startup