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Regular Chatbot
Welcome to Regular Chatbot on Exercism's jq Track.
If you need help running the tests or submitting your code, check out HELP.md
If you get stuck on the exercise, check out HINTS.md
, but try and solve it without using those first :)
Regular Expressions
Regular expressions (regexes) are sequences of characters that specify a search pattern in text.
Learning regular expression syntax is beyond the scope of this topic.
We will focus on the expressions that jq
provides to utilize regexes.
Regex Flavour
Different tools implement different versions of regular expressions.
incorporates the Oniguruma regex library that is largely compatible with Perl v5.8 regexes.
The specific syntax used by jq
version 1.7 can be found on the Oniguruma GitHub repo.
`jq` does not have any special syntax for regular expressions.
They are simply expressed as strings.
That means that any backslashes in the regular expression need to be escaped in the string.
For example, the digit character class (`\d`) must be written as `"\\d"`.
Regex Functions
Regular expressions in jq
are limited to a set of filters.
Simple Matching
When you need to know if a string matches a pattern, use the test
This filter outputs a boolean result.
"Hello World!" | test("W") # => true
"Goodbye Mars" | test("W") # => false
Information About the Match
When you need to extract the substring that actually matched the pattern, use the match
This filter outputs:
- nothing if there was no match, or
- an object containing various properties if there was a match.
This example looks for two identical consecutive vowels by using the backref syntax, \1
"Hello World!" | match("([aeiou])\\1")
# => empty
"Goodbye Mars" | match("([aeiou])\\1")
# => {
# "offset": 1,
# "length": 2,
# "string": "oo",
# "captures": [
# {
# "offset": 1,
# "length": 1,
# "string": "o",
# "name": null
# }
# ]
# }
The match
filter returns an object for each match.
This example shows the "g"
flag in action to find all the vowels.
"Goodbye Mars" | match("[aeiou]"; "g")
# => { "offset": 1, "length": 1, "string": "o", "captures": [] }
# { "offset": 2, "length": 1, "string": "o", "captures": [] }
# { "offset": 6, "length": 1, "string": "e", "captures": [] }
# { "offset": 9, "length": 1, "string": "a", "captures": [] }
Captured Substrings
Similar to the match
filter, the capture
filter returns an object if there was a match.
STRING | capture(REGEX)
STRING | capture([REGEX, FLAGS])
The returned object is a mapping of the named captures.
"JIRAISSUE-1234" | capture("(?<project>\\w+)-(?<issue_num>\\d+)")
# => {
# "project": "JIRAISSUE",
# "issue_num": "1234"
# }
Just the Substrings
The scan
filter is similar to match
with the "g"
will output a stream of substrings.
"Goodbye Mars" | scan("[aeiou]")
# => "o"
# "o"
# "e"
# "a"
Use the [...]
array constructor to capture the substrings.
"Goodbye Mars" | [ scan("[aeiou]") ]
# => ["o", "o", "e", "a"]
Note that jq v1.6 does _not_ implement the 2-argument `scan` function, even though the version 1.6 manual [says it does][manual-scan-1.6]:
* [version 1.7 source code][src-scan-1.7]
* [version 1.6 source code][src-scan-1.6]
[manual-scan-1.6]: https://jqlang.github.io/jq/manual/v1.6/#scan
[src-scan-1.7]: https://github.com/jqlang/jq/blob/11c528d04d76c9b9553781aa76b073e4f40da008/src/builtin.jq#L92
[src-scan-1.6]: https://github.com/jqlang/jq/blob/2e01ff1fb69609540b2bdc4e62a60499f2b2fb8e/src/builtin.jq#L90
Splitting a String
If you know the parts of the string you want to keep, use match
or scan
If you know the parts that you want to discard, use split
The **1-arity** `split` filter treats its argument as a **fixed string**.
To use a regex with `split`, you **must** provide the 2nd argument; it's OK to use an empty string.
An example that splits a string on arbitrary whitespace.
"first second third fourth" | split("\\s+"; "")
# => ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]
The sub
and gsub
filters can transform the input string, replacing matched portions of the input with a replacement string.
To replace just the first match, use sub
To replace all the matches, use gsub
"Goodnight kittens. Goodnight mittens." | sub("night"; " morning")
# => "Good morning kittens. Goodnight mittens."
"Goodnight kittens. Goodnight mittens." | gsub("night"; " morning")
# => "Good morning kittens. Good morning mittens."
The replacement text can refer to the matched substrings; use named captures and string interpolation.
"Some 3-letter acronyms: gnu, csv, png"
| gsub( "\\b(?<tla>[[:alpha:]]{3})\\b"; # find words 3 letters long
"\(.tla | ascii_upcase)" ) # upper-case the match
# => "Some 3-letter acronyms: GNU, CSV, PNG"
In all the above filters, FLAGS is a string consisting of zero of more of the supported flags.
- Global search (find all matches, not just the first)i
- Case insensitive searchm
- Multi line mode ('.' will match newlines)n
- Ignore empty matchesp
- Both s and m modes are enableds
- Single line mode ('^' -> '\A', '$' -> '\Z')l
- Find longest possible matchesx
- Extended regex format (ignore whitespace and comments)
For example
"JIRAISSUE-1234" | capture("(?<project>\\w+)-(?<issue_num>\\d+)")
# or with Extended formatting
"JIRAISSUE-1234" | capture("
(?<project> \\w+ ) # the Jira project
- # followed by a hyphen
(?<issue_num> \\d+ ) # followed by digits
"; "x")
You have been hired as a Regular Expression Specialist in a company that is developing a Chatbot.
It is in a very basic phase of development. Your mission is to use Regular Expressions to improve the Chatbot's ability to understand and generate natural language.
1. Check Valid Command
Apart from being smart, the Chatbot is also a loyal assistant. To ask the Chatbot something, the user must say the word "Chatbot" in the first position of the command. It doesn't matter if the keyword is in UPPERCASE or lowercase. The important part is the position of the word.
Implement the function is_valid_command
that helps the Chatbot recognize when the user is giving a command.
"Chatbot, play a song from the 80's." | is_valid_command
# => true
"Hey Chatbot, where is the closest pharmacy?" | is_valid_command
# => false
"CHATBOT, do you have a solution for this challenge?" | is_valid_command
# => true
2. Remove Encrypted Emojis
The Chatbot has a difficult time understanding how humans use emojis to express their emotions. When the Chatbot receives user messages, each emoji is represented as the string "emoji" followed by an id number.
Implement the remove_emoji
method which takes a string and removes all the emoji throughout the message.
Lines not containing emojis should be returned unmodified. Just remove the emoji string. Do not adjust the whitespace.
"I love playing videogames emoji3465 it's one of my hobbies" | remove_emoji
# => "I love playing videogames it's one of my hobbies"
3. Check Valid Phone Number
At some point in the interaction with the Chatbot, the user will provide a phone number. The Chatbot can only call a number with a specific format.
Implement the check_phone_number
If the number is valid, the Chatbot answers with a message thanking the user and confirming the number. If the number is invalid, the Chatbot informs the user that the phone number is not valid.
The expected format is (+NN) NNN-NNN-NNN
, where N is a digit.
"chatbot my phone number is (+34) 659-771-594" | check_phone_number
# => "Thanks! Your phone number is OK."
"chatbot, call me at 659-771-594" | check_phone_number
# => "Oops, it seems like I can't reach out to 659-771-594."
4. Get Website Link
The Chatbot is a really curious software. Even though it can search the internet for a particular topic, it likes to ask users about cool websites to visit to find relevant information.
Example conversation:
Chatbot: Hey User, I would like to learn how to code in JavaScript. Do you know any cool website where I could learn?
User: I learned a lot from exercism.org, there's lots of great stuff there.
Implement the function get_domains
which returns an array of website domains.
"I learned a lot from exercism.org and google.com" | get_domains
# => ["exercism.org", "google.com"]
5. Greet the User
A polite Chatbot will speak to users by name. When a user introduces themselves, our Chatbot will detect their name and respond with a friendly greeting.
Write the function nice_to_meet_you
If the input string contains "My name is Someone.", capture the name and return the string "Nice to meet you, Someone.".
"My name is Jean-Luc" | nice_to_meet_you
# => "Nice to meet you, Jean-Luc"
6. Very Simple CSV Parsing
Yielding to "creeping featuritis", we'll add a CSV parsing function to the Chatbot.
Implement the parse_csv
function that takes a string and returns an array of the resulting fields.
The field separator should be "comma plus optional whitespace".
We won't worry about any of the edge cases with the CSV format (such as fields containing commas).
"first, second,third, fourth" | parse_csv
# => ["first", "second", "third", "fourth"]
Created by
- @glennj