2022-03-22 23:19:21 +01:00
source common.sh
2022-03-24 21:33:20 +01:00
enableFeatures "fetch-closure"
2022-03-22 23:19:21 +01:00
needLocalStore "'--no-require-sigs' can’t be used with the daemon"
# Initialize binary cache.
nonCaPath=$(nix build --json --file ./dependencies.nix | jq -r .[].outputs.out)
caPath=$(nix store make-content-addressed --json $nonCaPath | jq -r '.rewrites | map(.) | .[]')
nix copy --to file://$cacheDir $nonCaPath
# Test basic fetchClosure rewriting from non-CA to CA.
[ ! -e $nonCaPath ]
[ ! -e $caPath ]
[[ $(nix eval -v --raw --expr "
builtins.fetchClosure {
fromStore = \"file://$cacheDir\";
fromPath = $nonCaPath;
toPath = $caPath;
") = $caPath ]]
[ ! -e $nonCaPath ]
[ -e $caPath ]
# In impure mode, we can use non-CA paths.
[[ $(nix eval --raw --no-require-sigs --impure --expr "
builtins.fetchClosure {
fromStore = \"file://$cacheDir\";
fromPath = $nonCaPath;
") = $nonCaPath ]]
[ -e $nonCaPath ]
# 'toPath' set to empty string should fail but print the expected path.
nix eval -v --json --expr "
builtins.fetchClosure {
fromStore = \"file://$cacheDir\";
fromPath = $nonCaPath;
toPath = \"\";
" 2>&1 | grep "error: rewriting.*$nonCaPath.*yielded.*$caPath"
# If fromPath is CA, then toPath isn't needed.
nix copy --to file://$cacheDir $caPath
[[ $(nix eval -v --raw --expr "
builtins.fetchClosure {
fromStore = \"file://$cacheDir\";
fromPath = $caPath;
") = $caPath ]]