nix: New installables syntax
The general syntax for an installable is now <flakeref>:<attrpath>. The attrpath is relative to the flake's 'provides.packages' or 'provides' if the former doesn't yield a result. E.g. $ nix build nixpkgs:hello is equivalent to $ nix build nixpkgs:packages.hello Also, '<flakeref>:' can be omitted, in which case it defaults to 'nixpkgs', e.g. $ nix build hello
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 72 additions and 56 deletions
@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ Path getUserRegistryPath()
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getGlobalRegistry()
// TODO: Make a global registry, and return it here.
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
// FIXME: get from
Path registryFile = settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/flake-registry.json";
return readRegistry(registryFile);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getUserRegistry()
@ -66,33 +67,17 @@ std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getUserRegistry()
return readRegistry(getUserRegistryPath());
// Project-specific registry saved in flake-registry.json.
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getLocalRegistry()
Path registryFile = settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/flake-registry.json";
return readRegistry(registryFile);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getFlagRegistry()
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
// TODO: Implement this once the right flags are implemented.
// This always returns a vector with globalReg, userReg, localReg, flakeReg.
// If one of them doesn't exist, the registry is left empty but does exist.
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> EvalState::getFlakeRegistries()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries;
if (!evalSettings.pureEval) {
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // global
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // user
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // local
} else {
return registries;
@ -149,8 +134,7 @@ struct FlakeSourceInfo
static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
FlakeRef directFlakeRef = FlakeRef(flakeRef);
if (!flakeRef.isDirect())
if (!flakeRef.isDirect()) {
directFlakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, state.getFlakeRegistries());
@ -274,8 +258,8 @@ static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & st
std::optional<FlakeId> topFlakeId; /// FIXME: ambiguous
todo.push({topRef, true});
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries = state.getFlakeRegistries();
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> localRegistry =;
auto registries = state.getFlakeRegistries();
//std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> localRegistry =;
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto [flakeRef, toplevel] = todo.front();
@ -283,12 +267,15 @@ static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & st
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(& {
if (done.count(refData->id)) continue; // optimization
flakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, registries);
flakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef,
!evalSettings.pureEval || (toplevel && impureTopRef) ? registries : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>>());
// This is why we need the `registries`.
#if 0
if (evalSettings.pureEval && !flakeRef.isImmutable() && (!toplevel || !impureTopRef))
throw Error("mutable flake '%s' is not allowed in pure mode; use --no-pure-eval to disable", flakeRef.to_string());
auto flake = getFlake(state, flakeRef);
@ -299,6 +286,7 @@ static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & st
for (auto & require : flake.requires)
todo.push({require, false});
#if 0
// The following piece of code basically adds the FlakeRefs from
// the lockfiles of dependencies to the localRegistry. This is used
// to resolve future `FlakeId`s, in `lookupFlake` a bit above this.
@ -307,6 +295,7 @@ static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & st
if (localRegistry->entries.count(entry.first)) continue;
localRegistry->entries.emplace(entry.first, entry.second);
done.emplace(, std::move(flake));
@ -344,19 +333,9 @@ void updateLockFile(EvalState & state, std::string path)
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, std::string flakeUri, Value & v)
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureTopRef, Value & v)
// FIXME: temporary hack to make the default installation source
// work.
bool impure = false;
if (hasPrefix(flakeUri, "impure:")) {
flakeUri = std::string(flakeUri, 7);
impure = true;
auto flakeRef = FlakeRef(flakeUri);
auto [topFlakeId, flakes] = resolveFlake(state, flakeUri, impure);
auto [topFlakeId, flakes] = resolveFlake(state, flakeRef, impureTopRef);
// FIXME: we should call each flake with only its dependencies
// (rather than the closure of the top-level flake).
@ -387,7 +366,7 @@ Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, std::string flakeUri, Value & v)
static void prim_getFlake(EvalState & state, const Pos & pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
makeFlakeValue(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos), v);
makeFlakeValue(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos), false, v);
static RegisterPrimOp r2("getFlake", 1, prim_getFlake);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Path getUserRegistryPath();
Value * makeFlakeRegistryValue(EvalState & state);
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, std::string flakeUri, Value & v);
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureTopRef, Value & v);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> readRegistry(const Path &);
@ -21,13 +21,6 @@ SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand()
.description("evaluate FILE rather than use the default installation source")
.description("evaluate FLAKE rather than use the default installation source")
Value * SourceExprCommand::getSourceExpr(EvalState & state)
@ -36,17 +29,9 @@ Value * SourceExprCommand::getSourceExpr(EvalState & state)
vSourceExpr = state.allocValue();
if (file && flakeUri)
throw Error("cannot use both --file and --flake");
if (file)
state.evalFile(lookupFileArg(state, *file), *vSourceExpr);
else if (flakeUri) {
// FIXME: handle flakeUri being a relative path
auto vTemp = state.allocValue();
auto vFlake = *makeFlakeValue(state, "impure:" + *flakeUri, *vTemp);
*vSourceExpr = *((*vFlake.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("provides")))->value);
} else {
else {
// FIXME: remove "impure" hack, call some non-user-accessible
// variant of getFlake instead.
auto fun = state.parseExprFromString(
@ -176,6 +161,43 @@ struct InstallableAttrPath : InstallableValue
struct InstallableFlake : InstallableValue
FlakeRef flakeRef;
std::string attrPath;
InstallableFlake(SourceExprCommand & cmd, FlakeRef && flakeRef, const std::string & attrPath)
: InstallableValue(cmd), flakeRef(flakeRef), attrPath(attrPath)
{ }
std::string what() override { return flakeRef.to_string() + ":" + attrPath; }
Value * toValue(EvalState & state) override
auto vTemp = state.allocValue();
auto vFlake = *makeFlakeValue(state, flakeRef, true, *vTemp);
auto vProvides = (*vFlake.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("provides")))->value;
auto emptyArgs = state.allocBindings(0);
if (auto aPackages = *vProvides->attrs->get(state.symbols.create("packages"))) {
try {
auto * v = findAlongAttrPath(state, attrPath, *emptyArgs, *aPackages->value);
return v;
} catch (AttrPathNotFound & e) {
auto * v = findAlongAttrPath(state, attrPath, *emptyArgs, *vProvides);
return v;
// FIXME: extend
std::string attrRegex = R"([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9-_+]*)";
static std::regex attrPathRegex(fmt(R"(%1%(\.%1%)*)", attrRegex));
@ -196,19 +218,34 @@ static std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> parseInstallables(
if (, 1, "(") == 0)
result.push_back(std::make_shared<InstallableExpr>(cmd, s));
else if (s.find("/") != std::string::npos) {
else if (s.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
auto path = store->toStorePath(store->followLinksToStore(s));
if (store->isStorePath(path))
else {
auto colon = s.rfind(':');
if (colon != std::string::npos) {
auto flakeRef = std::string(s, 0, colon);
auto attrPath = std::string(s, colon + 1);
result.push_back(std::make_shared<InstallableFlake>(cmd, FlakeRef(flakeRef), attrPath));
} else {
result.push_back(std::make_shared<InstallableFlake>(cmd, FlakeRef("nixpkgs"), s));
else if (s == "" || std::regex_match(s, attrPathRegex))
result.push_back(std::make_shared<InstallableAttrPath>(cmd, s));
throw UsageError("don't know what to do with argument '%s'", s);
return result;
Add table
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