diff --git a/src/nix/profile-diff-closures.md b/src/nix/profile-diff-closures.md
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index 000000000..295d1252b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/profile-diff-closures.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Examples
+* Show what changed between each version of the NixOS system
+  profile:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile diff-closures --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
+  Version 13 -> 14:
+    acpi-call: 2020-04-07-5.8.13 → 2020-04-07-5.8.14
+    aws-sdk-cpp: -6723.1 KiB
+    …
+  Version 14 -> 15:
+    acpi-call: 2020-04-07-5.8.14 → 2020-04-07-5.8.16
+    attica: -996.2 KiB
+    breeze-icons: -78713.5 KiB
+    brotli: 1.0.7 → 1.0.9, +44.2 KiB
+  ```
+# Description
+This command shows the difference between the closures of subsequent
+versions of a profile. See [`nix store
+diff-closures`](nix3-store-diff-closures.md) for details.
diff --git a/src/nix/profile-info.md b/src/nix/profile-info.md
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+++ b/src/nix/profile-info.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Examples
+* Show what packages are installed in the default profile:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile info
+  0 flake:nixpkgs#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.spotify github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c23db78bbd474c4d0c5c3c551877523b4a50db06#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.spotify /nix/store/akpdsid105phbbvknjsdh7hl4v3fhjkr-spotify-
+  1 flake:nixpkgs#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.zoom-us github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c23db78bbd474c4d0c5c3c551877523b4a50db06#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.zoom-us /nix/store/89pmjmbih5qpi7accgacd17ybpgp4xfm-zoom-us-5.4.53350.1027
+  2 flake:blender-bin#defaultPackage.x86_64-linux github:edolstra/nix-warez/d09d7eea893dcb162e89bc67f6dc1ced14abfc27?dir=blender#defaultPackage.x86_64-linux /nix/store/zfgralhqjnam662kqsgq6isjw8lhrflz-blender-bin-2.91.0
+  ```
+# Description
+This command shows what packages are currently installed in a
+profile. The output consists of one line per package, with the
+following fields:
+* An integer that can be used to unambiguously identify the package in
+  invocations of `nix profile remove` and `nix profile upgrade`.
+* The original ("mutable") flake reference and output attribute path
+  used at installation time.
+* The immutable flake reference to which the mutable flake reference
+  was resolved.
+* The store path(s) of the package.
diff --git a/src/nix/profile-install.md b/src/nix/profile-install.md
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index 000000000..e3009491e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/profile-install.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Examples
+* Install a package from Nixpkgs:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile install nixpkgs#hello
+  ```
+* Install a package from a specific branch of Nixpkgs:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile install nixpkgs/release-20.09#hello
+  ```
+* Install a package from a specific revision of Nixpkgs:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile install nixpkgs/d73407e8e6002646acfdef0e39ace088bacc83da#hello
+  ```
+# Description
+This command adds *installables* to a Nix profile.
diff --git a/src/nix/profile-remove.md b/src/nix/profile-remove.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcf825da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/profile-remove.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Examples
+* Remove a package by position:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile remove 3
+  ```
+* Remove a package by attribute path:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile remove packages.x86_64-linux.hello
+  ```
+* Remove all packages:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile remove '.*'
+  ```
+* Remove a package by store path:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile remove /nix/store/rr3y0c6zyk7kjjl8y19s4lsrhn4aiq1z-hello-2.10
+  ```
+# Description
+This command removes a package from a profile.
diff --git a/src/nix/profile-upgrade.md b/src/nix/profile-upgrade.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bd5d256d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/profile-upgrade.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Examples
+* Upgrade all packages that were installed using a mutable flake
+  reference:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile upgrade '.*'
+  ```
+* Upgrade a specific package:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile upgrade packages.x86_64-linux.hello
+  ```
+* Upgrade a specific profile element by number:
+  ```console
+  # nix profile info
+  0 flake:nixpkgs#legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.spotify …
+  # nix profile upgrade 0
+  ```
+# Description
+This command upgrades a previously installed package in a Nix profile,
+by fetching and evaluating the latest version of the flake from which
+the package was installed.
+> **Warning**
+> This only works if you used a *mutable* flake reference at
+> installation time, e.g. `nixpkgs#hello`. It does not work if you
+> used an *immutable* flake reference
+> (e.g. `github:NixOS/nixpkgs/13d0c311e3ae923a00f734b43fd1d35b47d8943a#hello`),
+> since in that case the "latest version" is always the same.
diff --git a/src/nix/profile.cc b/src/nix/profile.cc
index 8cf5ccd62..d8d2b3a70 100644
--- a/src/nix/profile.cc
+++ b/src/nix/profile.cc
@@ -151,22 +151,11 @@ struct CmdProfileInstall : InstallablesCommand, MixDefaultProfile
         return "install a package into a profile";
-    Examples examples() override
+    std::string doc() override
-        return {
-            Example{
-                "To install a package from Nixpkgs:",
-                "nix profile install nixpkgs#hello"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To install a package from a specific branch of Nixpkgs:",
-                "nix profile install nixpkgs/release-19.09#hello"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To install a package from a specific revision of Nixpkgs:",
-                "nix profile install nixpkgs/1028bb33859f8dfad7f98e1c8d185f3d1aaa7340#hello"
-            },
-        };
+        return
+          #include "profile-install.md"
+          ;
     void run(ref<Store> store) override
@@ -257,26 +246,11 @@ struct CmdProfileRemove : virtual EvalCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProfileElem
         return "remove packages from a profile";
-    Examples examples() override
+    std::string doc() override
-        return {
-            Example{
-                "To remove a package by attribute path:",
-                "nix profile remove packages.x86_64-linux.hello"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To remove all packages:",
-                "nix profile remove '.*'"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To remove a package by store path:",
-                "nix profile remove /nix/store/rr3y0c6zyk7kjjl8y19s4lsrhn4aiq1z-hello-2.10"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To remove a package by position:",
-                "nix profile remove 3"
-            },
-        };
+        return
+          #include "profile-remove.md"
+          ;
     void run(ref<Store> store) override
@@ -310,18 +284,11 @@ struct CmdProfileUpgrade : virtual SourceExprCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProf
         return "upgrade packages using their most recent flake";
-    Examples examples() override
+    std::string doc() override
-        return {
-            Example{
-                "To upgrade all packages that were installed using a mutable flake reference:",
-                "nix profile upgrade '.*'"
-            },
-            Example{
-                "To upgrade a specific package:",
-                "nix profile upgrade packages.x86_64-linux.hello"
-            },
-        };
+        return
+          #include "profile-upgrade.md"
+          ;
     void run(ref<Store> store) override
@@ -377,14 +344,11 @@ struct CmdProfileInfo : virtual EvalCommand, virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultPro
         return "list installed packages";
-    Examples examples() override
+    std::string doc() override
-        return {
-            Example{
-                "To show what packages are installed in the default profile:",
-                "nix profile info"
-            },
-        };
+        return
+          #include "profile-info.md"
+          ;
     void run(ref<Store> store) override
@@ -405,17 +369,14 @@ struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile
     std::string description() override
-        return "show the closure difference between each generation of a profile";
+        return "show the closure difference between each version of a profile";
-    Examples examples() override
+    std::string doc() override
-        return {
-            Example{
-                "To show what changed between each generation of the NixOS system profile:",
-                "nix profile diff-closures --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system"
-            },
-        };
+        return
+          #include "profile-diff-closures.md"
+          ;
     void run(ref<Store> store) override
@@ -429,7 +390,7 @@ struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile
             if (prevGen) {
                 if (!first) std::cout << "\n";
                 first = false;
-                std::cout << fmt("Generation %d -> %d:\n", prevGen->number, gen.number);
+                std::cout << fmt("Version %d -> %d:\n", prevGen->number, gen.number);
@@ -458,6 +419,13 @@ struct CmdProfile : NixMultiCommand
         return "manage Nix profiles";
+    std::string doc() override
+    {
+        return
+          #include "profile.md"
+          ;
+    }
     void run() override
         if (!command)
diff --git a/src/nix/profile.md b/src/nix/profile.md
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index 000000000..d3ddcd3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nix/profile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Description
+`nix profile` allows you to create and manage *Nix profiles*. A Nix
+profile is a set of packages that can be installed and upgraded
+independently from each other. Nix profiles are versioned, allowing
+them to be rolled back easily.
+# Default profile
+The default profile used by `nix profile` is `$HOME/.nix-profile`,
+which, if it does not exist, is created as a symlink to
+`/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/default` if Nix is invoked by the
+`root` user, or `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/`*username* otherwise.
+You can specify another profile location using `--profile` *path*.
+# Filesystem layout
+Profiles are versioned as follows. When using profile *path*, *path*
+is a symlink to *path*`-`*N*, where *N* is the current *version* of
+the profile. In turn, *path*`-`*N* is a symlink to a path in the Nix
+store. For example:
+$ ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/alice/profile*
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 alice users 14 Nov 25 14:35 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/alice/profile -> profile-7-link
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 alice users 51 Oct 28 16:18 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/alice/profile-5-link -> /nix/store/q69xad13ghpf7ir87h0b2gd28lafjj1j-profile
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 alice users 51 Oct 29 13:20 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/alice/profile-6-link -> /nix/store/6bvhpysd7vwz7k3b0pndn7ifi5xr32dg-profile
+lrwxrwxrwx 1 alice users 51 Nov 25 14:35 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/alice/profile-7-link -> /nix/store/mp0x6xnsg0b8qhswy6riqvimai4gm677-profile
+Each of these symlinks is a root for the Nix garbage collector.
+The contents of the store path corresponding to each version of the
+profile is a tree of symlinks to the files of the installed packages,
+$ ll -R /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/eelco/profile-7-link/
+total 20
+dr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan  1  1970 bin
+-r--r--r-- 2 root root 1402 Jan  1  1970 manifest.json
+dr-xr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan  1  1970 share
+total 20
+lrwxrwxrwx 5 root root 79 Jan  1  1970 chromium -> /nix/store/ijm5k0zqisvkdwjkc77mb9qzb35xfi4m-chromium-86.0.4240.111/bin/chromium
+lrwxrwxrwx 7 root root 87 Jan  1  1970 spotify -> /nix/store/w9182874m1bl56smps3m5zjj36jhp3rn-spotify-
+lrwxrwxrwx 3 root root 79 Jan  1  1970 zoom-us -> /nix/store/wbhg2ga8f3h87s9h5k0slxk0m81m4cxl-zoom-us-5.3.469451.0927/bin/zoom-us
+total 12
+lrwxrwxrwx 4 root root 120 Jan  1  1970 chromium-browser.desktop -> /nix/store/4cf803y4vzfm3gyk3vzhzb2327v0kl8a-chromium-unwrapped-86.0.4240.111/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop
+lrwxrwxrwx 7 root root 110 Jan  1  1970 spotify.desktop -> /nix/store/w9182874m1bl56smps3m5zjj36jhp3rn-spotify-
+lrwxrwxrwx 3 root root 107 Jan  1  1970 us.zoom.Zoom.desktop -> /nix/store/wbhg2ga8f3h87s9h5k0slxk0m81m4cxl-zoom-us-5.3.469451.0927/share/applications/us.zoom.Zoom.desktop
+The file `manifest.json` records the provenance of the packages that
+are installed in this version of the profile. It looks like this:
+  "version": 1,
+  "elements": [
+    {
+      "active": true,
+      "attrPath": "legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.zoom-us",
+      "originalUri": "flake:nixpkgs",
+      "storePaths": [
+        "/nix/store/wbhg2ga8f3h87s9h5k0slxk0m81m4cxl-zoom-us-5.3.469451.0927"
+      ],
+      "uri": "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/13d0c311e3ae923a00f734b43fd1d35b47d8943a"
+    },
+    …
+  ]
+Each object in the array `elements` denotes an installed package and
+has the following fields:
+* `originalUri`: The [flake reference](./nix3-flake.md) specified by
+  the user at the time of installation (e.g. `nixpkgs`). This is also
+  the flake reference that will be used by `nix profile upgrade`.
+* `uri`: The immutable flake reference to which `originalUri`
+  resolved.
+* `attrPath`: The flake output attribute that provided this
+  package. Note that this is not necessarily the attribute that the
+  user specified, but the one resulting from applying the default
+  attribute paths and prefixes; for instance, `hello` might resolve to
+  `packages.x86_64-linux.hello` and the empty string to
+  `defaultPackage.x86_64-linux`.
+* `storePath`: The paths in the Nix store containing the package.
+* `active`: Whether the profile contains symlinks to the files of this
+  package. If set to false, the package is kept in the Nix store, but
+  is not "visible" in the profile's symlink tree.