diff --git a/src/libstore/build/substitution-goal.hh b/src/libstore/build/substitution-goal.hh
index 8027c61b1..3ae9a9e6b 100644
--- a/src/libstore/build/substitution-goal.hh
+++ b/src/libstore/build/substitution-goal.hh
@@ -1,681 +1,12 @@
 #pragma once
-#include "machines.hh"
-#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
 #include "lock.hh"
-#include "local-store.hh"
-#include <memory>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <thread>
-#include <future>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <regex>
-#include <queue>
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "goal.hh"
 namespace nix {
-using std::map;
-/* Forward definition. */
 class Worker;
-struct HookInstance;
-/* A pointer to a goal. */
-struct Goal;
-class DerivationGoal;
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Goal> GoalPtr;
-typedef std::weak_ptr<Goal> WeakGoalPtr;
-struct CompareGoalPtrs {
-    bool operator() (const GoalPtr & a, const GoalPtr & b) const;
-/* Set of goals. */
-typedef set<GoalPtr, CompareGoalPtrs> Goals;
-typedef list<WeakGoalPtr> WeakGoals;
-/* A map of paths to goals (and the other way around). */
-typedef std::map<StorePath, WeakGoalPtr> WeakGoalMap;
-struct Goal : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Goal>
-    typedef enum {ecBusy, ecSuccess, ecFailed, ecNoSubstituters, ecIncompleteClosure} ExitCode;
-    /* Backlink to the worker. */
-    Worker & worker;
-    /* Goals that this goal is waiting for. */
-    Goals waitees;
-    /* Goals waiting for this one to finish.  Must use weak pointers
-       here to prevent cycles. */
-    WeakGoals waiters;
-    /* Number of goals we are/were waiting for that have failed. */
-    unsigned int nrFailed;
-    /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
-       failed because there are no substituters. */
-    unsigned int nrNoSubstituters;
-    /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
-       failed because othey had unsubstitutable references. */
-    unsigned int nrIncompleteClosure;
-    /* Name of this goal for debugging purposes. */
-    string name;
-    /* Whether the goal is finished. */
-    ExitCode exitCode;
-    /* Exception containing an error message, if any. */
-    std::optional<Error> ex;
-    Goal(Worker & worker) : worker(worker)
-    {
-        nrFailed = nrNoSubstituters = nrIncompleteClosure = 0;
-        exitCode = ecBusy;
-    }
-    virtual ~Goal()
-    {
-        trace("goal destroyed");
-    }
-    virtual void work() = 0;
-    void addWaitee(GoalPtr waitee);
-    virtual void waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result);
-    virtual void handleChildOutput(int fd, const string & data)
-    {
-        abort();
-    }
-    virtual void handleEOF(int fd)
-    {
-        abort();
-    }
-    void trace(const FormatOrString & fs);
-    string getName()
-    {
-        return name;
-    }
-    /* Callback in case of a timeout.  It should wake up its waiters,
-       get rid of any running child processes that are being monitored
-       by the worker (important!), etc. */
-    virtual void timedOut(Error && ex) = 0;
-    virtual string key() = 0;
-    void amDone(ExitCode result, std::optional<Error> ex = {});
-typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> steady_time_point;
-/* A mapping used to remember for each child process to what goal it
-   belongs, and file descriptors for receiving log data and output
-   path creation commands. */
-struct Child
-    WeakGoalPtr goal;
-    Goal * goal2; // ugly hackery
-    set<int> fds;
-    bool respectTimeouts;
-    bool inBuildSlot;
-    steady_time_point lastOutput; /* time we last got output on stdout/stderr */
-    steady_time_point timeStarted;
-/* The worker class. */
-class Worker
-    /* Note: the worker should only have strong pointers to the
-       top-level goals. */
-    /* The top-level goals of the worker. */
-    Goals topGoals;
-    /* Goals that are ready to do some work. */
-    WeakGoals awake;
-    /* Goals waiting for a build slot. */
-    WeakGoals wantingToBuild;
-    /* Child processes currently running. */
-    std::list<Child> children;
-    /* Number of build slots occupied.  This includes local builds and
-       substitutions but not remote builds via the build hook. */
-    unsigned int nrLocalBuilds;
-    /* Maps used to prevent multiple instantiations of a goal for the
-       same derivation / path. */
-    WeakGoalMap derivationGoals;
-    WeakGoalMap substitutionGoals;
-    /* Goals waiting for busy paths to be unlocked. */
-    WeakGoals waitingForAnyGoal;
-    /* Goals sleeping for a few seconds (polling a lock). */
-    WeakGoals waitingForAWhile;
-    /* Last time the goals in `waitingForAWhile' where woken up. */
-    steady_time_point lastWokenUp;
-    /* Cache for pathContentsGood(). */
-    std::map<StorePath, bool> pathContentsGoodCache;
-    const Activity act;
-    const Activity actDerivations;
-    const Activity actSubstitutions;
-    /* Set if at least one derivation had a BuildError (i.e. permanent
-       failure). */
-    bool permanentFailure;
-    /* Set if at least one derivation had a timeout. */
-    bool timedOut;
-    /* Set if at least one derivation fails with a hash mismatch. */
-    bool hashMismatch;
-    /* Set if at least one derivation is not deterministic in check mode. */
-    bool checkMismatch;
-    LocalStore & store;
-    std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
-    uint64_t expectedBuilds = 0;
-    uint64_t doneBuilds = 0;
-    uint64_t failedBuilds = 0;
-    uint64_t runningBuilds = 0;
-    uint64_t expectedSubstitutions = 0;
-    uint64_t doneSubstitutions = 0;
-    uint64_t failedSubstitutions = 0;
-    uint64_t runningSubstitutions = 0;
-    uint64_t expectedDownloadSize = 0;
-    uint64_t doneDownloadSize = 0;
-    uint64_t expectedNarSize = 0;
-    uint64_t doneNarSize = 0;
-    /* Whether to ask the build hook if it can build a derivation. If
-       it answers with "decline-permanently", we don't try again. */
-    bool tryBuildHook = true;
-    Worker(LocalStore & store);
-    ~Worker();
-    /* Make a goal (with caching). */
-    /* derivation goal */
-    std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> makeDerivationGoalCommon(
-        const StorePath & drvPath, const StringSet & wantedOutputs,
-        std::function<std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal>()> mkDrvGoal);
-    std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> makeDerivationGoal(
-        const StorePath & drvPath,
-        const StringSet & wantedOutputs, BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
-    std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> makeBasicDerivationGoal(
-        const StorePath & drvPath, const BasicDerivation & drv,
-        const StringSet & wantedOutputs, BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
-    /* substitution goal */
-    GoalPtr makeSubstitutionGoal(const StorePath & storePath, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair, std::optional<ContentAddress> ca = std::nullopt);
-    /* Remove a dead goal. */
-    void removeGoal(GoalPtr goal);
-    /* Wake up a goal (i.e., there is something for it to do). */
-    void wakeUp(GoalPtr goal);
-    /* Return the number of local build and substitution processes
-       currently running (but not remote builds via the build
-       hook). */
-    unsigned int getNrLocalBuilds();
-    /* Registers a running child process.  `inBuildSlot' means that
-       the process counts towards the jobs limit. */
-    void childStarted(GoalPtr goal, const set<int> & fds,
-        bool inBuildSlot, bool respectTimeouts);
-    /* Unregisters a running child process.  `wakeSleepers' should be
-       false if there is no sense in waking up goals that are sleeping
-       because they can't run yet (e.g., there is no free build slot,
-       or the hook would still say `postpone'). */
-    void childTerminated(Goal * goal, bool wakeSleepers = true);
-    /* Put `goal' to sleep until a build slot becomes available (which
-       might be right away). */
-    void waitForBuildSlot(GoalPtr goal);
-    /* Wait for any goal to finish.  Pretty indiscriminate way to
-       wait for some resource that some other goal is holding. */
-    void waitForAnyGoal(GoalPtr goal);
-    /* Wait for a few seconds and then retry this goal.  Used when
-       waiting for a lock held by another process.  This kind of
-       polling is inefficient, but POSIX doesn't really provide a way
-       to wait for multiple locks in the main select() loop. */
-    void waitForAWhile(GoalPtr goal);
-    /* Loop until the specified top-level goals have finished. */
-    void run(const Goals & topGoals);
-    /* Wait for input to become available. */
-    void waitForInput();
-    unsigned int exitStatus();
-    /* Check whether the given valid path exists and has the right
-       contents. */
-    bool pathContentsGood(const StorePath & path);
-    void markContentsGood(const StorePath & path);
-    void updateProgress()
-    {
-        actDerivations.progress(doneBuilds, expectedBuilds + doneBuilds, runningBuilds, failedBuilds);
-        actSubstitutions.progress(doneSubstitutions, expectedSubstitutions + doneSubstitutions, runningSubstitutions, failedSubstitutions);
-        act.setExpected(actFileTransfer, expectedDownloadSize + doneDownloadSize);
-        act.setExpected(actCopyPath, expectedNarSize + doneNarSize);
-    }
-typedef enum {rpAccept, rpDecline, rpPostpone} HookReply;
-class SubstitutionGoal;
-/* Unless we are repairing, we don't both to test validity and just assume it,
-   so the choices are `Absent` or `Valid`. */
-enum struct PathStatus {
-    Corrupt,
-    Absent,
-    Valid,
-struct InitialOutputStatus {
-    StorePath path;
-    PathStatus status;
-    /* Valid in the store, and additionally non-corrupt if we are repairing */
-    bool isValid() const {
-        return status == PathStatus::Valid;
-    }
-    /* Merely present, allowed to be corrupt */
-    bool isPresent() const {
-        return status == PathStatus::Corrupt
-            || status == PathStatus::Valid;
-    }
-struct InitialOutput {
-    bool wanted;
-    std::optional<InitialOutputStatus> known;
-class DerivationGoal : public Goal
-    /* Whether to use an on-disk .drv file. */
-    bool useDerivation;
-    /* The path of the derivation. */
-    StorePath drvPath;
-    /* The specific outputs that we need to build.  Empty means all of
-       them. */
-    StringSet wantedOutputs;
-    /* Whether additional wanted outputs have been added. */
-    bool needRestart = false;
-    /* Whether to retry substituting the outputs after building the
-       inputs. */
-    bool retrySubstitution;
-    /* The derivation stored at drvPath. */
-    std::unique_ptr<BasicDerivation> drv;
-    std::unique_ptr<ParsedDerivation> parsedDrv;
-    /* The remainder is state held during the build. */
-    /* Locks on (fixed) output paths. */
-    PathLocks outputLocks;
-    /* All input paths (that is, the union of FS closures of the
-       immediate input paths). */
-    StorePathSet inputPaths;
-    std::map<std::string, InitialOutput> initialOutputs;
-    /* User selected for running the builder. */
-    std::unique_ptr<UserLock> buildUser;
-    /* The process ID of the builder. */
-    Pid pid;
-    /* The temporary directory. */
-    Path tmpDir;
-    /* The path of the temporary directory in the sandbox. */
-    Path tmpDirInSandbox;
-    /* File descriptor for the log file. */
-    AutoCloseFD fdLogFile;
-    std::shared_ptr<BufferedSink> logFileSink, logSink;
-    /* Number of bytes received from the builder's stdout/stderr. */
-    unsigned long logSize;
-    /* The most recent log lines. */
-    std::list<std::string> logTail;
-    std::string currentLogLine;
-    size_t currentLogLinePos = 0; // to handle carriage return
-    std::string currentHookLine;
-    /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
-    Pipe builderOut;
-    /* Pipe for synchronising updates to the builder namespaces. */
-    Pipe userNamespaceSync;
-    /* The mount namespace of the builder, used to add additional
-       paths to the sandbox as a result of recursive Nix calls. */
-    AutoCloseFD sandboxMountNamespace;
-    /* On Linux, whether we're doing the build in its own user
-       namespace. */
-    bool usingUserNamespace = true;
-    /* The build hook. */
-    std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
-    /* Whether we're currently doing a chroot build. */
-    bool useChroot = false;
-    Path chrootRootDir;
-    /* RAII object to delete the chroot directory. */
-    std::shared_ptr<AutoDelete> autoDelChroot;
-    /* The sort of derivation we are building. */
-    DerivationType derivationType;
-    /* Whether to run the build in a private network namespace. */
-    bool privateNetwork = false;
-    typedef void (DerivationGoal::*GoalState)();
-    GoalState state;
-    /* Stuff we need to pass to initChild(). */
-    struct ChrootPath {
-        Path source;
-        bool optional;
-        ChrootPath(Path source = "", bool optional = false)
-            : source(source), optional(optional)
-        { }
-    };
-    typedef map<Path, ChrootPath> DirsInChroot; // maps target path to source path
-    DirsInChroot dirsInChroot;
-    typedef map<string, string> Environment;
-    Environment env;
-#if __APPLE__
-    typedef string SandboxProfile;
-    SandboxProfile additionalSandboxProfile;
-    /* Hash rewriting. */
-    StringMap inputRewrites, outputRewrites;
-    typedef map<StorePath, StorePath> RedirectedOutputs;
-    RedirectedOutputs redirectedOutputs;
-    /* The outputs paths used during the build.
-       - Input-addressed derivations or fixed content-addressed outputs are
-         sometimes built when some of their outputs already exist, and can not
-         be hidden via sandboxing. We use temporary locations instead and
-         rewrite after the build. Otherwise the regular predetermined paths are
-         put here.
-       - Floating content-addressed derivations do not know their final build
-         output paths until the outputs are hashed, so random locations are
-         used, and then renamed. The randomness helps guard against hidden
-         self-references.
-     */
-    OutputPathMap scratchOutputs;
-    /* The final output paths of the build.
-       - For input-addressed derivations, always the precomputed paths
-       - For content-addressed derivations, calcuated from whatever the hash
-         ends up being. (Note that fixed outputs derivations that produce the
-         "wrong" output still install that data under its true content-address.)
-     */
-    OutputPathMap finalOutputs;
-    BuildMode buildMode;
-    /* If we're repairing without a chroot, there may be outputs that
-       are valid but corrupt.  So we redirect these outputs to
-       temporary paths. */
-    StorePathSet redirectedBadOutputs;
-    BuildResult result;
-    /* The current round, if we're building multiple times. */
-    size_t curRound = 1;
-    size_t nrRounds;
-    /* Path registration info from the previous round, if we're
-       building multiple times. Since this contains the hash, it
-       allows us to compare whether two rounds produced the same
-       result. */
-    std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo> prevInfos;
-    uid_t sandboxUid() { return usingUserNamespace ? 1000 : buildUser->getUID(); }
-    gid_t sandboxGid() { return usingUserNamespace ?  100 : buildUser->getGID(); }
-    const static Path homeDir;
-    std::unique_ptr<MaintainCount<uint64_t>> mcExpectedBuilds, mcRunningBuilds;
-    std::unique_ptr<Activity> act;
-    /* Activity that denotes waiting for a lock. */
-    std::unique_ptr<Activity> actLock;
-    std::map<ActivityId, Activity> builderActivities;
-    /* The remote machine on which we're building. */
-    std::string machineName;
-    /* The recursive Nix daemon socket. */
-    AutoCloseFD daemonSocket;
-    /* The daemon main thread. */
-    std::thread daemonThread;
-    /* The daemon worker threads. */
-    std::vector<std::thread> daemonWorkerThreads;
-    /* Paths that were added via recursive Nix calls. */
-    StorePathSet addedPaths;
-    /* Recursive Nix calls are only allowed to build or realize paths
-       in the original input closure or added via a recursive Nix call
-       (so e.g. you can't do 'nix-store -r /nix/store/<bla>' where
-       /nix/store/<bla> is some arbitrary path in a binary cache). */
-    bool isAllowed(const StorePath & path)
-    {
-        return inputPaths.count(path) || addedPaths.count(path);
-    }
-    friend struct RestrictedStore;
-    DerivationGoal(const StorePath & drvPath,
-        const StringSet & wantedOutputs, Worker & worker,
-        BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
-    DerivationGoal(const StorePath & drvPath, const BasicDerivation & drv,
-        const StringSet & wantedOutputs, Worker & worker,
-        BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
-    ~DerivationGoal();
-    /* Whether we need to perform hash rewriting if there are valid output paths. */
-    bool needsHashRewrite();
-    void timedOut(Error && ex) override;
-    string key() override
-    {
-        /* Ensure that derivations get built in order of their name,
-           i.e. a derivation named "aardvark" always comes before
-           "baboon". And substitution goals always happen before
-           derivation goals (due to "b$"). */
-        return "b$" + std::string(drvPath.name()) + "$" + worker.store.printStorePath(drvPath);
-    }
-    void work() override;
-    StorePath getDrvPath()
-    {
-        return drvPath;
-    }
-    /* Add wanted outputs to an already existing derivation goal. */
-    void addWantedOutputs(const StringSet & outputs);
-    BuildResult getResult() { return result; }
-    /* The states. */
-    void getDerivation();
-    void loadDerivation();
-    void haveDerivation();
-    void outputsSubstitutionTried();
-    void gaveUpOnSubstitution();
-    void closureRepaired();
-    void inputsRealised();
-    void tryToBuild();
-    void tryLocalBuild();
-    void buildDone();
-    void resolvedFinished();
-    /* Is the build hook willing to perform the build? */
-    HookReply tryBuildHook();
-    /* Start building a derivation. */
-    void startBuilder();
-    /* Fill in the environment for the builder. */
-    void initEnv();
-    /* Setup tmp dir location. */
-    void initTmpDir();
-    /* Write a JSON file containing the derivation attributes. */
-    void writeStructuredAttrs();
-    void startDaemon();
-    void stopDaemon();
-    /* Add 'path' to the set of paths that may be referenced by the
-       outputs, and make it appear in the sandbox. */
-    void addDependency(const StorePath & path);
-    /* Make a file owned by the builder. */
-    void chownToBuilder(const Path & path);
-    /* Run the builder's process. */
-    void runChild();
-    friend int childEntry(void *);
-    /* Check that the derivation outputs all exist and register them
-       as valid. */
-    void registerOutputs();
-    /* Check that an output meets the requirements specified by the
-       'outputChecks' attribute (or the legacy
-       '{allowed,disallowed}{References,Requisites}' attributes). */
-    void checkOutputs(const std::map<std::string, ValidPathInfo> & outputs);
-    /* Open a log file and a pipe to it. */
-    Path openLogFile();
-    /* Close the log file. */
-    void closeLogFile();
-    /* Delete the temporary directory, if we have one. */
-    void deleteTmpDir(bool force);
-    /* Callback used by the worker to write to the log. */
-    void handleChildOutput(int fd, const string & data) override;
-    void handleEOF(int fd) override;
-    void flushLine();
-    /* Wrappers around the corresponding Store methods that first consult the
-       derivation.  This is currently needed because when there is no drv file
-       there also is no DB entry. */
-    std::map<std::string, std::optional<StorePath>> queryPartialDerivationOutputMap();
-    OutputPathMap queryDerivationOutputMap();
-    /* Return the set of (in)valid paths. */
-    void checkPathValidity();
-    /* Forcibly kill the child process, if any. */
-    void killChild();
-    /* Create alternative path calculated from but distinct from the
-       input, so we can avoid overwriting outputs (or other store paths)
-       that already exist. */
-    StorePath makeFallbackPath(const StorePath & path);
-    /* Make a path to another based on the output name along with the
-       derivation hash. */
-    /* FIXME add option to randomize, so we can audit whether our
-       rewrites caught everything */
-    StorePath makeFallbackPath(std::string_view outputName);
-    void repairClosure();
-    void started();
-    void done(
-        BuildResult::Status status,
-        std::optional<Error> ex = {});
-    StorePathSet exportReferences(const StorePathSet & storePaths);
 class SubstitutionGoal : public Goal
@@ -755,30 +86,4 @@ public:
     StorePath getStorePath() { return storePath; }
-struct HookInstance
-    /* Pipes for talking to the build hook. */
-    Pipe toHook;
-    /* Pipe for the hook's standard output/error. */
-    Pipe fromHook;
-    /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
-    Pipe builderOut;
-    /* The process ID of the hook. */
-    Pid pid;
-    FdSink sink;
-    std::map<ActivityId, Activity> activities;
-    HookInstance();
-    ~HookInstance();
-void addToWeakGoals(WeakGoals & goals, GoalPtr p);