primops: Move functions to primops/
Moved builtins: import, importNative, scopedImport Change-Id: I7c525a03f877ad4a6586e055b37f8e4db51ad721
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 281 additions and 219 deletions
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ libexpr_sources = files(
@ -135,225 +135,6 @@ SourcePath realisePath(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value & v, const Rea
* Add and attribute to the given attribute map from the output name to
* the output path, or a placeholder.
* Where possible the path is used, but for floating CA derivations we
* may not know it. For sake of determinism we always assume we don't
* and instead put in a place holder. In either case, however, the
* string context will contain the drv path and output name, so
* downstream derivations will have the proper dependency, and in
* addition, before building, the placeholder will be rewritten to be
* the actual path.
* The 'drv' and 'drvPath' outputs must correspond.
static void mkOutputString(
EvalState & state,
BindingsBuilder & attrs,
const StorePath & drvPath,
const std::pair<std::string, DerivationOutput> & o)
SingleDerivedPath::Built {
.drvPath = makeConstantStorePathRef(drvPath),
.output = o.first,
o.second.path(*, Derivation::nameFromPath(drvPath), o.first));
/* Load and evaluate an expression from path specified by the
argument. */
static void import(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value & vPath, Value * vScope, Value & v)
auto path = realisePath(state, pos, vPath);
auto path2 = path.path.abs();
auto isValidDerivationInStore = [&]() -> std::optional<StorePath> {
if (!>isStorePath(path2))
return std::nullopt;
auto storePath =>parseStorePath(path2);
if (!(>isValidPath(storePath) && isDerivation(path2)))
return std::nullopt;
return storePath;
if (auto storePath = isValidDerivationInStore()) {
Derivation drv =>readDerivation(*storePath);
auto attrs = state.buildBindings(3 + drv.outputs.size());
attrs.alloc(state.sDrvPath).mkString(path2, {
NixStringContextElem::DrvDeep { .drvPath = *storePath },
auto & outputsVal = attrs.alloc(state.sOutputs);
state.mkList(outputsVal, drv.outputs.size());
for (const auto & [i, o] : enumerate(drv.outputs)) {
mkOutputString(state, attrs, *storePath, o);
(outputsVal.listElems()[i] = state.allocValue())->mkString(o.first);
auto w = state.allocValue();
if (!state.vImportedDrvToDerivation) {
state.vImportedDrvToDerivation = allocRootValue(state.allocValue());
#include "imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh"
, CanonPath::root), **state.vImportedDrvToDerivation);
state.forceFunction(**state.vImportedDrvToDerivation, pos, "while evaluating imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh");
v.mkApp(*state.vImportedDrvToDerivation, w);
state.forceAttrs(v, pos, "while calling imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh");
else if (path2 == corepkgsPrefix + "fetchurl.nix") {
#include "fetchurl.nix.gen.hh"
, CanonPath::root), v);
else {
if (!vScope)
state.evalFile(path, v);
else {
state.forceAttrs(*vScope, pos, "while evaluating the first argument passed to builtins.scopedImport");
Env * env = &state.allocEnv(vScope->attrs->size());
env->up = &state.baseEnv;
auto staticEnv = std::make_shared<StaticEnv>(nullptr, state.staticBaseEnv.get(), vScope->attrs->size());
unsigned int displ = 0;
for (auto & attr : *vScope->attrs) {
staticEnv->vars.emplace_back(, displ);
env->values[displ++] = attr.value;
// No need to call staticEnv.sort(), because
// args[0]->attrs is already sorted.
debug("evaluating file '%1%'", path);
Expr * e = state.parseExprFromFile(resolveExprPath(path), staticEnv);
e->eval(state, *env, v);
static RegisterPrimOp primop_scopedImport(PrimOp {
.name = "scopedImport",
.arity = 2,
.fun = [](EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
import(state, pos, *args[1], args[0], v);
static RegisterPrimOp primop_import({
.name = "import",
.args = {"path"},
// TODO turn "normal path values" into link below
.doc = R"(
Load, parse and return the Nix expression in the file *path*.
The value *path* can be a path, a string, or an attribute set with an
`__toString` attribute or a `outPath` attribute (as derivations or flake
inputs typically have).
If *path* is a directory, the file `default.nix` in that directory
is loaded.
Evaluation aborts if the file doesn’t exist or contains
an incorrect Nix expression. `import` implements Nix’s module
system: you can put any Nix expression (such as a set or a
function) in a separate file, and use it from Nix expressions in
other files.
> **Note**
> Unlike some languages, `import` is a regular function in Nix.
> Paths using the angle bracket syntax (e.g., `import` *\<foo\>*)
> are normal [path values](@docroot@/language/
A Nix expression loaded by `import` must not contain any *free
variables* (identifiers that are not defined in the Nix expression
itself and are not built-in). Therefore, it cannot refer to
variables that are in scope at the call site. For instance, if you
have a calling expression
rec {
x = 123;
y = import ./foo.nix;
then the following `foo.nix` will give an error:
x + 456
since `x` is not in scope in `foo.nix`. If you want `x` to be
available in `foo.nix`, you should pass it as a function argument:
rec {
x = 123;
y = import ./foo.nix x;
x: x + 456
(The function argument doesn’t have to be called `x` in `foo.nix`;
any name would work.)
.fun = [](EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
import(state, pos, *args[0], nullptr, v);
/* Want reasonable symbol names, so extern C */
/* !!! Should we pass the Pos or the file name too? */
extern "C" typedef void (*ValueInitializer)(EvalState & state, Value & v);
/* Load a ValueInitializer from a DSO and return whatever it initializes */
void prim_importNative(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
auto path = realisePath(state, pos, *args[0]);
std::string sym(state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[1], pos, "while evaluating the second argument passed to builtins.importNative"));
void *handle = dlopen(path.path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (!handle)
state.error<EvalError>("could not open '%1%': %2%", path, dlerror()).debugThrow();
ValueInitializer func = (ValueInitializer) dlsym(handle, sym.c_str());
if(!func) {
char *message = dlerror();
if (message)
state.error<EvalError>("could not load symbol '%1%' from '%2%': %3%", sym, path, message).debugThrow();
state.error<EvalError>("symbol '%1%' from '%2%' resolved to NULL when a function pointer was expected", sym, path).debugThrow();
(func)(state, v);
/* We don't dlclose because v may be a primop referencing a function in the shared object file */
/* Execute a program and parse its output */
void prim_exec(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include <regex>
@ -53,8 +54,17 @@ void prim_exec(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v);
void prim_lessThan(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v);
void prim_importNative(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v);
void makePositionThunks(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value & line, Value & column);
void mkOutputString(
EvalState & state,
BindingsBuilder & attrs,
const StorePath & drvPath,
const std::pair<std::string, DerivationOutput> & o
typedef std::list<Value *, gc_allocator<Value *>> ValueList;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "primops.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
namespace nix {
/* Want reasonable symbol names, so extern C */
/* !!! Should we pass the Pos or the file name too? */
extern "C" typedef void (*ValueInitializer)(EvalState & state, Value & v);
* Add and attribute to the given attribute map from the output name to
* the output path, or a placeholder.
* Where possible the path is used, but for floating CA derivations we
* may not know it. For sake of determinism we always assume we don't
* and instead put in a place holder. In either case, however, the
* string context will contain the drv path and output name, so
* downstream derivations will have the proper dependency, and in
* addition, before building, the placeholder will be rewritten to be
* the actual path.
* The 'drv' and 'drvPath' outputs must correspond.
void mkOutputString(
EvalState & state,
BindingsBuilder & attrs,
const StorePath & drvPath,
const std::pair<std::string, DerivationOutput> & o
.drvPath = makeConstantStorePathRef(drvPath),
.output = o.first,
o.second.path(*, Derivation::nameFromPath(drvPath), o.first)
/* Load and evaluate an expression from path specified by the
argument. */
static void import(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value & vPath, Value * vScope, Value & v)
auto path = realisePath(state, pos, vPath);
auto path2 = path.path.abs();
auto isValidDerivationInStore = [&]() -> std::optional<StorePath> {
if (!>isStorePath(path2)) {
return std::nullopt;
auto storePath =>parseStorePath(path2);
if (!(>isValidPath(storePath) && isDerivation(path2))) {
return std::nullopt;
return storePath;
if (auto storePath = isValidDerivationInStore()) {
Derivation drv =>readDerivation(*storePath);
auto attrs = state.buildBindings(3 + drv.outputs.size());
NixStringContextElem::DrvDeep{.drvPath = *storePath},
auto & outputsVal = attrs.alloc(state.sOutputs);
state.mkList(outputsVal, drv.outputs.size());
for (const auto & [i, o] : enumerate(drv.outputs)) {
mkOutputString(state, attrs, *storePath, o);
(outputsVal.listElems()[i] = state.allocValue())->mkString(o.first);
auto w = state.allocValue();
if (!state.vImportedDrvToDerivation) {
state.vImportedDrvToDerivation = allocRootValue(state.allocValue());
#include "imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh"
, CanonPath::root
"while evaluating imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh"
v.mkApp(*state.vImportedDrvToDerivation, w);
state.forceAttrs(v, pos, "while calling imported-drv-to-derivation.nix.gen.hh");
else if (path2 == corepkgsPrefix + "fetchurl.nix")
#include "fetchurl.nix.gen.hh"
, CanonPath::root
if (!vScope) {
state.evalFile(path, v);
} else {
*vScope, pos, "while evaluating the first argument passed to builtins.scopedImport"
Env * env = &state.allocEnv(vScope->attrs->size());
env->up = &state.baseEnv;
auto staticEnv = std::make_shared<StaticEnv>(
nullptr, state.staticBaseEnv.get(), vScope->attrs->size()
unsigned int displ = 0;
for (auto & attr : *vScope->attrs) {
staticEnv->vars.emplace_back(, displ);
env->values[displ++] = attr.value;
// No need to call staticEnv.sort(), because
// args[0]->attrs is already sorted.
debug("evaluating file '%1%'", path);
Expr * e = state.parseExprFromFile(resolveExprPath(path), staticEnv);
e->eval(state, *env, v);
static void prim_import(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v)
import(state, pos, *args[0], nullptr, v);
static RegisterPrimOp primop_import({
.name = "import",
.args = {"path"},
// TODO turn "normal path values" into link below
.doc = R"(
Load, parse and return the Nix expression in the file *path*.
The value *path* can be a path, a string, or an attribute set with an
`__toString` attribute or a `outPath` attribute (as derivations or flake
inputs typically have).
If *path* is a directory, the file `default.nix` in that directory
is loaded.
Evaluation aborts if the file doesn’t exist or contains
an incorrect Nix expression. `import` implements Nix’s module
system: you can put any Nix expression (such as a set or a
function) in a separate file, and use it from Nix expressions in
other files.
> **Note**
> Unlike some languages, `import` is a regular function in Nix.
> Paths using the angle bracket syntax (e.g., `import` *\<foo\>*)
> are normal [path values](@docroot@/language/
A Nix expression loaded by `import` must not contain any *free
variables* (identifiers that are not defined in the Nix expression
itself and are not built-in). Therefore, it cannot refer to
variables that are in scope at the call site. For instance, if you
have a calling expression
rec {
x = 123;
y = import ./foo.nix;
then the following `foo.nix` will give an error:
x + 456
since `x` is not in scope in `foo.nix`. If you want `x` to be
available in `foo.nix`, you should pass it as a function argument:
rec {
x = 123;
y = import ./foo.nix x;
x: x + 456
(The function argument doesn’t have to be called `x` in `foo.nix`;
any name would work.)
.fun = prim_import,
/* Load a ValueInitializer from a DSO and return whatever it initializes */
void prim_importNative(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v)
auto path = realisePath(state, pos, *args[0]);
std::string sym(state.forceStringNoCtx(
*args[1], pos, "while evaluating the second argument passed to builtins.importNative"
void * handle = dlopen(path.path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (!handle) {
state.error<EvalError>("could not open '%1%': %2%", path, dlerror()).debugThrow();
ValueInitializer func = (ValueInitializer) dlsym(handle, sym.c_str());
if (!func) {
char * message = dlerror();
if (message) {
.error<EvalError>("could not load symbol '%1%' from '%2%': %3%", sym, path, message)
} else {
"symbol '%1%' from '%2%' resolved to NULL when a function pointer was expected",
(func)(state, v);
/* We don't dlclose because v may be a primop referencing a function in the shared object file
static void prim_scopedImport(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value ** args, Value & v)
import(state, pos, *args[1], args[0], v);
static RegisterPrimOp primop_scopedImport(PrimOp{
.name = "scopedImport",
.arity = 2,
.fun = prim_scopedImport,
Add table
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