Merge branch 'fix-and-document-addToStoreSlow' of into ca-derivation-data-types
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 153 additions and 103 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ LIBLZMA_LIBS = @LIBLZMA_LIBS@
SHELL = @bash@
bash = @bash@
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ if [ -z "$NIX_INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PROFILE" ]; then
if [ -w "$fn" ]; then
if ! grep -q "$p" "$fn"; then
echo "modifying $fn..." >&2
echo "if [ -e $p ]; then . $p; fi # added by Nix installer" >> "$fn"
echo -e "\nif [ -e $p ]; then . $p; fi # added by Nix installer" >> "$fn"
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ if [ -z "$NIX_INSTALLER_NO_MODIFY_PROFILE" ]; then
if [ -w "$fn" ]; then
if ! grep -q "$p" "$fn"; then
echo "modifying $fn..." >&2
echo "if [ -e $p ]; then . $p; fi # added by Nix installer" >> "$fn"
echo -e "\nif [ -e $p ]; then . $p; fi # added by Nix installer" >> "$fn"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(import (fetchTarball {
src = ./.;
@ -102,56 +102,61 @@ std::pair<FlakeRef, std::string> parseFlakeRefWithFragment(
/* Check if 'url' is a path (either absolute or relative to
'baseDir'). If so, search upward to the root of the repo
(i.e. the directory containing .git). */
else if (std::regex_match(url, match, pathUrlRegex)) {
std::string path = match[1];
if (!baseDir && !hasPrefix(path, "/"))
throw BadURL("flake reference '%s' is not an absolute path", url);
path = absPath(path, baseDir, true);
std::string fragment = percentDecode(std::string(match[3]));
if (!S_ISDIR(lstat(path).st_mode))
throw BadURL("path '%s' is not a flake (because it's not a directory)", path);
if (baseDir) {
/* Check if 'url' is a path (either absolute or relative
to 'baseDir'). If so, search upward to the root of the
repo (i.e. the directory containing .git). */
if (!allowMissing && !pathExists(path + "/flake.nix"))
throw BadURL("path '%s' is not a flake (because it doesn't contain a 'flake.nix' file)", path);
path = absPath(path, baseDir, true);
auto fragment = percentDecode(std::string(match[3]));
if (!S_ISDIR(lstat(path).st_mode))
throw BadURL("path '%s' is not a flake (because it's not a directory)", path);
auto flakeRoot = path;
std::string subdir;
if (!allowMissing && !pathExists(path + "/flake.nix"))
throw BadURL("path '%s' is not a flake (because it doesn't contain a 'flake.nix' file)", path);
while (flakeRoot != "/") {
if (pathExists(flakeRoot + "/.git")) {
auto base = std::string("git+file://") + flakeRoot;
auto flakeRoot = path;
std::string subdir;
auto parsedURL = ParsedURL{
.url = base, // FIXME
.base = base,
.scheme = "git+file",
.authority = "",
.path = flakeRoot,
.query = decodeQuery(match[2]),
while (flakeRoot != "/") {
if (pathExists(flakeRoot + "/.git")) {
auto base = std::string("git+file://") + flakeRoot;
if (subdir != "") {
if (parsedURL.query.count("dir"))
throw Error("flake URL '%s' has an inconsistent 'dir' parameter", url);
parsedURL.query.insert_or_assign("dir", subdir);
auto parsedURL = ParsedURL{
.url = base, // FIXME
.base = base,
.scheme = "git+file",
.authority = "",
.path = flakeRoot,
.query = decodeQuery(match[2]),
if (subdir != "") {
if (parsedURL.query.count("dir"))
throw Error("flake URL '%s' has an inconsistent 'dir' parameter", url);
parsedURL.query.insert_or_assign("dir", subdir);
if (pathExists(flakeRoot + "/.git/shallow"))
parsedURL.query.insert_or_assign("shallow", "1");
return std::make_pair(
FlakeRef(Input::fromURL(parsedURL), get(parsedURL.query, "dir").value_or("")),
if (pathExists(flakeRoot + "/.git/shallow"))
parsedURL.query.insert_or_assign("shallow", "1");
return std::make_pair(
FlakeRef(Input::fromURL(parsedURL), get(parsedURL.query, "dir").value_or("")),
subdir = std::string(baseNameOf(flakeRoot)) + (subdir.empty() ? "" : "/" + subdir);
flakeRoot = dirOf(flakeRoot);
subdir = std::string(baseNameOf(flakeRoot)) + (subdir.empty() ? "" : "/" + subdir);
flakeRoot = dirOf(flakeRoot);
} else {
if (!hasPrefix(path, "/"))
throw BadURL("flake reference '%s' is not an absolute path", url);
path = canonPath(path);
fetchers::Attrs attrs;
@ -173,31 +173,6 @@ struct TunnelSource : BufferedSource
/* If the NAR archive contains a single file at top-level, then save
the contents of the file to `s'. Otherwise barf. */
struct RetrieveRegularNARSink : ParseSink
bool regular;
string s;
RetrieveRegularNARSink() : regular(true) { }
void createDirectory(const Path & path)
regular = false;
void receiveContents(unsigned char * data, unsigned int len)
s.append((const char *) data, len);
void createSymlink(const Path & path, const string & target)
regular = false;
struct ClientSettings
bool keepFailed;
@ -391,9 +366,9 @@ static void performOp(TunnelLogger * logger, ref<Store> store,
HashType hashAlgo = parseHashType(s);
StringSink savedNAR;
TeeSource savedNARSource(from, savedNAR);
RetrieveRegularNARSink savedRegular;
StringSink saved;
TeeSource savedNARSource(from, saved);
RetrieveRegularNARSink savedRegular { saved };
if (method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive) {
/* Get the entire NAR dump from the client and save it to
@ -407,11 +382,7 @@ static void performOp(TunnelLogger * logger, ref<Store> store,
if (!savedRegular.regular) throw Error("regular file expected");
auto path = store->addToStoreFromDump(
method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive ? *savedNAR.s : savedRegular.s,
auto path = store->addToStoreFromDump(*saved.s, baseName, method, hashAlgo);
to << store->printStorePath(path);
@ -727,15 +698,15 @@ static void performOp(TunnelLogger * logger, ref<Store> store,
if (!trusted)
info.ultimate = false;
std::string saved;
std::unique_ptr<Source> source;
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(clientVersion) >= 21)
source = std::make_unique<TunnelSource>(from, to);
else {
TeeParseSink tee(from);
parseDump(tee, tee.source);
saved = std::move(*tee.saved.s);
source = std::make_unique<StringSource>(saved);
StringSink saved;
TeeSource tee { from, saved };
ParseSink ether;
parseDump(ether, tee);
source = std::make_unique<StringSource>(std::move(*saved.s));
@ -60,8 +60,10 @@ StorePaths Store::importPaths(Source & source, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs)
if (n != 1) throw Error("input doesn't look like something created by 'nix-store --export'");
/* Extract the NAR from the source. */
TeeParseSink tee(source);
parseDump(tee, tee.source);
StringSink saved;
TeeSource tee { source, saved };
ParseSink ether;
parseDump(ether, tee);
uint32_t magic = readInt(source);
if (magic != exportMagic)
@ -77,15 +79,15 @@ StorePaths Store::importPaths(Source & source, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs)
if (deriver != "")
info.deriver = parseStorePath(deriver);
info.narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *tee.saved.s);
info.narSize = tee.saved.s->size();
info.narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *saved.s);
info.narSize = saved.s->size();
// Ignore optional legacy signature.
if (readInt(source) == 1)
// Can't use underlying source, which would have been exhausted
auto source = StringSource { *tee.saved.s };
auto source = StringSource { *saved.s };
addToStore(info, source, NoRepair, checkSigs);
@ -222,20 +222,73 @@ StorePath Store::computeStorePathForText(const string & name, const string & s,
The aim of this function is to compute in one pass the correct ValidPathInfo for
the files that we are trying to add to the store. To accomplish that in one
pass, given the different kind of inputs that we can take (normal nar archives,
nar archives with non SHA-256 hashes, and flat files), we set up a net of sinks
and aliases. Also, since the dataflow is obfuscated by this, we include here a
graphviz diagram:
digraph graphname {
node [shape=box]
fileSource -> narSink
narSink [style=dashed]
narSink -> unsualHashTee [style = dashed, label = "Recursive && !SHA-256"]
narSink -> narHashSink [style = dashed, label = "else"]
unsualHashTee -> narHashSink
unsualHashTee -> caHashSink
fileSource -> parseSink
parseSink [style=dashed]
parseSink-> fileSink [style = dashed, label = "Flat"]
parseSink -> blank [style = dashed, label = "Recursive"]
fileSink -> caHashSink
ValidPathInfo Store::addToStoreSlow(std::string_view name, const Path & srcPath,
FileIngestionMethod method, HashType hashAlgo,
std::optional<Hash> expectedCAHash)
/* FIXME: inefficient: we're reading/hashing 'tmpFile' three
times. */
HashSink narHashSink { htSHA256 };
HashSink caHashSink { hashAlgo };
auto [narHash, narSize] = hashPath(htSHA256, srcPath);
/* Note that fileSink and unusualHashTee must be mutually exclusive, since
they both write to caHashSink. Note that that requisite is currently true
because the former is only used in the flat case. */
RetrieveRegularNARSink fileSink { caHashSink };
TeeSink unusualHashTee { narHashSink, caHashSink };
auto hash = method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive
? hashAlgo == htSHA256
? narHash
: hashPath(hashAlgo, srcPath).first
: hashFile(hashAlgo, srcPath);
auto & narSink = method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive && hashAlgo != htSHA256
? static_cast<Sink &>(unusualHashTee)
: narHashSink;
/* Functionally, this means that fileSource will yield the content of
srcPath. The fact that we use scratchpadSink as a temporary buffer here
is an implementation detail. */
auto fileSource = sinkToSource([&](Sink & scratchpadSink) {
dumpPath(srcPath, scratchpadSink);
/* tapped provides the same data as fileSource, but we also write all the
information to narSink. */
TeeSource tapped { *fileSource, narSink };
ParseSink blank;
auto & parseSink = method == FileIngestionMethod::Flat
? fileSink
: blank;
/* The information that flows from tapped (besides being replicated in
narSink), is now put in parseSink. */
parseDump(parseSink, tapped);
/* We extract the result of the computation from the sink by calling
finish. */
auto [narHash, narSize] = narHashSink.finish();
auto hash = method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive && hashAlgo == htSHA256
? narHash
: caHashSink.finish().first;
if (expectedCAHash && expectedCAHash != hash)
throw Error("hash mismatch for '%s'", srcPath);
@ -246,8 +299,8 @@ ValidPathInfo Store::addToStoreSlow(std::string_view name, const Path & srcPath,
||| = FixedOutputHash { .method = method, .hash = hash };
if (!isValidPath(info.path)) {
auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & sink) {
dumpPath(srcPath, sink);
auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & scratchpadSink) {
dumpPath(srcPath, scratchpadSink);
addToStore(info, *source);
@ -63,12 +63,29 @@ struct ParseSink
virtual void createSymlink(const Path & path, const string & target) { };
struct TeeParseSink : ParseSink
/* If the NAR archive contains a single file at top-level, then save
the contents of the file to `s'. Otherwise barf. */
struct RetrieveRegularNARSink : ParseSink
StringSink saved;
TeeSource source;
bool regular = true;
Sink & sink;
TeeParseSink(Source & source) : source(source, saved) { }
RetrieveRegularNARSink(Sink & sink) : sink(sink) { }
void createDirectory(const Path & path)
regular = false;
void receiveContents(unsigned char * data, unsigned int len)
sink(data, len);
void createSymlink(const Path & path, const string & target)
regular = false;
void parseDump(ParseSink & sink, Source & source);
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct CmdEdit : InstallableCommand
auto args = editorFor(pos);
execvp(args.front().c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
std::string command;
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ struct CmdProfileInfo : virtual EvalCommand, virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultPro
struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual EvalCommand, virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile
struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile
std::string description() override
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ registry=$TEST_ROOT/registry.json
@ -390,14 +389,12 @@ cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix
nix flake update $flake3Dir
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix flake.lock
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Remove packages.xyzzy'
git -C $flake3Dir checkout master
# Test whether fuzzy-matching works for IsAlias
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4/removeXyzzy#xyzzy)
# Test whether fuzzy-matching works for IsGit
# Test whether fuzzy-matching works for registry entries.
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4/removeXyzzy#xyzzy)
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4/removeXyzzy#sth
Add table
Reference in a new issue