Non-blocking garbage collector
The garbage collector no longer blocks other processes from adding/building store paths or adding GC roots. To prevent the collector from deleting store paths just added by another process, processes need to connect to the garbage collector via a Unix domain socket to register new temporary roots.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 344 additions and 272 deletions
@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ void LocalDerivationGoal::startDaemon()
AutoCloseFD remote = accept(daemonSocket.get(),
(struct sockaddr *) &remoteAddr, &remoteAddrLen);
if (!remote) {
if (errno == EINTR) continue;
if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) continue;
if (errno == EINVAL) break;
throw SysError("accepting connection");
@ -10,48 +10,22 @@
#include <regex>
#include <random>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <climits>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <climits>
namespace nix {
static string gcLockName = "gc.lock";
static string gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
/* Acquire the global GC lock. This is used to prevent new Nix
processes from starting after the temporary root files have been
read. To be precise: when they try to create a new temporary root
file, they will block until the garbage collector has finished /
yielded the GC lock. */
AutoCloseFD LocalStore::openGCLock(LockType lockType)
Path fnGCLock = (format("%1%/%2%")
% stateDir % gcLockName).str();
debug(format("acquiring global GC lock '%1%'") % fnGCLock);
AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = open(fnGCLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
if (!fdGCLock)
throw SysError("opening global GC lock '%1%'", fnGCLock);
if (!lockFile(fdGCLock.get(), lockType, false)) {
printInfo("waiting for the big garbage collector lock...");
lockFile(fdGCLock.get(), lockType, true);
/* !!! Restrict read permission on the GC root. Otherwise any
process that can open the file for reading can DoS the
collector. */
return fdGCLock;
static std::string gcSocketPath = "/gc-socket/socket";
static std::string gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
static void makeSymlink(const Path & link, const Path & target)
@ -114,8 +88,6 @@ void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const StorePath & path)
if (!state->fdTempRoots) {
while (1) {
AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltRead);
if (pathExists(fnTempRoots))
/* It *must* be stale, since there can be no two
processes with the same pid. */
@ -123,10 +95,8 @@ void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const StorePath & path)
state->fdTempRoots = openLockFile(fnTempRoots, true);
fdGCLock = -1;
debug(format("acquiring read lock on '%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltRead, true);
debug("acquiring write lock on '%s'", fnTempRoots);
lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltWrite, true);
/* Check whether the garbage collector didn't get in our
way. */
@ -142,24 +112,62 @@ void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const StorePath & path)
/* Upgrade the lock to a write lock. This will cause us to block
if the garbage collector is holding our lock. */
debug(format("acquiring write lock on '%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltWrite, true);
FdLock gcLock(state->fdGCLock.get(), ltRead, false, "");
if (!gcLock.acquired) {
/* We couldn't get a shared global GC lock, so the garbage
collector is running. So we have to connect to the garbage
collector and inform it about our root. */
if (!state->fdRootsSocket) {
state->fdRootsSocket = createUnixDomainSocket();
auto socketPath = stateDir.get() + gcSocketPath;
debug("connecting to '%s'", socketPath);
struct sockaddr_un addr;
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
if (socketPath.size() + 1 >= sizeof(addr.sun_path))
throw Error("socket path '%s' is too long", socketPath);
strcpy(addr.sun_path, socketPath.c_str());
if (::connect(state->fdRootsSocket.get(), (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1)
throw SysError("cannot connect to garbage collector at '%s'", socketPath);
try {
debug("sending GC root '%s'", printStorePath(path));
writeFull(state->fdRootsSocket.get(), printStorePath(path) + "\n", false);
char c;
readFull(state->fdRootsSocket.get(), &c, 1);
assert(c == '1');
debug("got ack for GC root '%s'", printStorePath(path));
} catch (SysError & e) {
/* The garbage collector may have exited, so we need to
restart. */
if (e.errNo == EPIPE) {
debug("GC socket disconnected");
goto restart;
} catch (EndOfFile & e) {
debug("GC socket disconnected");
goto restart;
/* Append the store path to the temporary roots file. */
string s = printStorePath(path) + '\0';
writeFull(state->fdTempRoots.get(), s);
/* Downgrade to a read lock. */
debug(format("downgrading to read lock on '%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltRead, true);
static std::string censored = "{censored}";
void LocalStore::findTempRoots(FDs & fds, Roots & tempRoots, bool censor)
void LocalStore::findTempRoots(Roots & tempRoots, bool censor)
/* Read the `temproots' directory for per-process temporary root
files. */
@ -174,35 +182,25 @@ void LocalStore::findTempRoots(FDs & fds, Roots & tempRoots, bool censor)
pid_t pid = std::stoi(;
debug(format("reading temporary root file '%1%'") % path);
FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(open(path.c_str(), O_CLOEXEC | O_RDWR, 0666)));
if (!*fd) {
AutoCloseFD fd(open(path.c_str(), O_CLOEXEC | O_RDWR, 0666));
if (!fd) {
/* It's okay if the file has disappeared. */
if (errno == ENOENT) continue;
throw SysError("opening temporary roots file '%1%'", path);
/* This should work, but doesn't, for some reason. */
//FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(openLockFile(path, false)));
//if (*fd == -1) continue;
/* Try to acquire a write lock without blocking. This can
only succeed if the owning process has died. In that case
we don't care about its temporary roots. */
if (lockFile(fd->get(), ltWrite, false)) {
if (lockFile(fd.get(), ltWrite, false)) {
printInfo("removing stale temporary roots file '%1%'", path);
writeFull(fd->get(), "d");
writeFull(fd.get(), "d");
/* Acquire a read lock. This will prevent the owning process
from upgrading to a write lock, therefore it will block in
addTempRoot(). */
debug(format("waiting for read lock on '%1%'") % path);
lockFile(fd->get(), ltRead, true);
/* Read the entire file. */
string contents = readFile(fd->get());
string contents = readFile(fd.get());
/* Extract the roots. */
string::size_type pos = 0, end;
@ -213,8 +211,6 @@ void LocalStore::findTempRoots(FDs & fds, Roots & tempRoots, bool censor)
tempRoots[parseStorePath(root)].emplace(censor ? censored : fmt("{temp:%d}", pid));
pos = end + 1;
fds.push_back(fd); /* keep open */
@ -299,8 +295,7 @@ Roots LocalStore::findRoots(bool censor)
Roots roots;
findRootsNoTemp(roots, censor);
FDs fds;
findTempRoots(fds, roots, censor);
findTempRoots(roots, censor);
return roots;
@ -455,160 +450,141 @@ struct LocalStore::GCState
const GCOptions & options;
GCResults & results;
StorePathSet roots;
StorePathSet tempRoots;
StorePathSet dead;
StorePathSet alive;
bool gcKeepOutputs;
bool gcKeepDerivations;
bool shouldDelete;
struct Shared
// The temp roots only store the hash part to make it easier to
// ignore suffixes like '.lock', '.chroot' and '.check'.
std::unordered_set<std::string> tempRoots;
// Hash part of the store path currently being deleted, if
// any.
std::optional<std::string> pending;
Sync<Shared> shared;
std::condition_variable wakeup;
GCState(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
: options(options), results(results) { }
bool LocalStore::isActiveTempFile(const GCState & state,
const Path & path, const string & suffix)
return hasSuffix(path, suffix)
&& state.tempRoots.count(parseStorePath(string(path, 0, path.size() - suffix.size())));
void LocalStore::deleteGarbage(GCState & state, const Path & path)
uint64_t bytesFreed;
deletePath(path, bytesFreed);
state.results.bytesFreed += bytesFreed;
void LocalStore::deletePathRecursive(GCState & state, const Path & path)
auto storePath = maybeParseStorePath(path);
if (storePath && isValidPath(*storePath)) {
StorePathSet referrers;
queryReferrers(*storePath, referrers);
for (auto & i : referrers)
if (printStorePath(i) != path) deletePathRecursive(state, printStorePath(i));
Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + std::string(baseNameOf(path));
struct stat st;
if (lstat(realPath.c_str(), &st)) {
if (errno == ENOENT) return;
throw SysError("getting status of %1%", realPath);
printInfo(format("deleting '%1%'") % path);
deleteGarbage(state, realPath);
if (state.results.bytesFreed > state.options.maxFreed) {
printInfo("deleted more than %d bytes; stopping", state.options.maxFreed);
throw GCLimitReached();
bool LocalStore::canReachRoot(GCState & state, StorePathSet & visited, const StorePath & path)
if (visited.count(path)) return false;
if (state.alive.count(path)) return true;
if (state.dead.count(path)) return false;
if (state.roots.count(path)) {
debug("cannot delete '%1%' because it's a root", printStorePath(path));
return true;
if (!isValidPath(path)) return false;
StorePathSet incoming;
/* Don't delete this path if any of its referrers are alive. */
queryReferrers(path, incoming);
/* If keep-derivations is set and this is a derivation, then
don't delete the derivation if any of the outputs are alive. */
if (state.gcKeepDerivations && path.isDerivation()) {
for (auto & [name, maybeOutPath] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(path))
if (maybeOutPath &&
isValidPath(*maybeOutPath) &&
queryPathInfo(*maybeOutPath)->deriver == path
/* If keep-outputs is set, then don't delete this path if there
are derivers of this path that are not garbage. */
if (state.gcKeepOutputs) {
auto derivers = queryValidDerivers(path);
for (auto & i : derivers)
for (auto & i : incoming)
if (i != path)
if (canReachRoot(state, visited, i)) {
return true;
return false;
void LocalStore::tryToDelete(GCState & state, const Path & path)
bool LocalStore::tryToDelete(
GCState & state,
StorePathSet & visited,
const Path & path,
bool recursive)
auto realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + std::string(baseNameOf(path));
if (realPath == linksDir) return;
if (realPath == linksDir) return false;
//Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, format("considering whether to delete '%1%'") % path);
auto storePath = maybeParseStorePath(path);
if (!storePath || !isValidPath(*storePath)) {
/* A lock file belonging to a path that we're building right
now isn't garbage. */
if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".lock")) return;
/* Wake up any client waiting for deletion of this path to
finish. */
Finally releasePending([&]() {
auto shared(state.shared.lock());
/* Don't delete .chroot directories for derivations that are
currently being built. */
if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".chroot")) return;
if (storePath) {
/* Don't delete .check directories for derivations that are
currently being built, because we may need to run
diff-hook. */
if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".check")) return;
if (!visited.insert(*storePath).second) return true;
StorePathSet visited;
if (state.alive.count(*storePath)) return false;
if (state.dead.count(*storePath)) return true;
if (state.roots.count(*storePath)) {
debug("cannot delete '%s' because it's a root", path);
return false;
if (isValidPath(*storePath)) {
StorePathSet incoming;
/* Don't delete this path if any of its referrers are alive. */
queryReferrers(*storePath, incoming);
/* If keep-derivations is set and this is a derivation, then
don't delete the derivation if any of the outputs are alive. */
if (state.gcKeepDerivations && storePath->isDerivation()) {
for (auto & [name, maybeOutPath] : queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(*storePath))
if (maybeOutPath &&
isValidPath(*maybeOutPath) &&
queryPathInfo(*maybeOutPath)->deriver == *storePath)
/* If keep-outputs is set, then don't delete this path if there
are derivers of this path that are not garbage. */
if (state.gcKeepOutputs) {
auto derivers = queryValidDerivers(*storePath);
for (auto & i : derivers)
for (auto & i : incoming)
if (i != *storePath
&& (recursive || state.options.pathsToDelete.count(i))
&& !tryToDelete(state, visited, printStorePath(i), recursive))
return false;
auto hashPart = std::string(storePath->hashPart());
auto shared(state.shared.lock());
if (shared->tempRoots.count(hashPart))
return false;
shared->pending = hashPart;
if (storePath && canReachRoot(state, visited, *storePath)) {
debug("cannot delete '%s' because it's still reachable", path);
} else {
/* No path we visited was a root, so everything is garbage.
But we only delete ‘path’ and its referrers here so that
‘nix-store --delete’ doesn't have the unexpected effect of
recursing into derivations and outputs. */
for (auto & i : visited)
if (state.shouldDelete)
deletePathRecursive(state, path);
if (state.shouldDelete) {
Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + std::string(baseNameOf(path));
struct stat st;
if (lstat(realPath.c_str(), &st)) {
if (errno == ENOENT) return true;
throw SysError("getting status of %1%", realPath);
printInfo("deleting '%1%'", path);
uint64_t bytesFreed;
deletePath(realPath, bytesFreed);
state.results.bytesFreed += bytesFreed;
if (state.results.bytesFreed > state.options.maxFreed) {
printInfo("deleted more than %d bytes; stopping", state.options.maxFreed);
throw GCLimitReached();
return true;
@ -678,7 +654,104 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
/* Acquire the global GC root. */
AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
FdLock gcLock(_state.lock()->fdGCLock.get(), ltWrite, true, "waiting for the big garbage collector lock...");
/* Start the server for receiving new roots. */
auto socketPath = stateDir.get() + gcSocketPath;
auto fdServer = createUnixDomainSocket(socketPath, 0666);
if (fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_SETFL, fcntl(fdServer.get(), F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK) == -1)
throw SysError("making socket '%1%' non-blocking", socketPath);
Pipe shutdownPipe;
std::thread serverThread([&]() {
std::map<int, std::pair<std::unique_ptr<AutoCloseFD>, std::string>> fdClients;
bool quit = false;
while (!quit) {
std::vector<struct pollfd> fds;
fds.push_back({.fd = shutdownPipe.readSide.get(), .events = POLLIN});
fds.push_back({.fd = fdServer.get(), .events = POLLIN});
for (auto & i : fdClients)
fds.push_back({.fd = i.first, .events = POLLIN});
auto count = poll(, fds.size(), -1);
assert(count != -1);
for (auto & fd : fds) {
if (!fd.revents) continue;
if (fd.fd == shutdownPipe.readSide.get())
/* Parent is asking us to quit. */
quit = true;
else if (fd.fd == fdServer.get()) {
/* Accept a new connection. */
assert(fd.revents & POLLIN);
auto fdClient = std::make_unique<AutoCloseFD>(accept(fdServer.get(), nullptr, nullptr));
if (*fdClient) {
auto fd = fdClient->get();
fdClients.insert({fd, std::make_pair(std::move(fdClient), "")});
else {
/* Receive data from a client. */
auto fdClient = fdClients.find(fd.fd);
assert(fdClient != fdClients.end());
if (fd.revents & POLLIN) {
char buf[16384];
auto n = read(fd.fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (n > 0) {
fdClient->second.second.append(buf, n);
/* Split the input into lines. */
while (true) {
auto p = fdClient->second.second.find('\n');
if (p == std::string::npos) break;
/* We got a full line. Send ack back
to the client. */
auto path = fdClient->second.second.substr(0, p);
fdClient->second.second = fdClient->second.second.substr(p + 1);
auto storePath = maybeParseStorePath(path);
if (storePath) {
debug("got new GC root '%s'", path);
auto hashPart = std::string(storePath->hashPart());
auto shared(state.shared.lock());
/* If this path is currently being
deleted, then we have to wait
until deletion is finished to
ensure that the client doesn't
start re-creating it before
we're done. FIXME: ideally we
would use a FD for this so we
don't block the poll loop. */
while (shared->pending == hashPart) {
debug("synchronising with deletion of path '%s'", path);
} else
printError("received garbage instead of a root from client");
// This could block, but meh.
try {
writeFull(fd.fd, "1", false);
} catch (SysError &) { }
} else if (n == 0)
} else
debug("GC roots server shut down");
Finally stopServer([&]() {
writeFull(shutdownPipe.writeSide.get(), "x", false);
if (serverThread.joinable()) serverThread.join();
/* Find the roots. Since we've grabbed the GC lock, the set of
permanent roots cannot increase now. */
@ -689,32 +762,26 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
for (auto & i : rootMap) state.roots.insert(i.first);
/* Read the temporary roots. This acquires read locks on all
per-process temporary root files. So after this point no paths
can be added to the set of temporary roots. */
FDs fds;
/* Read the temporary roots created before we acquired the global
GC root. Any new roots will be sent to our socket. */
Roots tempRoots;
findTempRoots(fds, tempRoots, true);
findTempRoots(tempRoots, true);
for (auto & root : tempRoots) {
/* After this point the set of roots or temporary roots cannot
increase, since we hold locks on everything. So everything
that is not reachable from `roots' is garbage. */
/* Now either delete all garbage paths, or just the specified
paths (for gcDeleteSpecific). */
if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific) {
for (auto & i : options.pathsToDelete) {
tryToDelete(state, printStorePath(i));
if (state.dead.find(i) == state.dead.end())
StorePathSet visited;
if (!tryToDelete(state, visited, printStorePath(i), false))
throw Error(
"cannot delete path '%1%' since it is still alive. "
"To find out why use: "
"To find out why, use: "
"nix-store --query --roots",
@ -727,44 +794,21 @@ void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
printInfo("determining live/dead paths...");
try {
AutoCloseDir dir(opendir(realStoreDir.get().c_str()));
if (!dir) throw SysError("opening directory '%1%'", realStoreDir);
/* Read the store and immediately delete all paths that
aren't valid. When using --max-freed etc., deleting
invalid paths is preferred over deleting unreachable
paths, since unreachable paths could become reachable
again. We don't use readDirectory() here so that GCing
can start faster. */
/* Read the store and delete all paths that are invalid or
unreachable. We don't use readDirectory() here so that
GCing can start faster. */
Paths entries;
struct dirent * dirent;
while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir.get())) {
string name = dirent->d_name;
if (name == "." || name == "..") continue;
Path path = storeDir + "/" + name;
auto storePath = maybeParseStorePath(path);
if (storePath && isValidPath(*storePath))
tryToDelete(state, path);
StorePathSet visited;
tryToDelete(state, visited, storeDir + "/" + name, true);
/* Now delete the unreachable valid paths. Randomise the
order in which we delete entries to make the collector
less biased towards deleting paths that come
alphabetically first (e.g. /nix/store/000...). This
matters when using --max-freed etc. */
vector<Path> entries_(entries.begin(), entries.end());
std::mt19937 gen(1);
std::shuffle(entries_.begin(), entries_.end(), gen);
for (auto & i : entries_)
tryToDelete(state, i);
} catch (GCLimitReached & e) {
@ -382,6 +382,11 @@ LocalStore::LocalStore(const Params & params)
(select id from Realisations where drvPath = ? and outputName = ?));
Path fnGCLock = stateDir + "/gc.lock";
state->fdGCLock = open(fnGCLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
if (!state->fdGCLock)
throw SysError("opening global GC lock '%1%'", fnGCLock);
@ -1504,7 +1509,7 @@ bool LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair)
/* Acquire the global GC lock to get a consistent snapshot of
existing and valid paths. */
AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
FdLock gcLock(_state.lock()->fdGCLock.get(), ltWrite, true, "waiting for the big garbage collector lock...");
StringSet store;
for (auto & i : readDirectory(realStoreDir)) store.insert(;
@ -1515,8 +1520,6 @@ bool LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair)
StorePathSet validPaths;
PathSet done;
fdGCLock = -1;
for (auto & i : queryAllValidPaths())
verifyPath(printStorePath(i), store, done, validPaths, repair, errors);
@ -58,9 +58,15 @@ private:
struct Stmts;
std::unique_ptr<Stmts> stmts;
/* The global GC lock */
AutoCloseFD fdGCLock;
/* The file to which we write our temporary roots. */
AutoCloseFD fdTempRoots;
/* Connection to the garbage collector. */
AutoCloseFD fdRootsSocket;
/* The last time we checked whether to do an auto-GC, or an
auto-GC finished. */
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> lastGCCheck;
@ -150,10 +156,7 @@ public:
typedef std::shared_ptr<AutoCloseFD> FDPtr;
typedef list<FDPtr> FDs;
void findTempRoots(FDs & fds, Roots & roots, bool censor);
void findTempRoots(Roots & roots, bool censor);
@ -235,18 +238,11 @@ private:
struct GCState;
void deleteGarbage(GCState & state, const Path & path);
void tryToDelete(GCState & state, const Path & path);
bool canReachRoot(GCState & state, StorePathSet & visited, const StorePath & path);
void deletePathRecursive(GCState & state, const Path & path);
bool isActiveTempFile(const GCState & state,
const Path & path, const string & suffix);
AutoCloseFD openGCLock(LockType lockType);
bool tryToDelete(
GCState & state,
StorePathSet & visited,
const Path & path,
bool recursive);
void findRoots(const Path & path, unsigned char type, Roots & roots);
@ -176,4 +176,17 @@ void PathLocks::setDeletion(bool deletePaths)
FdLock::FdLock(int fd, LockType lockType, bool wait, std::string_view waitMsg)
: fd(fd)
if (wait) {
if (!lockFile(fd, lockType, false)) {
printInfo("%s", waitMsg);
acquired = lockFile(fd, lockType, true);
} else
acquired = lockFile(fd, lockType, false);
@ -35,4 +35,18 @@ public:
void setDeletion(bool deletePaths);
struct FdLock
int fd;
bool acquired = false;
FdLock(int fd, LockType lockType, bool wait, std::string_view waitMsg);
if (acquired)
lockFile(fd, ltNone, false);
@ -56,14 +56,7 @@ ref<RemoteStore::Connection> UDSRemoteStore::openConnection()
auto conn = make_ref<Connection>();
/* Connect to a daemon that does the privileged work for us. */
conn->fd = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM
, 0);
if (!conn->fd)
throw SysError("cannot create Unix domain socket");
conn->fd = createUnixDomainSocket();
nix::connect(conn->fd.get(), path ? *path : settings.nixDaemonSocketFile);
@ -1670,7 +1670,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<InterruptCallback> createInterruptCallback(std::function<void()>
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket(const Path & path, mode_t mode)
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket()
AutoCloseFD fdSocket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM
@ -1679,8 +1679,14 @@ AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket(const Path & path, mode_t mode)
, 0);
if (!fdSocket)
throw SysError("cannot create Unix domain socket");
return fdSocket;
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket(const Path & path, mode_t mode)
auto fdSocket = nix::createUnixDomainSocket();
bind(fdSocket.get(), path);
@ -571,6 +571,9 @@ extern PathFilter defaultPathFilter;
/* Common initialisation performed in child processes. */
void commonChildInit(Pipe & logPipe);
/* Create a Unix domain socket. */
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket();
/* Create a Unix domain socket in listen mode. */
AutoCloseFD createUnixDomainSocket(const Path & path, mode_t mode);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ requireDaemonNewerThan "2.4pre20210621"
# Get the output path of `rootCA`, and put some garbage instead
outPath="$(nix-build ./content-addressed.nix -A rootCA --no-out-link)"
nix-store --delete "$outPath"
nix-store --delete $(nix-store -q --referrers-closure "$outPath")
touch "$outPath"
# The build should correctly remove the garbage and put the expected path instead
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ nix-store --verify-path $path2
chmod u+w $path2
touch $path2/bad
nix-store --delete $(nix-store -qd $path2)
nix-store --delete $(nix-store -q --referrers-closure $(nix-store -qd $path2))
(! nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair)
Add table
Reference in a new issue