nix store --help: Include store type documentation
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 102 additions and 60 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ toplevel }:
with builtins;
with import ./utils.nix;
@ -63,7 +63,10 @@ let
* [`${command} ${name}`](./${appendName filename name}.md) - ${subcmd.description}
maybeDocumentation = if details ? doc then details.doc else "";
maybeDocumentation =
if details ? doc
then replaceStrings ["@stores@"] [storeDocs] details.doc
else "";
maybeOptions = if details.flags == {} then "" else ''
# Options
@ -110,13 +113,13 @@ let
in [ cmd ] ++ concatMap subcommand (attrNames details.commands or {});
parsedToplevel = builtins.fromJSON toplevel;
cliDump = builtins.fromJSON cliDumpStr;
manpages = processCommand {
command = "nix";
details = parsedToplevel;
details = cliDump.args;
filename = "nix";
toplevel = parsedToplevel;
toplevel = cliDump.args;
tableOfContents = let
@ -124,4 +127,14 @@ let
" - [${page.command}](command-ref/new-cli/${})";
in concatStringsSep "\n" (map showEntry manpages) + "\n";
storeDocs =
showStore = name: { settings }:
## ${name}
${showSettings false settings}
in concatStrings (attrValues (mapAttrs showStore cliDump.stores));
in (listToAttrs manpages) // { "" = tableOfContents; }
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
inherit (builtins) attrNames concatStringsSep isAttrs isBool;
inherit (import ./utils.nix) concatStrings squash splitLines;
showOption = name:
inherit (optionsInfo.${name}) description documentDefault defaultValue aliases;
result = squash ''
- <span id="conf-${name}">[`${name}`](#conf-${name})</span>
${indent " " body}
# separate body to cleanly handle indentation
body = ''
**Default:** ${showDefault documentDefault defaultValue}
${showAliases aliases}
showDefault = documentDefault: defaultValue:
if documentDefault then
# a StringMap value type is specified as a string, but
# this shows the value type. The empty stringmap is `null` in
# JSON, but that converts to `{ }` here.
if defaultValue == "" || defaultValue == [] || isAttrs defaultValue
then "*empty*"
else if isBool defaultValue then
if defaultValue then "`true`" else "`false`"
else "`${toString defaultValue}`"
else "*machine-specific*";
showAliases = aliases:
if aliases == [] then "" else
"**Deprecated alias:** ${(concatStringsSep ", " (map (s: "`${s}`") aliases))}";
indent = prefix: s:
concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: if x == "" then x else "${prefix}${x}") (splitLines s));
in result;
in concatStrings (map showOption (attrNames optionsInfo))
@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ $(d)/src/ $(d)/src/ $(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli
@$(call process-includes,$@,$@)
$(d)/src/command-ref/new-cli: $(d)/nix.json $(d)/generate-manpage.nix $(bindir)/nix
@rm -rf $@
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix { toplevel = builtins.readFile $<; }'
@rm -rf $@ $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix (builtins.readFile $<)'
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/src/command-ref/ $(d)/conf-file.json $(d)/generate-options.nix $(d)/src/command-ref/ $(bindir)/nix
$(d)/src/command-ref/ $(d)/conf-file.json $(d)/utils.nix $(d)/src/command-ref/ $(bindir)/nix
@cat doc/manual/src/command-ref/ > $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-options.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp;
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr '(import doc/manual/utils.nix).showSettings true (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@.tmp;
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/nix.json: $(bindir)/nix
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(bindir)/nix __dump-args > $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(bindir)/nix __dump-cli > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
$(d)/conf-file.json: $(bindir)/nix
@ -38,4 +38,41 @@ rec {
filterAttrs = pred: set:
listToAttrs (concatMap (name: let v = set.${name}; in if pred name v then [(nameValuePair name v)] else []) (attrNames set));
showSetting = useSpans: name: { description, documentDefault, defaultValue, aliases, ... }:
result = squash ''
- ${if useSpans
then ''<span id="conf-${name}">[`${name}`](#conf-${name})</span>''
else ''[`${name}`](#conf-${name})''}
${indent " " body}
# separate body to cleanly handle indentation
body = ''
**Default:** ${showDefault documentDefault defaultValue}
${showAliases aliases}
showDefault = documentDefault: defaultValue:
if documentDefault then
# a StringMap value type is specified as a string, but
# this shows the value type. The empty stringmap is `null` in
# JSON, but that converts to `{ }` here.
if defaultValue == "" || defaultValue == [] || isAttrs defaultValue
then "*empty*"
else if isBool defaultValue then
if defaultValue then "`true`" else "`false`"
else "`${toString defaultValue}`"
else "*machine-specific*";
showAliases = aliases:
if aliases == [] then "" else
"**Deprecated alias:** ${(concatStringsSep ", " (map (s: "`${s}`") aliases))}";
indent = prefix: s:
concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: if x == "" then x else "${prefix}${x}") (splitLines s));
in result;
showSettings = useSpans: settingsInfo: concatStrings (attrValues (mapAttrs (showSetting useSpans) settingsInfo));
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ struct HttpBinaryCacheStoreConfig : virtual BinaryCacheStoreConfig
using BinaryCacheStoreConfig::BinaryCacheStoreConfig;
const std::string name() override { return "Http Binary Cache Store"; }
const std::string name() override { return "HTTP Binary Cache Store"; }
class HttpBinaryCacheStore : public virtual HttpBinaryCacheStoreConfig, public virtual BinaryCacheStore
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct CmdDescribeStores : Command, MixJSON
for (auto & implem : *Implementations::registered) {
auto storeConfig = implem.getConfig();
auto storeName = storeConfig->name();
res[storeName] = storeConfig->toJSON();
res[storeName]["settings"] = storeConfig->toJSON();
if (json) {
logger->cout("%s", res);
@ -164,11 +164,28 @@ struct NixArgs : virtual MultiCommand, virtual MixCommonArgs
commands = RegisterCommand::getCommandsFor({});
std::string dumpCli()
auto res = nlohmann::json::object();
res["args"] = toJSON();
auto stores = nlohmann::json::object();
for (auto & implem : *Implementations::registered) {
auto storeConfig = implem.getConfig();
auto storeName = storeConfig->name();
stores[storeName]["settings"] = storeConfig->toJSON();
res["stores"] = std::move(stores);
return res.dump();
/* Render the help for the specified subcommand to stdout using
lowdown. */
static void showHelp(std::vector<std::string> subcommand, MultiCommand & toplevel)
static void showHelp(std::vector<std::string> subcommand, NixArgs & toplevel)
auto mdName = subcommand.empty() ? "nix" : fmt("nix3-%s", concatStringsSep("-", subcommand));
@ -189,11 +206,11 @@ static void showHelp(std::vector<std::string> subcommand, MultiCommand & topleve
, "/"),
auto attrs = state.buildBindings(16);
auto vDump = state.allocValue();
auto vRes = state.allocValue();
state.callFunction(*vGenerateManpage, state.allocValue()->mkAttrs(attrs), *vRes, noPos);
state.callFunction(*vGenerateManpage, *vDump, *vRes, noPos);
auto attr = vRes->attrs->get(state.symbols.create(mdName + ".md"));
if (!attr)
@ -234,7 +251,7 @@ struct CmdHelp : Command
MultiCommand * toplevel = parent;
while (toplevel->parent) toplevel = toplevel->parent;
showHelp(subcommand, *toplevel);
showHelp(subcommand, dynamic_cast<NixArgs &>(*toplevel));
@ -291,8 +308,8 @@ void mainWrapped(int argc, char * * argv)
NixArgs args;
if (argc == 2 && std::string(argv[1]) == "__dump-args") {
logger->cout("%s", args.toJSON());
if (argc == 2 && std::string(argv[1]) == "__dump-cli") {
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ struct CmdStore : virtual NixMultiCommand
return "manipulate a Nix store";
std::string doc() override
#include ""
Category category() override { return catUtility; }
void run() override
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Store types
Nix supports different types of stores. These are listed below.
Add table
Reference in a new issue