Merge branch 'flakeRegistryMapsFromRef' into flakes
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 440 additions and 283 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
"version": 1,
"flakes": {
"dwarffs": {
"uri": "github:edolstra/dwarffs/flake"
@ -7,5 +6,6 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"uri": "github:edolstra/nixpkgs/flake"
"version": 1
@ -18,21 +18,18 @@ std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> readRegistry(const Path & path)
auto registry = std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
try {
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path));
if (!pathExists(path))
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
auto version = json.value("version", 0);
if (version != 1)
throw Error("flake registry '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version);
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path));
auto flakes = json["flakes"];
for (auto i = flakes.begin(); i != flakes.end(); ++i) {
FlakeRegistry::Entry entry{FlakeRef(i->value("uri", ""))};
registry->entries.emplace(i.key(), entry);
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo != ENOENT) throw;
auto version = json.value("version", 0);
if (version != 1)
throw Error("flake registry '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version);
auto flakes = json["flakes"];
for (auto i = flakes.begin(); i != flakes.end(); ++i)
registry->entries.emplace(i.key(), FlakeRef(i->value("uri", "")));
return registry;
@ -40,48 +37,137 @@ std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> readRegistry(const Path & path)
/* Write the registry or lock file to a file. */
void writeRegistry(FlakeRegistry registry, Path path)
nlohmann::json json = {};
nlohmann::json json;
json["version"] = 1;
json["flakes"] = {};
for (auto elem : registry.entries) {
json["flakes"][elem.first] = { {"uri", elem.second.ref.to_string()} };
for (auto elem : registry.entries)
json["flakes"][elem.first.to_string()] = { {"uri", elem.second.to_string()} };
writeFile(path, json.dump(4)); // The '4' is the number of spaces used in the indentation in the json file.
LockFile::FlakeEntry readFlakeEntry(nlohmann::json json)
FlakeRef flakeRef(json["uri"]);
if (!flakeRef.isImmutable())
throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef.to_string());
LockFile::FlakeEntry entry(flakeRef);
auto nonFlakeRequires = json["nonFlakeRequires"];
for (auto i = nonFlakeRequires.begin(); i != nonFlakeRequires.end(); ++i) {
FlakeRef flakeRef(i->value("uri", ""));
if (!flakeRef.isImmutable())
throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef.to_string());
entry.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), flakeRef);
auto requires = json["requires"];
for (auto i = requires.begin(); i != requires.end(); ++i)
entry.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), readFlakeEntry(*i));
return entry;
LockFile readLockFile(const Path & path)
LockFile lockFile;
if (!pathExists(path))
return lockFile;
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path));
auto version = json.value("version", 0);
if (version != 1)
throw Error("lock file '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version);
auto nonFlakeRequires = json["nonFlakeRequires"];
for (auto i = nonFlakeRequires.begin(); i != nonFlakeRequires.end(); ++i) {
FlakeRef flakeRef(i->value("uri", ""));
if (!flakeRef.isImmutable())
throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", flakeRef.to_string());
lockFile.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), flakeRef);
auto requires = json["requires"];
for (auto i = requires.begin(); i != requires.end(); ++i)
lockFile.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(i.key(), readFlakeEntry(*i));
return lockFile;
nlohmann::json flakeEntryToJson(LockFile::FlakeEntry & entry)
nlohmann::json json;
json["uri"] = entry.ref.to_string();
for (auto & x : entry.nonFlakeEntries)
json["nonFlakeRequires"][x.first]["uri"] = x.second.to_string();
for (auto & x : entry.flakeEntries)
json["requires"][x.first] = flakeEntryToJson(x.second);
return json;
void writeLockFile(LockFile lockFile, Path path)
nlohmann::json json;
json["version"] = 1;
for (auto & x : lockFile.nonFlakeEntries)
json["nonFlakeRequires"][x.first]["uri"] = x.second.to_string();
for (auto & x : lockFile.flakeEntries)
json["requires"][x.first] = flakeEntryToJson(x.second);
writeFile(path, json.dump(4)); // '4' = indentation in json file
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getGlobalRegistry()
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
Path getUserRegistryPath()
return getHome() + "/.config/nix/registry.json";
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getGlobalRegistry()
// FIXME: get from
Path registryFile = settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/flake-registry.json";
return readRegistry(registryFile);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getUserRegistry()
return readRegistry(getUserRegistryPath());
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getLocalRegistry()
Path registryFile = settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/flake-registry.json";
return readRegistry(registryFile);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getFlagRegistry()
// TODO (Nick): Implement this.
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
// TODO: Implement this once the right flags are implemented.
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> EvalState::getFlakeRegistries()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries;
if (evalSettings.pureEval) {
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // global
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // user
registries.push_back(std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>()); // local
} else {
return registries;
// Creates a Nix attribute set value listing all dependencies, so they can be used in `provides`.
Value * makeFlakeRegistryValue(EvalState & state)
auto v = state.allocValue();
@ -95,9 +181,9 @@ Value * makeFlakeRegistryValue(EvalState & state)
for (auto & registry : registries) {
for (auto & entry : registry->entries) {
auto vEntry = state.allocAttr(*v, entry.first);
auto vEntry = state.allocAttr(*v, entry.first.to_string());
state.mkAttrs(*vEntry, 2);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vEntry, state.symbols.create("uri")), entry.second.ref.to_string());
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vEntry, state.symbols.create("uri")), entry.second.to_string());
@ -108,21 +194,30 @@ Value * makeFlakeRegistryValue(EvalState & state)
static FlakeRef lookupFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries, std::vector<FlakeRef> pastSearches = {})
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(& {
for (auto registry : registries) {
auto i = registry->entries.find(refData->id);
if (i != registry->entries.end()) {
auto newRef = FlakeRef(i->second.ref);
if (!newRef.isDirect())
throw Error("found indirect flake URI '%s' in the flake registry", i->second.ref.to_string());
return newRef;
for (std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> registry : registries) {
auto i = registry->entries.find(flakeRef);
if (i != registry->entries.end()) {
auto newRef = i->second;
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsAlias>(& {
if (flakeRef.ref) newRef.ref = flakeRef.ref;
if (flakeRef.rev) newRef.rev = flakeRef.rev;
std::string errorMsg = "found cycle in flake registries: ";
for (FlakeRef oldRef : pastSearches) {
errorMsg += oldRef.to_string();
if (oldRef == newRef)
throw Error(errorMsg);
errorMsg += " - ";
return lookupFlake(state, newRef, registries, pastSearches);
throw Error("cannot find flake '%s' in the flake registry or in the flake lock file", refData->id);
} else
return flakeRef;
if (!flakeRef.isDirect())
throw Error("indirect flake URI '%s' is the result of a lookup", flakeRef.to_string());
return flakeRef;
struct FlakeSourceInfo
@ -132,17 +227,14 @@ struct FlakeSourceInfo
std::optional<uint64_t> revCount;
static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef flakeRef, bool impureIsAllowed = false)
FlakeRef directFlakeRef = FlakeRef(flakeRef);
if (!flakeRef.isDirect()) {
directFlakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, state.getFlakeRegistries());
// NOTE FROM NICK: I don't see why one wouldn't fetch FlakeId flakes..
FlakeRef fRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, state.getFlakeRegistries());
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
// FIXME: require hash in pure mode.
// This only downloads only one revision of the repo, not the entire history.
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
if (evalSettings.pureEval && !impureIsAllowed && !fRef.isImmutable())
throw Error("requested to fetch FlakeRef '%s' purely, which is mutable", fRef.to_string());
// FIXME: use regular /archive URLs instead?
// might have stricter rate limits.
@ -151,14 +243,11 @@ static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
auto url = fmt("",
refData->owner, refData->repo,
? refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false)
: refData->ref
? *refData->ref
: "master");
fRef.rev ? fRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false)
: fRef.ref ? *fRef.ref : "master");
auto result = getDownloader()->downloadCached(, url, true, "source",
Hash(), nullptr, refData->rev ? 1000000000 : settings.tarballTtl);
Hash(), nullptr, fRef.rev ? 1000000000 : settings.tarballTtl);
if (!result.etag)
throw Error("did not receive an ETag header from '%s'", url);
@ -173,9 +262,10 @@ static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
return info;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, refData->uri, refData->ref,
refData->rev ? refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "", "source");
// This downloads the entire git history
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, refData->uri, fRef.ref,
fRef.rev ? fRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "", "source");
FlakeSourceInfo info;
info.storePath = gitInfo.storePath;
info.rev = Hash(gitInfo.rev, htSHA1);
@ -183,7 +273,7 @@ static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
return info;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(& {
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(& {
if (!pathExists(refData->path + "/.git"))
throw Error("flake '%s' does not reference a Git repository", refData->path);
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, refData->path, {}, "", "source");
@ -197,9 +287,10 @@ static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
else abort();
Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
// This will return the flake which corresponds to a given FlakeRef. The lookupFlake is done within this function.
Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureIsAllowed = false)
auto sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef);
FlakeSourceInfo sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef);
debug("got flake source '%s' with revision %s",
sourceInfo.storePath, sourceInfo.rev.value_or(Hash(htSHA1)).to_string(Base16, false));
@ -209,16 +300,13 @@ Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
if (state.allowedPaths)
FlakeRef newFlakeRef(flakeRef);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
FlakeSourceInfo srcInfo = fetchFlake(state, newFlakeRef);
if (srcInfo.rev) {
std::string uri = flakeRef.baseRef().to_string();
newFlakeRef = FlakeRef(uri + "/" + srcInfo.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
Flake flake(flakeRef);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
if (sourceInfo.rev)
flake.ref = FlakeRef(flakeRef.baseRef().to_string()
+ "/" + sourceInfo.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
Flake flake(newFlakeRef);
flake.path = flakePath;
flake.revCount = sourceInfo.revCount;
@ -242,141 +330,142 @@ Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
*(**requires).value->listElems()[n], *(**requires).pos)));
if (std::optional<Attr *> nonFlakeRequires = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("nonFlakeRequires"))) {
state.forceAttrs(*(**nonFlakeRequires).value, *(**nonFlakeRequires).pos);
for (Attr attr : *(*(**nonFlakeRequires).value).attrs) {
std::string myNonFlakeUri = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, *attr.pos);
FlakeRef nonFlakeRef = FlakeRef(myNonFlakeUri);
flake.nonFlakeRequires.insert_or_assign(, nonFlakeRef);
if (auto provides = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("provides"))) {
state.forceFunction(*(**provides).value, *(**provides).pos);
flake.vProvides = (**provides).value;
} else
throw Error("flake lacks attribute 'provides'");
auto lockFile = flakePath + "/flake.lock"; // FIXME: symlink attack
const Path lockFile = flakePath + "/flake.lock"; // FIXME: symlink attack
if (pathExists(lockFile)) {
flake.lockFile = readRegistry(lockFile);
for (auto & entry : flake.lockFile->entries)
if (!entry.second.ref.isImmutable())
throw Error("flake lock file '%s' contains mutable entry '%s'",
lockFile, entry.second.ref.to_string());
flake.lockFile = readLockFile(lockFile);
return flake;
// Get the `NonFlake` corresponding to a `FlakeRef`.
NonFlake getNonFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, FlakeAlias alias)
FlakeSourceInfo sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef);
debug("got non-flake source '%s' with revision %s",
sourceInfo.storePath, sourceInfo.rev.value_or(Hash(htSHA1)).to_string(Base16, false));
auto flakePath = sourceInfo.storePath;
if (state.allowedPaths)
NonFlake nonFlake(flakeRef);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
if (sourceInfo.rev)
nonFlake.ref = FlakeRef(flakeRef.baseRef().to_string()
+ "/" + sourceInfo.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
nonFlake.path = flakePath;
nonFlake.alias = alias;
return nonFlake;
/* Given a flake reference, recursively fetch it and its
FIXME: this should return a graph of flakes.
static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & state,
const FlakeRef & topRef, bool impureTopRef)
Dependencies resolveFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & topRef, bool impureTopRef, bool isTopFlake)
std::map<FlakeId, Flake> done;
std::queue<std::tuple<FlakeRef, bool>> todo;
std::optional<FlakeId> topFlakeId; /// FIXME: ambiguous
todo.push({topRef, true});
Flake flake = getFlake(state, topRef, isTopFlake && impureTopRef);
Dependencies deps(flake);
auto registries = state.getFlakeRegistries();
//std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> localRegistry =;
for (auto & nonFlakeInfo : flake.nonFlakeRequires)
deps.nonFlakeDeps.push_back(getNonFlake(state, nonFlakeInfo.second, nonFlakeInfo.first));
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto [flakeRef, toplevel] = todo.front();
for (auto & newFlakeRef : flake.requires)
deps.flakeDeps.push_back(resolveFlake(state, newFlakeRef, false));
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(& {
if (done.count(refData->id)) continue; // optimization
flakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef,
!evalSettings.pureEval || (toplevel && impureTopRef) ? registries : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>>());
// This is why we need the `registries`.
#if 0
if (evalSettings.pureEval && !flakeRef.isImmutable() && (!toplevel || !impureTopRef))
throw Error("mutable flake '%s' is not allowed in pure mode; use --impure to disable", flakeRef.to_string());
auto flake = getFlake(state, flakeRef);
if (done.count( continue;
if (toplevel) topFlakeId =;
for (auto & require : flake.requires)
todo.push({require, false});
#if 0
// The following piece of code basically adds the FlakeRefs from
// the lockfiles of dependencies to the localRegistry. This is used
// to resolve future `FlakeId`s, in `lookupFlake` a bit above this.
if (flake.lockFile)
for (auto & entry : flake.lockFile->entries) {
if (localRegistry->entries.count(entry.first)) continue;
localRegistry->entries.emplace(entry.first, entry.second);
done.emplace(, std::move(flake));
return {*topFlakeId, std::move(done)};
return deps;
FlakeRegistry updateLockFile(EvalState & evalState, FlakeRef & flakeRef)
LockFile::FlakeEntry dependenciesToFlakeEntry(Dependencies & deps)
FlakeRegistry newLockFile;
std::map<FlakeId, Flake> myDependencyMap = get<1>(resolveFlake(evalState, flakeRef, false));
// Nick assumed that "topRefPure" means that the Flake for flakeRef can be
// fetched purely.
for (auto const& require : myDependencyMap) {
FlakeRegistry::Entry entry = FlakeRegistry::Entry(require.second.ref);
// The FlakeRefs are immutable because they come out of the Flake objects,
// not from the requires.
newLockFile.entries.insert(std::pair<FlakeId, FlakeRegistry::Entry>(require.first, entry));
return newLockFile;
LockFile::FlakeEntry entry(deps.flake.ref);
for (Dependencies & deps : deps.flakeDeps)
entry.flakeEntries.insert_or_assign(, dependenciesToFlakeEntry(deps));
for (NonFlake & nonFlake : deps.nonFlakeDeps)
entry.nonFlakeEntries.insert_or_assign(nonFlake.alias, nonFlake.ref);
return entry;
void updateLockFile(EvalState & state, std::string path)
LockFile getLockFile(EvalState & evalState, FlakeRef & flakeRef)
Dependencies deps = resolveFlake(evalState, flakeRef, true);
LockFile::FlakeEntry entry = dependenciesToFlakeEntry(deps);
LockFile lockFile;
lockFile.flakeEntries = entry.flakeEntries;
lockFile.nonFlakeEntries = entry.nonFlakeEntries;
return lockFile;
void updateLockFile(EvalState & state, Path path)
// 'path' is the path to the local flake repo.
FlakeRef flakeRef = FlakeRef("file://" + path);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
FlakeRegistry newLockFile = updateLockFile(state, flakeRef);
writeRegistry(newLockFile, path + "/flake.lock");
LockFile lockFile = getLockFile(state, flakeRef);
writeLockFile(lockFile, path + "/flake.lock");
} else if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
throw UsageError("you can only update local flakes, not flakes on GitHub");
} else {
throw UsageError("you can only update local flakes, not flakes through their FlakeId");
throw UsageError("you can only update local flakes, not flakes through their FlakeAlias");
// Return the `provides` of the top flake, while assigning to `v` the provides
// of the dependencies as well.
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureTopRef, Value & v)
auto [topFlakeId, flakes] = resolveFlake(state, flakeRef, impureTopRef);
Dependencies deps = resolveFlake(state, flakeRef, impureTopRef);
// FIXME: we should call each flake with only its dependencies
// (rather than the closure of the top-level flake).
auto vResult = state.allocValue();
// This will store the attribute set of the `nonFlakeRequires` and the `requires.provides`.
state.mkAttrs(*vResult, flakes.size());
state.mkAttrs(*vResult, deps.flakeDeps.size());
Value * vTop = 0;
Value * vTop = state.allocAttr(*vResult,;
for (auto & flake : flakes) {
auto vFlake = state.allocAttr(*vResult,;
if (topFlakeId == vTop = vFlake;
for (auto & dep : deps.flakeDeps) {
Flake flake = dep.flake;
auto vFlake = state.allocAttr(*vResult,;
state.mkAttrs(*vFlake, 4);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sDescription), flake.second.description);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sDescription), flake.description);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sOutPath), flake.second.path, {flake.second.path});
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sOutPath), flake.path, {flake.path});
if (flake.second.revCount)
mkInt(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.symbols.create("revCount")), *flake.second.revCount);
if (flake.revCount)
mkInt(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.symbols.create("revCount")), *flake.revCount);
auto vProvides = state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.symbols.create("provides"));
mkApp(*vProvides, *flake.second.vProvides, *vResult);
mkApp(*vProvides, *flake.vProvides, *vResult);
@ -389,6 +478,7 @@ Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impure
return vTop;
// This function is exposed to be used in nix files.
static void prim_getFlake(EvalState & state, const Pos & pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
makeFlakeValue(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos), false, v);
@ -10,13 +10,21 @@ class EvalState;
struct FlakeRegistry
struct Entry
std::map<FlakeRef, FlakeRef> entries;
struct LockFile
struct FlakeEntry
FlakeRef ref;
Entry(const FlakeRef & flakeRef) : ref(flakeRef) {};
Entry operator=(const Entry & entry) { return Entry(entry.ref); }
std::map<FlakeId, FlakeEntry> flakeEntries;
std::map<FlakeId, FlakeRef> nonFlakeEntries;
FlakeEntry(const FlakeRef & flakeRef) : ref(flakeRef) {};
std::map<FlakeId, Entry> entries;
std::map<FlakeId, FlakeEntry> flakeEntries;
std::map<FlakeId, FlakeRef> nonFlakeEntries;
Path getUserRegistryPath();
@ -37,17 +45,37 @@ struct Flake
Path path;
std::optional<uint64_t> revCount;
std::vector<FlakeRef> requires;
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> lockFile;
LockFile lockFile;
std::map<FlakeAlias, FlakeRef> nonFlakeRequires;
Value * vProvides; // FIXME: gc
// commit hash
// date
// content hash
Flake(FlakeRef & flakeRef) : ref(flakeRef) {};
Flake(const FlakeRef flakeRef) : ref(flakeRef) {};
Flake getFlake(EvalState &, const FlakeRef &);
struct NonFlake
FlakeAlias alias;
FlakeRef ref;
Path path;
// date
// content hash
NonFlake(const FlakeRef flakeRef) : ref(flakeRef) {};
Flake getFlake(EvalState &, const FlakeRef &, bool impureIsAllowed);
struct Dependencies
Flake flake;
std::vector<Dependencies> flakeDeps; // The flake dependencies
std::vector<NonFlake> nonFlakeDeps;
Dependencies(const Flake & flake) : flake(flake) {}
Dependencies resolveFlake(EvalState &, const FlakeRef &, bool impureTopRef, bool isTopFlake = true);
FlakeRegistry updateLockFile(EvalState &, Flake &);
void updateLockFile(EvalState &, std::string);
void updateLockFile(EvalState &, Path path);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const static std::string revOrRefRegex = "(?:(" + revRegexS + ")|(" + refRegex +
// "master/e72daba8250068216d79d2aeef40d4d95aff6666").
const static std::string refAndOrRevRegex = "(?:(" + revRegexS + ")|(?:(" + refRegex + ")(?:/(" + revRegexS + "))?))";
const static std::string flakeId = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*";
const static std::string flakeAlias = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*";
// GitHub references.
const static std::string ownerRegex = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*";
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ FlakeRef::FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative)
// FIXME: could combine this into one regex.
static std::regex flakeRegex(
"(?:flake:)?(" + flakeId + ")(?:/(?:" + refAndOrRevRegex + "))?",
"(?:flake:)?(" + flakeAlias + ")(?:/(?:" + refAndOrRevRegex + "))?",
static std::regex githubRegex(
@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ FlakeRef::FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative)
std::cmatch match;
if (std::regex_match(uri.c_str(), match, flakeRegex)) {
IsFlakeId d;
|||| = match[1];
IsAlias d;
d.alias = match[1];
if (match[2].matched)
d.rev = Hash(match[2], htSHA1);
rev = Hash(match[2], htSHA1);
else if (match[3].matched) {
d.ref = match[3];
ref = match[3];
if (match[4].matched)
d.rev = Hash(match[4], htSHA1);
rev = Hash(match[4], htSHA1);
data = d;
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ FlakeRef::FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative)
d.owner = match[1];
d.repo = match[2];
if (match[3].matched)
d.rev = Hash(match[3], htSHA1);
rev = Hash(match[3], htSHA1);
else if (match[4].matched) {
d.ref = match[4];
ref = match[4];
data = d;
@ -92,16 +92,16 @@ FlakeRef::FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative)
if (name == "rev") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, revRegex))
throw Error("invalid Git revision '%s'", value);
d.rev = Hash(value, htSHA1);
rev = Hash(value, htSHA1);
} else if (name == "ref") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, refRegex2))
throw Error("invalid Git ref '%s'", value);
d.ref = value;
ref = value;
} else
// FIXME: should probably pass through unknown parameters
throw Error("invalid Git flake reference parameter '%s', in '%s'", name, uri);
if (d.rev && !d.ref)
if (rev && !ref)
throw Error("flake URI '%s' lacks a Git ref", uri);
data = d;
@ -118,66 +118,40 @@ FlakeRef::FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative)
std::string FlakeRef::to_string() const
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(&data)) {
"flake:" + refData->id +
(refData->ref ? "/" + *refData->ref : "") +
(refData->rev ? "/" + refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "");
std::string string;
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsAlias>(&data))
string = "flake:" + refData->alias;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(&data)) {
assert(!refData->ref || !refData->rev);
"github:" + refData->owner + "/" + refData->repo +
(refData->ref ? "/" + *refData->ref : "") +
(refData->rev ? "/" + refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "");
assert(!ref || !rev);
string = "github:" + refData->owner + "/" + refData->repo;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(&data)) {
assert(refData->ref || !refData->rev);
refData->uri +
(refData->ref ? "?ref=" + *refData->ref : "") +
(refData->rev ? "&rev=" + refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "");
assert(ref || !rev);
string = refData->uri;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(&data)) {
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(&data))
return refData->path;
else abort();
string += (ref ? "/" + *ref : "") +
(rev ? "/" + rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "");
return string;
bool FlakeRef::isImmutable() const
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(&data))
return (bool) refData->rev;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(&data))
return (bool) refData->rev;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(&data))
return (bool) refData->rev;
else if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(&data))
return false;
else abort();
return (bool) rev;
FlakeRef FlakeRef::baseRef() const // Removes the ref and rev from a FlakeRef.
FlakeRef result(*this);
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
refData->ref = std::nullopt;
refData->rev = std::nullopt;
} else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
refData->ref = std::nullopt;
refData->rev = std::nullopt;
} else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
refData->ref = std::nullopt;
refData->rev = std::nullopt;
result.ref = std::nullopt;
result.rev = std::nullopt;
return result;
@ -98,53 +98,65 @@ namespace nix {
typedef std::string FlakeId;
typedef std::string FlakeAlias;
typedef std::string FlakeUri;
struct FlakeRef
struct IsFlakeId
struct IsAlias
FlakeId id;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
FlakeAlias alias;
bool operator<(const IsAlias & b) const { return alias < b.alias; };
bool operator==(const IsAlias & b) const { return alias == b.alias; };
struct IsGitHub
struct IsGitHub {
std::string owner, repo;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
bool operator<(const IsGitHub & b) const {
return std::make_tuple(owner, repo) < std::make_tuple(b.owner, b.repo);
bool operator==(const IsGitHub & b) const {
return owner == b.owner && repo == b.repo;
// Git, Tarball
struct IsGit
std::string uri;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
bool operator<(const IsGit & b) const { return uri < b.uri; }
bool operator==(const IsGit & b) const { return uri == b.uri; }
struct IsPath
Path path;
bool operator<(const IsPath & b) const { return path < b.path; }
bool operator==(const IsPath & b) const { return path == b.path; }
// Git, Tarball
std::variant<IsFlakeId, IsGitHub, IsGit, IsPath> data;
std::variant<IsAlias, IsGitHub, IsGit, IsPath> data;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
bool operator<(const FlakeRef & flakeRef) const
return std::make_tuple(this->data, ref, rev) <
std::make_tuple(, flakeRef.ref, flakeRef.rev);
bool operator==(const FlakeRef & flakeRef) const
return std::make_tuple(this->data, ref, rev) ==
std::make_tuple(, flakeRef.ref, flakeRef.rev);
// Parse a flake URI.
FlakeRef(const std::string & uri, bool allowRelative = false);
// Default constructor
FlakeRef(const FlakeRef & flakeRef) : data( {};
/* Unify two flake references so that the resulting reference
combines the information from both. For example,
"nixpkgs/<hash>" and "github:NixOS/nixpkgs" unifies to
"nixpkgs/master". May throw an exception if the references are
incompatible (e.g. "nixpkgs/<hash1>" and "nixpkgs/<hash2>",
where hash1 != hash2). */
FlakeRef(const FlakeRef & a, const FlakeRef & b);
// FIXME: change to operator <<.
std::string to_string() const;
@ -152,7 +164,7 @@ struct FlakeRef
a flake ID, which requires a lookup in the flake registry. */
bool isDirect() const
return !std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(&data);
return !std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsAlias>(&data);
/* Check whether this is an "immutable" flake reference, that is,
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ struct CmdBuild : MixDryRun, InstallablesCommand
Path outLink = "result";
std::optional<std::string> gitRepo = std::nullopt;
bool updateLock = true;
@ -28,9 +27,9 @@ struct CmdBuild : MixDryRun, InstallablesCommand
.set(&outLink, Path(""));
.description("update the lock file")
.description("don't update the lock file")
.set(&updateLock, false);
std::string name() override
@ -78,8 +77,11 @@ struct CmdBuild : MixDryRun, InstallablesCommand
if (gitRepo)
updateLockFile(*evalState, *gitRepo);
// FlakeUri flakeUri = "";
// if(updateLock)
// for (uint i = 0; i < installables.size(); i++)
// // if (auto flakeUri = installableToFlakeUri)
// updateLockFile(*evalState, flakeUri);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "args.hh"
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include "common-eval-args.hh"
namespace nix {
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ struct GitRepoCommand : virtual Args
struct FlakeCommand : virtual Args
std::string flakeUri;
FlakeUri flakeUri;
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "progress-bar.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <queue>
using namespace nix;
@ -28,10 +28,70 @@ struct CmdFlakeList : StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
for (auto & registry : registries) {
for (auto & entry : registry->entries) {
std::cout << entry.first << " " << entry.second.ref.to_string() << "\n";
for (auto & registry : registries)
for (auto & entry : registry->entries)
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
void printFlakeInfo(Flake & flake, bool json) {
if (json) {
nlohmann::json j;
j["id"] =;
j["location"] = flake.path;
j["description"] = flake.description;
std::cout << j.dump(4) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "ID: " << << "\n";
std::cout << "Description: " << flake.description << "\n";
std::cout << "Location: " << flake.path << "\n";
void printNonFlakeInfo(NonFlake & nonFlake, bool json) {
if (json) {
nlohmann::json j;
j["name"] = nonFlake.alias;
j["location"] = nonFlake.path;
std::cout << j.dump(4) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "name: " << nonFlake.alias << "\n";
std::cout << "Location: " << nonFlake.path << "\n";
struct CmdFlakeDeps : FlakeCommand, MixJSON, StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
std::string name() override
return "deps";
std::string description() override
return "list informaton about dependencies";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = std::make_shared<EvalState>(searchPath, store);
FlakeRef flakeRef(flakeUri);
Dependencies deps = resolveFlake(*evalState, flakeRef, true);
std::queue<Dependencies> todo;
while (!todo.empty()) {
deps = todo.front();
for (auto & nonFlake : deps.nonFlakeDeps)
printNonFlakeInfo(nonFlake, json);
for (auto & newDeps : deps.flakeDeps)
@ -72,23 +132,15 @@ struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON, MixEvalArgs, StoreCommand
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = std::make_shared<EvalState>(searchPath, store);
nix::Flake flake = nix::getFlake(*evalState, FlakeRef(flakeUri));
if (json) {
nlohmann::json j;
j["location"] = flake.path;
j["description"] = flake.description;
std::cout << j.dump(4) << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Description: " << flake.description << "\n";
std::cout << "Location: " << flake.path << "\n";
nix::Flake flake = nix::getFlake(*evalState, FlakeRef(flakeUri), true);
printFlakeInfo(flake, json);
struct CmdFlakeAdd : MixEvalArgs, Command
std::string flakeId;
std::string flakeUri;
FlakeUri alias;
FlakeUri uri;
std::string name() override
@ -102,25 +154,24 @@ struct CmdFlakeAdd : MixEvalArgs, Command
expectArg("flake-id", &flakeId);
expectArg("flake-uri", &flakeUri);
expectArg("alias", &alias);
expectArg("flake-uri", &uri);
void run() override
FlakeRef newFlakeRef(flakeUri);
FlakeRef aliasRef(alias);
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
FlakeRegistry::Entry entry(newFlakeRef);
userRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(flakeId, newFlakeRef);
userRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(aliasRef, FlakeRef(uri));
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakeRemove : virtual Args, MixEvalArgs, Command
std::string flakeId;
FlakeUri alias;
std::string name() override
@ -134,21 +185,21 @@ struct CmdFlakeRemove : virtual Args, MixEvalArgs, Command
expectArg("flake-id", &flakeId);
expectArg("alias", &alias);
void run() override
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
std::string flakeId;
FlakeUri alias;
std::string name() override
@ -162,7 +213,7 @@ struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
expectArg("flake-id", &flakeId);
expectArg("alias", &alias);
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
@ -171,14 +222,13 @@ struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
FlakeRegistry userRegistry = *readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
auto it = userRegistry.entries.find(flakeId);
auto it = userRegistry.entries.find(FlakeRef(alias));
if (it != userRegistry.entries.end()) {
FlakeRef oldRef = it->second.ref;
it->second.ref = getFlake(*evalState, oldRef).ref;
it->second = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).ref;
// The 'ref' in 'flake' is immutable.
writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
} else
throw Error("the flake identifier '%s' does not exist in the user registry", flakeId);
throw Error("the flake alias '%s' does not exist in the user registry", alias);
@ -218,6 +268,7 @@ struct CmdFlake : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command
: MultiCommand({make_ref<CmdFlakeList>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeUpdate>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeInfo>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeDeps>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeAdd>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeRemove>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakePin>()
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include "get-drvs.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include <regex>
Add table
Reference in a new issue