Merge branch 'master' into ignore-try
This commit is contained in:
83 changed files with 843 additions and 291 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ on:
permissions: read-all
@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ jobs:
- run: nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' flake check -L
contents: none
name: Cachix secret present for installer tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
@ -88,7 +92,7 @@ jobs:
fetch-depth: 0
- uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v17
- run: echo CACHIX_NAME="$(echo $GITHUB_REPOSITORY-install-tests | tr "[A-Z]/" "[a-z]-")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- run: echo NIX_VERSION="$(nix-instantiate --eval -E '(import ./default.nix).defaultPackage.${builtins.currentSystem}.version' | tr -d \")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- run: echo NIX_VERSION="$(nix --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' eval .\#default.version | tr -d \")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: cachix/cachix-action@v10
if: needs.check_cachix.outputs.secret == 'true'
@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
name: Hydra status
permissions: read-all
- cron: "12,42 * * * *"
name: Check Hydra status
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
HOST_OS = @host_os@
AR = @AR@
@ -13,13 +12,14 @@ ENABLE_S3 = @ENABLE_S3@
HOST_OS = @host_os@
SHELL = @bash@
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ datadir = @datadir@
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
doc_generate = @doc_generate@
docdir = @docdir@
embedded_sandbox_shell = @embedded_sandbox_shell@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
includedir = @includedir@
libdir = @libdir@
@ -320,6 +320,14 @@ if test ${cross_compiling:-no} = no && ! test -z ${sandbox_shell+x}; then
AC_ARG_ENABLE(embedded-sandbox-shell, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-embedded-sandbox-shell],[include the sandbox shell in the Nix binary [default=no]]),
embedded_sandbox_shell=$enableval, embedded_sandbox_shell=no)
if test "$embedded_sandbox_shell" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EMBEDDED_SANDBOX_SHELL, 1, [Include the sandbox shell in the Nix binary.])
# Expand all variables in config.status.
test "$prefix" = NONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
test "$exec_prefix" = NONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
[{`--out-link` | `-o`} *outlink*]
# Disambiguation
This man page describes the command `nix-build`, which is distinct from `nix
build`. For documentation on the latter, run `nix build --help` or see `man
# Description
The `nix-build` command builds the derivations described by the Nix
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ subcommand to be performed. These are documented below.
Several commands, such as `nix-env -q` and `nix-env -i`, take a list of
arguments that specify the packages on which to operate. These are
extended regular expressions that must match the entire name of the
package. (For details on regular expressions, see regex7.) The match is
package. (For details on regular expressions, see **regex**(7).) The match is
case-sensitive. The regular expression can optionally be followed by a
dash and a version number; if omitted, any version of the package will
match. Here are some examples:
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ The upgrade operation determines whether a derivation `y` is an upgrade
of a derivation `x` by looking at their respective `name` attributes.
The names (e.g., `gcc-3.3.1` are split into two parts: the package name
(`gcc`), and the version (`3.3.1`). The version part starts after the
first dash not followed by a letter. `x` is considered an upgrade of `y`
first dash not followed by a letter. `y` is considered an upgrade of `x`
if their package names match, and the version of `y` is higher than that
of `x`.
@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
[`--keep` *name*]
{{`--packages` | `-p`} {*packages* | *expressions*} … | [*path*]}
# Disambiguation
This man page describes the command `nix-shell`, which is distinct from `nix
shell`. For documentation on the latter, run `nix shell --help` or see `man
# Description
The command `nix-shell` will build the dependencies of the specified
@ -1,4 +1,31 @@
# Release X.Y (202?-??-??)
* `nix repl` now takes installables on the command line, unifying the usage
with other commands that use `--file` and `--expr`. Primary breaking change
is for the common usage of `nix repl '<nixpkgs>'` which can be recovered with
`nix repl --file '<nixpkgs>'` or `nix repl --expr 'import <nixpkgs>{}'`.
This is currently guarded by the `repl-flake` experimental feature.
* A new function `builtins.traceVerbose` is available. It is similar
to `builtins.trace` if the `trace-verbose` setting is set to true,
and it is a no-op otherwise.
* `nix search` has a new flag `--exclude` to filter out packages.
* On Linux, if `/nix` doesn't exist and cannot be created and you're
not running as root, Nix will automatically use
`~/.local/share/nix/root` as a chroot store. This enables non-root
users to download the statically linked Nix binary and have it work
out of the box, e.g.
# ~/nix run nixpkgs#hello
warning: '/nix' does not exists, so Nix will use '/home/ubuntu/.local/share/nix/root' as a chroot store
Hello, world!
* `flake-registry.json` is now fetched from ``.
* Nix can now be built with LTO by passing `--enable-lto` to `configure`.
LTO is currently only supported when building with GCC.
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
, tag ? "latest"
, channelName ? "nixpkgs"
, channelURL ? ""
, extraPkgs ? []
, maxLayers ? 100
defaultPkgs = with pkgs; [
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ let
] ++ extraPkgs;
users = {
@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ let
pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImageWithNixDb {
inherit name tag;
inherit name tag maxLayers;
contents = [ baseSystem ];
@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1645296114,
"narHash": "sha256-y53N7TyIkXsjMpOG7RhvqJFGDacLs9HlyHeSTBioqYU=",
"lastModified": 1653988320,
"narHash": "sha256-ZaqFFsSDipZ6KVqriwM34T739+KLYJvNmCWzErjAg7c=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "530a53dcbc9437363471167a5e4762c5fcfa34a1",
"rev": "2fa57ed190fd6c7c746319444f34b5917666e5c1",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixos-21.05-small",
"ref": "nixos-22.05-small",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
description = "The purely functional package manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-21.05-small";
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.05-small";
inputs.nixpkgs-regression.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/215d4d0fd80ca5163643b03a33fde804a29cc1e2";
inputs.lowdown-src = { url = "github:kristapsdz/lowdown"; flake = false; };
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
forAllStdenvs = stdenvs: f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs stdenvs (stdenv: f stdenv);
forAllStdenvs = f: nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs stdenvs (stdenv: f stdenv);
# Memoize nixpkgs for different platforms for efficiency.
nixpkgsFor =
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@
nativeBuildDeps =
@ -314,6 +313,7 @@
for LIB in $out/lib/*.dylib; do
chmod u+w $LIB
install_name_tool -id $LIB $LIB
install_name_tool -delete_rpath ${boost}/lib/ $LIB || true
install_name_tool -change ${boost}/lib/libboost_system.dylib $out/lib/libboost_system.dylib $out/lib/libboost_thread.dylib
@ -370,10 +370,10 @@
++ lib.optional (currentStdenv.isLinux || currentStdenv.isDarwin) libsodium
++ lib.optional currentStdenv.isDarwin darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Security;
configureFlags = ''
configureFlags = [
enableParallelBuilding = true;
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
# A Nixpkgs overlay that overrides the 'nix' and
# 'nix.perl-bindings' packages.
overlay = overlayFor (p: p.stdenv);
overlays.default = overlayFor (p: p.stdenv);
hydraJobs = {
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
value = let
nixpkgsCross = import nixpkgs {
inherit system crossSystem;
overlays = [ self.overlay ];
overlays = [ self.overlays.default ];
in binaryTarball nixpkgsFor.${system} self.packages.${system}."nix-${crossSystem}" nixpkgsCross;
}) crossSystems));
@ -476,31 +476,31 @@
tests.remoteBuilds = import ./tests/remote-builds.nix {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
tests.nix-copy-closure = import ./tests/nix-copy-closure.nix {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
tests.nssPreload = (import ./tests/nss-preload.nix rec {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
tests.githubFlakes = (import ./tests/github-flakes.nix rec {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
tests.sourcehutFlakes = (import ./tests/sourcehut-flakes.nix rec {
system = "x86_64-linux";
inherit nixpkgs;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
tests.setuid = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
import ./tests/setuid.nix rec {
inherit nixpkgs system;
inherit (self) overlay;
overlay = self.overlays.default;
# Make sure that nix-env still produces the exact same result
@ -553,8 +553,9 @@
dockerImage = self.hydraJobs.dockerImage.${system};
packages = forAllSystems (system: {
packages = forAllSystems (system: rec {
inherit (nixpkgsFor.${system}) nix;
default = nix;
} // (nixpkgs.lib.optionalAttrs (builtins.elem system linux64BitSystems) {
nix-static = let
nixpkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}.pkgsStatic;
@ -570,14 +571,24 @@
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildDeps;
buildInputs = buildDeps ++ propagatedDeps;
configureFlags = [ "--sysconfdir=/etc" ];
# Work around pkgsStatic disabling all tests.
# Remove in NixOS 22.11, see
preHook =
configureFlags =
configureFlags ++
[ "--sysconfdir=/etc"
enableParallelBuilding = true;
makeFlags = "profiledir=$(out)/etc/profile.d";
doCheck = true;
installFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc";
postInstall = ''
@ -587,7 +598,6 @@
echo "file binary-dist $out/bin/nix" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc";
stripAllList = ["bin"];
@ -596,6 +606,7 @@
hardeningDisable = [ "pie" ];
dockerImage =
pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
@ -610,12 +621,14 @@
ln -s ${image} $image
echo "file binary-dist $image" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
} // builtins.listToAttrs (map (crossSystem: {
// builtins.listToAttrs (map (crossSystem: {
name = "nix-${crossSystem}";
value = let
nixpkgsCross = import nixpkgs {
inherit system crossSystem;
overlays = [ self.overlay ];
overlays = [ self.overlays.default ];
in with commonDeps nixpkgsCross; nixpkgsCross.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "nix-${version}";
@ -649,44 +662,45 @@
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc";
}) crossSystems)) // (builtins.listToAttrs (map (stdenvName:
}) (if system == "x86_64-linux" then crossSystems else [])))
// (builtins.listToAttrs (map (stdenvName:
) stdenvs)));
defaultPackage = forAllSystems (system: self.packages.${system}.nix);
devShells = forAllSystems (system:
forAllStdenvs (stdenv:
with nixpkgsFor.${system};
with commonDeps pkgs;
nixpkgsFor.${system}.${stdenv}.mkDerivation {
name = "nix";
devShell = forAllSystems (system: self.devShells.${system}.stdenvPackages);
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "doc" ];
devShells = forAllSystemsAndStdenvs (system: stdenv:
with nixpkgsFor.${system};
with commonDeps pkgs;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildDeps;
buildInputs = buildDeps ++ propagatedDeps ++ awsDeps;
nixpkgsFor.${system}.${stdenv}.mkDerivation {
name = "nix";
inherit configureFlags;
outputs = [ "out" "dev" "doc" ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
nativeBuildInputs = nativeBuildDeps;
buildInputs = buildDeps ++ propagatedDeps ++ awsDeps;
installFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc";
inherit configureFlags;
shellHook =
export MANPATH=$out/share/man:$MANPATH
enableParallelBuilding = true;
installFlags = "sysconfdir=$(out)/etc";
shellHook =
export MANPATH=$out/share/man:$MANPATH
# Make bash completion work.
# Make bash completion work.
// { default = self.devShells.${system}.stdenv; }
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ define build-library
$(1)_PATH := $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).a
$$($(1)_PATH): $$($(1)_OBJS) | $$(_d)/
+$$(trace-ld) $(LD) -Ur -o $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).o $$?
+$$(trace-ld) $(LD) -Ur -o $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).o $$^
$$(trace-ar) $(AR) crs $$@ $$(_d)/$$($(1)_NAME).o
$(1)_LDFLAGS_USE += $$($(1)_PATH) $$($(1)_LDFLAGS)
@ -442,8 +442,9 @@ add_nix_vol_fstab_line() {
local escaped_mountpoint="${NIX_ROOT/ /'\\\'040}"
# wrap `ex` to work around a problem with vim plugins breaking exit codes
# (see
# wrap `ex` to work around problems w/ vim features breaking exit codes
# - plugins (see -u NONE
# - swap file: -n
# the first draft used `--noplugin`, but
# suggests we need the less-semantic `-u NONE`
@ -456,7 +457,7 @@ add_nix_vol_fstab_line() {
# minver 10.12.6 seems to have released with vim 7.4
cat > "$SCRATCH/ex_cleanroom_wrapper" <<EOF
/usr/bin/ex -u NONE "\$@"
/usr/bin/ex -u NONE -n "\$@"
chmod 755 "$SCRATCH/ex_cleanroom_wrapper"
@ -650,9 +651,9 @@ EOF
task "Configuring /etc/synthetic.conf to make a mount-point at $NIX_ROOT" >&2
# technically /etc/synthetic.d/nix is supported in Big Sur+
# but handling both takes even more code...
# Note: `-u NONE` disables vim plugins/rc; see note on --clean earlier
# See earlier note; `-u NONE` disables vim plugins/rc, `-n` skips swapfile
_sudo "to add Nix to /etc/synthetic.conf" \
/usr/bin/ex -u NONE /etc/synthetic.conf <<EOF
/usr/bin/ex -u NONE -n /etc/synthetic.conf <<EOF
@ -820,8 +821,8 @@ setup_volume_daemon() {
local volume_uuid="$2"
if ! test_voldaemon; then
task "Configuring LaunchDaemon to mount '$NIX_VOLUME_LABEL'" >&2
# Note: `-u NONE` disables vim plugins/rc; see note on --clean earlier
_sudo "to install the Nix volume mounter" /usr/bin/ex -u NONE "$NIX_VOLUME_MOUNTD_DEST" <<EOF
# See earlier note; `-u NONE` disables vim plugins/rc, `-n` skips swapfile
_sudo "to install the Nix volume mounter" /usr/bin/ex -u NONE -n "$NIX_VOLUME_MOUNTD_DEST" <<EOF
$(generate_mount_daemon "$cmd_type" "$volume_uuid")
@ -638,6 +638,17 @@ place_channel_configuration() {
check_selinux() {
if command -v getenforce > /dev/null 2>&1; then
if ! [ "$(getenforce)" = "Disabled" ]; then
failure <<EOF
Nix does not work with selinux enabled yet!
welcome_to_nix() {
ok "Welcome to the Multi-User Nix Installation"
@ -866,6 +877,8 @@ when I need to.
if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
# shellcheck source=./
@ -117,12 +117,13 @@ struct InstallablesCommand : virtual Args, SourceExprCommand
void prepare() override;
Installables load();
virtual bool useDefaultInstallables() { return true; }
std::optional<FlakeRef> getFlakeRefForCompletion() override;
std::vector<std::string> _installables;
@ -146,7 +146,8 @@ SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand(bool supportReadOnlyMode)
.shortName = 'f',
.description =
"Interpret installables as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression stored in *file*. "
"If *file* is the character -, then a Nix expression will be read from standard input.",
"If *file* is the character -, then a Nix expression will be read from standard input. "
"Implies `--impure`.",
.category = installablesCategory,
.labels = {"file"},
.handler = {&file},
@ -919,6 +920,9 @@ std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Installable>, BuiltPath>> Installable::bui
case Realise::Outputs: {
if (settings.printMissing)
printMissing(store, pathsToBuild, lvlInfo);
for (auto & buildResult : store->buildPathsWithResults(pathsToBuild, bMode, evalStore)) {
if (!buildResult.success())
@ -1032,11 +1036,16 @@ InstallablesCommand::InstallablesCommand()
void InstallablesCommand::prepare()
installables = load();
Installables InstallablesCommand::load() {
Installables installables;
if (_installables.empty() && useDefaultInstallables())
// FIXME: commands like "nix profile install" should not have a
// default, probably.
installables = parseInstallables(getStore(), _installables);
return parseInstallables(getStore(), _installables);
std::optional<FlakeRef> InstallablesCommand::getFlakeRefForCompletion()
@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ struct Installable
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> & installables);
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Installable>> Installables;
struct InstallableValue : Installable
ref<EvalState> state;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "ansicolor.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "eval-cache.hh"
#include "eval-inline.hh"
#include "attr-path.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
@ -54,6 +55,8 @@ struct NixRepl
size_t debugTraceIndex;
Strings loadedFiles;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Value*,std::string>> AnnotatedValues;
std::function<AnnotatedValues()> getValues;
const static int envSize = 32768;
std::shared_ptr<StaticEnv> staticEnv;
@ -63,13 +66,15 @@ struct NixRepl
const Path historyFile;
NixRepl(ref<EvalState> state);
NixRepl(const Strings & searchPath, nix::ref<Store> store,ref<EvalState> state,
std::function<AnnotatedValues()> getValues);
void mainLoop(const std::vector<std::string> & files);
void mainLoop();
StringSet completePrefix(const std::string & prefix);
bool getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt);
StorePath getDerivationPath(Value & v);
bool processLine(std::string line);
void loadFile(const Path & path);
void loadFlake(const std::string & flakeRef);
void initEnv();
@ -96,9 +101,11 @@ std::string removeWhitespace(std::string s)
NixRepl::NixRepl(ref<EvalState> state)
NixRepl::NixRepl(const Strings & searchPath, nix::ref<Store> store, ref<EvalState> state,
std::function<NixRepl::AnnotatedValues()> getValues)
: state(state)
, debugTraceIndex(0)
, getValues(getValues)
, staticEnv(new StaticEnv(false, state->staticBaseEnv.get()))
, historyFile(getDataDir() + "/nix/repl-history")
@ -111,23 +118,20 @@ NixRepl::~NixRepl()
std::string runNix(Path program, const Strings & args,
void runNix(Path program, const Strings & args,
const std::optional<std::string> & input = {})
auto subprocessEnv = getEnv();
subprocessEnv["NIX_CONFIG"] = globalConfig.toKeyValue();
auto res = runProgram(RunOptions {
runProgram2(RunOptions {
.program = settings.nixBinDir+ "/" + program,
.args = args,
.environment = subprocessEnv,
.input = input,
if (!statusOk(res.first))
throw ExecError(res.first, "program '%1%' %2%", program, statusToString(res.first));
return res.second;
static NixRepl * curRepl; // ugly
@ -228,18 +232,12 @@ static std::ostream & showDebugTrace(std::ostream & out, const PosTable & positi
return out;
void NixRepl::mainLoop(const std::vector<std::string> & files)
void NixRepl::mainLoop()
std::string error = ANSI_RED "error:" ANSI_NORMAL " ";
notice("Welcome to Nix " + nixVersion + ". Type :? for help.\n");
if (!files.empty()) {
for (auto & i : files)
if (!loadedFiles.empty()) notice("");
// Allow nix-repl specific settings in .inputrc
rl_readline_name = "nix-repl";
@ -749,7 +747,6 @@ bool NixRepl::processLine(std::string line)
return true;
void NixRepl::loadFile(const Path & path)
@ -809,13 +806,15 @@ void NixRepl::loadFiles()
Strings old = loadedFiles;
bool first = true;
for (auto & i : old) {
if (!first) notice("");
first = false;
notice("Loading '%1%'...", i);
for (auto & [i, what] : getValues()) {
notice("Loading installable '%1%'...", what);
@ -1015,7 +1014,17 @@ void runRepl(
const ValMap & extraEnv)
auto repl = std::make_unique<NixRepl>(evalState);
auto getValues = [&]()->NixRepl::AnnotatedValues{
NixRepl::AnnotatedValues values;
return values;
const Strings & searchPath = {};
auto repl = std::make_unique<NixRepl>(
@ -1023,20 +1032,40 @@ void runRepl(
for (auto & [name, value] : extraEnv)
repl->addVarToScope(repl->state->symbols.create(name), *value);
struct CmdRepl : StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
struct CmdRepl : InstallablesCommand
std::vector<std::string> files;
evalSettings.pureEval = false;
void prepare()
.label = "files",
.handler = {&files},
.completer = completePath
if (!settings.isExperimentalFeatureEnabled(Xp::ReplFlake) && !(file) && this->_installables.size() >= 1) {
warn("future versions of Nix will require using `--file` to load a file");
if (this->_installables.size() > 1)
warn("more than one input file is not currently supported");
auto filePath = this->_installables[0].data();
file = std::optional(filePath);
_installables.front() = _installables.back();
installables = InstallablesCommand::load();
std::vector<std::string> files;
Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths() override
return {""};
virtual bool useDefaultInstallables() override
return file.has_value() or expr.has_value();
bool forceImpureByDefault() override
return true;
std::string description() override
@ -1053,14 +1082,37 @@ struct CmdRepl : StoreCommand, MixEvalArgs
void run(ref<Store> store) override
evalSettings.pureEval = false;
auto evalState = make_ref<EvalState>(searchPath, store);
auto repl = std::make_unique<NixRepl>(evalState);
auto state = getEvalState();
auto getValues = [&]()->NixRepl::AnnotatedValues{
auto installables = load();
NixRepl::AnnotatedValues values;
for (auto & installable: installables){
auto what = installable->what();
if (file){
auto [val, pos] = installable->toValue(*state);
auto what = installable->what();
state->forceValue(*val, pos);
auto autoArgs = getAutoArgs(*state);
auto valPost = state->allocValue();
state->autoCallFunction(*autoArgs, *val, *valPost);
state->forceValue(*valPost, pos);
values.push_back( {valPost, what });
} else {
auto [val, pos] = installable->toValue(*state);
values.push_back( {val, what} );
return values;
auto repl = std::make_unique<NixRepl>(
repl->autoArgs = getAutoArgs(*repl->state);
@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ struct AttrDb
auto queryAttribute(state->queryAttribute.use()(key.first)(symbols[key.second]));
if (! return {};
auto rowId = (AttrType) queryAttribute.getInt(0);
auto rowId = (AttrId) queryAttribute.getInt(0);
auto type = (AttrType) queryAttribute.getInt(1);
switch (type) {
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ public:
if (debugRepl)
runDebugRepl(&error, env, expr);
throw error;
throw std::move(error);
template<class E>
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public:
runDebugRepl(&e, last.env, last.expr);
throw e;
throw std::move(e);
@ -654,6 +654,8 @@ struct EvalSettings : Config
debug mode (using the --debugger flag). By default the debugger will pause on all exceptions.
Setting<bool> traceVerbose{this, false, "trace-verbose",
"Whether `builtins.traceVerbose` should trace its first argument when evaluated."};
extern EvalSettings evalSettings;
@ -513,6 +513,15 @@ LockedFlake lockFlake(
if (!lockFlags.allowMutable && !input.ref->input.isLocked())
throw Error("cannot update flake input '%s' in pure mode", inputPathS);
/* Note: in case of an --override-input, we use
the *original* ref (input2.ref) for the
"original" field, rather than the
override. This ensures that the override isn't
nuked the next time we update the lock
file. That is, overrides are sticky unless you
use --no-write-lock-file. */
auto ref = input2.ref ? *input2.ref : *input.ref;
if (input.isFlake) {
Path localPath = parentPath;
FlakeRef localRef = *input.ref;
@ -524,15 +533,7 @@ LockedFlake lockFlake(
auto inputFlake = getFlake(state, localRef, useRegistries, flakeCache, inputPath);
/* Note: in case of an --override-input, we use
the *original* ref (input2.ref) for the
"original" field, rather than the
override. This ensures that the override isn't
nuked the next time we update the lock
file. That is, overrides are sticky unless you
use --no-write-lock-file. */
auto childNode = std::make_shared<LockedNode>(
inputFlake.lockedRef, input2.ref ? *input2.ref : *input.ref);
auto childNode = std::make_shared<LockedNode>(inputFlake.lockedRef, ref);
node->inputs.insert_or_assign(id, childNode);
@ -560,7 +561,7 @@ LockedFlake lockFlake(
auto [sourceInfo, resolvedRef, lockedRef] = fetchOrSubstituteTree(
state, *input.ref, useRegistries, flakeCache);
std::make_shared<LockedNode>(lockedRef, *input.ref, false));
std::make_shared<LockedNode>(lockedRef, ref, false));
@ -150,16 +150,16 @@ struct Expr
void show(const SymbolTable & symbols, std::ostream & str) const; \
void eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v); \
void bindVars(EvalState & es, const std::shared_ptr<const StaticEnv> & env);
void show(const SymbolTable & symbols, std::ostream & str) const override; \
void eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v) override; \
void bindVars(EvalState & es, const std::shared_ptr<const StaticEnv> & env) override;
struct ExprInt : Expr
NixInt n;
Value v;
ExprInt(NixInt n) : n(n) { v.mkInt(n); };
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env) override;
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ struct ExprFloat : Expr
NixFloat nf;
Value v;
ExprFloat(NixFloat nf) : nf(nf) { v.mkFloat(nf); };
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env) override;
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ struct ExprString : Expr
std::string s;
Value v;
ExprString(std::string s) : s(std::move(s)) { v.mkString(this->; };
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env) override;
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ struct ExprPath : Expr
std::string s;
Value v;
ExprPath(std::string s) : s(std::move(s)) { v.mkPath(this->s.c_str()); };
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env) override;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ struct ExprVar : Expr
ExprVar(Symbol name) : name(name) { };
ExprVar(const PosIdx & pos, Symbol name) : pos(pos), name(name) { };
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env);
Value * maybeThunk(EvalState & state, Env & env) override;
PosIdx getPos() const override { return pos; }
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ struct ExprLambda : Expr
: pos(pos), formals(formals), body(body)
void setName(Symbol name);
void setName(Symbol name) override;
std::string showNamePos(const EvalState & state) const;
inline bool hasFormals() const { return formals != nullptr; }
PosIdx getPos() const override { return pos; }
@ -395,15 +395,15 @@ struct ExprOpNot : Expr
Expr * e1, * e2; \
name(Expr * e1, Expr * e2) : e1(e1), e2(e2) { }; \
name(const PosIdx & pos, Expr * e1, Expr * e2) : pos(pos), e1(e1), e2(e2) { }; \
void show(const SymbolTable & symbols, std::ostream & str) const \
void show(const SymbolTable & symbols, std::ostream & str) const override \
{ \
str << "("; e1->show(symbols, str); str << " " s " "; e2->show(symbols, str); str << ")"; \
} \
void bindVars(EvalState & es, const std::shared_ptr<const StaticEnv> & env) \
void bindVars(EvalState & es, const std::shared_ptr<const StaticEnv> & env) override \
{ \
e1->bindVars(es, env); e2->bindVars(es, env); \
} \
void eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v); \
void eval(EvalState & state, Env & env, Value & v) override; \
PosIdx getPos() const override { return pos; } \
@ -520,6 +520,12 @@ path_start
$$ = new ExprPath(path);
if (evalSettings.pureEval) {
throw Error(
"the path '%s' can not be resolved in pure mode",
std::string_view($1.p, $1.l)
Path path(getHome() + std::string($1.p + 1, $1.l - 1));
$$ = new ExprPath(path);
@ -987,6 +987,15 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_trace({
/* Takes two arguments and evaluates to the second one. Used as the
* builtins.traceVerbose implementation when --trace-verbose is not enabled
static void prim_second(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
state.forceValue(*args[1], pos);
v = *args[1];
* Derivations
@ -3943,6 +3952,18 @@ void EvalState::createBaseEnv()
addPrimOp("__exec", 1, prim_exec);
.fun = evalSettings.traceVerbose ? prim_trace : prim_second,
.arity = 2,
.name = "__traceVerbose",
.args = { "e1", "e2" },
.doc = R"(
Evaluate *e1* and print its abstract syntax representation on standard
error if `--trace-verbose` is enabled. Then return *e2*. This function
is useful for debugging.
/* Add a value containing the current Nix expression search path. */
mkList(v, searchPath.size());
int n = 0;
@ -364,6 +364,10 @@ static RegisterPrimOp primop_fetchGit({
A Boolean parameter that specifies whether submodules should be
checked out. Defaults to `false`.
- shallow\
A Boolean parameter that specifies whether fetching a shallow clone
is allowed. Defaults to `false`.
- allRefs\
Whether to fetch all refs of the repository. With this argument being
true, it's possible to load a `rev` from *any* `ref` (by default only
@ -540,22 +540,22 @@ namespace nix {
ASSERT_THAT(v, IsStringEq(output));
#define CASE(input, output) (std::make_tuple(std::string_view("builtins.toString " #input), std::string_view(output)))
#define CASE(input, output) (std::make_tuple(std::string_view("builtins.toString " input), std::string_view(output)))
CASE("foo", "foo"),
CASE(1, "1"),
CASE([1 2 3], "1 2 3"),
CASE(.123, "0.123000"),
CASE(true, "1"),
CASE(false, ""),
CASE(null, ""),
CASE({ v = "bar"; __toString = self: self.v; }, "bar"),
CASE({ v = "bar"; __toString = self: self.v; outPath = "foo"; }, "bar"),
CASE({ outPath = "foo"; }, "foo"),
CASE(./test, "/test")
CASE(R"("foo")", "foo"),
CASE(R"(1)", "1"),
CASE(R"([1 2 3])", "1 2 3"),
CASE(R"(.123)", "0.123000"),
CASE(R"(true)", "1"),
CASE(R"(false)", ""),
CASE(R"(null)", ""),
CASE(R"({ v = "bar"; __toString = self: self.v; })", "bar"),
CASE(R"({ v = "bar"; __toString = self: self.v; outPath = "foo"; })", "bar"),
CASE(R"({ outPath = "foo"; })", "foo"),
CASE(R"(./test)", "/test")
#undef CASE
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ struct FetchSettings : public Config
Setting<bool> warnDirty{this, true, "warn-dirty",
"Whether to warn about dirty Git/Mercurial trees."};
Setting<std::string> flakeRegistry{this, "", "flake-registry",
Setting<std::string> flakeRegistry{this, "", "flake-registry",
"Path or URI of the global flake registry."};
Setting<bool> useRegistries{this, true, "use-registries",
@ -85,8 +85,9 @@ std::optional<std::string> readHead(const Path & path)
bool storeCachedHead(const std::string& actualUrl, const std::string& headRef)
Path cacheDir = getCachePath(actualUrl);
auto gitDir = ".";
try {
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", cacheDir, "symbolic-ref", "--", "HEAD", headRef });
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", cacheDir, "--git-dir", gitDir, "symbolic-ref", "--", "HEAD", headRef });
} catch (ExecError &e) {
if (!WIFEXITED(e.status)) throw;
return false;
@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ WorkdirInfo getWorkdirInfo(const Input & input, const Path & workdir)
if (hasHead) {
// Using git diff is preferrable over lower-level operations here,
// because its conceptually simpler and we only need the exit code anyways.
auto gitDiffOpts = Strings({ "-C", workdir, "diff", "HEAD", "--quiet"});
auto gitDiffOpts = Strings({ "-C", workdir, "--git-dir", gitDir, "diff", "HEAD", "--quiet"});
if (!submodules) {
// Changes in submodules should only make the tree dirty
// when those submodules will be copied as well.
@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ WorkdirInfo getWorkdirInfo(const Input & input, const Path & workdir)
std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetchFromWorkdir(ref<Store> store, Input & input, const Path & workdir, const WorkdirInfo & workdirInfo)
const bool submodules = maybeGetBoolAttr(input.attrs, "submodules").value_or(false);
auto gitDir = ".git";
if (!fetchSettings.allowDirty)
throw Error("Git tree '%s' is dirty", workdir);
@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetchFromWorkdir(ref<Store> store, Input & input, co
if (fetchSettings.warnDirty)
warn("Git tree '%s' is dirty", workdir);
auto gitOpts = Strings({ "-C", workdir, "ls-files", "-z" });
auto gitOpts = Strings({ "-C", workdir, "--git-dir", gitDir, "ls-files", "-z" });
if (submodules)
@ -240,7 +242,7 @@ std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetchFromWorkdir(ref<Store> store, Input & input, co
// modified dirty file?
workdirInfo.hasHead ? std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", actualPath, "log", "-1", "--format=%ct", "--no-show-signature", "HEAD" })) : 0);
workdirInfo.hasHead ? std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", actualPath, "--git-dir", gitDir, "log", "-1", "--format=%ct", "--no-show-signature", "HEAD" })) : 0);
return {std::move(storePath), input};
@ -572,7 +574,7 @@ struct GitInputScheme : InputScheme
bool isShallow = chomp(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", repoDir, "--git-dir", gitDir, "rev-parse", "--is-shallow-repository" })) == "true";
if (isShallow && !shallow)
throw Error("'%s' is a shallow Git repository, but a non-shallow repository is needed", actualUrl);
throw Error("'%s' is a shallow Git repository, but shallow repositories are only allowed when `shallow = true;` is specified.", actualUrl);
// FIXME: check whether rev is an ancestor of ref.
@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ struct SourceHutInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
std::string ref_uri;
std::string refUri;
if (ref == "HEAD") {
auto file = store->toRealPath(
downloadFile(store, fmt("%s/HEAD", base_url), "source", false, headers).storePath);
@ -393,10 +393,11 @@ struct SourceHutInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
if (!remoteLine) {
throw BadURL("in '%d', couldn't resolve HEAD ref '%d'", input.to_string(), ref);
ref_uri = remoteLine->target;
refUri = remoteLine->target;
} else {
ref_uri = fmt("refs/(heads|tags)/%s", ref);
refUri = fmt("refs/(heads|tags)/%s", ref);
std::regex refRegex(refUri);
auto file = store->toRealPath(
downloadFile(store, fmt("%s/info/refs", base_url), "source", false, headers).storePath);
@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ struct SourceHutInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
std::optional<std::string> id;
while(!id && getline(is, line)) {
auto parsedLine = git::parseLsRemoteLine(line);
if (parsedLine && parsedLine->reference == ref_uri)
if (parsedLine && parsedLine->reference && std::regex_match(*parsedLine->reference, refRegex))
id = parsedLine->target;
@ -7,6 +7,22 @@ HookInstance::HookInstance()
debug("starting build hook '%s'", settings.buildHook);
auto buildHookArgs = tokenizeString<std::list<std::string>>(settings.buildHook.get());
if (buildHookArgs.empty())
throw Error("'build-hook' setting is empty");
auto buildHook = buildHookArgs.front();
Strings args;
for (auto & arg : buildHookArgs)
/* Create a pipe to get the output of the child. */
@ -36,14 +52,9 @@ HookInstance::HookInstance()
if (dup2(builderOut.readSide.get(), 5) == -1)
throw SysError("dupping builder's stdout/stderr");
Strings args = {
execv(buildHook.c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
execv(settings.buildHook.get().c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
throw SysError("executing '%s'", settings.buildHook);
throw SysError("executing '%s'", buildHook);
@ -1717,7 +1717,19 @@ void LocalDerivationGoal::runChild()
for (auto & i : dirsInChroot) {
if (i.second.source == "/proc") continue; // backwards compatibility
doBind(i.second.source, chrootRootDir + i.first, i.second.optional);
if (i.second.source == "__embedded_sandbox_shell__") {
static unsigned char sh[] = {
#include "embedded-sandbox-shell.gen.hh"
auto dst = chrootRootDir + i.first;
writeFile(dst, std::string_view((const char *) sh, sizeof(sh)));
chmod_(dst, 0555);
} else
doBind(i.second.source, chrootRootDir + i.first, i.second.optional);
/* Bind a new instance of procfs on /proc. */
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ void PathSubstitutionGoal::tryNext()
only after we've downloaded the path. */
if (!sub->isTrusted &&*info))
warn("the substitute for '%s' from '%s' is not signed by any of the keys in 'trusted-public-keys'",
warn("ignoring substitute for '%s' from '%s', as it's not signed by any of the keys in 'trusted-public-keys'",
||||, sub->getUri());
@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const StorePath & path)
goto restart;
@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const StorePath & path)
goto restart;
} catch (EndOfFile & e) {
debug("GC socket disconnected");
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ Settings::Settings()
, nixStateDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_STATE_DIR").value_or(NIX_STATE_DIR)))
, nixConfDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_CONF_DIR").value_or(NIX_CONF_DIR)))
, nixUserConfFiles(getUserConfigFiles())
, nixLibexecDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR").value_or(NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR)))
, nixBinDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_BIN_DIR").value_or(NIX_BIN_DIR)))
, nixManDir(canonPath(NIX_MAN_DIR))
, nixDaemonSocketFile(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_DAEMON_SOCKET_PATH").value_or(nixStateDir + DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH)))
@ -67,12 +66,13 @@ Settings::Settings()
sandboxPaths = tokenizeString<StringSet>("/bin/sh=" SANDBOX_SHELL);
/* chroot-like behavior from Apple's sandbox */
/* chroot-like behavior from Apple's sandbox */
#if __APPLE__
sandboxPaths = tokenizeString<StringSet>("/System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /bin/sh /bin/bash /private/tmp /private/var/tmp /usr/lib");
allowedImpureHostPrefixes = tokenizeString<StringSet>("/System/Library /usr/lib /dev /bin/sh");
buildHook = getSelfExe().value_or("nix") + " __build-remote";
void loadConfFile()
@ -79,9 +79,6 @@ public:
/* A list of user configuration files to load. */
std::vector<Path> nixUserConfFiles;
/* The directory where internal helper programs are stored. */
Path nixLibexecDir;
/* The directory where the main programs are stored. */
Path nixBinDir;
@ -195,7 +192,7 @@ public:
PathSetting buildHook{this, true, nixLibexecDir + "/nix/build-remote", "build-hook",
PathSetting buildHook{this, true, "", "build-hook",
"The path of the helper program that executes builds to remote machines."};
Setting<std::string> builders{
@ -802,7 +799,7 @@ public:
Setting<StringSet> ignoredAcls{
this, {"security.selinux", "system.nfs4_acl"}, "ignored-acls",
this, {"security.selinux", "system.nfs4_acl", "security.csm"}, "ignored-acls",
A list of ACLs that should be ignored, normally Nix attempts to
remove all ACLs from files and directories in the Nix store, but
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ protected:
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo == ENOENT)
throw NoSuchBinaryCacheFile("file '%s' does not exist in binary cache", path);
@ -39,14 +39,23 @@ libstore_CXXFLAGS += \
-DNIX_STATE_DIR=\"$(localstatedir)/nix\" \
-DNIX_LOG_DIR=\"$(localstatedir)/log/nix\" \
-DNIX_CONF_DIR=\"$(sysconfdir)/nix\" \
-DNIX_LIBEXEC_DIR=\"$(libexecdir)\" \
-DNIX_BIN_DIR=\"$(bindir)\" \
-DNIX_MAN_DIR=\"$(mandir)\" \
ifeq ($(embedded_sandbox_shell),yes)
libstore_CXXFLAGS += -DSANDBOX_SHELL=\"__embedded_sandbox_shell__\"
$(d)/build/ $(d)/embedded-sandbox-shell.gen.hh
$(d)/embedded-sandbox-shell.gen.hh: $(sandbox_shell)
$(trace-gen) hexdump -v -e '1/1 "0x%x," "\n"' < $< > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
ifneq ($(sandbox_shell),)
libstore_CXXFLAGS += -DSANDBOX_SHELL="\"$(sandbox_shell)\""
$(d)/ $(d)/schema.sql.gen.hh $(d)/ca-specific-schema.sql.gen.hh
@ -67,13 +67,26 @@ bool UserLock::findFreeUser() {
#if __linux__
/* Get the list of supplementary groups of this build user. This
is usually either empty or contains a group such as "kvm". */
int ngroups = supplementaryGIDs.size();
int err = getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid,
||||, &ngroups);
if (err == -1)
throw Error("failed to get list of supplementary groups for '%1%'", pw->pw_name);
int ngroups = 32; // arbitrary initial guess
int err = getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid,,
// Our initial size of 32 wasn't sufficient, the correct size has
// been stored in ngroups, so we try again.
if (err == -1) {
err = getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid,,
// If it failed once more, then something must be broken.
if (err == -1)
throw Error("failed to get list of supplementary groups for '%1%'",
// Finally, trim back the GID list to its real size
@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ public:
/* How often to purge expired entries from the cache. */
const int purgeInterval = 24 * 3600;
/* How long to cache binary cache info (i.e. /nix-cache-info) */
const int cacheInfoTtl = 7 * 24 * 3600;
struct Cache
int id;
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ public:
"insert or replace into BinaryCaches(url, timestamp, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
"select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority from BinaryCaches where url = ?");
"select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority from BinaryCaches where url = ? and timestamp > ?");
"insert or replace into NARs(cache, hashPart, namePart, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, "
@ -183,7 +186,7 @@ public:
auto i = state->caches.find(uri);
if (i == state->caches.end()) {
auto queryCache(state->queryCache.use()(uri));
auto queryCache(state->queryCache.use()(uri)(time(0) - cacheInfoTtl));
if (!
return std::nullopt;
@ -69,8 +69,6 @@ NarInfo::NarInfo(const Store & store, const std::string & s, const std::string &
if (value != "unknown-deriver")
deriver = StorePath(value);
else if (name == "System")
system = value;
else if (name == "Sig")
else if (name == "CA") {
@ -106,9 +104,6 @@ std::string NarInfo::to_string(const Store & store) const
if (deriver)
res += "Deriver: " + std::string(deriver->to_string()) + "\n";
if (!system.empty())
res += "System: " + system + "\n";
for (auto sig : sigs)
res += "Sig: " + sig + "\n";
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ struct NarInfo : ValidPathInfo
std::string compression;
std::optional<Hash> fileHash;
uint64_t fileSize = 0;
std::string system;
NarInfo() = delete;
NarInfo(StorePath && path, Hash narHash) : ValidPathInfo(std::move(path), narHash) { }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
create table if not exists ValidPaths (
id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
path text unique not null,
hash text not null,
hash text not null, -- base16 representation
registrationTime integer not null,
deriver text,
narSize integer,
@ -1302,7 +1302,8 @@ std::pair<std::string, Store::Params> splitUriAndParams(const std::string & uri_
return {uri, params};
static bool isNonUriPath(const std::string & spec) {
static bool isNonUriPath(const std::string & spec)
// is not a URL
spec.find("://") == std::string::npos
@ -1319,6 +1320,26 @@ std::shared_ptr<Store> openFromNonUri(const std::string & uri, const Store::Para
return std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params);
else if (pathExists(settings.nixDaemonSocketFile))
return std::make_shared<UDSRemoteStore>(params);
#if __linux__
else if (!pathExists(stateDir) && params.empty() && getuid() != 0) {
/* If /nix doesn't exist, there is no daemon socket, and
we're not root, then automatically set up a chroot
store in ~/.local/share/nix/root. */
auto chrootStore = getDataDir() + "/nix/root";
if (!pathExists(chrootStore)) {
try {
} catch (Error & e) {
return std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params);
warn("'/nix' does not exist, so Nix will use '%s' as a chroot store", chrootStore);
} else
debug("'/nix' does not exist, so Nix will use '%s' as a chroot store", chrootStore);
Store::Params params2;
params2["root"] = chrootStore;
return std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params2);
return std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params);
} else if (uri == "daemon") {
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ public:
/* Return a short one-line description of the command. */
virtual std::string description() { return ""; }
virtual bool forceImpureByDefault() { return false; }
/* Return documentation about this command, in Markdown format. */
virtual std::string doc() { return ""; }
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ std::map<ExperimentalFeature, std::string> stringifiedXpFeatures = {
{ Xp::RecursiveNix, "recursive-nix" },
{ Xp::NoUrlLiterals, "no-url-literals" },
{ Xp::FetchClosure, "fetch-closure" },
{ Xp::ReplFlake, "repl-flake" },
const std::optional<ExperimentalFeature> parseExperimentalFeature(const std::string_view & name)
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ enum struct ExperimentalFeature
@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ std::string hiliteMatches(
std::string_view prefix,
std::string_view postfix)
// Avoid copy on zero matches
// Avoid extra work on zero matches
if (matches.size() == 0)
return (std::string) s;
return std::string(s);
std::sort(matches.begin(), matches.end(), [](const auto & a, const auto & b) {
return a.position() < b.position();
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#ifdef __linux__
@ -574,6 +575,20 @@ Path getHome()
static Path homeDir = []()
auto homeDir = getEnv("HOME");
if (homeDir) {
// Only use $HOME if doesn't exist or is owned by the current user.
struct stat st;
int result = stat(homeDir->c_str(), &st);
if (result != 0) {
if (errno != ENOENT) {
warn("couldn't stat $HOME ('%s') for reason other than not existing ('%d'), falling back to the one defined in the 'passwd' file", *homeDir, errno);
} else if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) {
warn("$HOME ('%s') is not owned by you, falling back to the one defined in the 'passwd' file", *homeDir);
if (!homeDir) {
std::vector<char> buf(16384);
struct passwd pwbuf;
@ -619,6 +634,27 @@ Path getDataDir()
std::optional<Path> getSelfExe()
static auto cached = []() -> std::optional<Path>
#if __linux__
return readLink("/proc/self/exe");
#elif __APPLE__
char buf[1024];
uint32_t size = sizeof(buf);
if (_NSGetExecutablePath(buf, &size) == 0)
return buf;
return std::nullopt;
return std::nullopt;
return cached;
Paths createDirs(const Path & path)
Paths created;
@ -149,10 +149,14 @@ std::vector<Path> getConfigDirs();
/* Return $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share. */
Path getDataDir();
/* Return the path of the current executable. */
std::optional<Path> getSelfExe();
/* Create a directory and all its parents, if necessary. Returns the
list of created directories, in order of creation. */
Paths createDirs(const Path & path);
inline Paths createDirs(PathView path) {
inline Paths createDirs(PathView path)
return createDirs(Path(path));
@ -700,4 +704,19 @@ template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;
std::string showBytes(uint64_t bytes);
/* Provide an addition operator between strings and string_views
inexplicably omitted from the standard library. */
inline std::string operator + (const std::string & s1, std::string_view s2)
auto s = s1;
return s;
inline std::string operator + (std::string && s, std::string_view s2)
return std::move(s);
@ -257,11 +257,12 @@ static void main_nix_build(int argc, char * * argv)
auto autoArgs = myArgs.getAutoArgs(*state);
auto autoArgsWithInNixShell = autoArgs;
if (runEnv) {
auto newArgs = state->buildBindings(autoArgs->size() + 1);
auto newArgs = state->buildBindings(autoArgsWithInNixShell->size() + 1);
for (auto & i : *autoArgs) newArgs.insert(i);
autoArgs = newArgs.finish();
autoArgsWithInNixShell = newArgs.finish();
if (packages) {
@ -316,10 +317,39 @@ static void main_nix_build(int argc, char * * argv)
Value vRoot;
state->eval(e, vRoot);
std::function<bool(const Value & v)> takesNixShellAttr;
takesNixShellAttr = [&](const Value & v) {
if (!runEnv) {
return false;
bool add = false;
if (v.type() == nFunction &&>hasFormals()) {
for (auto & i :>formals->formals) {
if (state->symbols[] == "inNixShell") {
add = true;
return add;
for (auto & i : attrPaths) {
Value & v(*findAlongAttrPath(*state, i, *autoArgs, vRoot).first);
Value & v(*findAlongAttrPath(
takesNixShellAttr(vRoot) ? *autoArgsWithInNixShell : *autoArgs,
state->forceValue(v, [&]() { return v.determinePos(noPos); });
getDerivations(*state, v, "", *autoArgs, drvs, false);
takesNixShellAttr(v) ? *autoArgsWithInNixShell : *autoArgs,
@ -543,6 +573,8 @@ static void main_nix_build(int argc, char * * argv)
throw SysError("executing shell '%s'", *shell);
@ -601,6 +633,8 @@ static void main_nix_build(int argc, char * * argv)
for (auto & path : outPaths)
std::cout << store->printStorePath(path) << '\n';
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ void removeOldGenerations(std::string dir)
link = readLink(path);
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo == ENOENT) continue;
if (link.find("link") != std::string::npos) {
printInfo(format("removing old generations of profile %1%") % path);
@ -1485,7 +1485,7 @@ static int main_nix_env(int argc, char * * argv)
if (globals.profile == "")
globals.profile = getDefaultProfile();
op(globals, opFlags, opArgs);
op(globals, std::move(opFlags), std::move(opArgs));
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ static int main_nix_store(int argc, char * * argv)
if (op != opDump && op != opRestore) /* !!! hack */
store = openStore();
op(opFlags, opArgs);
op(std::move(opFlags), std::move(opArgs));
return 0;
@ -276,15 +276,25 @@ struct Common : InstallableCommand, MixProfile
const BuildEnvironment & buildEnvironment,
const Path & outputsDir = absPath(".") + "/outputs")
// A list of colon-separated environment variables that should be
// prepended to, rather than overwritten, in order to keep the shell usable.
// Please keep this list minimal in order to avoid impurities.
static const char * const savedVars[] = {
"PATH", // for commands
"XDG_DATA_DIRS", // for loadable completion
std::ostringstream out;
out << "unset shellHook\n";
out << "nix_saved_PATH=\"$PATH\"\n";
for (auto & var : savedVars)
out << fmt("nix_saved_%s=\"$%s\"\n", var, var);
buildEnvironment.toBash(out, ignoreVars);
out << "PATH=\"$PATH:$nix_saved_PATH\"\n";
for (auto & var : savedVars)
out << fmt("%s=\"$%s:$nix_saved_%s\"\n", var, var, var);
out << "export NIX_BUILD_TOP=\"$(mktemp -d -t nix-shell.XXXXXX)\"\n";
for (auto & i : {"TMP", "TMPDIR", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR"})
@ -740,7 +740,8 @@ struct CmdFlakeInitCommon : virtual Args, EvalCommand
"If you've set '%s' to a string, try using a path instead.",
templateDir, templateDirAttr->getAttrPathStr());
std::vector<Path> files;
std::vector<Path> changedFiles;
std::vector<Path> conflictedFiles;
std::function<void(const Path & from, const Path & to)> copyDir;
copyDir = [&](const Path & from, const Path & to)
@ -757,31 +758,41 @@ struct CmdFlakeInitCommon : virtual Args, EvalCommand
auto contents = readFile(from2);
if (pathExists(to2)) {
auto contents2 = readFile(to2);
if (contents != contents2)
throw Error("refusing to overwrite existing file '%s'", to2);
if (contents != contents2) {
printError("refusing to overwrite existing file '%s'\n please merge it manually with '%s'", to2, from2);
} else {
notice("skipping identical file: %s", from2);
} else
writeFile(to2, contents);
else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
auto target = readLink(from2);
if (pathExists(to2)) {
if (readLink(to2) != target)
throw Error("refusing to overwrite existing symlink '%s'", to2);
if (readLink(to2) != target) {
printError("refusing to overwrite existing file '%s'\n please merge it manually with '%s'", to2, from2);
} else {
notice("skipping identical file: %s", from2);
} else
createSymlink(target, to2);
throw Error("file '%s' has unsupported type", from2);
notice("wrote: %s", to2);
copyDir(templateDir, flakeDir);
if (pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git")) {
if (!changedFiles.empty() && pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git")) {
Strings args = { "-C", flakeDir, "add", "--intent-to-add", "--force", "--" };
for (auto & s : files) args.push_back(s);
for (auto & s : changedFiles) args.push_back(s);
runProgram("git", true, args);
auto welcomeText = cursor->maybeGetAttr("welcomeText");
@ -789,6 +800,9 @@ struct CmdFlakeInitCommon : virtual Args, EvalCommand
if (!conflictedFiles.empty())
throw Error("Encountered %d conflicts - see above", conflictedFiles.size());
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ convert-secret-to-public` to get the corresponding public key for
verifying signed store paths.
The mandatory argument `--key-name` specifies a key name (such as
` It is used to look up keys on the client when
``). It is used to look up keys on the client when
it verifies signatures. It can be anything, but it’s suggested to use
the host name of your cache (e.g. ``) with a suffix
denoting the number of the key (to be incremented every time you need
@ -266,6 +266,11 @@ void mainWrapped(int argc, char * * argv)
programPath = argv[0];
auto programName = std::string(baseNameOf(programPath));
if (argc > 0 && std::string_view(argv[0]) == "__build-remote") {
programName = "build-remote";
argv++; argc--;
auto legacy = (*RegisterLegacyCommand::commands)[programName];
if (legacy) return legacy(argc, argv);
@ -380,6 +385,9 @@ void mainWrapped(int argc, char * * argv)
settings.ttlPositiveNarInfoCache = 0;
if (args.command->second->forceImpureByDefault() && !evalSettings.pureEval.overridden) {
evalSettings.pureEval = false;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ highest precedence:
can be specified using the NixOS option `nix.registry`.
* The user registry `~/.config/nix/registry.json`. This registry can
be modified by commands such as `nix flake pin`.
be modified by commands such as `nix registry pin`.
* Overrides specified on the command line using the option
@ -24,10 +24,34 @@ R""(
* Interact with Nixpkgs in the REPL:
# nix repl '<nixpkgs>'
# nix repl --file example.nix
Loading Installable ''...
Added 3 variables.
Loading '<nixpkgs>'...
Added 12428 variables.
# nix repl --expr '{a={b=3;c=4;};}'
Loading Installable ''...
Added 1 variables.
# nix repl --expr '{a={b=3;c=4;};}' a
Loading Installable ''...
Added 1 variables.
# nix repl --extra_experimental_features 'flakes repl-flake' nixpkgs
Loading Installable 'flake:nixpkgs#'...
Added 5 variables.
nix-repl> :q
# nix repl --expr 'import <nixpkgs>{}'
Loading Installable ''...
Added 12439 variables.
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void runProgramInStore(ref<Store> store,
Strings helperArgs = { chrootHelperName, store->storeDir, store2->getRealStoreDir(), program };
for (auto & arg : args) helperArgs.push_back(arg);
execv(readLink("/proc/self/exe").c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(helperArgs).data());
execv(getSelfExe().value_or("nix").c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(helperArgs).data());
throw SysError("could not execute chroot helper");
@ -18,16 +18,26 @@ using namespace nix;
std::string wrap(std::string prefix, std::string s)
return prefix + s + ANSI_NORMAL;
return concatStrings(prefix, s, ANSI_NORMAL);
struct CmdSearch : InstallableCommand, MixJSON
std::vector<std::string> res;
std::vector<std::string> excludeRes;
expectArgs("regex", &res);
addFlag(Flag {
.longName = "exclude",
.shortName = 'e',
.description = "Hide packages whose attribute path, name or description contain *regex*.",
.labels = {"regex"},
.handler = {[this](std::string s) {
std::string description() override
@ -62,11 +72,16 @@ struct CmdSearch : InstallableCommand, MixJSON
std::vector<std::regex> regexes;
std::vector<std::regex> excludeRegexes;
for (auto & re : res)
regexes.push_back(std::regex(re, std::regex::extended | std::regex::icase));
for (auto & re : excludeRes)
excludeRegexes.emplace_back(re, std::regex::extended | std::regex::icase);
auto state = getEvalState();
auto jsonOut = json ? std::make_unique<JSONObject>(std::cout) : nullptr;
@ -106,6 +121,14 @@ struct CmdSearch : InstallableCommand, MixJSON
std::vector<std::smatch> nameMatches;
bool found = false;
for (auto & regex : excludeRegexes) {
if (
std::regex_search(attrPath2, regex)
|| std::regex_search(, regex)
|| std::regex_search(description, regex))
for (auto & regex : regexes) {
found = false;
auto addAll = [&found](std::sregex_iterator it, std::vector<std::smatch> & vec) {
@ -133,15 +156,15 @@ struct CmdSearch : InstallableCommand, MixJSON
jsonElem.attr("version", name.version);
jsonElem.attr("description", description);
} else {
auto name2 = hiliteMatches(, std::move(nameMatches), ANSI_GREEN, "\e[0;2m");
auto name2 = hiliteMatches(, nameMatches, ANSI_GREEN, "\e[0;2m");
if (results > 1) logger->cout("");
"* %s%s",
wrap("\e[0;1m", hiliteMatches(attrPath2, std::move(attrPathMatches), ANSI_GREEN, "\e[0;1m")),
wrap("\e[0;1m", hiliteMatches(attrPath2, attrPathMatches, ANSI_GREEN, "\e[0;1m")),
name.version != "" ? " (" + name.version + ")" : "");
if (description != "")
" %s", hiliteMatches(description, std::move(descriptionMatches), ANSI_GREEN, ANSI_NORMAL));
" %s", hiliteMatches(description, descriptionMatches, ANSI_GREEN, ANSI_NORMAL));
@ -43,12 +43,23 @@ R""(
# nix search nixpkgs 'firefox|chromium'
* Search for packages containing `git'`and either `frontend` or `gui`:
* Search for packages containing `git` and either `frontend` or `gui`:
# nix search nixpkgs git 'frontend|gui'
* Search for packages containing `neovim` but hide ones containing either `gui` or `python`:
# nix search nixpkgs neovim -e 'python|gui'
# nix search nixpkgs neovim -e 'python' -e 'gui'
# Description
`nix search` searches *installable* (which must be evaluatable, e.g. a
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct CmdUpgradeNix : MixDryRun, StoreCommand
std::string description() override
return "upgrade Nix to the latest stable version";
return "upgrade Nix to the stable version declared in Nixpkgs";
std::string doc() override
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ R""(
# Examples
* Upgrade Nix to the latest stable version:
* Upgrade Nix to the stable version declared in Nixpkgs:
# nix upgrade-nix
@ -16,8 +16,11 @@ R""(
# Description
This command upgrades Nix to the latest version. By default, it
locates the directory containing the `nix` binary in the `$PATH`
This command upgrades Nix to the stable version declared in Nixpkgs.
This stable version is defined in [nix-fallback-paths.nix](
and updated manually. It may not always be the latest tagged release.
By default, it locates the directory containing the `nix` binary in the `$PATH`
environment variable. If that directory is a Nix profile, it will
upgrade the `nix` package in that profile to the latest stable binary
@ -1 +1 @@
{ ... }@args: import ./shell.nix (args // { contentAddressed = true; })
{ inNixShell ? false, ... }@args: import ./shell.nix (args // { contentAddressed = true; })
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ rec {
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
echo ${rootCA} # Just to make it depend on it
echo "" > $out/bin/${name}
echo "#! ${shell}" > $out/bin/${name}
chmod +x $out/bin/${name}
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ export busybox="@sandbox_shell@"
export version=@PACKAGE_VERSION@
export system=@system@
export IMPURE_VAR1=foo
export IMPURE_VAR2=bar
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ EOF
nix eval --file - <<EOF
with (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./flake.lock));
# Url inputs whose extension doesn’t match a know archive format should
# Url inputs whose extension doesn’t match a known archive format should
# not be unpacked by default
assert (nodes.no_ext_default_no_unpack.locked.type == "file");
assert (nodes.no_ext_default_no_unpack.locked.unpack or false == false);
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ for repo in $flake1Dir $flake2Dir $flake3Dir $flake7Dir $templatesDir $nonFlakeD
rm -rf $repo $repo.tmp
mkdir -p $repo
# Give one repo a non-master initial branch.
# Give one repo a non-main initial branch.
if [[ $repo == $flake2Dir ]]; then
@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --no-write-lock-file
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --no-update-lock-file 2>&1 | grep 'requires lock file changes'
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --commit-lock-file
[[ -e $flake2Dir/flake.lock ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff main || echo failed) ]]
# Rerunning the build should not change the lockfile.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff main || echo failed) ]]
# Building with a lockfile should not require a fetch of the registry.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry file:///no-registry.json $flake2Dir#bar --refresh
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --no-use-registries $flake2Dir#bar --refresh
# Updating the flake should not change the lockfile.
nix flake lock $flake2Dir
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff main || echo failed) ]]
# Now we should be able to build the flake in pure mode.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#"sth sth"
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#"sth%20sth"
# Check whether it saved the lockfile
(! [[ -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]])
[[ -n $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]]
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.lock
@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4#xyzzy
# Test 'nix flake update' and --override-flake.
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master || echo failed) ]]
nix flake update $flake3Dir --override-flake flake2 nixpkgs
[[ ! -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]]
[[ ! -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master || echo failed) ]]
# Make branch "removeXyzzy" where flake3 doesn't have xyzzy anymore
git -C $flake3Dir checkout -b removeXyzzy
@ -408,8 +408,10 @@ cat > $templatesDir/trivial/flake.nix <<EOF
echo a > $templatesDir/trivial/a
echo b > $templatesDir/trivial/b
git -C $templatesDir add flake.nix trivial/flake.nix
git -C $templatesDir add flake.nix trivial/
git -C $templatesDir commit -m 'Initial'
nix flake check templates
@ -424,6 +426,18 @@ nix flake show $flake7Dir
nix flake show $flake7Dir --json | jq
git -C $flake7Dir commit -a -m 'Initial'
# Test 'nix flake init' with benign conflicts
rm -rf $flake7Dir && mkdir $flake7Dir && git -C $flake7Dir init
echo a > $flake7Dir/a
(cd $flake7Dir && nix flake init) # check idempotence
# Test 'nix flake init' with conflicts
rm -rf $flake7Dir && mkdir $flake7Dir && git -C $flake7Dir init
echo b > $flake7Dir/a
pushd $flake7Dir
(! nix flake init) |& grep "refusing to overwrite existing file '$flake7Dir/a'"
# Test 'nix flake new'.
rm -rf $flake6Dir
nix flake new -t templates#trivial $flake6Dir
@ -18,7 +18,12 @@ cat << EOF > flake.nix
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
name = "formatter";
buildCommand = "mkdir -p \$out/bin; cp \${./} \$out/bin/formatter";
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p \$out/bin
echo "#! ${shell}" > \$out/bin/formatter
cat \${./} >> \$out/bin/formatter
chmod +x \$out/bin/formatter
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ with import (nixpkgs + "/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix") {
# Generate a fake root CA and a fake certificate.
# Generate a fake root CA and a fake / certificate.
cert = pkgs.runCommand "cert" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.openssl ]; }
mkdir -p $out
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ let
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout $out/server.key \
-subj "/C=CN/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/" -out server.csr
openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf ",,") \
openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf ",") \
-days 36500 -in server.csr -CA $out/ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out $out/server.crt
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ makeTest (
name = "github-flakes";
nodes =
{ # Impersonate and
github =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ makeTest (
services.httpd.extraConfig = ''
ErrorLog syslog:local6
services.httpd.virtualHosts."" =
services.httpd.virtualHosts."" =
{ forceSSL = true;
sslServerKey = "${cert}/server.key";
sslServerCert = "${cert}/server.crt";
servedDirs =
[ { urlPath = "/NixOS/flake-registry/raw/master";
[ { urlPath = "/";
dir = registry;
@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ makeTest (
{ config, lib, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
{ virtualisation.writableStore = true;
virtualisation.diskSize = 2048;
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.fuse ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.fuse ];
virtualisation.memorySize = 4096;
nix.binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [ ];
nix.extraOptions = "experimental-features = nix-command flakes";
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ];
networking.hosts.${(builtins.head nodes.github.config.networking.interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses).address} =
[ "" "" "" ];
[ "" "" ];
security.pki.certificateFiles = [ "${cert}/ca.crt" ];
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ makeTest (
client.succeed("curl -v >&2")
client.succeed("curl -v >&2")
client.succeed("nix registry list | grep nixpkgs")
rev = client.succeed("nix flake info nixpkgs --json | jq -r .revision")
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ export NIX_REMOTE=dummy://
nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.trace "Hello" 123' 2>&1 | grep -q Hello
nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.addErrorContext "Hello" 123' 2>&1
nix-instantiate --trace-verbose --eval -E 'builtins.traceVerbose "Hello" 123' 2>&1 | grep -q Hello
(! nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.traceVerbose "Hello" 123' 2>&1 | grep -q Hello)
(! nix-instantiate --show-trace --eval -E 'builtins.addErrorContext "Hello" 123' 2>&1 | grep -q Hello)
nix-instantiate --show-trace --eval -E 'builtins.addErrorContext "Hello" (throw "Foo")' 2>&1 | grep -q Hello
@ -114,4 +114,8 @@ tests-environment = NIX_REMOTE= $(bash) -e
clean-files += $(d)/ $(d)/config.nix $(d)/ca/config.nix
test-deps += tests/ tests/config.nix tests/ca/config.nix tests/plugins/libplugintest.$(SO_EXT)
test-deps += tests/ tests/config.nix tests/ca/config.nix
ifeq ($(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS), 1)
test-deps += tests/plugins/libplugintest.$(SO_EXT)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ makeTest (let pkgA = pkgs.cowsay; pkgB = pkgs.wget; pkgC = pkgs.hello; pkgD = pk
{ client =
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ virtualisation.writableStore = true;
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgA pkgD.drvPath ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgA pkgD.drvPath ];
nix.binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [ ];
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ makeTest (let pkgA = pkgs.cowsay; pkgB = pkgs.wget; pkgC = pkgs.hello; pkgD = pk
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ services.openssh.enable = true;
virtualisation.writableStore = true;
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgB pkgC ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgB pkgC ];
@ -102,3 +102,11 @@ source <(nix print-dev-env -f "$shellDotNix" shellDrv)
[[ ${arr2[1]} = $'\n' ]]
[[ ${arr2[2]} = $'x\ny' ]]
[[ $(fun) = blabla ]]
# Test nix-shell with ellipsis and no `inNixShell` argument (for backwards compat with old nixpkgs)
cat >$TEST_ROOT/shell-ellipsis.nix <<EOF
{ system ? "x86_64-linux", ... }@args:
assert (!(args ? inNixShell));
(import $shellDotNix { }).shellDrv
nix-shell $TEST_ROOT/shell-ellipsis.nix --run "true"
@ -5,6 +5,42 @@ with import (nixpkgs + "/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix") {
extraConfigurations = [ { nixpkgs.overlays = [ overlay ]; } ];
nix-fetch = pkgs.writeText "fetch.nix" ''
derivation {
# This derivation is an copy from what is available over at
# nix.git:corepkgs/fetchurl.nix
builder = "builtin:fetchurl";
# We're going to fetch data from the http_dns instance created before
# we expect the content to be the same as the content available there.
# ```
# $ nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 $(echo "hello world" | sha256sum | cut -d " " -f 1)
# 0ix4jahrkll5zg01wandq78jw3ab30q4nscph67rniqg5x7r0j59
# ```
outputHash = "0ix4jahrkll5zg01wandq78jw3ab30q4nscph67rniqg5x7r0j59";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "flat";
name = "";
url = "";
unpack = false;
executable = false;
system = "builtin";
preferLocalBuild = true;
impureEnvVars = [
"http_proxy" "https_proxy" "ftp_proxy" "all_proxy" "no_proxy"
urls = [ "" ];
makeTest (
rec {
@ -68,40 +104,6 @@ rec {
nix-fetch = pkgs.writeText "fetch.nix" ''
derivation {
# This derivation is an copy from what is available over at
# nix.git:corepkgs/fetchurl.nix
builder = "builtin:fetchurl";
# We're going to fetch data from the http_dns instance created before
# we expect the content to be the same as the content available there.
# ```
# $ nix-hash --type sha256 --to-base32 $(echo "hello world" | sha256sum | cut -d " " -f 1)
# 0ix4jahrkll5zg01wandq78jw3ab30q4nscph67rniqg5x7r0j59
# ```
outputHash = "0ix4jahrkll5zg01wandq78jw3ab30q4nscph67rniqg5x7r0j59";
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "flat";
name = "";
url = "";
unpack = false;
executable = false;
system = "builtin";
preferLocalBuild = true;
impureEnvVars = [
"http_proxy" "https_proxy" "ftp_proxy" "all_proxy" "no_proxy"
urls = [ "" ];
testScript = { nodes, ... }: ''
@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ source
set -o pipefail
if [[ $BUILD_SHARED_LIBS != 1 ]]; then
echo "plugins are not supported"
exit 99
res=$(nix --option setting-set true --option plugin-files $PWD/plugins/libplugintest* eval --expr builtins.anotherNull)
[ "$res"x = "nullx" ]
@ -30,3 +30,5 @@ nix eval --store dummy:// --write-to $TEST_ROOT/eval-out --expr '{ x = "foo" + "
rm -rf $TEST_ROOT/eval-out
(! nix eval --store dummy:// --write-to $TEST_ROOT/eval-out --expr '{ "." = "bla"; }')
(! nix eval --expr '~/foo')
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ in
virtualisation.writableStore = true;
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ ];
nix.binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [ ];
programs.ssh.extraConfig = "ConnectTimeout 30";
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ testRepl () {
echo "$replOutput"
echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs "while evaluating the file" \
|| fail "nix repl --show-trace doesn't show the trace"
nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" --option pure-eval true 2>&1 <<< "builtins.currentSystem" \
| grep "attribute 'currentSystem' missing"
nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" 2>&1 <<< "builtins.currentSystem" \
| grep "$(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.currentSystem')"
# Simple test, try building a drv
@ -50,15 +55,17 @@ testRepl
testRepl --store "$TEST_ROOT/store?real=$NIX_STORE_DIR"
testReplResponse () {
local response="$(nix repl <<< "$1")"
echo "$response" | grep -qs "$2" \
local commands="$1"; shift
local expectedResponse="$1"; shift
local response="$(nix repl "$@" <<< "$commands")"
echo "$response" | grep -qs "$expectedResponse" \
|| fail "repl command set:
does not respond with:
but with:
@ -71,3 +78,48 @@ testReplResponse '
:a { a = "2"; }
"result: ${a}"
' "result: 2"
testReplResponse '
' '".*-simple.drv"' \
testReplResponse '
' '".*-simple.drv"' \
--file $testDir/simple.nix --experimental-features 'ca-derivations'
testReplResponse '
' '".*-simple.drv"' \
--file $testDir/simple.nix --extra-experimental-features 'repl-flake ca-derivations'
mkdir -p flake && cat <<EOF > flake/flake.nix
outputs = { self }: {
foo = 1;
bar.baz = 2;
changingThing = "beforeChange";
testReplResponse '
foo + baz
' "3" \
./flake ./flake\#bar --experimental-features 'flakes repl-flake'
# Test the `:reload` mechansim with flakes:
# - Eval `./flake#changingThing`
# - Modify the flake
# - Re-eval it
# - Check that the result has changed
replResult=$( (
echo "changingThing"
sleep 1 # Leave the repl the time to eval 'foo'
sed -i 's/beforeChange/afterChange/' flake/flake.nix
echo ":reload"
echo "changingThing"
) | nix repl ./flake --experimental-features 'flakes repl-flake')
echo "$replResult" | grep -qs beforeChange
echo "$replResult" | grep -qs afterChange
@ -28,11 +28,19 @@ nix search -f search.nix '' |grep -q hello
e=$'\x1b' # grep doesn't support \e, \033 or even \x1b
# Multiple overlapping regexes
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'oo' 'foo' 'oo' | grep "$e\[32;1mfoo$e\\[0;1m" | wc -l) == 1 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'broken b' 'en bar' | grep "$e\[32;1mbroken bar$e\\[0m" | wc -l) == 1 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'oo' 'foo' 'oo' | grep -c "$e\[32;1mfoo$e\\[0;1m") == 1 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'broken b' 'en bar' | grep -c "$e\[32;1mbroken bar$e\\[0m") == 1 ))
# Multiple matches
# Searching for 'o' should yield the 'o' in 'broken bar', the 'oo' in foo and 'o' in hello
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'o' | grep -Eo "$e\[32;1mo{1,2}$e\[(0|0;1)m" | wc -l) == 3 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'o' | grep -Eoc "$e\[32;1mo{1,2}$e\[(0|0;1)m") == 3 ))
# Searching for 'b' should yield the 'b' in bar and the two 'b's in 'broken bar'
# NOTE: This does not work with `grep -c` because it counts the two 'b's in 'broken bar' as one matched line
(( $(nix search -f search.nix '' 'b' | grep -Eo "$e\[32;1mb$e\[(0|0;1)m" | wc -l) == 3 ))
## Tests for --exclude
(( $(nix search -f search.nix -e hello | grep -c hello) == 0 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix foo --exclude 'foo|bar' | grep -Ec 'foo|bar') == 0 ))
(( $(nix search -f search.nix foo -e foo --exclude bar | grep -Ec 'foo|bar') == 0 ))
[[ $(nix search -f search.nix -e bar --json | jq -c 'keys') == '["foo","hello"]' ]]
@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ with import (nixpkgs + "/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix") {
makeTest {
name = "setuid";
machine =
nodes.machine =
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ virtualisation.writableStore = true;
nix.binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [ ];
nix.nixPath = [ "nixpkgs=${lib.cleanSource pkgs.path}" ];
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgs.stdenv pkgs.pkgsi686Linux.stdenv ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgs.stdenv pkgs.pkgsi686Linux.stdenv ];
testScript = { nodes }: ''
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let
echo 'ref: refs/heads/master' > $out/HEAD
mkdir -p $out/info
echo -e '${nixpkgs.rev}\trefs/heads/master' > $out/info/refs
echo -e '${nixpkgs.rev}\trefs/heads/master\n${nixpkgs.rev}\trefs/tags/foo-bar' > $out/info/refs
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ makeTest (
virtualisation.writableStore = true;
virtualisation.diskSize = 2048;
virtualisation.pathsInNixDB = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.fuse ];
virtualisation.additionalPaths = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.fuse ];
virtualisation.memorySize = 4096;
nix.binaryCaches = lib.mkForce [ ];
nix.extraOptions = ''
@ -132,6 +132,17 @@ makeTest (
client.succeed("curl -v >&2")
client.succeed("nix registry list | grep nixpkgs")
# Test that it resolves HEAD
rev = client.succeed("nix flake info sourcehut:~NixOS/nixpkgs --json | jq -r .revision")
assert rev.strip() == "${nixpkgs.rev}", "revision mismatch"
# Test that it resolves branches
rev = client.succeed("nix flake info sourcehut:~NixOS/nixpkgs/master --json | jq -r .revision")
assert rev.strip() == "${nixpkgs.rev}", "revision mismatch"
# Test that it resolves tags
rev = client.succeed("nix flake info sourcehut:~NixOS/nixpkgs/foo-bar --json | jq -r .revision")
assert rev.strip() == "${nixpkgs.rev}", "revision mismatch"
# Registry and pinning test
rev = client.succeed("nix flake info nixpkgs --json | jq -r .revision")
assert rev.strip() == "${nixpkgs.rev}", "revision mismatch"
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