diff --git a/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.cc b/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93d060e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include <cstdio>
+#ifdef READLINE
+#include <readline/history.h>
+#include <readline/readline.h>
+// editline < 1.15.2 don't wrap their API for C++ usage
+// (added in https://github.com/troglobit/editline/commit/91398ceb3427b730995357e9d120539fb9bb7461).
+// This results in linker errors due to to name-mangling of editline C symbols.
+// For compatibility with these versions, we wrap the API here
+// (wrapping multiple times on newer versions is no problem).
+extern "C" {
+#include <editline.h>
+#include "signals.hh"
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "repl-interacter.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "repl.hh"
+namespace nix {
+namespace {
+// Used to communicate to NixRepl::getLine whether a signal occurred in ::readline.
+volatile sig_atomic_t g_signal_received = 0;
+void sigintHandler(int signo)
+    g_signal_received = signo;
+static detail::ReplCompleterMixin * curRepl; // ugly
+static char * completionCallback(char * s, int * match)
+    auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s);
+    if (possible.size() == 1) {
+        *match = 1;
+        auto * res = strdup(possible.begin()->c_str() + strlen(s));
+        if (!res)
+            throw Error("allocation failure");
+        return res;
+    } else if (possible.size() > 1) {
+        auto checkAllHaveSameAt = [&](size_t pos) {
+            auto & first = *possible.begin();
+            for (auto & p : possible) {
+                if (p.size() <= pos || p[pos] != first[pos])
+                    return false;
+            }
+            return true;
+        };
+        size_t start = strlen(s);
+        size_t len = 0;
+        while (checkAllHaveSameAt(start + len))
+            ++len;
+        if (len > 0) {
+            *match = 1;
+            auto * res = strdup(std::string(*possible.begin(), start, len).c_str());
+            if (!res)
+                throw Error("allocation failure");
+            return res;
+        }
+    }
+    *match = 0;
+    return nullptr;
+static int listPossibleCallback(char * s, char *** avp)
+    auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s);
+    if (possible.size() > (INT_MAX / sizeof(char *)))
+        throw Error("too many completions");
+    int ac = 0;
+    char ** vp = nullptr;
+    auto check = [&](auto * p) {
+        if (!p) {
+            if (vp) {
+                while (--ac >= 0)
+                    free(vp[ac]);
+                free(vp);
+            }
+            throw Error("allocation failure");
+        }
+        return p;
+    };
+    vp = check((char **) malloc(possible.size() * sizeof(char *)));
+    for (auto & p : possible)
+        vp[ac++] = check(strdup(p.c_str()));
+    *avp = vp;
+    return ac;
+ReadlineLikeInteracter::Guard ReadlineLikeInteracter::init(detail::ReplCompleterMixin * repl)
+    // Allow nix-repl specific settings in .inputrc
+    rl_readline_name = "nix-repl";
+    try {
+        createDirs(dirOf(historyFile));
+    } catch (SysError & e) {
+        logWarning(e.info());
+    }
+#ifndef READLINE
+    el_hist_size = 1000;
+    read_history(historyFile.c_str());
+    auto oldRepl = curRepl;
+    curRepl = repl;
+    Guard restoreRepl([oldRepl] { curRepl = oldRepl; });
+#ifndef READLINE
+    rl_set_complete_func(completionCallback);
+    rl_set_list_possib_func(listPossibleCallback);
+    return restoreRepl;
+bool ReadlineLikeInteracter::getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt)
+    struct sigaction act, old;
+    sigset_t savedSignalMask, set;
+    auto setupSignals = [&]() {
+        act.sa_handler = sigintHandler;
+        sigfillset(&act.sa_mask);
+        act.sa_flags = 0;
+        if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &old))
+            throw SysError("installing handler for SIGINT");
+        sigemptyset(&set);
+        sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
+        if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, &savedSignalMask))
+            throw SysError("unblocking SIGINT");
+    };
+    auto restoreSignals = [&]() {
+        if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &savedSignalMask, nullptr))
+            throw SysError("restoring signals");
+        if (sigaction(SIGINT, &old, 0))
+            throw SysError("restoring handler for SIGINT");
+    };
+    setupSignals();
+    char * s = readline(prompt.c_str());
+    Finally doFree([&]() { free(s); });
+    restoreSignals();
+    if (g_signal_received) {
+        g_signal_received = 0;
+        input.clear();
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (!s)
+        return false;
+    input += s;
+    input += '\n';
+    return true;
+    write_history(historyFile.c_str());
diff --git a/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.hh b/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e549bab36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcmd/repl-interacter.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#pragma once
+/// @file
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+namespace nix {
+namespace detail {
+/** Provides the completion hooks for the repl, without exposing its complete
+ * internals. */
+struct ReplCompleterMixin {
+    virtual StringSet completePrefix(const std::string & prefix) = 0;
+enum class ReplPromptType {
+    ReplPrompt,
+    ContinuationPrompt,
+class ReplInteracter
+    using Guard = Finally<std::function<void()>>;
+    virtual Guard init(detail::ReplCompleterMixin * repl) = 0;
+    /** Returns a boolean of whether the interacter got EOF */
+    virtual bool getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt) = 0;
+    virtual ~ReplInteracter(){};
+class ReadlineLikeInteracter : public virtual ReplInteracter
+    std::string historyFile;
+    ReadlineLikeInteracter(std::string historyFile)
+        : historyFile(historyFile)
+    {
+    }
+    virtual Guard init(detail::ReplCompleterMixin * repl) override;
+    virtual bool getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt) override;
+    virtual ~ReadlineLikeInteracter() override;
diff --git a/src/libcmd/repl.cc b/src/libcmd/repl.cc
index 5268ce44b..243324c61 100644
--- a/src/libcmd/repl.cc
+++ b/src/libcmd/repl.cc
@@ -3,22 +3,8 @@
 #include <cstring>
 #include <climits>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#ifdef READLINE
-#include <readline/history.h>
-#include <readline/readline.h>
-// editline < 1.15.2 don't wrap their API for C++ usage
-// (added in https://github.com/troglobit/editline/commit/91398ceb3427b730995357e9d120539fb9bb7461).
-// This results in linker errors due to to name-mangling of editline C symbols.
-// For compatibility with these versions, we wrap the API here
-// (wrapping multiple times on newer versions is no problem).
-extern "C" {
-#include <editline.h>
+#include "box_ptr.hh"
+#include "repl-interacter.hh"
 #include "repl.hh"
 #include "ansicolor.hh"
@@ -28,6 +14,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #include "eval-inline.hh"
 #include "eval-settings.hh"
 #include "attr-path.hh"
+#include "signals.hh"
 #include "store-api.hh"
 #include "log-store.hh"
 #include "common-eval-args.hh"
@@ -73,6 +60,7 @@ enum class ProcessLineResult {
 struct NixRepl
     : AbstractNixRepl
+    , detail::ReplCompleterMixin
     , gc
@@ -88,17 +76,16 @@ struct NixRepl
     int displ;
     StringSet varNames;
-    const Path historyFile;
+    box_ptr<ReplInteracter> interacter;
     NixRepl(const SearchPath & searchPath, nix::ref<Store> store,ref<EvalState> state,
             std::function<AnnotatedValues()> getValues);
-    virtual ~NixRepl();
+    virtual ~NixRepl() = default;
     ReplExitStatus mainLoop() override;
     void initEnv() override;
-    StringSet completePrefix(const std::string & prefix);
-    bool getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt);
+    virtual StringSet completePrefix(const std::string & prefix) override;
     StorePath getDerivationPath(Value & v);
     ProcessLineResult processLine(std::string line);
@@ -141,16 +128,10 @@ NixRepl::NixRepl(const SearchPath & searchPath, nix::ref<Store> store, ref<EvalS
     , debugTraceIndex(0)
     , getValues(getValues)
     , staticEnv(new StaticEnv(nullptr, state->staticBaseEnv.get()))
-    , historyFile(getDataDir() + "/nix/repl-history")
+    , interacter(make_box_ptr<ReadlineLikeInteracter>(getDataDir() + "/nix/repl-history"))
-    write_history(historyFile.c_str());
 void runNix(Path program, const Strings & args,
     const std::optional<std::string> & input = {})
@@ -167,79 +148,6 @@ void runNix(Path program, const Strings & args,
-static NixRepl * curRepl; // ugly
-static char * completionCallback(char * s, int *match) {
-  auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s);
-  if (possible.size() == 1) {
-    *match = 1;
-    auto *res = strdup(possible.begin()->c_str() + strlen(s));
-    if (!res) throw Error("allocation failure");
-    return res;
-  } else if (possible.size() > 1) {
-    auto checkAllHaveSameAt = [&](size_t pos) {
-      auto &first = *possible.begin();
-      for (auto &p : possible) {
-        if (p.size() <= pos || p[pos] != first[pos])
-          return false;
-      }
-      return true;
-    };
-    size_t start = strlen(s);
-    size_t len = 0;
-    while (checkAllHaveSameAt(start + len)) ++len;
-    if (len > 0) {
-      *match = 1;
-      auto *res = strdup(std::string(*possible.begin(), start, len).c_str());
-      if (!res) throw Error("allocation failure");
-      return res;
-    }
-  }
-  *match = 0;
-  return nullptr;
-static int listPossibleCallback(char *s, char ***avp) {
-  auto possible = curRepl->completePrefix(s);
-  if (possible.size() > (INT_MAX / sizeof(char*)))
-    throw Error("too many completions");
-  int ac = 0;
-  char **vp = nullptr;
-  auto check = [&](auto *p) {
-    if (!p) {
-      if (vp) {
-        while (--ac >= 0)
-          free(vp[ac]);
-        free(vp);
-      }
-      throw Error("allocation failure");
-    }
-    return p;
-  };
-  vp = check((char **)malloc(possible.size() * sizeof(char*)));
-  for (auto & p : possible)
-    vp[ac++] = check(strdup(p.c_str()));
-  *avp = vp;
-  return ac;
-namespace {
-    // Used to communicate to NixRepl::getLine whether a signal occurred in ::readline.
-    volatile sig_atomic_t g_signal_received = 0;
-    void sigintHandler(int signo) {
-        g_signal_received = signo;
-    }
 static std::ostream & showDebugTrace(std::ostream & out, const PosTable & positions, const DebugTrace & dt)
     if (dt.isError)
@@ -279,24 +187,7 @@ ReplExitStatus NixRepl::mainLoop()
-    // Allow nix-repl specific settings in .inputrc
-    rl_readline_name = "nix-repl";
-    try {
-        createDirs(dirOf(historyFile));
-    } catch (SysError & e) {
-        logWarning(e.info());
-    }
-#ifndef READLINE
-    el_hist_size = 1000;
-    read_history(historyFile.c_str());
-    auto oldRepl = curRepl;
-    curRepl = this;
-    Finally restoreRepl([&] { curRepl = oldRepl; });
-#ifndef READLINE
-    rl_set_complete_func(completionCallback);
-    rl_set_list_possib_func(listPossibleCallback);
+    auto _guard = interacter->init(static_cast<detail::ReplCompleterMixin *>(this));
     std::string input;
@@ -305,7 +196,7 @@ ReplExitStatus NixRepl::mainLoop()
         // When continuing input from previous lines, don't print a prompt, just align to the same
         // number of chars as the prompt.
-        if (!getLine(input, input.empty() ? "nix-repl> " : "          ")) {
+        if (!interacter->getLine(input, input.empty() ? "nix-repl> " : "          ")) {
             // Ctrl-D should exit the debugger.
             state->debugStop = false;
@@ -354,51 +245,6 @@ ReplExitStatus NixRepl::mainLoop()
-bool NixRepl::getLine(std::string & input, const std::string & prompt)
-    struct sigaction act, old;
-    sigset_t savedSignalMask, set;
-    auto setupSignals = [&]() {
-        act.sa_handler = sigintHandler;
-        sigfillset(&act.sa_mask);
-        act.sa_flags = 0;
-        if (sigaction(SIGINT, &act, &old))
-            throw SysError("installing handler for SIGINT");
-        sigemptyset(&set);
-        sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
-        if (sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &set, &savedSignalMask))
-            throw SysError("unblocking SIGINT");
-    };
-    auto restoreSignals = [&]() {
-        if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &savedSignalMask, nullptr))
-            throw SysError("restoring signals");
-        if (sigaction(SIGINT, &old, 0))
-            throw SysError("restoring handler for SIGINT");
-    };
-    setupSignals();
-    char * s = readline(prompt.c_str());
-    Finally doFree([&]() { free(s); });
-    restoreSignals();
-    if (g_signal_received) {
-        g_signal_received = 0;
-        input.clear();
-        return true;
-    }
-    if (!s)
-      return false;
-    input += s;
-    input += '\n';
-    return true;
 StringSet NixRepl::completePrefix(const std::string & prefix)
     StringSet completions;
diff --git a/src/libcmd/repl.hh b/src/libcmd/repl.hh
index 21aa8bfc7..aac79ec74 100644
--- a/src/libcmd/repl.hh
+++ b/src/libcmd/repl.hh
@@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
 #include "eval.hh"
-#include <gc/gc_cpp.h>
 namespace nix {
 struct AbstractNixRepl