Merge pull request #3746 from obsidiansystems/path-info
Introduce `StoreReferences` and `ContentAddressWithReferences`
This commit is contained in:
27 changed files with 578 additions and 243 deletions
@ -293,7 +293,13 @@ SV * makeFixedOutputPath(int recursive, char * algo, char * hash, char * name)
try {
auto h = Hash::parseAny(hash, parseHashType(algo));
auto method = recursive ? FileIngestionMethod::Recursive : FileIngestionMethod::Flat;
auto path = store()->makeFixedOutputPath(method, h, name);
auto path = store()->makeFixedOutputPath(name, FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = h,
.references = {},
XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(store()->printStorePath(path).c_str(), 0)));
} catch (Error & e) {
croak("%s", e.what());
@ -1293,7 +1293,13 @@ drvName, Bindings * attrs, Value & v)
auto h = newHashAllowEmpty(*outputHash, parseHashTypeOpt(outputHashAlgo));
auto method = ingestionMethod.value_or(FileIngestionMethod::Flat);
auto outPath =>makeFixedOutputPath(method, h, drvName);
auto outPath =>makeFixedOutputPath(drvName, FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = h,
.references = {},
drv.env["out"] =>printStorePath(outPath);
DerivationOutput::CAFixed {
@ -2103,7 +2109,13 @@ static void addPath(
std::optional<StorePath> expectedStorePath;
if (expectedHash)
expectedStorePath =>makeFixedOutputPath(method, *expectedHash, name);
expectedStorePath =>makeFixedOutputPath(name, FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = *expectedHash,
.references = {},
if (!expectedHash || !>isValidPath(*expectedStorePath)) {
StorePath dstPath = settings.readOnlyMode
@ -243,10 +243,15 @@ static void fetch(EvalState & state, const PosIdx pos, Value * * args, Value & v
// early exit if pinned and already in the store
if (expectedHash && expectedHash->type == htSHA256) {
auto expectedPath =
?>makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, *expectedHash, name, {})
:>makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Flat, *expectedHash, name, {});
auto expectedPath =>makeFixedOutputPath(
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = unpack ? FileIngestionMethod::Recursive : FileIngestionMethod::Flat,
.hash = *expectedHash,
.references = {}
if (>isValidPath(expectedPath)) {
state.allowAndSetStorePathString(expectedPath, v);
@ -210,7 +210,13 @@ StorePath Input::computeStorePath(Store & store) const
auto narHash = getNarHash();
if (!narHash)
throw Error("cannot compute store path for unlocked input '%s'", to_string());
return store.makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, *narHash, getName());
return store.makeFixedOutputPath(getName(), FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive,
.hash = *narHash,
.references = {},
std::string Input::getType() const
@ -71,15 +71,19 @@ DownloadFileResult downloadFile(
dumpString(, sink);
auto hash = hashString(htSHA256,;
ValidPathInfo info {
store->makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Flat, hash, name),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Flat,
.hash = hash,
.references = {},
hashString(htSHA256, sink.s),
info.narSize = sink.s.size();
|||| = FixedOutputHash {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Flat,
.hash = hash,
auto source = StringSource(sink.s);
auto source = StringSource { sink.s };
store->addToStore(info, source, NoRepair, NoCheckSigs);
storePath = std::move(info.path);
@ -306,11 +306,22 @@ StorePath BinaryCacheStore::addToStoreFromDump(Source & dump, std::string_view n
return addToStoreCommon(dump, repair, CheckSigs, [&](HashResult nar) {
ValidPathInfo info {
makeFixedOutputPath(method, nar.first, name, references),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = nar.first,
.references = {
.others = references,
// caller is not capable of creating a self-reference, because this is content-addressed without modulus
.self = false,
info.narSize = nar.second;
info.references = references;
return info;
@ -414,15 +425,22 @@ StorePath BinaryCacheStore::addToStore(
return addToStoreCommon(*source, repair, CheckSigs, [&](HashResult nar) {
ValidPathInfo info {
makeFixedOutputPath(method, h, name, references),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = h,
.references = {
.others = references,
// caller is not capable of creating a self-reference, because this is content-addressed without modulus
.self = false,
info.narSize = nar.second;
info.references = references;
|||| = FixedOutputHash {
.method = method,
.hash = h,
return info;
@ -434,7 +452,7 @@ StorePath BinaryCacheStore::addTextToStore(
RepairFlag repair)
auto textHash = hashString(htSHA256, s);
auto path = makeTextPath(name, textHash, references);
auto path = makeTextPath(name, TextInfo { { textHash }, references });
if (!repair && isValidPath(path))
return path;
@ -443,10 +461,16 @@ StorePath BinaryCacheStore::addTextToStore(
dumpString(s, sink);
StringSource source(sink.s);
return addToStoreCommon(source, repair, CheckSigs, [&](HashResult nar) {
ValidPathInfo info { path, nar.first };
ValidPathInfo info {
std::string { name },
TextInfo {
{ .hash = textHash },
info.narSize = nar.second;
|||| = TextHash { textHash };
info.references = references;
return info;
@ -2395,27 +2395,26 @@ DrvOutputs LocalDerivationGoal::registerOutputs()
auto rewriteRefs = [&]() -> std::pair<bool, StorePathSet> {
auto rewriteRefs = [&]() -> StoreReferences {
/* In the CA case, we need the rewritten refs to calculate the
final path, therefore we look for a *non-rewritten
self-reference, and use a bool rather try to solve the
computationally intractable fixed point. */
std::pair<bool, StorePathSet> res {
StoreReferences res {
.self = false,
for (auto & r : references) {
auto name =;
auto origHash = std::string { r.hashPart() };
if (r == *scratchPath) {
res.first = true;
res.self = true;
} else if (auto outputRewrite = get(outputRewrites, origHash)) {
std::string newRef = *outputRewrite;
newRef += '-';
newRef += name;
res.second.insert(StorePath { newRef });
res.others.insert(StorePath { newRef });
} else {
return res;
@ -2448,18 +2447,22 @@ DrvOutputs LocalDerivationGoal::registerOutputs()
auto got = caSink.finish().first;
auto refs = rewriteRefs();
auto finalPath =
outputPathName(drv->name, outputName),
if (*scratchPath != finalPath) {
ValidPathInfo newInfo0 {
outputPathName(drv->name, outputName),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = outputHash.method,
.hash = got,
.references = rewriteRefs(),
if (*scratchPath != newInfo0.path) {
// Also rewrite the output path
auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & nextSink) {
RewritingSink rsink2(oldHashPart, std::string(finalPath.hashPart()), nextSink);
RewritingSink rsink2(oldHashPart, std::string(newInfo0.path.hashPart()), nextSink);
dumpPath(actualPath, rsink2);
@ -2470,19 +2473,8 @@ DrvOutputs LocalDerivationGoal::registerOutputs()
HashResult narHashAndSize = hashPath(htSHA256, actualPath);
ValidPathInfo newInfo0 {
newInfo0.narHash = narHashAndSize.first;
newInfo0.narSize = narHashAndSize.second;
|||| = FixedOutputHash {
.method = outputHash.method,
.hash = got,
newInfo0.references = refs.second;
if (refs.first)
return newInfo0;
@ -2504,8 +2496,8 @@ DrvOutputs LocalDerivationGoal::registerOutputs()
ValidPathInfo newInfo0 { requiredFinalPath, narHashAndSize.first };
newInfo0.narSize = narHashAndSize.second;
auto refs = rewriteRefs();
newInfo0.references = refs.second;
if (refs.first)
newInfo0.references = std::move(refs.others);
if (refs.self)
return newInfo0;
@ -2519,7 +2511,7 @@ DrvOutputs LocalDerivationGoal::registerOutputs()
/* Check wanted hash */
const Hash & wanted = dof.hash.hash;
auto got = getContentAddressHash(*;
auto got =>getHash();
if (wanted != got) {
/* Throw an error after registering the path as
valid. */
@ -95,7 +95,9 @@ void PathSubstitutionGoal::tryNext()
if (ca) {
subPath = sub->makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(, *ca);
subPath = sub->makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(
std::string { },
if (sub->storeDir ==
assert(subPath == storePath);
} else if (sub->storeDir != {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ std::string FixedOutputHash::printMethodAlgo() const
return makeFileIngestionPrefix(method) + printHashType(hash.type);
std::string makeFileIngestionPrefix(const FileIngestionMethod m)
std::string makeFileIngestionPrefix(FileIngestionMethod m)
switch (m) {
case FileIngestionMethod::Flat:
@ -21,39 +21,35 @@ std::string makeFileIngestionPrefix(const FileIngestionMethod m)
std::string makeFixedOutputCA(FileIngestionMethod method, const Hash & hash)
return "fixed:"
+ makeFileIngestionPrefix(method)
+ hash.to_string(Base32, true);
std::string renderContentAddress(ContentAddress ca)
std::string ContentAddress::render() const
return std::visit(overloaded {
[](TextHash & th) {
return "text:" + th.hash.to_string(Base32, true);
[](const TextHash & th) {
return "text:"
+ th.hash.to_string(Base32, true);
[](FixedOutputHash & fsh) {
return makeFixedOutputCA(fsh.method, fsh.hash);
[](const FixedOutputHash & fsh) {
return "fixed:"
+ makeFileIngestionPrefix(fsh.method)
+ fsh.hash.to_string(Base32, true);
}, ca);
}, raw);
std::string renderContentAddressMethod(ContentAddressMethod cam)
std::string ContentAddressMethod::render() const
return std::visit(overloaded {
[](TextHashMethod & th) {
[](const TextHashMethod & th) {
return std::string{"text:"} + printHashType(htSHA256);
[](FixedOutputHashMethod & fshm) {
[](const FixedOutputHashMethod & fshm) {
return "fixed:" + makeFileIngestionPrefix(fshm.fileIngestionMethod) + printHashType(fshm.hashType);
}, cam);
}, raw);
Parses content address strings up to the hash.
* Parses content address strings up to the hash.
static ContentAddressMethod parseContentAddressMethodPrefix(std::string_view & rest)
@ -97,7 +93,7 @@ static ContentAddressMethod parseContentAddressMethodPrefix(std::string_view & r
throw UsageError("content address prefix '%s' is unrecognized. Recogonized prefixes are 'text' or 'fixed'", prefix);
ContentAddress parseContentAddress(std::string_view rawCa) {
ContentAddress ContentAddress::parse(std::string_view rawCa) {
auto rest = rawCa;
ContentAddressMethod caMethod = parseContentAddressMethodPrefix(rest);
@ -115,10 +111,10 @@ ContentAddress parseContentAddress(std::string_view rawCa) {
.hash = Hash::parseNonSRIUnprefixed(rest, std::move(fohMethod.hashType)),
}, caMethod);
}, caMethod.raw);
ContentAddressMethod parseContentAddressMethod(std::string_view caMethod)
ContentAddressMethod ContentAddressMethod::parse(std::string_view caMethod)
std::string asPrefix = std::string{caMethod} + ":";
// parseContentAddressMethodPrefix takes its argument by reference
@ -126,26 +122,55 @@ ContentAddressMethod parseContentAddressMethod(std::string_view caMethod)
return parseContentAddressMethodPrefix(asPrefixView);
std::optional<ContentAddress> parseContentAddressOpt(std::string_view rawCaOpt)
std::optional<ContentAddress> ContentAddress::parseOpt(std::string_view rawCaOpt)
return rawCaOpt == "" ? std::optional<ContentAddress>() : parseContentAddress(rawCaOpt);
return rawCaOpt == ""
? std::nullopt
: std::optional { ContentAddress::parse(rawCaOpt) };
std::string renderContentAddress(std::optional<ContentAddress> ca)
return ca ? renderContentAddress(*ca) : "";
return ca ? ca->render() : "";
Hash getContentAddressHash(const ContentAddress & ca)
const Hash & ContentAddress::getHash() const
return std::visit(overloaded {
[](const TextHash & th) {
[](const TextHash & th) -> auto & {
return th.hash;
[](const FixedOutputHash & fsh) {
[](const FixedOutputHash & fsh) -> auto & {
return fsh.hash;
}, ca);
}, raw);
bool StoreReferences::empty() const
return !self && others.empty();
size_t StoreReferences::size() const
return (self ? 1 : 0) + others.size();
ContentAddressWithReferences ContentAddressWithReferences::withoutRefs(const ContentAddress & ca) {
return std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const TextHash & h) -> ContentAddressWithReferences {
return TextInfo {
.hash = h,
.references = {},
[&](const FixedOutputHash & h) -> ContentAddressWithReferences {
return FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = h,
.references = {},
}, ca.raw);
@ -3,12 +3,30 @@
#include <variant>
#include "hash.hh"
#include "path.hh"
#include "comparator.hh"
namespace nix {
* Content addressing method
/* We only have one way to hash text with references, so this is a single-value
type, mainly useful with std::variant.
* An enumeration of the ways we can serialize file system objects.
* The single way we can serialize "text" file system objects.
* Somewhat obscure, used by \ref Derivation derivations and
* `builtins.toFile` currently.
struct TextHashMethod : std::monostate { };
* An enumeration of the main ways we can serialize file system
* objects.
enum struct FileIngestionMethod : uint8_t {
@ -22,6 +40,53 @@ enum struct FileIngestionMethod : uint8_t {
Recursive = true
* Compute the prefix to the hash algorithm which indicates how the
* files were ingested.
std::string makeFileIngestionPrefix(FileIngestionMethod m);
struct FixedOutputHashMethod {
FileIngestionMethod fileIngestionMethod;
HashType hashType;
GENERATE_CMP(FixedOutputHashMethod, me->fileIngestionMethod, me->hashType);
* An enumeration of all the ways we can serialize file system objects.
* Just the type of a content address. Combine with the hash itself, and
* we have a `ContentAddress` as defined below. Combine that, in turn,
* with info on references, and we have `ContentAddressWithReferences`,
* as defined further below.
struct ContentAddressMethod
typedef std::variant<
> Raw;
Raw raw;
GENERATE_CMP(ContentAddressMethod, me->raw);
/* The moral equivalent of `using Raw::Raw;` */
ContentAddressMethod(auto &&... arg)
: raw(std::forward<decltype(arg)>(arg)...)
{ }
static ContentAddressMethod parse(std::string_view rawCaMethod);
std::string render() const;
* Mini content address
* Somewhat obscure, used by \ref Derivation derivations and
* `builtins.toFile` currently.
@ -36,7 +101,7 @@ struct TextHash {
* For path computed by makeFixedOutputPath.
* Used by most store objects that are content-addressed.
struct FixedOutputHash {
@ -65,41 +130,96 @@ struct FixedOutputHash {
* - ‘fixed:<r?>:<ht>:<h>’: For paths computed by
* Store::makeFixedOutputPath() / Store::addToStore().
typedef std::variant<
> ContentAddress;
struct ContentAddress
typedef std::variant<
> Raw;
* Compute the prefix to the hash algorithm which indicates how the
* files were ingested.
std::string makeFileIngestionPrefix(const FileIngestionMethod m);
Raw raw;
* Compute the content-addressability assertion (ValidPathInfo::ca) for
* paths created by Store::makeFixedOutputPath() / Store::addToStore().
std::string makeFixedOutputCA(FileIngestionMethod method, const Hash & hash);
GENERATE_CMP(ContentAddress, me->raw);
std::string renderContentAddress(ContentAddress ca);
/* The moral equivalent of `using Raw::Raw;` */
ContentAddress(auto &&... arg)
: raw(std::forward<decltype(arg)>(arg)...)
{ }
* Compute the content-addressability assertion (ValidPathInfo::ca) for
* paths created by Store::makeFixedOutputPath() / Store::addToStore().
std::string render() const;
static ContentAddress parse(std::string_view rawCa);
static std::optional<ContentAddress> parseOpt(std::string_view rawCaOpt);
const Hash & getHash() const;
std::string renderContentAddress(std::optional<ContentAddress> ca);
ContentAddress parseContentAddress(std::string_view rawCa);
std::optional<ContentAddress> parseContentAddressOpt(std::string_view rawCaOpt);
Hash getContentAddressHash(const ContentAddress & ca);
We only have one way to hash text with references, so this is single-value
type is only useful in std::variant.
struct TextHashMethod { };
struct FixedOutputHashMethod {
FileIngestionMethod fileIngestionMethod;
HashType hashType;
* Full content address
* See the schema for store paths in
* A set of references to other store objects.
* References to other store objects are tracked with store paths, self
* references however are tracked with a boolean.
struct StoreReferences {
* References to other store objects
StorePathSet others;
* Reference to this store object
bool self = false;
* @return true iff no references, i.e. others is empty and self is
* false.
bool empty() const;
* Returns the numbers of references, i.e. the size of others + 1
* iff self is true.
size_t size() const;
GENERATE_CMP(StoreReferences, me->self, me->others);
// This matches the additional info that we need for makeTextPath
struct TextInfo {
TextHash hash;
* References to other store objects only; self references
* disallowed
StorePathSet references;
GENERATE_CMP(TextInfo, me->hash, me->references);
struct FixedOutputInfo {
FixedOutputHash hash;
* References to other store objects or this one.
StoreReferences references;
GENERATE_CMP(FixedOutputInfo, me->hash, me->references);
@ -107,13 +227,27 @@ struct FixedOutputHashMethod {
* A ContentAddress without a Hash.
typedef std::variant<
> ContentAddressMethod;
struct ContentAddressWithReferences
typedef std::variant<
> Raw;
ContentAddressMethod parseContentAddressMethod(std::string_view rawCaMethod);
Raw raw;
std::string renderContentAddressMethod(ContentAddressMethod caMethod);
GENERATE_CMP(ContentAddressWithReferences, me->raw);
/* The moral equivalent of `using Raw::Raw;` */
ContentAddressWithReferences(auto &&... arg)
: raw(std::forward<decltype(arg)>(arg)...)
{ }
* Create a ContentAddressWithReferences from a mere ContentAddress, by
* assuming no references in all cases.
static ContentAddressWithReferences withoutRefs(const ContentAddress &);
@ -401,21 +401,21 @@ static void performOp(TunnelLogger * logger, ref<Store> store,
auto pathInfo = [&]() {
// NB: FramedSource must be out of scope before logger->stopWork();
ContentAddressMethod contentAddressMethod = parseContentAddressMethod(camStr);
ContentAddressMethod contentAddressMethod = ContentAddressMethod::parse(camStr);
FramedSource source(from);
// TODO this is essentially RemoteStore::addCAToStore. Move it up to Store.
return std::visit(overloaded {
[&](TextHashMethod &) {
[&](const TextHashMethod &) {
// We could stream this by changing Store
std::string contents = source.drain();
auto path = store->addTextToStore(name, contents, refs, repair);
return store->queryPathInfo(path);
[&](FixedOutputHashMethod & fohm) {
[&](const FixedOutputHashMethod & fohm) {
auto path = store->addToStoreFromDump(source, name, fohm.fileIngestionMethod, fohm.hashType, repair, refs);
return store->queryPathInfo(path);
}, contentAddressMethod);
}, contentAddressMethod.raw);
@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ static void performOp(TunnelLogger * logger, ref<Store> store,
info.references = worker_proto::read(*store, from, Phantom<StorePathSet> {});
from >> info.registrationTime >> info.narSize >> info.ultimate;
info.sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(from);
|||| = parseContentAddressOpt(readString(from));
|||| = ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(from));
from >> repair >> dontCheckSigs;
if (!trusted && dontCheckSigs)
dontCheckSigs = false;
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ std::optional<StorePath> DerivationOutput::path(const Store & store, std::string
StorePath DerivationOutput::CAFixed::path(const Store & store, std::string_view drvName, std::string_view outputName) const
return store.makeFixedOutputPath(
hash.method, hash.hash,
outputPathName(drvName, outputName));
outputPathName(drvName, outputName),
{ hash, {} });
@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ void Derivation::checkInvariants(Store & store, const StorePath & drvPath) const
envHasRightPath(doia.path, i.first);
[&](const DerivationOutput::CAFixed & dof) {
StorePath path = store.makeFixedOutputPath(dof.hash.method, dof.hash.hash, drvName);
StorePath path = store.makeFixedOutputPath(drvName, { dof.hash, {} });
envHasRightPath(path, i.first);
[&](const DerivationOutput::CAFloating &) {
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ struct LegacySSHStore : public virtual LegacySSHStoreConfig, public virtual Stor
throw Error("NAR hash is now mandatory");
info->narHash = Hash::parseAnyPrefixed(s);
info->ca = parseContentAddressOpt(readString(conn->from));
info->ca = ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(conn->from));
info->sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(conn->from);
auto s = readString(conn->from);
@ -710,6 +710,7 @@ void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path & path,
canonicalisePathMetaData(path, uidRange, inodesSeen);
void LocalStore::registerDrvOutput(const Realisation & info, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs)
@ -888,7 +889,7 @@ std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo> LocalStore::queryPathInfoInternal(State & s
if (s) info->sigs = tokenizeString<StringSet>(s, " ");
s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(state.stmts->QueryPathInfo, 7);
if (s) info->ca = parseContentAddressOpt(s);
if (s) info->ca = ContentAddress::parseOpt(s);
/* Get the references. */
auto useQueryReferences(state.stmts->QueryReferences.use()(info->id));
@ -1221,7 +1222,7 @@ void LocalStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, Source & source,
printStorePath(info.path), info.narSize, hashResult.second);
if ( {
if (auto foHash = std::get_if<FixedOutputHash>(&* {
if (auto foHash = std::get_if<FixedOutputHash>(&>raw)) {
auto actualFoHash = hashCAPath(
@ -1234,7 +1235,7 @@ void LocalStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo & info, Source & source,
actualFoHash.hash.to_string(Base32, true));
if (auto textHash = std::get_if<TextHash>(&* {
if (auto textHash = std::get_if<TextHash>(&>raw)) {
auto actualTextHash = hashString(htSHA256, readFile(realPath));
if (textHash->hash != actualTextHash) {
throw Error("ca hash mismatch importing path '%s';\n specified: %s\n got: %s",
@ -1320,7 +1321,19 @@ StorePath LocalStore::addToStoreFromDump(Source & source0, std::string_view name
auto [hash, size] = hashSink->finish();
auto dstPath = makeFixedOutputPath(method, hash, name, references);
ContentAddressWithReferences desc = FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = hash,
.references = {
.others = references,
// caller is not capable of creating a self-reference, because this is content-addressed without modulus
.self = false,
auto dstPath = makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(name, desc);
@ -1340,7 +1353,7 @@ StorePath LocalStore::addToStoreFromDump(Source & source0, std::string_view name
if (inMemory) {
StringSource dumpSource { dump };
StringSource dumpSource { dump };
/* Restore from the NAR in memory. */
if (method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive)
restorePath(realPath, dumpSource);
@ -1364,10 +1377,13 @@ StorePath LocalStore::addToStoreFromDump(Source & source0, std::string_view name
optimisePath(realPath, repair);
ValidPathInfo info { dstPath, narHash.first };
ValidPathInfo info {
info.narSize = narHash.second;
info.references = references;
|||| = FixedOutputHash { .method = method, .hash = hash };
@ -1384,7 +1400,10 @@ StorePath LocalStore::addTextToStore(
const StorePathSet & references, RepairFlag repair)
auto hash = hashString(htSHA256, s);
auto dstPath = makeTextPath(name, hash, references);
auto dstPath = makeTextPath(name, TextInfo {
{ .hash = hash },
@ -27,18 +27,17 @@ std::map<StorePath, StorePath> makeContentAddressed(
StringMap rewrites;
StorePathSet references;
bool hasSelfReference = false;
StoreReferences refs;
for (auto & ref : oldInfo->references) {
if (ref == path)
hasSelfReference = true;
refs.self = true;
else {
auto i = remappings.find(ref);
auto replacement = i != remappings.end() ? i->second : ref;
// FIXME: warn about unremapped paths?
if (replacement != ref)
rewrites.insert_or_assign(srcStore.printStorePath(ref), srcStore.printStorePath(replacement));
@ -49,24 +48,28 @@ std::map<StorePath, StorePath> makeContentAddressed(
auto narModuloHash = hashModuloSink.finish().first;
auto dstPath = dstStore.makeFixedOutputPath(
FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, narModuloHash,, references, hasSelfReference);
ValidPathInfo info {
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive,
.hash = narModuloHash,
.references = std::move(refs),
printInfo("rewriting '%s' to '%s'", pathS, srcStore.printStorePath(dstPath));
printInfo("rewriting '%s' to '%s'", pathS, dstStore.printStorePath(info.path));
StringSink sink2;
RewritingSink rsink2(oldHashPart, std::string(dstPath.hashPart()), sink2);
RewritingSink rsink2(oldHashPart, std::string(info.path.hashPart()), sink2);
ValidPathInfo info { dstPath, hashString(htSHA256, sink2.s) };
info.references = std::move(references);
if (hasSelfReference) info.references.insert(info.path);
info.narHash = hashString(htSHA256, sink2.s);
info.narSize = sink.s.size();
|||| = FixedOutputHash {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive,
.hash = narModuloHash,
StringSource source(sink2.s);
dstStore.addToStore(info, source);
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ public:
narInfo->deriver = StorePath(queryNAR.getStr(9));
for (auto & sig : tokenizeString<Strings>(queryNAR.getStr(10), " "))
narInfo->ca = parseContentAddressOpt(queryNAR.getStr(11));
narInfo->ca = ContentAddress::parseOpt(queryNAR.getStr(11));
return {oValid, narInfo};
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ NarInfo::NarInfo(const Store & store, const std::string & s, const std::string &
else if (name == "CA") {
if (ca) throw corrupt();
// FIXME: allow blank ca or require skipping field?
ca = parseContentAddressOpt(value);
ca = ContentAddress::parseOpt(value);
pos = eol + 1;
@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ struct NarInfo : ValidPathInfo
uint64_t fileSize = 0;
NarInfo() = delete;
NarInfo(const Store & store, std::string && name, ContentAddressWithReferences && ca, Hash narHash)
: ValidPathInfo(store, std::move(name), std::move(ca), narHash)
{ }
NarInfo(StorePath && path, Hash narHash) : ValidPathInfo(std::move(path), narHash) { }
NarInfo(const ValidPathInfo & info) : ValidPathInfo(info) { }
NarInfo(const Store & store, const std::string & s, const std::string & whence);
@ -21,25 +21,45 @@ void ValidPathInfo::sign(const Store & store, const SecretKey & secretKey)
bool ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(const Store & store) const
std::optional<ContentAddressWithReferences> ValidPathInfo::contentAddressWithReferences() const
if (! ca) return false;
if (! ca)
return std::nullopt;
auto caPath = std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const TextHash & th) {
return store.makeTextPath(, th.hash, references);
return std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const TextHash & th) -> ContentAddressWithReferences {
assert(references.count(path) == 0);
return TextInfo {
.hash = th,
.references = references,
[&](const FixedOutputHash & fsh) {
[&](const FixedOutputHash & foh) -> ContentAddressWithReferences {
auto refs = references;
bool hasSelfReference = false;
if (refs.count(path)) {
hasSelfReference = true;
return store.makeFixedOutputPath(fsh.method, fsh.hash,, refs, hasSelfReference);
}, *ca);
return FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = foh,
.references = {
.others = std::move(refs),
.self = hasSelfReference,
}, ca->raw);
bool ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(const Store & store) const
auto fullCaOpt = contentAddressWithReferences();
if (! fullCaOpt)
return false;
auto caPath = store.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(, *fullCaOpt);
bool res = caPath == path;
@ -77,6 +97,29 @@ Strings ValidPathInfo::shortRefs() const
const Store & store,
std::string_view name,
ContentAddressWithReferences && ca,
Hash narHash)
: path(store.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(name, ca))
, narHash(narHash)
std::visit(overloaded {
[this](TextInfo && ti) {
this->references = std::move(ti.references);
this->ca = std::move((TextHash &&) ti);
[this](FixedOutputInfo && foi) {
this->references = std::move(foi.references.others);
if (foi.references.self)
this->ca = std::move((FixedOutputHash &&) foi);
}, std::move(ca).raw);
ValidPathInfo ValidPathInfo::read(Source & source, const Store & store, unsigned int format)
return read(source, store, format, store.parseStorePath(readString(source)));
@ -93,7 +136,7 @@ ValidPathInfo ValidPathInfo::read(Source & source, const Store & store, unsigned
if (format >= 16) {
source >> info.ultimate;
info.sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(source);
|||| = parseContentAddressOpt(readString(source));
|||| = ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(source));
return info;
@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ struct ValidPathInfo
void sign(const Store & store, const SecretKey & secretKey);
* @return The `ContentAddressWithReferences` that determines the
* store path for a content-addressed store object, `std::nullopt`
* for an input-addressed store object.
std::optional<ContentAddressWithReferences> contentAddressWithReferences() const;
* @return true iff the path is verifiably content-addressed.
@ -118,6 +125,9 @@ struct ValidPathInfo
ValidPathInfo(StorePath && path, Hash narHash) : path(std::move(path)), narHash(narHash) { };
ValidPathInfo(const StorePath & path, Hash narHash) : path(path), narHash(narHash) { };
ValidPathInfo(const Store & store,
std::string_view name, ContentAddressWithReferences && ca, Hash narHash);
virtual ~ValidPathInfo() { }
static ValidPathInfo read(Source & source, const Store & store, unsigned int format);
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<TrustedFlag> & o
ContentAddress read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<ContentAddress> _)
return parseContentAddress(readString(from));
return ContentAddress::parse(readString(from));
void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const ContentAddress & ca)
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<StorePath> & sto
std::optional<ContentAddress> read(const Store & store, Source & from, Phantom<std::optional<ContentAddress>> _)
return parseContentAddressOpt(readString(from));
return ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(from));
void write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<ContentAddress> & caOpt)
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ ref<const ValidPathInfo> RemoteStore::addCAToStore(
<< wopAddToStore
<< name
<< renderContentAddressMethod(caMethod);
<< caMethod.render();
worker_proto::write(*this, conn->to, references);
conn->to << repair;
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ ref<const ValidPathInfo> RemoteStore::addCAToStore(
}, caMethod);
}, caMethod.raw);
auto path = parseStorePath(readString(conn->from));
// Release our connection to prevent a deadlock in queryPathInfo().
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
#include "thread-pool.hh"
#include "url.hh"
#include "references.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include "callback.hh"
#include "remote-store.hh"
@ -98,10 +99,12 @@ StorePath Store::followLinksToStorePath(std::string_view path) const
silly, but it's done that way for compatibility). <id> is the
name of the output (usually, "out").
<h2> = base-16 representation of a SHA-256 hash of:
<h2> = base-16 representation of a SHA-256 hash of <s2>
<s2> =
if <type> = "text:...":
the string written to the resulting store path
if <type> = "source":
if <type> = "source:...":
the serialisation of the path from which this store path is
copied, as returned by hashPath()
if <type> = "output:<id>":
@ -162,63 +165,63 @@ StorePath Store::makeOutputPath(std::string_view id,
/* Stuff the references (if any) into the type. This is a bit
hacky, but we can't put them in, say, <s2> (per the grammar above)
since that would be ambiguous. */
static std::string makeType(
const Store & store,
std::string && type,
const StorePathSet & references,
bool hasSelfReference = false)
const StoreReferences & references)
for (auto & i : references) {
for (auto & i : references.others) {
type += ":";
type += store.printStorePath(i);
if (hasSelfReference) type += ":self";
if (references.self) type += ":self";
return std::move(type);
StorePath Store::makeFixedOutputPath(
FileIngestionMethod method,
const Hash & hash,
std::string_view name,
const StorePathSet & references,
bool hasSelfReference) const
StorePath Store::makeFixedOutputPath(std::string_view name, const FixedOutputInfo & info) const
if (hash.type == htSHA256 && method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive) {
return makeStorePath(makeType(*this, "source", references, hasSelfReference), hash, name);
if (info.hash.hash.type == htSHA256 && info.hash.method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive) {
return makeStorePath(makeType(*this, "source", info.references), info.hash.hash, name);
} else {
assert(info.references.size() == 0);
return makeStorePath("output:out",
+ makeFileIngestionPrefix(method)
+ hash.to_string(Base16, true) + ":"),
+ makeFileIngestionPrefix(info.hash.method)
+ info.hash.hash.to_string(Base16, true) + ":"),
StorePath Store::makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(std::string_view name, ContentAddress ca,
const StorePathSet & references, bool hasSelfReference) const
StorePath Store::makeTextPath(std::string_view name, const TextInfo & info) const
assert(info.hash.hash.type == htSHA256);
return makeStorePath(
makeType(*this, "text", StoreReferences {
.others = info.references,
.self = false,
StorePath Store::makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(std::string_view name, const ContentAddressWithReferences & ca) const
// New template
return std::visit(overloaded {
[&](const TextHash & th) {
return makeTextPath(name, th.hash, references);
[&](const TextInfo & ti) {
return makeTextPath(name, ti);
[&](const FixedOutputHash & fsh) {
return makeFixedOutputPath(fsh.method, fsh.hash, name, references, hasSelfReference);
[&](const FixedOutputInfo & foi) {
return makeFixedOutputPath(name, foi);
}, ca);
StorePath Store::makeTextPath(std::string_view name, const Hash & hash,
const StorePathSet & references) const
assert(hash.type == htSHA256);
/* Stuff the references (if any) into the type. This is a bit
hacky, but we can't put them in `s' since that would be
ambiguous. */
return makeStorePath(makeType(*this, "text", references), hash, name);
}, ca.raw);
@ -228,7 +231,14 @@ std::pair<StorePath, Hash> Store::computeStorePathForPath(std::string_view name,
Hash h = method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive
? hashPath(hashAlgo, srcPath, filter).first
: hashFile(hashAlgo, srcPath);
return std::make_pair(makeFixedOutputPath(method, h, name), h);
FixedOutputInfo caInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = h,
.references = {},
return std::make_pair(makeFixedOutputPath(name, caInfo), h);
@ -237,7 +247,10 @@ StorePath Store::computeStorePathForText(
std::string_view s,
const StorePathSet & references) const
return makeTextPath(name, hashString(htSHA256, s), references);
return makeTextPath(name, TextInfo {
{ .hash = hashString(htSHA256, s) },
@ -425,11 +438,18 @@ ValidPathInfo Store::addToStoreSlow(std::string_view name, const Path & srcPath,
throw Error("hash mismatch for '%s'", srcPath);
ValidPathInfo info {
makeFixedOutputPath(method, hash, name),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = hash,
.references = {},
info.narSize = narSize;
|||| = FixedOutputHash { .method = method, .hash = hash };
if (!isValidPath(info.path)) {
auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & scratchpadSink) {
@ -521,7 +541,9 @@ void Store::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const StorePathCAMap & paths, Substituta
// Recompute store path so that we can use a different store root.
if (path.second) {
subPath = makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(, *path.second);
subPath = makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(
if (sub->storeDir == storeDir)
assert(subPath == path.first);
if (subPath != path.first)
@ -538,10 +560,11 @@ void Store::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const StorePathCAMap & paths, Substituta
auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
infos.insert_or_assign(path.first, SubstitutablePathInfo{
narInfo ? narInfo->fileSize : 0,
.deriver = info->deriver,
.references = info->references,
.downloadSize = narInfo ? narInfo->fileSize : 0,
.narSize = info->narSize,
} catch (InvalidPath &) {
} catch (SubstituterDisabled &) {
} catch (Error & e) {
@ -1025,7 +1048,9 @@ void copyStorePath(
// recompute store path on the chance dstStore does it differently
if (info->ca && info->references.empty()) {
auto info2 = make_ref<ValidPathInfo>(*info);
info2->path = dstStore.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(info->, *info->ca);
info2->path = dstStore.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(
if (dstStore.storeDir == srcStore.storeDir)
assert(info->path == info2->path);
info = info2;
@ -1137,7 +1162,9 @@ std::map<StorePath, StorePath> copyPaths(
auto storePathForSrc = currentPathInfo.path;
auto storePathForDst = storePathForSrc;
if ( && currentPathInfo.references.empty()) {
storePathForDst = dstStore.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(, *;
storePathForDst = dstStore.makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(
if (dstStore.storeDir == srcStore.storeDir)
assert(storePathForDst == storePathForSrc);
if (storePathForDst != storePathForSrc)
@ -268,17 +268,11 @@ public:
StorePath makeOutputPath(std::string_view id,
const Hash & hash, std::string_view name) const;
StorePath makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod method,
const Hash & hash, std::string_view name,
const StorePathSet & references = {},
bool hasSelfReference = false) const;
StorePath makeFixedOutputPath(std::string_view name, const FixedOutputInfo & info) const;
StorePath makeTextPath(std::string_view name, const Hash & hash,
const StorePathSet & references = {}) const;
StorePath makeTextPath(std::string_view name, const TextInfo & info) const;
StorePath makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(std::string_view name, ContentAddress ca,
const StorePathSet & references = {},
bool hasSelfReference = false) const;
StorePath makeFixedOutputPathFromCA(std::string_view name, const ContentAddressWithReferences & ca) const;
* Preparatory part of addToStore().
@ -204,10 +204,10 @@ static void opAddFixed(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
/* Hack to support caching in `nix-prefetch-url'. */
static void opPrintFixedPath(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
auto recursive = FileIngestionMethod::Flat;
auto method = FileIngestionMethod::Flat;
for (auto i : opFlags)
if (i == "--recursive") recursive = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive;
if (i == "--recursive") method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive;
else throw UsageError("unknown flag '%1%'", i);
if (opArgs.size() != 3)
@ -218,7 +218,13 @@ static void opPrintFixedPath(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
std::string hash = *i++;
std::string name = *i++;
cout << fmt("%s\n", store->printStorePath(store->makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, Hash::parseAny(hash, hashAlgo), name)));
cout << fmt("%s\n", store->printStorePath(store->makeFixedOutputPath(name, FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = method,
.hash = Hash::parseAny(hash, hashAlgo),
.references = {},
@ -964,7 +970,7 @@ static void opServe(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs)
info.references = worker_proto::read(*store, in, Phantom<StorePathSet> {});
in >> info.registrationTime >> info.narSize >> info.ultimate;
info.sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(in);
|||| = parseContentAddressOpt(readString(in));
|||| = ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(in));
if (info.narSize == 0)
throw Error("narInfo is too old and missing the narSize field");
@ -42,14 +42,18 @@ struct CmdAddToStore : MixDryRun, StoreCommand
ValidPathInfo info {
store->makeFixedOutputPath(ingestionMethod, hash, *namePart),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = std::move(ingestionMethod),
.hash = std::move(hash),
.references = {},
info.narSize = sink.s.size();
|||| = std::optional { FixedOutputHash {
.method = ingestionMethod,
.hash = hash,
} };
if (!dryRun) {
auto source = StringSource(sink.s);
@ -67,7 +67,13 @@ std::tuple<StorePath, Hash> prefetchFile(
the store. */
if (expectedHash) {
hashType = expectedHash->type;
storePath = store->makeFixedOutputPath(ingestionMethod, *expectedHash, *name);
storePath = store->makeFixedOutputPath(*name, FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = ingestionMethod,
.hash = *expectedHash,
.references = {},
if (store->isValidPath(*storePath))
hash = expectedHash;
@ -118,7 +124,7 @@ std::tuple<StorePath, Hash> prefetchFile(
auto info = store->addToStoreSlow(*name, tmpFile, ingestionMethod, hashType, expectedHash);
storePath = info.path;
hash = getContentAddressHash(*;
hash =>getHash();
return {storePath.value(), hash.value()};
@ -200,12 +200,22 @@ struct ProfileManifest
auto narHash = hashString(htSHA256, sink.s);
ValidPathInfo info {
store->makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, narHash, "profile", references),
FixedOutputInfo {
.hash = {
.method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive,
.hash = narHash,
.references = {
.others = std::move(references),
// profiles never refer to themselves
.self = false,
info.references = std::move(references);
info.narSize = sink.s.size();
|||| = FixedOutputHash { .method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, .hash = info.narHash };
StringSource source(sink.s);
store->addToStore(info, source);
Add table
Reference in a new issue