* Don't use the ATerm library for parsing/printing .drv files.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 174 additions and 330 deletions
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ static Hash hashDerivationModulo(EvalState & state, Derivation drv)
drv.inputDrvs = inputs2;
return hashTerm(unparseDerivation(drv));
return hashString(htSHA256, unparseDerivation(drv));
@ -87,9 +87,6 @@ static void setLogType(string lt)
void initDerivationsHelpers();
static void closeStore()
try {
@ -176,9 +173,6 @@ static void initAndRun(int argc, char * * argv)
string lt = getEnv("NIX_LOG_TYPE");
if (lt != "") setLogType(lt);
/* ATerm stuff. !!! find a better place to put this */
/* Put the arguments in a vector. */
Strings args, remaining;
while (argc--) args.push_back(*argv++);
@ -333,10 +327,6 @@ int main(int argc, char * * argv)
if (argc == 0) abort();
/* ATerm setup. */
ATerm bottomOfStack;
ATinit(argc, argv, &bottomOfStack);
/* Turn on buffering for cerr. */
std::cerr.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buf, sizeof(buf));
@ -12,12 +12,5 @@ pkginclude_HEADERS = \
libstore_la_LIBADD = ../libutil/libutil.la ../boost/format/libformat.la @ADDITIONAL_NETWORK_LIBS@
BUILT_SOURCES = derivations-ast.cc derivations-ast.hh
EXTRA_DIST = derivations-ast.def derivations-ast.cc
-I$(srcdir)/.. ${aterm_include} -I$(srcdir)/../libutil
derivations-ast.cc derivations-ast.hh: ../aterm-helper.pl derivations-ast.def
$(perl) $(srcdir)/../aterm-helper.pl derivations-ast.hh derivations-ast.cc < $(srcdir)/derivations-ast.def
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
init initDerivationsHelpers
Derive | ATermList ATermList ATermList string string ATermList ATermList | ATerm |
| string string | ATerm | EnvBinding |
| string ATermList | ATerm | DerivationInput |
| string string string string | ATerm | DerivationOutput |
Closure | ATermList ATermList | ATerm | OldClosure |
| string ATermList | ATerm | OldClosureElem |
@ -1,22 +1,12 @@
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "aterm.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "derivations-ast.hh"
#include "derivations-ast.cc"
namespace nix {
Hash hashTerm(ATerm t)
return hashString(htSHA256, atPrint(t));
Path writeDerivation(const Derivation & drv, const string & name)
PathSet references;
@ -27,137 +17,150 @@ Path writeDerivation(const Derivation & drv, const string & name)
(that can be missing (of course) and should not necessarily be
held during a garbage collection). */
string suffix = name + drvExtension;
string contents = atPrint(unparseDerivation(drv));
string contents = unparseDerivation(drv);
return readOnlyMode
? computeStorePathForText(suffix, contents, references)
: store->addTextToStore(suffix, contents, references);
static void checkPath(const string & s)
static Path parsePath(std::istream & str)
string s = parseString(str);
if (s.size() == 0 || s[0] != '/')
throw Error(format("bad path `%1%' in derivation") % s);
return s;
static void parseStrings(ATermList paths, StringSet & out, bool arePaths)
static StringSet parseStrings(std::istream & str, bool arePaths)
for (ATermIterator i(paths); i; ++i) {
if (ATgetType(*i) != AT_APPL)
throw badTerm("not a path", *i);
string s = aterm2String(*i);
if (arePaths) checkPath(s);
StringSet res;
while (!endOfList(str))
res.insert(arePaths ? parsePath(str) : parseString(str));
return res;
/* Shut up warnings. */
void throwBadDrv(ATerm t) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
void throwBadDrv(ATerm t)
throw badTerm("not a valid derivation", t);
Derivation parseDerivation(ATerm t)
Derivation parseDerivation(const string & s)
Derivation drv;
ATermList outs, inDrvs, inSrcs, args, bnds;
ATerm builder, platform;
std::istringstream str(s);
expect(str, "Derive([");
if (!matchDerive(t, outs, inDrvs, inSrcs, platform, builder, args, bnds))
for (ATermIterator i(outs); i; ++i) {
ATerm id, path, hashAlgo, hash;
if (!matchDerivationOutput(*i, id, path, hashAlgo, hash))
/* Parse the list of outputs. */
while (!endOfList(str)) {
DerivationOutput out;
out.path = aterm2String(path);
out.hashAlgo = aterm2String(hashAlgo);
out.hash = aterm2String(hash);
drv.outputs[aterm2String(id)] = out;
expect(str, "("); string id = parseString(str);
expect(str, ","); out.path = parsePath(str);
expect(str, ","); out.hashAlgo = parseString(str);
expect(str, ","); out.hash = parseString(str);
expect(str, ")");
drv.outputs[id] = out;
for (ATermIterator i(inDrvs); i; ++i) {
ATerm drvPath;
ATermList ids;
if (!matchDerivationInput(*i, drvPath, ids))
Path drvPath2 = aterm2String(drvPath);
StringSet ids2;
parseStrings(ids, ids2, false);
drv.inputDrvs[drvPath2] = ids2;
/* Parse the list of input derivations. */
expect(str, ",[");
while (!endOfList(str)) {
expect(str, "(");
Path drvPath = parsePath(str);
expect(str, ",[");
drv.inputDrvs[drvPath] = parseStrings(str, false);
expect(str, ")");
parseStrings(inSrcs, drv.inputSrcs, true);
expect(str, ",["); drv.inputSrcs = parseStrings(str, true);
expect(str, ","); drv.platform = parseString(str);
expect(str, ","); drv.builder = parseString(str);
drv.builder = aterm2String(builder);
drv.platform = aterm2String(platform);
/* Parse the builder arguments. */
expect(str, ",[");
while (!endOfList(str))
for (ATermIterator i(args); i; ++i) {
if (ATgetType(*i) != AT_APPL)
throw badTerm("string expected", *i);
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
ATerm s1, s2;
if (!matchEnvBinding(*i, s1, s2))
throw badTerm("tuple of strings expected", *i);
drv.env[aterm2String(s1)] = aterm2String(s2);
/* Parse the environment variables. */
expect(str, ",[");
while (!endOfList(str)) {
expect(str, "("); string name = parseString(str);
expect(str, ","); string value = parseString(str);
expect(str, ")");
drv.env[name] = value;
expect(str, ")");
return drv;
ATerm unparseDerivation(const Derivation & drv)
void printString(std::ostream & str, const string & s)
ATermList outputs = ATempty;
for (DerivationOutputs::const_reverse_iterator i = drv.outputs.rbegin();
i != drv.outputs.rend(); ++i)
outputs = ATinsert(outputs,
str << "\"";
for (const char * i = s.c_str(); *i; i++)
if (*i == '\"' || *i == '\\') str << "\\" << *i;
else if (*i == '\n') str << "\\n";
else if (*i == '\r') str << "\\r";
else if (*i == '\t') str << "\\t";
else str << *i;
str << "\"";
ATermList inDrvs = ATempty;
for (DerivationInputs::const_reverse_iterator i = drv.inputDrvs.rbegin();
i != drv.inputDrvs.rend(); ++i)
inDrvs = ATinsert(inDrvs,
ATermList args = ATempty;
for (Strings::const_reverse_iterator i = drv.args.rbegin();
i != drv.args.rend(); ++i)
args = ATinsert(args, toATerm(*i));
template<class ForwardIterator>
void printStrings(std::ostream & str, ForwardIterator i, ForwardIterator j)
str << "[";
bool first = true;
for ( ; i != j; ++i) {
if (first) first = false; else str << ",";
printString(str, *i);
str << "]";
ATermList env = ATempty;
for (StringPairs::const_reverse_iterator i = drv.env.rbegin();
i != drv.env.rend(); ++i)
env = ATinsert(env,
return makeDerive(
string unparseDerivation(const Derivation & drv)
std::ostringstream str;
str << "Derive([";
bool first = true;
foreach (DerivationOutputs::const_iterator, i, drv.outputs) {
if (first) first = false; else str << ",";
str << "("; printString(str, i->first);
str << ","; printString(str, i->second.path);
str << ","; printString(str, i->second.hashAlgo);
str << ","; printString(str, i->second.hash);
str << ")";
str << "],[";
first = true;
foreach (DerivationInputs::const_iterator, i, drv.inputDrvs) {
if (first) first = false; else str << ",";
str << "("; printString(str, i->first);
str << ","; printStrings(str, i->second.begin(), i->second.end());
str << ")";
str << "],";
printStrings(str, drv.inputSrcs.begin(), drv.inputSrcs.end());
str << ","; printString(str, drv.platform);
str << ","; printString(str, drv.builder);
str << ","; printStrings(str, drv.args.begin(), drv.args.end());
str << ",[";
first = true;
foreach (StringPairs::const_iterator, i, drv.env) {
if (first) first = false; else str << ",";
str << "("; printString(str, i->first);
str << ","; printString(str, i->second);
str << ")";
str << "])";
return str.str();
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include <aterm1.h>
#include "hash.hh"
#include <map>
@ -53,17 +51,14 @@ struct Derivation
/* Hash an aterm. */
Hash hashTerm(ATerm t);
/* Write a derivation to the Nix store, and return its path. */
Path writeDerivation(const Derivation & drv, const string & name);
/* Parse a derivation. */
Derivation parseDerivation(ATerm t);
Derivation parseDerivation(const string & s);
/* Parse a derivation. */
ATerm unparseDerivation(const Derivation & drv);
/* Print a derivation. */
string unparseDerivation(const Derivation & drv);
/* Check whether a file name ends with the extensions for
derivations. */
@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
#include "globals.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include "pathlocks.hh"
#include "aterm.hh"
#include "derivations-ast.hh"
#include "worker-protocol.hh"
#include <iostream>
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "local-store.hh"
#include <aterm2.h>
namespace nix {
@ -12,9 +10,7 @@ Derivation derivationFromPath(const Path & drvPath)
ATerm t = ATreadFromNamedFile(drvPath.c_str());
if (!t) throw Error(format("cannot read aterm from `%1%'") % drvPath);
return parseDerivation(t);
return parseDerivation(readFile(drvPath));
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libutil.la
libutil_la_SOURCES = util.cc hash.cc serialise.cc \
archive.cc aterm.cc xml-writer.cc
archive.cc xml-writer.cc
libutil_la_LIBADD = ../boost/format/libformat.la
pkginclude_HEADERS = util.hh hash.hh serialise.hh \
archive.hh aterm.hh xml-writer.hh types.hh
archive.hh xml-writer.hh types.hh
libutil_la_SOURCES += \
md5.c md5.h sha1.c sha1.h sha256.c sha256.h md32_common.h
AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -I$(srcdir)/.. ${aterm_include}
AM_CXXFLAGS = -Wall -I$(srcdir)/..
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#include "aterm.hh"
#include <cstring>
using std::string;
string nix::atPrint(ATerm t)
if (!t) throw Error("attempt to print null aterm");
char * s = ATwriteToString(t);
if (!s) throw Error("cannot print term");
return s;
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & stream, ATerm e)
return stream << nix::atPrint(e);
nix::Error nix::badTerm(const format & f, ATerm t)
char * s = ATwriteToString(t);
if (!s) throw Error("cannot print term");
if (strlen(s) > 1000) {
int len;
s = ATwriteToSharedString(t, &len);
if (!s) throw Error("cannot print term");
return Error(format("%1%, in `%2%'") % f.str() % (string) s);
ATerm nix::toATerm(const char * s)
return (ATerm) ATmakeAppl0(ATmakeAFun((char *) s, 0, ATtrue));
ATerm nix::toATerm(const string & s)
return toATerm(s.c_str());
ATermList nix::toATermList(const StringSet & ss)
ATermList l = ATempty;
for (StringSet::const_reverse_iterator i = ss.rbegin();
i != ss.rend(); ++i)
l = ATinsert(l, toATerm(*i));
return l;
@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
#ifndef __ATERM_H
#define __ATERM_H
#include <aterm2.h>
#include "types.hh"
namespace nix {
/* Print an ATerm. */
string atPrint(ATerm t);
class ATermIterator
ATermList t;
ATermIterator(ATermList _t) : t(_t) { }
ATermIterator & operator ++ ()
t = ATgetNext(t);
return *this;
ATerm operator * ()
return ATgetFirst(t);
operator bool ()
return t != ATempty;
/* Throw an exception with an error message containing the given
aterm. */
Error badTerm(const format & f, ATerm t);
/* Convert strings to ATerms. */
ATerm toATerm(const char * s);
ATerm toATerm(const string & s);
ATermList toATermList(const StringSet & ss);
/* Write an ATerm to an output stream. */
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & stream, ATerm e);
#endif /* !__ATERM_H */
@ -1006,6 +1006,47 @@ bool hasSuffix(const string & s, const string & suffix)
void expect(std::istream & str, const string & s)
char s2[s.size()];
str.read(s2, s.size());
if (string(s2, s.size()) != s)
throw Error(format("expected string `%1%'") % s);
string parseString(std::istream & str)
string res;
expect(str, "\"");
int c;
while ((c = str.get()) != '"')
if (c == '\\') {
c = str.get();
if (c == 'n') res += '\n';
else if (c == 'r') res += '\r';
else if (c == 't') res += '\t';
else res += c;
else res += c;
return res;
bool endOfList(std::istream & str)
if (str.peek() == ',') {
return false;
if (str.peek() == ']') {
return true;
return false;
void ignoreException()
try {
@ -302,34 +302,23 @@ string int2String(int n);
bool hasSuffix(const string & s, const string & suffix);
/* Read string `s' from stream `str'. */
void expect(std::istream & str, const string & s);
/* Read a C-style string from stream `str'. */
string parseString(std::istream & str);
/* Utility function used to parse legacy ATerms. */
bool endOfList(std::istream & str);
/* Exception handling in destructors: print an error message, then
ignore the exception. */
void ignoreException();
/* STL functions such as sort() pass a binary function object around
by value, so it gets cloned a lot. This is bad if the function
object has state or is simply large. This adapter wraps the
function object to simulate passing by reference. */
template<class F>
struct binary_function_ref_adapter
F * p;
binary_function_ref_adapter(F * _p)
p = _p;
typename F::result_type operator () (
const typename F::first_argument_type & x,
const typename F::second_argument_type & y)
return (*p)(x, y);
@ -25,33 +25,6 @@ DrvInfos queryInstalled(EvalState & state, const Path & userEnv)
/* Code for parsing manifests in the old textual ATerm format. */
static void expect(std::istream & str, const string & s)
char s2[s.size()];
str.read(s2, s.size());
if (string(s2, s.size()) != s)
throw Error(format("expected string `%1%'") % s);
static string parseString(std::istream & str)
string res;
expect(str, "\"");
int c;
while ((c = str.get()) != '"')
if (c == '\\') {
c = str.get();
if (c == 'n') res += '\n';
else if (c == 'r') res += '\r';
else if (c == 't') res += '\t';
else res += c;
else res += c;
return res;
static string parseStr(std::istream & str)
expect(str, "Str(");
@ -70,20 +43,6 @@ static string parseWord(std::istream & str)
static bool endOfList(std::istream & str)
if (str.peek() == ',') {
return false;
if (str.peek() == ']') {
return true;
return false;
static MetaInfo parseMeta(std::istream & str)
MetaInfo meta;
Add table
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