They did not include the detailed error message, losing essential
information for troubleshooting.
Example message:
warning: creating statement 'insert or rplace into NARs(cache, hashPart, namePart, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, narSize, refs, deriver, sigs, ca, timestamp, present) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)': at offset 10: SQL logic error, near "rplace": syntax error (in '/tmp/nix-shell.grQ6f7/nix-test/tests/binary-cache/test-home/.cache/nix/binary-cache-v6.sqlite')
It's not the best example; more important information will be in
the message for e.g. a constraint violation.
I don't see why this specific error is printed as a warning, but
that's for another commit.
Unsetting `build-users-group` (without `auto-allocate-uids` enabled)
gives the following error:
src/libstore/ static std::unique_ptr<nix::UserLock> nix::SimpleUserLock::acquire(): Assertion `settings.buildUsersGroup != ""' failed.
Fix the logic in `useBuildUsers` and document the default value
for `build-users-group`.
This makes the position object used in exceptions abstract, with a
method getSource() to get the source code of the file in which the
error originated. This is needed for lazy trees because source files
don't necessarily exist in the filesystem, and we don't want to make
libutil depend on the InputAccessor type in libfetcher.
Make everything be in the form "while ..." (most things were already),
and in particular *don't* use other propositions that must go after or
before specific "while ..." clauses to make sense.
When debugging nix expressions the outermost trace tends to be more useful
than the innermost. It is therefore printed last to save developers from
We used to set enforceDeterminism to true in the settings (by default)
and thus did send a non-zero value over the wire. The value should
probably be ignored as it should only matter if nrRounds is non-zero
as well.
Having the old code here where the value is expected to be zero only
works with the same version of Nix where we are sending zero. We
should always test this against older Nix versions being client or
server as otherwise upgrade in larger networks might be a pain.
Fixes 8e0946e8df
These only functioned if a very narrow combination of conditions held:
- The result path does not yet exist (--check did not result in
repeated builds), AND
- The result path is not available from any configured substituters, AND
- No remote builders that can build the path are available.
If any of these do not hold, a derivation would be built 0 or 1 times
regardless of the repeat option. Thus, remove it to avoid confusion.