in attribute set pattern matches. This allows defining a function
that takes *at least* the listed attributes, while ignoring
additional attributes. For instance,
{stdenv, fetchurl, fuse, ...}:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
defines a function that requires an attribute set that contains the
specified attributes but ignores others. The main advantage is that
we can then write in all-packages.nix
aefs = import ../bla/aefs pkgs;
instead of
aefs = import ../bla/aefs {
inherit stdenv fetchurl fuse;
This saves a lot of typing (not to mention not having to update
all-packages.nix with purely mechanical changes). It saves as much
typing as the "args: with args;" style, but has the advantage that
the function arguments are properly declared (not implicit in what
the body of the "with" uses).
functions that take a single argument (plain lambdas) into one AST
node (Function) that contains a Pattern node describing the
arguments. Current patterns are single lazy arguments (VarPat) and
matching against an attribute set (AttrsPat).
This refactoring allows other kinds of patterns to be added easily,
such as Haskell-style @-patterns, or list pattern matching.
logic through the `parseDrvName' and `compareVersions' primops.
This will allow expressions to easily check whether some dependency
is a specific needed version or falls in some version range. See
tests/lang/eval-okay-versions.nix for examples.
undefined variables by definition. This matters for the
implementation of "with", which does a call to checkVarDefs to see
if the body of the with has no undefined variables. (It can't be
checked at parse time because you don't know which variables are in
the "with" attribute set.) If we check closed terms, then we check
not just the with body but also the substituted terms, which are
typically very large. This is the cause of the poor nix-env
performance on Nixpkgs lately. It didn't happen earlier because
"with" wasn't used very often in the past.
This fix improves nix-env performance roughly 60x on current Nixpkgs.
nix-env -qa is down from 29.3s to 0.5s on my laptop, and nix-env -qa
--out-path is down from 229s to 3.39s. Not bad for a 1-line fix :-)
single quotes. Example (from NixOS):
job = ''
start on network-interfaces
start script
rm -f /var/run/opengl-driver
${if videoDriver == "nvidia"
then "ln -sf ${nvidiaDrivers} /var/run/opengl-driver"
else if cfg.driSupport
then "ln -sf ${mesa} /var/run/opengl-driver"
else ""
rm -f /var/log/slim.log
end script
This style has two big advantages:
- \, ' and " aren't special, only '' and ${. So you get a lot less
escaping in shell scripts / configuration files in Nixpkgs/NixOS.
The delimiter '' is rare in scripts (and can usually be written as
""). ${ is also fairly rare.
Other delimiters such as <<...>>, {{...}} and <|...|> were also
considered but this one appears to have the fewest drawbacks
(thanks Martin).
- Indentation is intelligently stripped so that multi-line strings
can follow the nesting structure of the containing Nix
expression. E.g. in the example above 6 spaces are stripped from
the start of each line. This prevents unnecessary indentation in
generated files (which sometimes even breaks things).
See tests/lang/eval-okay-ind-string.nix for some examples.
Nix expressions in that directory are combined into an attribute set
{file1 = import file1; file2 = import file2; ...}, i.e. each Nix
expression is an attribute with the file name as the attribute
name. Also recurses into directories.
* nix-env: removed the "--import" (-I) option which set the
~/.nix-defexpr symlink.
* nix-channel: don't use "nix-env --import", instead symlink
~/.nix-defexpr/channels. So finally nix-channel --update doesn't
override any default Nix expressions but combines with them.
This means that you can have (say) a local Nixpkgs SVN tree and use
it as a default for nix-env:
$ ln -s .../path-to-nixpkgs-tree ~/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs_svn
and be subscribed to channels (including Nixpkgs) at the same time.
(If there is any ambiguity, the -A flag can be used to
disambiguate, e.g. "nix-env -i -A nixpkgs_svn.pan".)
* Channels: fix channels that are plain lists of derivations (like
strategoxt-unstable) instead of functions (like nixpkgs-unstable).
This fixes the error message "error: the left-hand side of the
function call is neither a function nor a primop (built-in
operation) but a list".
get the basename of the channel URL (e.g., nixpkgs-unstable). The
top-level Nix expression of the channel is now an attribute set, the
attributes of which are the individual channels (e.g.,
{nixpkgs_unstable = ...; strategoxt_unstable = ...}). This makes
attribute paths ("nix-env -qaA" and "nix-env -iA") more sensible,
e.g., "nix-env -iA nixpkgs_unstable.subversion".
by priority and version install. That is, if there are multiple
packages with the same name, then pick the package with the highest
priority, and only use the version if there are multiple packages
with the same priority.
This makes it possible to mark specific versions/variant in Nixpkgs
more or less desirable than others. A typical example would be a
beta version of some package (e.g., "gcc-4.2.0rc1") which should not
be installed even though it is the highest version, except when it
is explicitly selected (e.g., "nix-env -i gcc-4.2.0rc1").
* Idem for nix-env -u, only the semantics are a bit trickier since we
also need to take into account the priority of the currently
installed package (we never upgrade to a lower priority, unless
--always is given).
evaluator. This was important because the NixOS expressions started
to hit 2 MB default stack size on Linux.
GCC is really dumb about stack space: it just adds up all the local
variables and temporaries of every scope into one huge stack frame.
This is really bad for deeply recursive functions. For instance,
every `throw Error(format("error message"))' causes a format object
of a few hundred bytes to be allocated on the stack. As a result,
every recursive call to evalExpr2() consumed 4680 bytes. By
splitting evalExpr2() and by moving the exception-throwing code out
of the main functions, evalExpr2() now only consumes 40 bytes.
Similar for evalExpr().
attribute) about installed packages in user environments. Thus, an
operation like `nix-env -q --description' shows useful information
not only on available packages but also on installed packages.
* nix-env now passes the entire manifest as an argument to the Nix
expression of the user environment builder (not just a list of
paths), so that in particular the user environment builder has
access to the meta attributes.
* New operation `--set-flag' in nix-env to change meta info of
installed packages. This will be useful to pass per-package
policies to the user environment builder (e.g., how to resolve
collision or whether to disable a package (NIX-80)) or upgrade
policies in nix-env (e.g., that a package should be "masked", that
is, left untouched by upgrade actions). Example:
$ nix-env --set-flag enabled false ghc-6.4
computing the store path (NIX-77). This is an important security
property in multi-user Nix stores.
Note that this changes the store paths of derivations (since the
derivation aterms are added using addTextToStore), but not most
outputs (unless they use builtins.toFile).
* `sub' to subtract two numbers.
* `stringLength' to get the length of a string.
* `substring' to get a substring of a string. These should be enough
to allow most string operations to be expressed.
<derivation outPath=... drvPath=...> attrs </derivation>. Only emit
the attributes of any specific derivation only. This prevents
exponententially large XML output due to the absense of sharing.
from a source directory. All files for which a predicate function
returns true are copied to the store. Typical example is to leave
out the .svn directory:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
src = builtins.filterSource
(path: baseNameOf (toString path) != ".svn")
# as opposed to
# src = ./source-dir;
This is important because the .svn directory influences the hash in
a rather unpredictable and variable way.