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1 commit

Author SHA1 Message Date
b6799ab037 beta release: 2.90-beta.1
Change-Id: I125b6785a208c1687b5b4104c23d0a0e59626f52
2024-05-05 18:37:42 -06:00
821 changed files with 18183 additions and 26453 deletions

View file

@ -16,20 +16,3 @@ Checks:
- -bugprone-unchecked-optional-access
# many warnings, seems like a questionable lint
- -bugprone-branch-clone
# all thrown exceptions must derive from std::exception
- hicpp-exception-baseclass
# capturing async lambdas are dangerous
- cppcoreguidelines-avoid-capturing-lambda-coroutines
# crimes must be appropriately declared as crimes
- cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-cstyle-cast
- lix-*
# This can not yet be applied to Lix itself since we need to do source
# reorganization so that lix/ include paths work.
- -lix-fixincludes
# This lint is included as an example, but the lib function it replaces is
# already gone.
- -lix-hasprefixsuffix
bugprone-reserved-identifier.AllowedIdentifiers: '__asan_default_options'

View file

@ -24,8 +24,3 @@ indent_size = 4
# Match diffs, avoid to trim trailing whitespace
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
max_line_length = 0

View file

@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# shellcheck shell=bash
source_env_if_exists .envrc.local
# Use native-clangStdenvPackages to get clangd by default.
use flake ".#${LIX_SHELL_VARIANT:-native-clangStdenvPackages}" "${LIX_SHELL_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}"
# TODO: `use flake .#native-clangStdenvPackages` on macOS?
use flake ".#${LIX_SHELL_VARIANT:-default}" "${LIX_SHELL_EXTRA_ARGS[@]}"
if [[ -n "$NIX_BUILD_CORES" ]]; then
export GTEST_BRIEF=1

.github/CODEOWNERS vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Pull requests concerning the listed files will automatically invite the respective maintainers as reviewers.
# This file is not used for denoting any kind of ownership, but is merely a tool for handling notifications.
# Merge permissions are required for maintaining an entry in this file.
# For documentation on this mechanism, see
# Default reviewers if nothing else matches
* @edolstra
# This file
.github/CODEOWNERS @edolstra
# Public documentation
/doc @fricklerhandwerk
*.md @fricklerhandwerk
# Libstore layer
/src/libstore @thufschmitt

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ assignees: ''
## Platform
<!-- select the platform on which you tried to install Lix -->
<!-- select the platform on which you tried to install Nix -->
- [ ] Linux: <!-- state your distribution, e.g. Arch Linux, Ubuntu, ... -->
- [ ] macOS

View file

@ -19,10 +19,9 @@ assignees: ''
<!-- make sure this issue is not redundant or obsolete -->
- [ ] checked [latest Lix manual] \([source]\)
- [ ] checked [documentation issues] and [recent documentation changes] for possible duplicates
- [ ] checked [latest Nix manual] \([source])
- [ ] checked [open documentation issues and pull requests] for possible duplicates
[latest Nix manual]:
[documentation issues]:
[recent documentation changes]:*%22
[latest Nix manual]:
[open documentation issues and pull requests]:

.github/ vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Stale bot information
- Thanks for your contribution!
- To remove the stale label, just leave a new comment.
- _How to find the right people to ping?_ &rarr; [`git blame`]( to the rescue! (or GitHub's history and blame buttons.)
- You can always ask for help on [our Discourse Forum]( or on [Matrix -](
## Suggestions for PRs
1. GitHub sometimes doesn't notify people who commented / reviewed a PR previously, when you (force) push commits. If you have addressed the reviews you can [officially ask for a review]( from those who commented to you or anyone else.
2. If it is unfinished but you plan to finish it, please mark it as a draft.
3. If you don't expect to work on it any time soon, closing it with a short comment may encourage someone else to pick up your work.
4. To get things rolling again, rebase the PR against the target branch and address valid comments.
5. If you need a review to move forward, ask in [the Discourse thread for PRs that need help](
6. If all you need is a merge, check the git history to find and [request reviews]( from people who usually merge related contributions.
## Suggestions for issues
1. If it is resolved (either for you personally, or in general), please consider closing it.
2. If this might still be an issue, but you are not interested in promoting its resolution, please consider closing it while encouraging others to take over and reopen an issue if they care enough.
3. If you still have interest in resolving it, try to ping somebody who you believe might have an interest in the topic. Consider discussing the problem in [our Discourse Forum](
4. As with all open source projects, your best option is to submit a Pull Request that addresses this issue. We :heart: this attitude!
**Memorandum on closing issues**
Don't be afraid to close an issue that holds valuable information. Closed issues stay in the system for people to search, read, cross-reference, or even reopen--nothing is lost! Closing obsolete issues is an important way to help maintainers focus their time and effort.
## Useful GitHub search queries
- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction](
- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction and `stale`](
- [Open PRs with any stale-bot interaction and NOT `stale`](
- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction](
- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction and `stale`](
- [Open Issues with any stale-bot interaction and NOT `stale`](

.github/dependabot.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"

.github/labeler.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- doc/manual/*
- src/nix/**/*.md
- src/libstore/store-api.*
- src/libstore/*-store.*
- src/libfetchers/**/*
- src/libcmd/repl.*
- src/nix/repl.*
- src/nix/**/*
# Unit tests
- src/*/tests/**/*
# Functional and integration tests
- tests/functional/**/*

.github/stale.yml vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Configuration for probot-stale -
daysUntilStale: 180
daysUntilClose: false
- "critical"
- "never-stale"
staleLabel: "stale"
markComment: false
closeComment: false

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,5 +1,128 @@
# /
# /doc/manual/
# /scripts/
# /src/libexpr/
# /src/libstore/
# /src/libutil/
# /src/nix-env/
# /src/nix-instantiate/
# /src/nix-store/
# /src/nix-channel/
# /src/nix-build/
# /tests/functional/
# /tests/functional/lang/
# GNU Global
@ -11,13 +134,15 @@ GTAGS
# auto-generated compilation database
# clangd and possibly more
@ -32,7 +157,3 @@ buildtime.bin
# We generate this with a Nix shell hook
# Rust build files when using Cargo (not actually supported for building but it spews the files anyway)

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@
This is a file used by the dev shell shellHook in package.nix to check that this is actually a Lix repo before installing git hooks. Its contents have no meaning.

.version Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -1,53 +1,76 @@
# Contributing to Lix
# Contributing to Nix
Welcome and thank you for considering contributing to Lix! We're currently in a soft release phase, and your support means a lot to us.
Welcome and thank you for your interest in contributing to Nix!
We appreciate your support.
To ensure a smooth and effective contribution process, here is a summary of our guidelines:
## Getting help?
If you have any question regarding getting started or reporting bugs, feel free
to reach out to us.
On Matrix, we have a space at ``, composed of:
- [``]( for discussions on Lix.
- [``]( for the development channel on Lix.
Reading and following these guidelines will help us make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved.
## Report a bug
- Check if your bug has already been reported in the [issue tracker](
- If you can't find the bug or feature, please open a new issue.
1. Check on the [GitHub issue tracker]( if your bug was already reported.
We maintain a copy of the upstream Nix bugs. Their organisation can be read about [here](
2. If you were not able to find the bug or feature [open a new issue](
3. The issue templates will guide you in specifying your issue.
The more complete the information you provide, the more likely it can be found by others and the more useful it is in the future.
Make sure reported bugs can be reproduced easily.
4. Once submitted, do not expect issues to be picked up or solved right away.
The only way to ensure this, is to [work on the issue yourself](#making-changes-to-nix).
## Report a security vulnerability
For security vulnerabilities, reach out by email at `security at lix dot systems`.
Check out the [security policy](
## Making changes to Lix
## Making changes to Nix
Before diving into making changes, we want to engage with you and your ideas.
1. Check for [pull requests]( that might already cover the contribution you are about to make.
There are many open pull requests that might already do what you intent to work on.
You can use [labels]( to filter for relevant topics.
We have a few policies in effect; please take the time to familiarize yourself:
2. Search for related issues that cover what you're going to work on. It could help to mention there that you will work on the issue.
- [Style guide on code](
- [Freeze policy and recommended contributions](
Issues labeled [good first issue]( should be relatively easy to fix and are likely to get merged quickly.
Pull requests addressing issues labeled [idea approved]( are especially welcomed by maintainers and will receive prioritised review.
To avoid duplication of effort, it may be a good idea to check out the list of
[pending pull requests]( (or "change lists", as Gerrit calls them). Once you have
an idea of what you might want to do, we recommend dropping a message on our
Matrix to ensure your contribution fits with our current schedule and plans
3. Check the [Nix reference manual]( for information on building Nix and running its tests.
When you're ready and your changes are ready to go:
For contributions to the command line interface, please check the [CLI guidelines](
- Submit your code.
- Submitting a GitHub PR [on our mirror]( is totally ok if that's easier for you and your change is relatively small (300 lines or so).
4. Make your changes!
We may ask you to resubmit it as a Gerrit CL if it is necessary for the change you're making.
- Our primary code review system is [our Gerrit instance](, where you can open a change list (CL).
If you're new to Gerrit, check out [our wiki page about Gerrit](
- Make sure to link any related issues.
- If needed, indicate that the change is 'work in progress'.
5. [Create a pull request]( for your changes.
* Link related issues in your pull request to inform interested parties and future contributors about your change.
* Make sure to have [a clean history of commits on your branch by using rebase](
If your pull request closes one or multiple issues, note that in the description using `Closes: #<number>`, as it will then happen automatically when your change is merged.
* [Mark the pull request as draft]( if you're not done with the changes.
You can obtain an account on our platforms by clicking "Sign In with GitHub" on the sign-in page.
6. Do not expect your pull request to be reviewed immediately.
Nix maintainers follow a [structured process for reviews and design decisions](, which may or may not prioritise your work.
Following this checklist will make the process smoother for everyone:
- [ ] Fixes an [idea approved]( issue
- [ ] Tests, as appropriate:
- Functional tests [`tests/functional/**.sh`](./tests/functional)
- Unit tests [`src/*/tests`](./src/)
- Integration tests [`tests/nixos/*`](./tests/nixos)
- [ ] User documentation in the [manual](..doc/manual/src)
- [ ] API documentation in header files
- [ ] Code and comments are self-explanatory
- [ ] Commit message explains **why** the change was made
- [ ] New feature or incompatible change: updated [release notes](./doc/manual/src/release-notes/
7. If you need additional feedback or help to getting pull request into shape, ask other contributors using [@mentions](
## Making changes to the Nix manual
The Nix reference manual is hosted on
The underlying source files are located in [`doc/manual/src`](./doc/manual/src).
For small changes you can [use GitHub to edit these files](
For larger changes see the [Nix reference manual](
## Getting help
Whenever you're stuck or do not know how to proceed, you can always ask for help.
The appropriate channels to do so can be found on the [NixOS Community]( page.

Cargo.lock generated
View file

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
version = 3
name = "countme"
version = "3.0.1"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "7704b5fdd17b18ae31c4c1da5a2e0305a2bf17b5249300a9ee9ed7b72114c636"
name = "dissimilar"
version = "1.0.9"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "59f8e79d1fbf76bdfbde321e902714bf6c49df88a7dda6fc682fc2979226962d"
name = "expect-test"
version = "1.5.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "9e0be0a561335815e06dab7c62e50353134c796e7a6155402a64bcff66b6a5e0"
dependencies = [
name = "hashbrown"
version = "0.14.5"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "e5274423e17b7c9fc20b6e7e208532f9b19825d82dfd615708b70edd83df41f1"
name = "lix-doc"
version = "0.0.1"
dependencies = [
name = "once_cell"
version = "1.19.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "3fdb12b2476b595f9358c5161aa467c2438859caa136dec86c26fdd2efe17b92"
name = "rnix"
version = "0.11.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "bb35cedbeb70e0ccabef2a31bcff0aebd114f19566086300b8f42c725fc2cb5f"
dependencies = [
name = "rowan"
version = "0.15.16"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "0a542b0253fa46e632d27a1dc5cf7b930de4df8659dc6e720b647fc72147ae3d"
dependencies = [
name = "rustc-hash"
version = "1.1.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "08d43f7aa6b08d49f382cde6a7982047c3426db949b1424bc4b7ec9ae12c6ce2"
name = "text-size"
version = "1.1.1"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "f18aa187839b2bdb1ad2fa35ead8c4c2976b64e4363c386d45ac0f7ee85c9233"

View file

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
resolver = "2"
members = ["src/lix-doc"]
edition = "2021"

Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
include mk/
-include $(buildprefix)Makefile.config
clean-files += $(buildprefix)Makefile.config
ifeq ($(ENABLE_BUILD), yes)
makefiles = \
mk/ \ \
src/libutil/ \
src/libstore/ \
src/libfetchers/ \
src/libmain/ \
src/libexpr/ \
src/libcmd/ \
src/nix/ \
src/resolve-system-dependencies/ \
scripts/ \
misc/bash/ \
misc/fish/ \
misc/zsh/ \
misc/systemd/ \
ifeq ($(ENABLE_BUILD)_$(ENABLE_TESTS), yes_yes)
makefiles += \
tests/unit/libutil/ \
tests/unit/libutil-support/ \
ifeq ($(ENABLE_TESTS), yes)
makefiles += \
tests/unit/libstore-support/ \
tests/unit/libexpr/ \
tests/unit/libexpr-support/ \
tests/functional/ \
tests/functional/ca/ \
tests/functional/dyn-drv/ \
tests/functional/test-libstoreconsumer/ \
tests/functional/repl_characterization/ \
makefiles += \
# Some makefiles require access to built programs and must be included late.
makefiles-late =
ifeq ($(ENABLE_BUILD), yes)
makefiles-late += doc/manual/
makefiles-late += doc/internal-api/
# Miscellaneous global Flags
ifeq ($(OPTIMIZE), 1)
include mk/
GLOBAL_CXXFLAGS += -g -Wall -Wimplicit-fallthrough -include $(buildprefix)config.h -std=c++2a -I src

52 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
AR = @AR@
CC = @CC@
HOST_OS = @host_os@
NIXDOC_LIBS = -llix_doc
SHELL = @bash@
bash = @bash@
bindir = @bindir@
datadir = @datadir@
datarootdir = @datarootdir@
doc_generate = @doc_generate@
docdir = @docdir@
embedded_sandbox_shell = @embedded_sandbox_shell@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
includedir = @includedir@
libdir = @libdir@
libexecdir = @libexecdir@
localstatedir = @localstatedir@
lsof = @lsof@
mandir = @mandir@
pkglibdir = $(libdir)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)
prefix = @prefix@
sandbox_shell = @sandbox_shell@
storedir = @storedir@
sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
system = @system@
internal_api_docs = @internal_api_docs@

View file

@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ Read more about us at
## Installation
On Linux and macOS the easiest way to install Lix is to run the following shell command
On Linux and macOS the easiest way to install Nix is to run the following shell command
(as a user other than root):
$ curl -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
For systems that **already have a Nix implementation installed**, such as NixOS systems, read our [install page](
For systems that **already have Nix installed**, such as NixOS systems, read our [install page](
## Building And Developing
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ See our [Hacking guide](
## Additional Resources
- [Our wiki](
- [Matrix -](
- [Matrix -](
## License
Lix is released under [LGPL-2.1-or-later](./COPYING).
Lix is released under the [LGPL v2.1](./COPYING).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
diff --git a/darwin_stop_world.c b/darwin_stop_world.c
index 0468aaec..b348d869 100644
--- a/darwin_stop_world.c
+++ b/darwin_stop_world.c
@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ GC_INNER void GC_push_all_stacks(void)
int nthreads = 0;
word total_size = 0;
mach_msg_type_number_t listcount = (mach_msg_type_number_t)THREAD_TABLE_SZ;
+ size_t stack_limit;
if (!EXPECT(GC_thr_initialized, TRUE))
@@ -411,6 +412,19 @@ GC_INNER void GC_push_all_stacks(void)
GC_push_all_stack_sections(lo, hi, p->traced_stack_sect);
if (altstack_lo) {
+ // When a thread goes into a coroutine, we lose its original sp until
+ // control flow returns to the thread.
+ // While in the coroutine, the sp points outside the thread stack,
+ // so we can detect this and push the entire thread stack instead,
+ // as an approximation.
+ // We assume that the coroutine has similarly added its entire stack.
+ // This could be made accurate by cooperating with the application
+ // via new functions and/or callbacks.
+ stack_limit = pthread_get_stacksize_np(p->id);
+ if (altstack_lo >= altstack_hi || altstack_lo < altstack_hi - stack_limit) { // sp outside stack
+ altstack_lo = altstack_hi - stack_limit;
+ }
total_size += altstack_hi - altstack_lo;
GC_push_all_stack(altstack_lo, altstack_hi);
diff --git a/include/gc.h b/include/gc.h
index edab6c22..f2c61282 100644
--- a/include/gc.h
+++ b/include/gc.h
@@ -2172,6 +2172,11 @@ GC_API void GC_CALL GC_win32_free_heap(void);
#endif /* _AMIGA && !GC_AMIGA_MAKINGLIB */
+#if !__APPLE__
+/* Patch doesn't work on apple */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
diff --git a/pthread_stop_world.c b/pthread_stop_world.c
index b5d71e62..aed7b0bf 100644
--- a/pthread_stop_world.c
+++ b/pthread_stop_world.c
@@ -768,6 +768,8 @@ STATIC void GC_restart_handler(int sig)
/* world is stopped. Should not fail if it isn't. */
GC_INNER void GC_push_all_stacks(void)
+ size_t stack_limit;
+ pthread_attr_t pattr;
GC_bool found_me = FALSE;
size_t nthreads = 0;
int i;
@@ -851,6 +853,37 @@ GC_INNER void GC_push_all_stacks(void)
hi = p->altstack + p->altstack_size;
/* FIXME: Need to scan the normal stack too, but how ? */
/* FIXME: Assume stack grows down */
+ } else {
+ if (!pthread_attr_init(&pattr)
+ || !pthread_attr_get_np(p->id, &pattr))
+ if (pthread_getattr_np(p->id, &pattr))
+ {
+ ABORT("GC_push_all_stacks: pthread_getattr_np failed!");
+ }
+ if (pthread_attr_getstacksize(&pattr, &stack_limit)) {
+ ABORT("GC_push_all_stacks: pthread_attr_getstacksize failed!");
+ }
+ if (pthread_attr_destroy(&pattr)) {
+ ABORT("GC_push_all_stacks: pthread_attr_destroy failed!");
+ }
+ // When a thread goes into a coroutine, we lose its original sp until
+ // control flow returns to the thread.
+ // While in the coroutine, the sp points outside the thread stack,
+ // so we can detect this and push the entire thread stack instead,
+ // as an approximation.
+ // We assume that the coroutine has similarly added its entire stack.
+ // This could be made accurate by cooperating with the application
+ // via new functions and/or callbacks.
+ #ifndef STACK_GROWS_UP
+ if (lo >= hi || lo < hi - stack_limit) { // sp outside stack
+ lo = hi - stack_limit;
+ }
+ #else
+ #error "STACK_GROWS_UP not supported in boost_coroutine2 (as of june 2021), so we don't support it in Nix."
+ #endif
GC_push_all_stack_sections(lo, hi, traced_stack_sect);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/include/gc_allocator.h b/include/gc_allocator.h
index 597c7f13..587286be 100644
--- a/include/gc_allocator.h
+++ b/include/gc_allocator.h
@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ public:
class traceable_allocator<void> {
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef void* pointer;

View file

@ -44,41 +44,32 @@ void FixIncludesCallbacks::LexedFileChanged(FileID, LexedFileChangeReason,
void FixIncludesCallbacks::InclusionDirective(
SourceLocation, const Token &, StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled,
SourceLocation, const Token &, StringRef, bool,
CharSourceRange FilenameRange, OptionalFileEntryRef File, StringRef,
StringRef, const Module *, SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind) {
if (Ignore)
// FIXME: this is kinda evil, but this is a one-time fixup
const std::vector<std::string> SourceDirs = {"src/", "include/lix/"};
const std::string SourceDir = "src/";
const auto Bracketize = [IsAngled](StringRef s) {
return IsAngled ? ("<" + s + ">").str() : ("\"" + s + "\"").str();
for (const auto &SourceDir : SourceDirs) {
const bool IsAlreadyFixed = FileName.starts_with("lix/lib");
if (File && File->getNameAsRequested().contains(SourceDir) &&
!IsAlreadyFixed) {
if (File && File->getNameAsRequested().contains(SourceDir)) {
StringRef Name = File->getNameAsRequested();
auto Idx = Name.find(SourceDir);
assert(Idx != std::string::npos);
std::string Suffix = Name.drop_front(Idx + SourceDir.length()).str();
StringRef Suffix = Name.drop_front(Idx + SourceDir.length());
if (!Suffix.starts_with("lib")) {
llvm::dbgs() << "ignored: " << Suffix << "\n";
Suffix = "lix/" + Suffix;
auto Diag = Check.diag(FilenameRange.getBegin(),
"include needs to specify the source subdir");
Diag << FilenameRange
<< FixItHint::CreateReplacement(FilenameRange, Bracketize(Suffix));
<< FixItHint::CreateReplacement(FilenameRange,
("\"" + Suffix + "\"").str());

View file

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include <clang-tidy/ClangTidyModuleRegistry.h>
#include "FixIncludes.hh"
#include "HasPrefixSuffix.hh"
#include "CharPtrCast.hh"
namespace nix::clang_tidy {
using namespace clang;
@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ class NixClangTidyChecks : public ClangTidyModule {
void addCheckFactories(ClangTidyCheckFactories &CheckFactories) override {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Clang tidy lints for Lix
# Clang tidy lints for Nix
This is a skeleton of a clang-tidy lints library for Lix.
This is a skeleton of a clang-tidy lints library for Nix.
Currently there is one check (which is already obsolete as it has served its
goal and is there as an example), `HasPrefixSuffixCheck`.
@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ goal and is there as an example), `HasPrefixSuffixCheck`.
One file:
ninja -C build && clang-tidy --checks='-*,lix-*' --load=build/ -p ../compile_commands.json -header-filter '\.\./src/.*\.h' --fix ../src/libcmd/
ninja -C build && clang-tidy --checks='-*,nix-*' --load=build/ -p ../compile_commands.json --fix ../src/libcmd/
Several files, in parallel:
ninja -C build && run-clang-tidy -checks='-*,lix-*' -load=build/ -p .. -header-filter '\.\./src/.*\.h' -fix ../src | tee -a clang-tidy-result
ninja -C build && run-clang-tidy -checks='-*,nix-*' -load=build/ -p .. -fix ../src | tee -a clang-tidy-result
## Resources

clang-tidy/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
project('lix-clang-tidy', ['cpp', 'c'],
version : '0.1',
default_options : ['warning_level=3', 'cpp_std=c++20'])
llvm = dependency('Clang', version: '>= 14', modules: ['libclang'])
sources = files(
shared_module('lix-clang-tidy', sources,
dependencies: llvm)

396 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
AC_INIT([nix],[m4_esyscmd(bash -c "echo -n $(cat ./.version)$VERSION_SUFFIX")])
# Construct a Nix system name (like "i686-linux"):
# The inital value is produced by the `config/config.guess` script:
# upstream:
# It has the following form, which is not documented anywhere:
# <cpu>-<vendor>-<os>[<version>][-<abi>]
# If `./configure` is passed any of the `--host`, `--build`, `--target` options, the value comes from `config/config.sub` instead:
# upstream:
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for the canonical Nix system name])
AC_ARG_WITH(system, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system=SYSTEM],[Platform identifier (e.g., `i686-linux').]),
[case "$host_cpu" in
case "$host_os" in
# For backward compatibility, strip the `-gnu' part.
# Strip the version number from names such as `gnu0.3',
# `darwin10.2.0', etc.
system="$machine_name-`echo $host_os | "$SED" -e's/@<:@0-9.@:>@*$//g'`";;
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SYSTEM, ["$system"], [platform identifier ('cpu-os')])
# State should be stored in /nix/var, unless the user overrides it explicitly.
test "$localstatedir" = '${prefix}/var' && localstatedir=/nix/var
# Assign a default value to C{,XX}FLAGS as the default configure script sets them
# to -O2 otherwise, which we don't want to have hardcoded
# Use 64-bit file system calls so that we can support files > 2 GiB.
# Solaris-specific stuff.
case "$host_os" in
# Solaris requires -lsocket -lnsl for network functions
LDFLAGS="-lsocket -lnsl $LDFLAGS"
# Check for pubsetbuf.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pubsetbuf])
AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static char buf[1024];]],
[[cerr.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(buf, sizeof(buf));]])],
[AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PUBSETBUF, 1, [Whether pubsetbuf is available.])],
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([statvfs pipe2])
# Check for lutimes, optionally used for changing the mtime of
# symlinks.
# Check whether the store optimiser can optimise symlinks.
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether it is possible to create a link to a symlink])
ln -s bla tmp_link
if ln tmp_link tmp_link2 2> /dev/null; then
AC_DEFINE(CAN_LINK_SYMLINK, 1, [Whether link() works on symlinks.])
rm -f tmp_link tmp_link2
# Check for <locale>.
AC_PATH_PROG($1, $2)
if test -z "$$1"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([$2 is required])
NEED_PROG(bash, bash)
AC_PATH_PROG(flex, flex, false)
AC_PATH_PROG(bison, bison, false)
AC_PATH_PROG(dot, dot)
AC_PATH_PROG(lsof, lsof, lsof)
NEED_PROG(jq, jq)
AC_SUBST(coreutils, [$(dirname $(type -p cat))])
AC_ARG_WITH(store-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-store-dir=PATH],[path of the Nix store (defaults to /nix/store)]),
storedir=$withval, storedir='/nix/store')
# Look for boost, a required dependency.
# Note that AX_BOOST_BASE only exports *CPP* BOOST_CPPFLAGS, no CXX flags,
# and CPPFLAGS are not passed to the C++ compiler automatically.
# Thus we append the returned CPPFLAGS to the CXXFLAGS here.
# For unknown reasons, setting this directly in the ACTION-IF-FOUND above
# ends up with LDFLAGS being empty, so we set it afterwards.
# On some platforms, new-style atomics need a helper library
AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether -latomic is needed)
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t v;
int main() {
return (int)__atomic_load_n(&v, __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE);
# Running the functional tests without building Nix is useful for testing
# different pre-built versions of Nix against each other.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(build, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-build],[Do not build nix]),
# Building without tests is useful for bootstrapping with a smaller footprint
# or running the tests in a separate derivation. Otherwise, we do compile and
# run them.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(tests, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-tests],[Do not build the tests]),
# Building without API docs is the default as Nix' C++ interfaces are internal and unstable.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(internal_api_docs, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-internal-api-docs],[Build API docs for Nix's internal unstable C++ interfaces]),
internal_api_docs=$enableval, internal_api_docs=no)
# LTO is currently broken with clang for unknown reasons; ld segfaults in the llvm plugin
AC_ARG_ENABLE(lto, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-lto],[Enable LTO (only supported with GCC) [default=no]]),
lto=$enableval, lto=no)
if test "$lto" = yes; then
if $CXX --version | grep -q GCC; then
AC_SUBST(CXXLTO, [-flto=jobserver])
echo "error: LTO is only supported with GCC at the moment" >&2
exit 1
AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-shared],[Build shared libraries for Nix [default=yes]]),
shared=$enableval, shared=yes)
if test "$shared" = yes; then
AC_SUBST(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, 1, [Whether to build shared libraries.])
AC_SUBST(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, 0, [Whether to build shared libraries.])
# Look for OpenSSL, a required dependency. FIXME: this is only (maybe)
# used by S3BinaryCacheStore.
# Look for libarchive.
# Workaround until is fixed
if test "$shared" != yes; then
# Look for SQLite, a required dependency.
# Look for libcurl, a required dependency.
# Look for editline, a required dependency.
# The the libeditline.pc file was added only in libeditline >= 1.15.2,
# see,
# but e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 has an older version, so we fall back to searching for
# editline.h when the pkg-config approach fails.
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([editline.h], [true],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([Nix requires libeditline; it was found neither via pkg-config nor its normal header.])])
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([readline read_history], [editline], [],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([Nix requires libeditline; it was not found via pkg-config, but via its header, but required functions do not work. Maybe it is too old? >= 1.14 is required.])])
# Look for libsodium.
# Look for libbrotli{enc,dec}.
# Look for libcpuid.
if test "$machine_name" = "x86_64"; then
AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-cpuid], [Do not determine microarchitecture levels with libcpuid (relevant to x86_64 only)]))
if test "x$enable_cpuid" != "xno"; then
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIBCPUID], [1], [Use libcpuid])]
AC_SUBST(HAVE_LIBCPUID, [$have_libcpuid])
# Look for libseccomp, required for Linux sandboxing.
case "$host_os" in
AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-seccomp-sandboxing],[Don't build support for seccomp sandboxing (only recommended if your arch doesn't support libseccomp yet!)
if test "x$enable_seccomp_sandboxing" != "xno"; then
AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SECCOMP], [1], [Whether seccomp is available and should be used for sandboxing.])
AC_SUBST(HAVE_SECCOMP, [$have_seccomp])
# Look for aws-cpp-sdk-s3.
[AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_S3], [1], [Whether to enable S3 support via aws-sdk-cpp.]) enable_s3=1],
[AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_S3], [0], [Whether to enable S3 support via aws-sdk-cpp.]) enable_s3=])
AC_SUBST(ENABLE_S3, [$enable_s3])
if test -n "$enable_s3"; then
declare -a aws_version_tokens=($(printf '#include <aws/core/VersionConfig.h>\nAWS_SDK_VERSION_STRING' | $CPP $CPPFLAGS - | grep -v '^#.*' | sed 's/"//g' | tr '.' ' '))
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([AWS_VERSION_MAJOR], ${aws_version_tokens@<:@0@:>@}, [Major version of aws-sdk-cpp.])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([AWS_VERSION_MINOR], ${aws_version_tokens@<:@1@:>@}, [Minor version of aws-sdk-cpp.])
AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([AWS_VERSION_PATCH], ${aws_version_tokens@<:@2@:>@}, [Patch version of aws-sdk-cpp.])
# Whether to use the Boehm garbage collector.
AC_ARG_ENABLE(gc, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gc],[enable garbage collection in the Nix expression evaluator (requires Boehm GC) [default=yes]]),
gc=$enableval, gc=yes)
if test "$gc" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BOEHMGC, 1, [Whether to use the Boehm garbage collector.])
if test "$ENABLE_TESTS" = yes; then
# Look for gtest.
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([GTEST], [gtest_main gmock_main])
# Look for rapidcheck.
AC_ARG_VAR([RAPIDCHECK_HEADERS], [include path of gtest headers shipped by RAPIDCHECK])
# No pkg-config yet,
[LIBS="-lrapidcheck -lgtest $LIBS"]
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([rapidcheck/gtest.h], [], [], [#include <gtest/gtest.h>])
dnl AC_CHECK_LIB doesn't work for C++ libs with mangled symbols
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <rapidcheck/gtest.h>
]], [[
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
[AC_MSG_ERROR([librapidcheck is not found.])])
# Look for nlohmann/json.
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([NLOHMANN_JSON], [nlohmann_json >= 3.9])
# documentation generation switch
AC_ARG_ENABLE(doc-gen, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-doc-gen],[disable documentation generation]),
doc_generate=$enableval, doc_generate=yes)
# Look for lowdown library.
# Look for toml11, a required dependency.
AC_ARG_VAR([TOML11_HEADERS], [include path of toml11 headers])
AC_CHECK_HEADER([toml.hpp], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([toml11 is not found.])])
# Setuid installations.
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([setresuid setreuid lchown])
# Nice to have, but not essential.
AC_CHECK_FUNCS([strsignal posix_fallocate sysconf])
AC_ARG_WITH(sandbox-shell, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-sandbox-shell=PATH],[path of a statically-linked shell to use as /bin/sh in sandboxes]),
if test ${cross_compiling:-no} = no && ! test -z ${sandbox_shell+x}; then
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether sandbox-shell has the standalone feature])
# busybox shell sometimes allows executing other busybox applets,
# even if they are not in the path, breaking our sandbox
if PATH= $sandbox_shell -c "busybox" 2>&1 | grep -qv "not found"; then
AC_MSG_ERROR([Please disable busybox FEATURE_SH_STANDALONE])
AC_ARG_ENABLE(embedded-sandbox-shell, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-embedded-sandbox-shell],[include the sandbox shell in the Nix binary [default=no]]),
embedded_sandbox_shell=$enableval, embedded_sandbox_shell=no)
if test "$embedded_sandbox_shell" = yes; then
AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EMBEDDED_SANDBOX_SHELL, 1, [Include the sandbox shell in the Nix binary.])
# Expand all variables in config.status.
test "$prefix" = NONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
test "$exec_prefix" = NONE && exec_prefix='${prefix}'
for name in $ac_subst_vars; do
declare $name="$(eval echo "${!name}")"
declare $name="$(eval echo "${!name}")"
declare $name="$(eval echo "${!name}")"
rm -f Makefile.config

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = @docdir@
# for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a
# quick idea about the purpose of the project. Keep the description short.
PROJECT_BRIEF = "Lix: A modern, delicious implementation of the Nix package manager; unstable internal interfaces"
PROJECT_BRIEF = "Nix, the purely functional package manager; unstable internal interfaces"
# If the GENERATE_LATEX tag is set to YES, doxygen will generate LaTeX output.
# The default value is: YES.

doc/internal-api/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.PHONY: internal-api-html
ifeq ($(internal_api_docs), yes)
$(docdir)/internal-api/html/index.html $(docdir)/internal-api/latex: $(d)/doxygen.cfg
mkdir -p $(docdir)/internal-api
{ cat $< ; echo "OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=$(docdir)/internal-api" ; } | doxygen -
# Generate the HTML API docs for Nix's unstable internal interfaces.
internal-api-html: $(docdir)/internal-api/html/index.html
# Make a nicer error message
@echo "Internal API docs are disabled. Configure with '--enable-internal-api-docs', or avoid calling 'make internal-api-html'."
@exit 1

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ internal_api_docs = custom_target(
output : 'html',
install : true,
install_dir : datadir / 'doc/nix/internal-api',
build_always_stale : true,
alias_target('internal-api-html', internal_api_docs)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
title = "Lix Reference Manual"
title = "Nix Reference Manual"
create-missing = false
@ -7,14 +7,8 @@ create-missing = false
additional-css = ["custom.css"]
additional-js = ["redirects.js"]
# Using our GitHub mirror enables easier typo fixes since there is no easy way
# to just submit a Gerrit CL by the web for trivial stuff.
edit-url-template = "{path}"
git-repository-url = ""
# Folding by default would prevent things like "Ctrl+F for nix-env" from working
# trivially, but the user should be able to fold if they want to.
fold.enable = true
fold.level = 30
edit-url-template = "{path}"
git-repository-url = ""
# Handles replacing @docroot@ with a path to ./src relative to that markdown file,
# {{#include handlebars}}, and the @generated@ syntax used within these. it mostly

View file

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
# This file is a mapping of metadata for change authors, sort of like
# maintainer-list.nix in nixpkgs.
# It's used for crediting people accurately in release notes. The release notes
# script will link to forgejo, then to GitHub if forgejo is not present.
# When adding someone from outside the Lix project, you generally want to simply link their GitHub profile without adding a display name unless they are well-known in the community by that display name.
# See doc/manual/src/contributing/ for more documentation on this file's format and typical usage.
display_name: wiggles
forgejo: rbt
github: 9999years
github: Artturin
github: DavHau
github: Kha
forgejo: Lunaphied
github: Lunaphied
forgejo: Qyriad
github: Qyriad
github: SharzyL
forgejo: alois31
github: alois31
display_name: Artemis Tosini
forgejo: artemist
display_name: Cole Helbling
github: cole-h
display_name: delan
forgejo: delan
github: delan
display_name: Eelco Dolstra
github: edolstra
display_name: John Ericson
github: ericson2314
display_name: goldstein
forgejo: goldstein
github: GoldsteinE
display_name: eldritch horrors
forgejo: pennae
github: pennae
github: iFreilicht
forgejo: isabelroses
github: isabelroses
forgejo: jade
github: lf-
github: kjeremy
forgejo: kloenk
github: kloenk
github: lovesegfault
forgejo: ma27
github: ma27
github: matthewbauer
display_name: julia
forgejo: midnightveil
github: midnightveil
github: ncfavier
display_name: piegames
forgejo: piegames
github: piegamesde
display_name: puck
forgejo: puck
github: puckipedia
display_name: Quantum Jump
github: QuantumBJump
github: r-vdp
display_name: Raito Bezarius
forgejo: raito
github: RaitoBezarius
display_name: Robert Hensing
github: roberth
display_name: Théophane Hufschmitt
github: thufschmitt
display_name: Tom Bereknyei
github: tomberek
display_name: Valentin Gagarin
github: fricklerhandwerk
forgejo: winter
github: winterqt
github: yshui

View file

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Usually "experimental" or "deprecated"
# "xp" or "dp"
with builtins;
with import ./utils.nix;
showFeature =
name: doc:
squash ''
## [`${name}`]{#${kindShort}-feature-${name}}
xps: (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (mapAttrs showFeature xps)))

View file

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
# Usually "experimental" or "deprecated"
# "xp" or "dp"
with builtins;
with import ./utils.nix;
showExperimentalFeature = name: doc: ''
- [`${name}`](@docroot@/contributing/${kind}${kindShort}-feature-${name})
- [`${name}`](@docroot@/contributing/${name})
xps: indent " " (concatStrings (attrValues (mapAttrs showExperimentalFeature xps)))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
with builtins;
with import ./utils.nix;
showExperimentalFeature =
name: doc:
squash ''
## [`${name}`]{#xp-feature-${name}}
xps: (concatStringsSep "\n" (attrValues (mapAttrs showExperimentalFeature xps)))

doc/manual/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
ifeq ($(doc_generate),yes)
# The version of Nix used to generate the doc. Can also be
# `$(nix_INSTALL_PATH)` or just `nix` (to grap ambient from the `PATH`),
# if one prefers.
doc_nix = $(nix_PATH)
$(call rwildcard, $(d)/src, *.md) \
$(call rwildcard, $(d)/src, */*.md)
man-pages := $(foreach n, \
nix-env.1 nix-store.1 \
nix-build.1 nix-shell.1 nix-instantiate.1 \
nix-collect-garbage.1 \
nix-prefetch-url.1 nix-channel.1 \
nix-hash.1 nix-copy-closure.1 \
nix.conf.5 nix-daemon.8 \
nix-profiles.5 \
, doc/manual/generated/in/$(n))
# man pages for subcommands
# convert from `$(d)/src/command-ref/nix-{1}/{2}.md` to `$(d)/nix-{1}-{2}.1`
# FIXME: unify with how nix3-cli man pages are generated
man-pages += $(foreach subcommand, \
$(filter-out, $(wildcard $(d)/src/command-ref/nix-*/*.md)), \
doc/manual/generated/in/$(subst /,-,$(subst $(d)/src/command-ref/,,$(subst .md,.1,$(subcommand)))))
clean-files += $(d)/*.1 $(d)/*.5 $(d)/*.8
# Provide a dummy environment for nix, so that it will not access files outside the macOS sandbox.
# Set cores to 0 because otherwise nix config show resolves the cores based on the current machine
dummy-env = env -i \
HOME=/dummy \
NIX_CONF_DIR=/dummy \
NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE=/dummy/no-ca-bundle.crt \
NIX_STATE_DIR=/dummy \
NIX_CONFIG='cores = 0'
nix-eval = $(dummy-env) $(doc_nix) eval --experimental-features nix-command -I nix/corepkgs=corepkgs --store dummy:// --impure --raw
doc/manual/generated/in/nix-env-%.1: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ \
--out-no-smarty "$(subst nix-env-,nix-env --,$$(basename "$@" .1))" 1 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/nix-env/$*.md \
doc/manual/generated/in/nix-store-%.1: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ \
--out-no-smarty "$(subst nix-store-,nix-store --,$$(basename "$@" .1))" 1 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/nix-store/$*.md \
doc/manual/generated/in/%.1: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ "$$(basename $@ .1)" 1 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/$*.md \
doc/manual/generated/in/%.8: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ "$$(basename $@ .8)" 8 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/$*.md \
doc/manual/generated/in/nix.conf.5: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ "$$(basename $@ .5)" 5 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/ \
doc/manual/generated/in/nix-profiles.5: doc/manual/generated/out
$(trace-gen) doc/manual/ "$$(basename $@ .5)" 5 \
doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/files/ \
doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/new-cli: doc/manual/generated/in/nix.json $(d)/utils.nix $(d)/generate-manpage.nix $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref
@rm -rf $@ $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-manpage.nix true (builtins.readFile $<)'
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/ doc/manual/generated/in/conf-file.json $(d)/utils.nix doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/ $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr '(import doc/manual/utils.nix).showSettings { inlineHTML = true; } (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))' >> $@
doc/manual/generated/in/nix.json: $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(doc_nix) __dump-cli > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/conf-file.json: $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) $(doc_nix) config show --json --experimental-features nix-command > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/contributing/ doc/manual/generated/in/xp-features.json $(d)/utils.nix $(d)/generate-xp-features.nix $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/contributing
@rm -rf $@ $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-xp-features.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))'
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/ doc/manual/generated/in/xp-features.json $(d)/utils.nix $(d)/generate-xp-features-shortlist.nix $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref
@rm -rf $@ $@.tmp
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --write-to $@.tmp --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-xp-features-shortlist.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<))'
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/xp-features.json: $(doc_nix)
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) NIX_PATH=nix/corepkgs=corepkgs $(doc_nix) __dump-xp-features > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
doc/manual/generated/in/language/ doc/manual/generated/in/language.json $(d)/generate-builtins.nix $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/language
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-builtins.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<)).builtins' >> $@
doc/manual/generated/in/language/ doc/manual/generated/in/language.json $(d)/generate-builtin-constants.nix $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/language
$(trace-gen) $(nix-eval) --expr 'import doc/manual/generate-builtin-constants.nix (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile $<)).constants' >> $@
doc/manual/generated/in/language.json: $(doc_nix)
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in
$(trace-gen) $(dummy-env) NIX_PATH=nix/corepkgs=corepkgs $(doc_nix) __dump-language > $@.tmp
@mv $@.tmp $@
# Generate "Upcoming release" notes (or clear it and remove from menu)
doc/manual/generated/in/release-notes/ $(d)/rl-next $(d)/rl-next/*
@mkdir -p doc/manual/generated/in/release-notes
@if type -p build-release-notes > /dev/null; then \
echo " GEN " $@; \
build-release-notes doc/manual/rl-next > $@; \
else \
echo " NULL " $@; \
true > $@; \
# Generate the HTML manual.
.PHONY: manual-html
manual-html: $(docdir)/manual/index.html
install: $(docdir)/manual/index.html
# Generate 'nix' manpages.
install: $(mandir)/man1/nix3-manpages
man: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
all: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
# FIXME: unify with how the other man pages are generated.
# this one works differently and does not use any of the amenities provided by `/mk/`.
$(mandir)/man1/nix3-manpages: doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
$(trace-install) install -m 0644 $$(dirname $<)/* $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
doc/manual/generated/man1/nix3-manpages: doc/manual/generated/out
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)
$(trace-gen) for i in doc/manual/generated/out/markdown/command-ref/new-cli/*.md; do \
name=$$(basename $$i .md); \
tmpFile=$$(mktemp); \
if [[ $$name = SUMMARY ]]; then continue; fi; \
printf "Title: %s\n\n" "$$name" > $$tmpFile; \
cat $$i >> $$tmpFile; \
lowdown -sT man --nroff-nolinks -M section=1 $$tmpFile -o $(DESTDIR)$$(dirname $@)/$$name.1; \
rm $$tmpFile; \
@touch $@
doc/manual/generated/out: $(MANUAL_SRCS) $(d)/book.toml $(d)/anchors.jq $(d)/custom.css $(d)/src/ doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/new-cli doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/ doc/manual/generated/in/contributing/ doc/manual/generated/in/command-ref/ doc/manual/generated/in/language/ doc/manual/generated/in/language/ doc/manual/generated/in/release-notes/ $(d)/
@rm -rf $@
$(trace-gen) \
MDBOOK_SUBSTITUTE_SEARCH=doc/manual/generated/in \
RUST_LOG=warn \
mdbook build doc/manual -d generated/out 2>&1 \
| { grep -Fv "because fragment resolution isn't implemented" || :; }
@find $@ -iname -delete
$(docdir)/manual/index.html: doc/manual/generated/out
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)
@rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual
@cp -r $</html $(DESTDIR)$(docdir)/manual

View file

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ conf_file_json = custom_target(
capture : true,
output : 'conf-file.json',
env : nix_env_for_docs,
# FIXME: put the actual lib targets in here? meson have introspection challenge 2024 though.
build_always_stale : true,
nix_conf_file_md_body = custom_target(
@ -52,8 +50,6 @@ nix_exp_features_json = custom_target(
command : [ nix, '__dump-xp-features' ],
capture : true,
output : 'xp-features.json',
# FIXME: put the actual lib targets in here? meson have introspection challenge 2024 though.
build_always_stale : true,
language_json = custom_target(
@ -61,8 +57,6 @@ language_json = custom_target(
output : 'language.json',
capture : true,
env : nix_env_for_docs,
# FIXME: put the actual lib targets in here? meson have introspection challenge 2024 though.
build_always_stale : true,
nix3_cli_json = custom_target(
@ -70,8 +64,6 @@ nix3_cli_json = custom_target(
capture : true,
output : 'nix.json',
env : nix_env_for_docs,
# FIXME: put the actual lib targets in here? meson have introspection challenge 2024 though.
build_always_stale : true,
generate_manual_deps = files(
@ -80,9 +72,9 @@ generate_manual_deps = files(
# Generates and
# Generates new-cli pages, {experimental,deprecated}, and
# Generates new-cli pages,, and
# Generates {experimental,deprecated}
# Generates
# Generates
@ -114,13 +106,10 @@ manual = custom_target(
output : [
@ -197,7 +186,6 @@ foreach command : nix_nested_manpages
input : [
output : command[0] + '-' + page + '.1',
install : true,
@ -310,7 +298,6 @@ foreach page : nix3_manpages
input : [
output : page + '.1',
install : true,
@ -354,7 +341,6 @@ foreach entry : nix_manpages
entry.get(3, []),
output : '@0@.@1@'.format(entry[0], entry[1]),
install : true,

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = true
endpoint =
location_constraint = garage
region = garage
acl = private

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ const redirects = {
"chap-writing-nix-expressions": "language/index.html",
"part-command-ref": "command-ref/command-ref.html",
"conf-allow-import-from-derivation": "command-ref/conf-file.html#conf-allow-import-from-derivation",
"conf-allow-new-privileges": "command-ref/conf-file.html#conf-allow-new-privileges",
"conf-allowed-uris": "command-ref/conf-file.html#conf-allowed-uris",
"conf-allowed-users": "command-ref/conf-file.html#conf-allowed-users",
"conf-auto-optimise-store": "command-ref/conf-file.html#conf-auto-optimise-store",
@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ const redirects = {
"linux": "uninstall.html#linux",
"macos": "uninstall.html#macos",
"uninstalling": "uninstall.html",
"contributing/hacking.html": {
"nix-with-flakes": "#building-nix-with-flakes",
"classic-nix": "#building-nix",

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
synopsis: Clang build timing analysis
cls: 587
We now have Clang build profiling available, which generates Chrome
tracing files for each compilation unit. To enable it, run `meson configure
build -Dprofile-build=enabled` then rerun the compilation.
If you want to make the build go faster, do a clang build with meson, then run
`maintainers/ build`, then contemplate how to improve the
build time.
You can also look at individual object files' traces in

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
synopsis: "Build failures caused by `allowSubstitutes = false` while being the wrong system now produce a decent error"
issues: [fj#484]
cls: [1841]
category: Fixes
credits: jade
Nix allows derivations to set `allowSubstitutes = false` in order to force them to be built locally without querying substituters for them.
This is useful for derivations that are very fast to build (especially if they produce large output).
However, this can shoot you in the foot if the derivation *has* to be substituted such as if the derivation is for another architecture, which is what `--always-allow-substitutes` is for.
Perhaps such derivations that are known to be impossible to build locally should ignore `allowSubstitutes` (irrespective of remote builders) in the future, but this at least reports the failure and solution directly.
$ nix build -f fail.nix
error: a 'unicornsandrainbows-linux' with features {} is required to build '/nix/store/...-meow.drv', but I am a 'x86_64-linux' with features {...}
Hint: the failing derivation has allowSubstitutes set to false, forcing it to be built rather than substituted.
Passing --always-allow-substitutes to force substitution may resolve this failure if the path is available in a substituter.

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
synopsis: "`Alt+Left` and `Alt+Right` go back/forwards by words in `nix repl`"
issues: [fj#501]
cls: [1883]
category: Fixes
credits: 9999years
`nix repl` now recognizes `Alt+Left` and `Alt+Right` for navigating by words
when entering input in `nix repl` on more terminals/platforms.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
synopsis: Concise error printing in `nix repl`
prs: 9928
cls: 811
Previously, if an element of a list or attribute set threw an error while
evaluating, `nix repl` would print the entire error (including source location
information) inline. This output was clumsy and difficult to parse:
nix-repl> { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; }
{ err = «error:
… while calling the 'throw' builtin
at «string»:1:9:
1| { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; }
| ^
error: uh oh!»; }
Now, only the error message is displayed, making the output much more readable.
nix-repl> { err = builtins.throw "uh oh!"; }
{ err = «error: uh oh!»; }
However, if the whole expression being evaluated throws an error, source
locations and (if applicable) a stack trace are printed, just like you'd expect:
nix-repl> builtins.throw "uh oh!"
… while calling the 'throw' builtin
at «string»:1:1:
1| builtins.throw "uh oh!"
| ^
error: uh oh!

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
synopsis: "`--debugger` can now access bindings from `let` expressions"
prs: 9918
issues: 8827
Breakpoints and errors in the bindings of a `let` expression can now access
those bindings in the debugger. Previously, only the body of `let` expressions
could access those bindings.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
synopsis: Enter the `--debugger` when `builtins.trace` is called if `debugger-on-trace` is set
prs: 9914
If the `debugger-on-trace` option is set and `--debugger` is given,
`builtins.trace` calls will behave similarly to `builtins.break` and will enter
the debug REPL. This is useful for determining where warnings are being emitted

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
synopsis: Deprecated language features
issues: [fj#437]
cls: [1785, 1736, 1735, 1744]
category: Breaking Changes
credits: [piegames, horrors]
A system for deprecation (and then the planned removal) of undesired language features has been put into place.
It is controlled via feature flags much like experimental features, except that the deprecations are enabled default,
and can be disabled via the flags for backwards compatibility (opt-out with `--extra-deprecated-features` or the Nix configuration file).
- `url-literals`: **URL literals** have long been obsolete and discouraged of use, and now they are officially deprecated.
This means that all URLs must be properly put within quotes like all other strings.
- `rec-set-overrides`: **__overrides** is an old arcane syntax which has not been in use for more than a decade.
It is soft-deprecated with a warning only, with the plan to turn that into an error in a future release.
- `ancient-let`: **The old `let` syntax** (`let { body = …; … }`) is soft-deprecated with a warning as well. Use the regular `let … in` instead.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: Stop vendoring toml11
cls: 675
We don't apply any patches to it, and vendoring it locks users into
bugs (it hasn't been updated since its introduction in late 2021).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
synopsis: Fix handling of truncated `.drv` files.
prs: 9673
Previously a `.drv` that was truncated in the middle of a string would case nix to enter an infinite loop, eventually exhausting all memory and crashing.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
synopsis: Duplicate attribute reports are more accurate
cls: 557
Duplicate attribute errors are now more accurate, showing the path at which an error was detected rather than the full, possibly longer, path that caused the error.
Error reports are now
$ nix eval --expr '{ a.b = 1; a.b.c.d = 1; }'
error: attribute 'a.b' already defined at «string»:1:3
at «string»:1:12:
1| { a.b = 1; a.b.c.d = 1;
| ^
instead of
$ nix eval --expr '{ a.b = 1; a.b.c.d = 1; }'
error: attribute 'a.b.c.d' already defined at «string»:1:3
at «string»:1:12:
1| { a.b = 1; a.b.c.d = 1;
| ^

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
synopsis: Disallow empty search regex in `nix search`
prs: 9481
[`nix search`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ now requires a search regex to be passed. To show all packages, use `^`.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
synopsis: The `--debugger` will start more reliably in `let` expressions and function calls
prs: 9917
issues: 6649
Previously, if you attempted to evaluate this file with the debugger:
a = builtins.trace "before inner break" (
builtins.break "hello"
b = builtins.trace "before outer break" (
builtins.break a
Nix would correctly enter the debugger at `builtins.break a`, but if you asked
it to `:continue`, it would skip over the `builtins.break "hello"` expression
Now, Nix will correctly enter the debugger at both breakpoints.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: Reduce eval memory usage and wall time
prs: 9658
Reduce the size of the `Env` struct used in the evaluator by a pointer, or 8 bytes on most modern machines.
This reduces memory usage during eval by around 2% and wall time by around 3%.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
synopsis: Add new `eval-system` setting
prs: 4093
Add a new `eval-system` option.
Unlike `system`, it just overrides the value of `builtins.currentSystem`.
This is more useful than overriding `system`, because you can build these derivations on remote builders which can work on the given system.
In contrast, `system` also effects scheduling which will cause Nix to build those derivations locally even if that doesn't make sense.
`eval-system` only takes effect if it is non-empty.
If empty (the default) `system` is used as before, so there is no breakage.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: Creating setuid/setgid binaries with fchmodat2 is now prohibited by the build sandbox
prs: 10501
The build sandbox blocks any attempt to create setuid/setgid binaries, but didn't check
for the use of the `fchmodat2` syscall which was introduced in Linux 6.6 and is used by
glibc >=2.39. This is fixed now.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
synopsis: Fix nested flake input `follows`
prs: 6621
cls: 994
Previously nested-input overrides were ignored; that is, the following did not
override anything, in spite of the `nix3-flake` manual documenting it working:
inputs = {
foo.url = "github:bar/foo"; = "nixpkgs";
This is useful to avoid the 1000 instances of nixpkgs problem without having
each flake in the dependency tree to expose all of its transitive dependencies
for modification.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
synopsis: Nested debuggers are no longer supported
prs: 9920
Previously, evaluating an expression that throws an error in the debugger would
enter a second, nested debugger:
nix-repl> builtins.throw "what"
error: what
Starting REPL to allow you to inspect the current state of the evaluator.
Welcome to Nix 2.18.1. Type :? for help.
Now, it just prints the error message like `nix repl`:
nix-repl> builtins.throw "what"
… while calling the 'throw' builtin
at «string»:1:1:
1| builtins.throw "what"
| ^
error: what

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: consistent order of lambda formals in printed expressions
prs: 9874
Always print lambda formals in lexicographic order rather than the internal, creation-time based symbol order.
This makes printed formals independent of the context they appear in.

View file

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
synopsis: HTTP proxy environment variables are now respected for S3 binary cache stores
issues: [fj#433]
cls: [1788]
category: Fixes
credits: jade
Due to "legacy reasons" (according to the AWS C++ SDK docs), the AWS SDK ignores system proxy configuration by default.
We turned it back on.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
synopsis: fix duplicate attribute error positions for `inherit`
prs: 9874
When an inherit caused a duplicate attribute error the position of the error was not reported correctly, placing the error with the inherit itself or at the start of the bindings block instead of the offending attribute name.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: "`inherit (x) ...` evaluates `x` only once"
prs: 9847
`inherit (x) a b ...` now evaluates the expression `x` only once for all inherited attributes rather than once for each inherited attribute.
This does not usually have a measurable impact, but side-effects (such as `builtins.trace`) would be duplicated and expensive expressions (such as derivations) could cause a measurable slowdown.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
synopsis: Store paths are allowed to start with `.`
issues: 912
prs: [9867, 9091, 9095, 9120, 9121, 9122, 9130, 9219, 9224]
Leading periods were allowed by accident in Nix 2.4. The Nix team has considered this to be a bug, but this behavior has since been relied on by users, leading to unnecessary difficulties.
From now on, leading periods are officially, definitively supported. The names `.` and `..` are disallowed, as well as those starting with `.-` or `..-`.
Nix versions that denied leading periods are documented [in the issue](

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
synopsis: Lix turns more internal bugs into crashes
cls: [797, 626]
Lix now enables build options such as trapping on signed overflow and enabling
libstdc++ assertions by default. These may find new bugs in Lix, which will
present themselves as Lix processes aborting, potentially without an error
If Lix processes abort on your machine, this is a bug. Please file a bug,
ideally with the core dump (or information from it).
On Linux, run `coredumpctl list`, find the crashed process's PID at
the bottom of the list, then run `coredumpctl info THE-PID`. You can then paste
the output into a bug report.
On macOS, open the Console app from Applications/Utilities, select Crash
Reports, select the crash report in question. Right click on it, select Open In
Finder, then include that file in your bug report. [See the Apple
documentation][apple-crashreport] for more details.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: rename 'nix show-config' to 'nix config show'
issues: 7672
prs: 9477
`nix show-config` was renamed to `nix config show` to be more consistent with the rest of the command-line interface.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
synopsis: Fix `nix-env --query --drv-path --json`
prs: 9257
Fixed a bug where `nix-env --query` ignored `--drv-path` when `--json` was set.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
synopsis: "`nix flake check` logs the checks"
issues: 8882
prs: 8893
`nix flake check` now logs the checks it runs and the derivations it evaluates:
$ nix flake check -v
evaluating flake...
checking flake output 'checks'...
checking derivation 'checks.aarch64-darwin.ghciwatch-tests'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/nh7dlvsrhds4cxl91mvgj4h5cbq6skmq-ghciwatch-test-0.3.0.drv
checking derivation 'checks.aarch64-darwin.ghciwatch-clippy'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/9cb5a6wmp6kf6hidqw9wphidvb8bshym-ghciwatch-clippy-0.3.0.drv
checking derivation 'checks.aarch64-darwin.ghciwatch-doc'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/8brdd3jbawfszpbs7vdpsrhy80as1il8-ghciwatch-doc-0.3.0.drv
checking derivation 'checks.aarch64-darwin.ghciwatch-fmt'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/wjhs0l1njl5pyji53xlmfjrlya0wmz8p-ghciwatch-fmt-0.3.0.drv
checking derivation 'checks.aarch64-darwin.ghciwatch-audit'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/z0mps8dyj2ds7c0fn0819y5h5611033z-ghciwatch-audit-0.3.0.drv
checking flake output 'packages'...
checking derivation 'packages.aarch64-darwin.default'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/41abbdyglw5x9vcsvd89xan3ydjf8d7r-ghciwatch-0.3.0.drv
checking flake output 'apps'...
checking flake output 'devShells'...
checking derivation 'devShells.aarch64-darwin.default'...
derivation evaluated to /nix/store/bc935gz7dylzmcpdb5cczr8gngv8pmdb-nix-shell.drv
running 5 flake checks...
warning: The check omitted these incompatible systems: aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin, x86_64-linux
Use '--all-systems' to check all.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
synopsis: "`Overhaul `nix flake update` and `nix flake lock` UX"
prs: 8817
The interface for creating and updating lock files has been overhauled:
- [`nix flake lock`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ only creates lock files and adds missing inputs now.
It will *never* update existing inputs.
- [`nix flake update`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ does the same, but *will* update inputs.
- Passing no arguments will update all inputs of the current flake, just like it already did.
- Passing input names as arguments will ensure only those are updated. This replaces the functionality of `nix flake lock --update-input`
- To operate on a flake outside the current directory, you must now pass `--flake path/to/flake`.
- The flake-specific flags `--recreate-lock-file` and `--update-input` have been removed from all commands operating on installables.
They are superceded by `nix flake update`.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
synopsis: "`nix profile` now allows referring to elements by human-readable name, and no longer accepts indices"
prs: 8678
cls: [978, 980]
[`nix profile`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ now uses names to refer to installed packages when running [`list`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/, [`remove`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ or [`upgrade`](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ as opposed to indices. Indices have been removed. Profile element names are generated when a package is installed and remain the same until the package is removed.
**Warning**: The `manifest.nix` file used to record the contents of profiles has changed. Nix will automatically upgrade profiles to the new version when you modify the profile. After that, the profile can no longer be used by older versions of Nix.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
synopsis: "`builtins.nixVersion` now returns a fixed value \"2.18.3-lix\""
cls: 558
`builtins.nixVersion` now returns a fixed value `"2.18.3-lix"`. This prevents
feature detection assuming that features that exist in Nix post-Lix-branch-off
might exist, even though the Lix version is greater than the Nix version.
In the future, check for builtins for feature detection. If a feature cannot be
detected by *those* means, please file a Lix bug.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: re-evaluate cached evaluation errors
cls: 771
"cached failure of [expr]" errors have been removed: expressions already in the
eval cache as a failure will now simply be re-evaluated, removing the need to
set `--no-eval-cache` or similar to see the error.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
synopsis: Coercion errors include the failing value
issues: 561
prs: 9754
The `error: cannot coerce a <TYPE> to a string` message now includes the value
which caused the error.
error: cannot coerce a set to a string
error: cannot coerce a set to a string: { aesSupport = «thunk»;
avx2Support = «thunk»; avx512Support = «thunk»; avxSupport = «thunk»;
canExecute = «thunk»; config = «thunk»; darwinArch = «thunk»; darwinMinVersion
= «thunk»; darwinMinVersionVariable = «thunk»; darwinPlatform = «thunk»; «84
attributes elided»}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
synopsis: Type errors include the failing value
issues: 561
prs: 9753
In errors like `value is an integer while a list was expected`, the message now
includes the failing value.
error: value is a set while a string was expected
error: expected a string but found a set: { ghc810 = «thunk»;
ghc8102Binary = «thunk»; ghc8107 = «thunk»; ghc8107Binary = «thunk»;
ghc865Binary = «thunk»; ghc90 = «thunk»; ghc902 = «thunk»; ghc92 = «thunk»;
ghc924Binary = «thunk»; ghc925 = «thunk»; «17 attributes elided»}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
synopsis: "Visual clutter in `--debugger` is reduced"
prs: 9919
info: breakpoint reached
Starting REPL to allow you to inspect the current state of the evaluator.
Welcome to Nix 2.20.0pre20231222_dirty. Type :? for help.
nix-repl> :continue
error: uh oh
Starting REPL to allow you to inspect the current state of the evaluator.
Welcome to Nix 2.20.0pre20231222_dirty. Type :? for help.
info: breakpoint reached
Nix 2.20.0pre20231222_dirty debugger
Type :? for help.
nix-repl> :continue
error: uh oh

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
synopsis: Relative and tilde paths in configuration
issues: [fj#482]
cls: [1851, 1863, 1864]
category: Features
credits: [9999years]
[Configuration settings](@docroot@/command-ref/ can now refer to
files with paths relative to the file they're written in or relative to your
home directory (with `~/`).
This makes settings like
[`repl-overlays`](@docroot@/command-ref/ and
much easier to set, especially if you'd like to refer to files in an existing
dotfiles repo cloned into your home directory.
If you put `repl-overlays = repl.nix` in your `~/.config/nix/nix.conf`, it'll
load `~/.config/nix/repl.nix`. Similarly, you can set `repl-overlays =
~/.dotfiles/repl.nix` to load a file relative to your home directory.
Configuration files can also
[`include`](@docroot@/command-ref/ paths relative to
your home directory.
Only user configuration files (like `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nix/nix.conf` or the
files listed in `$NIX_USER_CONF_FILES`) can use tilde paths relative to your
home directory. Configuration listed in the `$NIX_CONFIG` environment variable
may not use relative paths.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
synopsis: Experimental REPL support for documentation comments using `:doc`
cls: 564
Using `:doc` in the REPL now supports showing documentation comments when defined on a function.
Previously this was only able to document builtins, however it now will show comments defined on a lambda as well.
This support is experimental and relies on an embedded version of [nix-doc](
The logic also supports limited Markdown formatting of doccomments and should easily support any [RFC 145](
compatible documentation comments in addition to simple commented documentation.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
synopsis: Add `repl-overlays` option
prs: 10203
cls: 504
A `repl-overlays` option has been added, which specifies files that can overlay
and modify the top-level bindings in `nix repl`. For example, with the
following contents in `~/.config/nix/repl.nix`:
info: final: prev: let
optionalAttrs = predicate: attrs:
if predicate
then attrs
else {};
optionalAttrs (prev ? legacyPackages && prev.legacyPackages ? ${info.currentSystem})
pkgs = prev.legacyPackages.${info.currentSystem};
We can run `nix repl` and use `pkgs` to refer to `legacyPackages.${currentSystem}`:
$ nix repl --repl-overlays ~/.config/nix/repl.nix nixpkgs
Lix 2.90.0
Type :? for help.
Loading installable 'flake:nixpkgs#'...
Added 5 variables.
Loading 'repl-overlays'...
Added 6 variables.
nix-repl> pkgs.bash
«derivation /nix/store/g08b5vkwwh0j8ic9rkmd8mpj878rk62z-bash-5.2p26.drv»

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
synopsis: reintroduce shortened `-E` form for `--expr` to new CLI
cls: 605
In the past, it was possible to supply a shorter `-E` flag instead of fully
specifying `--expr` every time you wished to provide an expression that would
be evaluated to produce the given command's input. This was retained for the
`--file` flag when the new CLI utilities were written with `-f`, but `-E` was
We now restore the `-E` short form for better UX. This is most useful for
`nix eval` but most any command that takes an Installable argument should benefit
from it as well.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
synopsis: "In the debugger, `while evaluating the attribute` errors now include position information"
prs: 9915
0: while evaluating the attribute 'python311.pythonForBuild.pkgs'
0: while evaluating the attribute 'python311.pythonForBuild.pkgs'
132| bootstrappingBase = pkgs.${self.python.pythonAttr}.pythonForBuild.pkgs;
| ^
133| in

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
synopsis: Source locations are printed more consistently in errors
issues: 561
prs: 9555
Source location information is now included in error messages more
consistently. Given this code:
attr = {foo = "bar";};
key = {};
Previously, Nix would show this unhelpful message when attempting to evaluate
… while evaluating an attribute name
error: value is a set while a string was expected
Now, the error message displays where the problematic value was found:
… while evaluating an attribute name
at bad.nix:4:11:
3| key = {};
4| in attr.${key}
| ^
error: expected a string but found a set: { }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
synopsis: Some stack overflow segfaults are fixed
issues: 9616
prs: 9617
The number of nested function calls has been restricted, to detect and report
infinite function call recursions. The default maximum call depth is 10,000 and
can be set with [the `max-call-depth`
This fixes segfaults or the following unhelpful error message in many cases:
error: stack overflow (possible infinite recursion)
$ nix-instantiate --eval --expr '(x: x x) (x: x x)'
Segmentation fault: 11
$ nix-instantiate --eval --expr '(x: x x) (x: x x)'
error: stack overflow
at «string»:1:14:
1| (x: x x) (x: x x)
| ^

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
synopsis: add --store-path argument to `nix upgrade-nix`, to manually specify the Nix to upgrade to
cls: 953
`nix upgrade-nix` by default downloads a manifest to find the new Nix version to upgrade to, but now you can specify `--store-path` to upgrade Nix to an arbitrary version from the Nix store.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: using `nix profile` on `/nix/var/nix/profiles/default` no longer breaks `nix upgrade-nix`
cls: 952
On non-NixOS, Nix is conventionally installed into a `nix-env` style profile at /nix/var/nix/profiles/default.
Like any `nix-env` profile, using `nix profile` on it automatically migrates it to a `nix profile` style profile, which is incompatible with `nix-env`.
`nix upgrade-nix` previously relied solely on `nix-env` to do the upgrade, but now will work fine with either kind of profile.

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: Upstart scripts removed
cls: 574
Upstart scripts have been removed from Lix, since Upstart is obsolete and has
not been shipped by any major distributions for many years. If these are
necessary to your use case, please back port them to your packaging.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
synopsis: Better error reporting for `with` expressions
prs: 9658
`with` expressions using non-attrset values to resolve variables are now reported with proper positions.
Previously an incorrect `with` expression would report no position at all, making it hard to determine where the error originated:
nix-repl> with 1; a
at «none»:0: (source not available)
error: value is an integer while a set was expected
Now position information is preserved and reported as with most other errors:
nix-repl> with 1; a
… while evaluating the first subexpression of a with expression
at «string»:1:1:
1| with 1; a
| ^
error: expected a set but found an integer: 1

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@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
- [Installation](installation/
- [Supported Platforms](installation/
- [Installing a Binary Distribution](installation/
- [Installing Lix from Source](installation/
- [Installing Nix from Source](installation/
- [Prerequisites](installation/
- [Obtaining a Source Distribution](installation/
- [Building Lix from Source](installation/
- [Using Lix within Docker](installation/
- [Building Nix from Source](installation/
- [Using Nix within Docker](installation/
- [Security](installation/
- [Single-User Mode](installation/
- [Multi-User Mode](installation/
- [Environment Variables](installation/
- [Upgrading Lix](installation/
- [Uninstalling Lix](installation/
- [Upgrading Nix](installation/
- [Uninstalling Nix](installation/
- [Package Management](package-management/
- [Basic Package Management](package-management/
- [Profiles](package-management/
@ -192,61 +192,57 @@
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- [Lix 2.90 (2024-07-10)](release-notes/
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- [Nix 2.3 (2019-09-04)](release-notes/
- [Nix 2.2 (2019-01-11)](release-notes/
- [Nix 2.1 (2018-09-02)](release-notes/
- [Nix 2.0 (2018-02-22)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.11.10 (2017-06-12)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.11 (2016-01-19)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.10 (2015-09-03)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.9 (2015-06-12)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.8 (2014-12-14)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.7 (2014-04-11)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.6.1 (2013-10-28)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.6 (2013-09-10)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.5.2 (2013-05-13)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.5 (2013-02-27)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.4 (2013-02-26)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.3 (2013-01-04)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.2 (2012-12-06)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.1 (2012-07-18)](release-notes/
- [Nix 1.0 (2012-05-11)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.16 (2010-08-17)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.15 (2010-03-17)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.14 (2010-02-04)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.13 (2009-11-05)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.12 (2008-11-20)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.11 (2007-12-31)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.10.1 (2006-10-11)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.10 (2006-10-06)](release-notes/
- [Nix 0.9.2 (2005-09-21)](release-notes/
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- [Nix 0.9 (2005-09-16)](release-notes/
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- [Nix 0.8 (2005-04-11)](release-notes/
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- [Nix 0.6 (2004-11-14)](release-notes/
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- [Release 1.8 (2014-12-14)](release-notes/
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- [Release 1.6.1 (2013-10-28)](release-notes/
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- [Release 0.16 (2010-08-17)](release-notes/
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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Tuning Cores and Jobs
Lix has two relevant settings with regards to how your CPU cores will
Nix has two relevant settings with regards to how your CPU cores will
be utilized: `cores` and `max-jobs`. This chapter will talk about what
they are, how they interact, and their configuration trade-offs.
- `max-jobs`\
Dictates how many separate derivations will be built at the same
time. If you set this to zero, the local machine will do no
builds. Lix will still substitute from binary caches, and build
builds. Nix will still substitute from binary caches, and build
remotely if remote builders are configured.
- `cores`\

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Verifying Build Reproducibility
You can use Lix's `diff-hook` setting to compare build results. Note
You can use Nix's `diff-hook` setting to compare build results. Note
that this hook is only executed if the results differ; it is not used
for determining if the results are the same.
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ built.
Verify a path which already exists in the Nix store by passing `--check`
to the build command.
If the build passes and is deterministic, Lix will exit with a status
If the build passes and is deterministic, Nix will exit with a status
code of 0:
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ checking outputs of '/nix/store/z98fasz2jqy9gs0xbvdj939p27jwda38-stable.drv'...
If the build is not deterministic, Lix will exit with a status code of
If the build is not deterministic, Nix will exit with a status code of
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ error: derivation '/nix/store/cgl13lbj1w368r5z8gywipl1ifli7dhk-unstable.drv' may
not be deterministic: output '/nix/store/krpqk0l9ib0ibi1d2w52z293zw455cap-unstable' differs
In the Lix daemon's log, we will now see:
In the Nix daemon's log, we will now see:
For derivation /nix/store/cgl13lbj1w368r5z8gywipl1ifli7dhk-unstable.drv:
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ For derivation /nix/store/cgl13lbj1w368r5z8gywipl1ifli7dhk-unstable.drv:
> 30204
Using `--check` with `--keep-failed` will cause Lix to keep the second
Using `--check` with `--keep-failed` will cause Nix to keep the second
build's output in a special, `.check` path:
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ from '/nix/store/krpqk0l9ib0ibi1d2w52z293zw455cap-unstable.check'
In particular, notice the
`/nix/store/krpqk0l9ib0ibi1d2w52z293zw455cap-unstable.check` output. Lix
`/nix/store/krpqk0l9ib0ibi1d2w52z293zw455cap-unstable.check` output. Nix
has copied the build results to that directory where you can examine it.
> []{#check-dirs-are-unregistered} **Note**
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ has copied the build results to that directory where you can examine it.
> build was not deterministic and also a check path does not exist.
`--check` is only usable if the derivation has been built on the system
already. If the derivation has not been built Lix will fail with the
already. If the derivation has not been built Nix will fail with the
error: some outputs of '/nix/store/hzi1h60z2qf0nb85iwnpvrai3j2w7rr6-unstable.drv'

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Remote Builds
Lix supports remote builds, where a local Lix installation can forward
Nix supports remote builds, where a local Nix installation can forward
Nix builds to other machines. This allows multiple builds to be
performed in parallel and allows Lix to perform multi-platform builds in
performed in parallel and allows Nix to perform multi-platform builds in
a semi-transparent way. For instance, if you perform a build for a
`x86_64-darwin` on an `i686-linux` machine, Lix can automatically
`x86_64-darwin` on an `i686-linux` machine, Nix can automatically
forward the build to a `x86_64-darwin` machine, if available.
To forward a build to a remote machine, its required that the remote
@ -38,15 +38,12 @@ contains Nix.
> **Warning**
> If you are building via the Lix daemon (default on Linux and macOS), it is the Lix daemon user account (that is, `root`) that should have SSH access to a user (not necessarily `root`) on the remote machine.
> Furthermore, `root` needs to have the public host keys for the remote system in its `.ssh/known_hosts`.
> To add them to `known_hosts` for root, do `ssh-keyscan USER@HOST | sudo tee -a ~root/.ssh/known_hosts`.
> If you are building via the Nix daemon, it is the Nix daemon user account (that is, `root`) that should have SSH access to a user (not necessarily `root`) on the remote machine.
> If you cant or dont want to configure `root` to be able to access the remote machine, you can use a private Nix store instead by passing e.g. `--store ~/my-nix` when running a Nix command from the local machine.
The list of remote machines can be specified on the command line or in
the Lix configuration file. The former is convenient for testing. For
the Nix configuration file. The former is convenient for testing. For
example, the following command allows you to build a derivation for
`x86_64-darwin` on a Linux machine:
@ -87,17 +84,17 @@ default, set it to `-`.
3. The SSH identity file to be used to log in to the remote machine. If
omitted, SSH will use its regular identities.
4. The maximum number of builds that Lix will execute in parallel on
4. The maximum number of builds that Nix will execute in parallel on
the machine. Typically this should be equal to the number of CPU
cores. For instance, the machine `itchy` in the example will execute
up to 8 builds in parallel.
5. The “speed factor”, indicating the relative speed of the machine. If
there are multiple machines of the right type, Lix will prefer the
there are multiple machines of the right type, Nix will prefer the
fastest, taking load into account.
6. A comma-separated list of *supported features*. If a derivation has
the `requiredSystemFeatures` attribute, then Lix will only perform
the `requiredSystemFeatures` attribute, then Nix will only perform
the derivation on a machine that has the specified features. For
instance, the attribute

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ simple and working example, but it is not suitable for all use cases.
The post build hook program runs after each executed build, and blocks
the build loop. The build loop exits if the hook program fails.
Concretely, this implementation will make Lix slow or unusable when the
Concretely, this implementation will make Nix slow or unusable when the
internet is slow or unreliable.
A more advanced implementation might pass the store paths to a
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Then make sure the hook program is executable by the `root` user:
# chmod +x /etc/nix/
# Updating Lix Configuration
# Updating Nix Configuration
Edit `/etc/nix/nix.conf` to run our hook, by adding the following
configuration snippet at the end:
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ warning: you did not specify '--add-root'; the result might be removed by the ga
# Conclusion
We now have a Lix installation configured to automatically sign and
We now have a Nix installation configured to automatically sign and
upload every local build to a remote binary cache.
Before deploying this to production, be sure to consider the

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Architecture
This chapter describes how Nix works.
It should help users understand why Lix behaves as it does, and it should help developers understand how to modify Lix and how to write similar tools.
It should help users understand why Nix behaves as it does, and it should help developers understand how to modify Nix and how to write similar tools.
## Overview
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ The following [concept map] shows its main components (rectangles), the objects
| passed to
| |
| Nix impl.| V |
| (Lix) | +-------------------------+ |
| Nix | V |
| | +-------------------------+ |
| | | commmand line interface |------. |
| | +-------------------------+ | |
| | | | |

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# File System Object
Nix implementations use a simplified model of the file system, which consists of file system objects.
Nix uses a simplified model of the file system, which consists of file system objects.
Every file system object is one of the following:
- File
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Every file system object is one of the following:
- [Symbolic link](
An arbitrary string.
Nix implementations do not assign any semantics to symbolic links.
Nix does not assign any semantics to symbolic links.
File system objects and their children form a tree.
A bare file or symlink can be a root file system object.

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
This section lists commands and options that you can use when you work
with Lix.
with Nix.

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@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Name
`nix.conf` - Lix configuration file
`nix.conf` - Nix configuration file
# Description
Lix supports a variety of configuration settings, which are read from configuration files or taken as command line flags.
Nix supports a variety of configuration settings, which are read from configuration files or taken as command line flags.
## Configuration file
By default Lix reads settings from the following places, in that order:
By default Nix reads settings from the following places, in that order:
1. The system-wide configuration file `sysconfdir/nix/nix.conf` (i.e. `/etc/nix/nix.conf` on most systems), or `$NIX_CONF_DIR/nix.conf` if [`NIX_CONF_DIR`](./ is set.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Common Environment Variables
Most commands in Lix interpret the following environment variables:
Most Nix commands interpret the following environment variables:
- <span id="env-IN_NIX_SHELL">[`IN_NIX_SHELL`](#env-IN_NIX_SHELL)</span>\
Indicator that tells if the current environment was set up by
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Most commands in Lix interpret the following environment variables:
e.g. `/home/eelco/Dev:/etc/nixos`. It can be extended using the
[`-I` option](@docroot@/command-ref/
If `NIX_PATH` is not set at all, Lix will fall back to the following list in [impure](@docroot@/command-ref/ and [unrestricted](@docroot@/command-ref/ evaluation mode:
If `NIX_PATH` is not set at all, Nix will fall back to the following list in [impure](@docroot@/command-ref/ and [unrestricted](@docroot@/command-ref/ evaluation mode:
1. `$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels`
2. `nixpkgs=/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixpkgs`
@ -50,28 +50,28 @@ Most commands in Lix interpret the following environment variables:
Overrides the location of the Nix store (default `prefix/store`).
- <span id="env-NIX_DATA_DIR">[`NIX_DATA_DIR`](#env-NIX_DATA_DIR)</span>\
Overrides the location of the Lix static data directory (default
Overrides the location of the Nix static data directory (default
- <span id="env-NIX_LOG_DIR">[`NIX_LOG_DIR`](#env-NIX_LOG_DIR)</span>\
Overrides the location of the Lix log directory (default
Overrides the location of the Nix log directory (default
- <span id="env-NIX_STATE_DIR">[`NIX_STATE_DIR`](#env-NIX_STATE_DIR)</span>\
Overrides the location of the Lix state directory (default
Overrides the location of the Nix state directory (default
- <span id="env-NIX_CONF_DIR">[`NIX_CONF_DIR`](#env-NIX_CONF_DIR)</span>\
Overrides the location of the system Lix configuration directory
Overrides the location of the system Nix configuration directory
(default `prefix/etc/nix`).
- <span id="env-NIX_CONFIG">[`NIX_CONFIG`](#env-NIX_CONFIG)</span>\
Applies settings from Lix configuration from the environment.
The content is treated as if it was read from a Lix configuration file.
Applies settings from Nix configuration from the environment.
The content is treated as if it was read from a Nix configuration file.
Settings are separated by the newline character.
Overrides the location of the Lix user configuration files to load from.
Overrides the location of the Nix user configuration files to load from.
The default are the locations according to the [XDG Base Directory Specification].
See the [XDG Base Directories](#xdg-base-directories) sub-section for details.
@ -84,19 +84,19 @@ Most commands in Lix interpret the following environment variables:
substantial amounts of disk space. The default is `/tmp`.
- <span id="env-NIX_REMOTE">[`NIX_REMOTE`](#env-NIX_REMOTE)</span>\
This variable should be set to `daemon` if you want to use the Lix
This variable should be set to `daemon` if you want to use the Nix
daemon to execute Nix operations. This is necessary in [multi-user
Nix installations](@docroot@/installation/ If the Lix
Nix installations](@docroot@/installation/ If the Nix
daemon's Unix socket is at some non-standard path, this variable
should be set to `unix://path/to/socket`. Otherwise, it should be
left unset.
- <span id="env-NIX_SHOW_STATS">[`NIX_SHOW_STATS`](#env-NIX_SHOW_STATS)</span>\
If set to `1`, Lix will print some evaluation statistics, such as
If set to `1`, Nix will print some evaluation statistics, such as
the number of values allocated.
- <span id="env-NIX_COUNT_CALLS">[`NIX_COUNT_CALLS`](#env-NIX_COUNT_CALLS)</span>\
If set to `1`, Lix will print how often functions were called during
If set to `1`, Nix will print how often functions were called during
Nix expression evaluation. This is useful for profiling your Nix
@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ Most commands in Lix interpret the following environment variables:
## XDG Base Directories
Lix follows the [XDG Base Directory Specification].
Nix follows the [XDG Base Directory Specification].
For backwards compatibility, commands in Lix will follow the standard only when [`use-xdg-base-directories`] is enabled.
For backwards compatibility, Nix commands will follow the standard only when [`use-xdg-base-directories`] is enabled.
[New Nix commands](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/ (experimental) conform to the standard by default.
The following environment variables are used to determine locations of various state and configuration files:

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more