source clearStore clearProfiles enableFeatures "ca-derivations" restartDaemon # Make a flake. flake1Dir=$TEST_ROOT/flake1 mkdir -p $flake1Dir cat > $flake1Dir/flake.nix <<EOF { description = "Bla bla"; outputs = { self }: with import ./config.nix; rec { packages.$system.default = mkDerivation { name = "profile-test-\${builtins.readFile ./version}"; outputs = [ "out" "man" "dev" ]; builder = builtins.toFile "" '' mkdir -p \$out/bin cat > \$out/bin/hello <<EOF #! ${shell} echo Hello \${builtins.readFile ./who} EOF chmod +x \$out/bin/hello echo DONE mkdir -p \$man/share/man mkdir -p \$dev/include ''; __contentAddressed = import ./ca.nix; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; meta.outputsToInstall = [ "out" "man" ]; }; }; } EOF printf World > $flake1Dir/who printf 1.0 > $flake1Dir/version printf false > $flake1Dir/ca.nix cp ./config.nix $flake1Dir/ # Test upgrading from nix-env. nix-env -f ./user-envs.nix -i foo-1.0 nix profile list | grep '0 - - .*-foo-1.0' nix profile install $flake1Dir -L [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello World" ]] [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/share/man ] (! [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/include ]) nix profile history nix profile history | grep "packages.$system.default: ∅ -> 1.0" nix profile diff-closures | grep 'env-manifest.nix: ε → ∅' # Test upgrading a package. printf NixOS > $flake1Dir/who printf 2.0 > $flake1Dir/version nix profile upgrade 1 [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello NixOS" ]] nix profile history | grep "packages.$system.default: 1.0, 1.0-man -> 2.0, 2.0-man" # Test 'history', 'diff-closures'. nix profile diff-closures # Test rollback. nix profile rollback [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello World" ]] # Test uninstall. [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/foo ] nix profile remove 0 (! [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/foo ]) nix profile history | grep 'foo: 1.0 -> ∅' nix profile diff-closures | grep 'Version 3 -> 4' # Test installing a non-flake package. nix profile install --file ./simple.nix '' [[ $(cat $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/hello) = "Hello World!" ]] nix profile remove 1 nix profile install $(nix-build --no-out-link ./simple.nix) [[ $(cat $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/hello) = "Hello World!" ]] # Test wipe-history. nix profile wipe-history [[ $(nix profile history | grep Version | wc -l) -eq 1 ]] # Test upgrade to CA package. printf true > $flake1Dir/ca.nix printf 3.0 > $flake1Dir/version nix profile upgrade 0 nix profile history | grep "packages.$system.default: 1.0, 1.0-man -> 3.0, 3.0-man" # Test new install of CA package. nix profile remove 0 printf 4.0 > $flake1Dir/version printf Utrecht > $flake1Dir/who nix profile install $flake1Dir [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello Utrecht" ]] [[ $(nix path-info --json $(realpath $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) | jq -r .[].ca) =~ fixed:r:sha256: ]] # Override the outputs. nix profile remove 0 1 nix profile install "$flake1Dir^*" [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello Utrecht" ]] [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/share/man ] [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/include ] printf Nix > $flake1Dir/who nix profile upgrade 0 [[ $($TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello) = "Hello Nix" ]] [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/share/man ] [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/include ] nix profile remove 0 nix profile install "$flake1Dir^man" (! [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/bin/hello ]) [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/share/man ] (! [ -e $TEST_HOME/.nix-profile/include ])