

simple = 1
simple = import $testDir/simple.nix
:bl simple
:log simple

failing = import $testDir/simple-failing.nix
:b failing
:log failing

import $testDir/undefined-variable.nix

testRepl () {
    local nixArgs=("$@")
    rm -rf repl-result-out || true # cleanup from other runs backed by a foreign nix store
    local replOutput="$(nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replCmds")"
    echo "$replOutput"
    local outPath=$(echo "$replOutput" |&
        grep -o -E "$NIX_STORE_DIR/\w*-simple")
    nix path-info "${nixArgs[@]}" "$outPath"
    [ "$(realpath ./repl-result-out)" == "$outPath" ] || fail "nix repl :bl doesn't make a symlink"
    # run it again without checking the output to ensure the previously created symlink gets overwritten
    nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replCmds" || fail "nix repl does not work twice with the same inputs"

    # simple.nix prints a PATH during build
    echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs 'PATH=' || fail "nix repl :log doesn't output logs"
    local replOutput="$(nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replFailingCmds" 2>&1)"
    echo "$replOutput"
    echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs 'This should fail' \
      || fail "nix repl :log doesn't output logs for a failed derivation"
    local replOutput="$(nix repl --show-trace "${nixArgs[@]}" <<< "$replUndefinedVariable" 2>&1)"
    echo "$replOutput"
    echo "$replOutput" | grep -qs "while evaluating the file" \
      || fail "nix repl --show-trace doesn't show the trace"

    nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" --option pure-eval true 2>&1 <<< "builtins.currentSystem" \
      | grep "attribute 'currentSystem' missing"
    nix repl "${nixArgs[@]}" 2>&1 <<< "builtins.currentSystem" \
      | grep "$(nix-instantiate --eval -E 'builtins.currentSystem')"

# Simple test, try building a drv
# Same thing (kind-of), but with a remote store.
testRepl --store "$TEST_ROOT/store?real=$NIX_STORE_DIR"

testReplResponse () {
    local response="$(nix repl <<< "$1")"
    echo "$response" | grep -qs "$2" \
      || fail "repl command set:


does not respond with:


but with:


# :a uses the newest version of a symbol
testReplResponse '
:a { a = "1"; }
:a { a = "2"; }
"result: ${a}"
' "result: 2"