#! @perl@ -w -I@libexecdir@/nix use strict; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use NixManifest; use GeneratePatches; if (scalar @ARGV != 5) { print STDERR <<EOF; Usage: nix-generate-patches NAR-DIR PATCH-DIR PATCH-URI OLD-MANIFEST NEW-MANIFEST This command generates binary patches between NAR files listed in OLD-MANIFEST and NEW-MANIFEST. The patches are written to the directory PATCH-DIR, and the prefix PATCH-URI is used to generate URIs for the patches. The patches are added to NEW-MANIFEST. All NARs are required to exist in NAR-DIR. Patches are generated between succeeding versions of packages with the same name. EOF exit 1; } my $narPath = $ARGV[0]; my $patchesPath = $ARGV[1]; my $patchesURL = $ARGV[2]; my $srcManifest = $ARGV[3]; my $dstManifest = $ARGV[4]; my (%srcNarFiles, %srcLocalPaths, %srcPatches); readManifest $srcManifest, \%srcNarFiles, \%srcLocalPaths, \%srcPatches; my (%dstNarFiles, %dstLocalPaths, %dstPatches); readManifest $dstManifest, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstLocalPaths, \%dstPatches; my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-generate-patches.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1) or die "cannot create a temporary directory"; generatePatches \%srcNarFiles, \%dstNarFiles, \%srcPatches, \%dstPatches, $narPath, $patchesPath, $patchesURL, $tmpDir; propagatePatches \%srcPatches, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstPatches; writeManifest $dstManifest, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstPatches;