This allows various Store implementations to provide different ways to get build logs. For example, BinaryCacheStore can get the build logs from the binary cache. Also, remove the log-servers option since we can use substituters for this.
271 lines
7.8 KiB
271 lines
7.8 KiB
#include "globals.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <thread>
namespace nix {
/* The default location of the daemon socket, relative to nixStateDir.
The socket is in a directory to allow you to control access to the
Nix daemon by setting the mode/ownership of the directory
appropriately. (This wouldn't work on the socket itself since it
must be deleted and recreated on startup.) */
#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH "/daemon-socket/socket"
Settings settings;
nixPrefix = NIX_PREFIX;
nixStore = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_STORE_DIR", getEnv("NIX_STORE", NIX_STORE_DIR)));
nixDataDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_DATA_DIR", NIX_DATA_DIR));
nixLogDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_LOG_DIR", NIX_LOG_DIR));
nixStateDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_STATE_DIR", NIX_STATE_DIR));
nixConfDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_CONF_DIR", NIX_CONF_DIR));
nixLibexecDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR", NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR));
nixBinDir = canonPath(getEnv("NIX_BIN_DIR", NIX_BIN_DIR));
nixDaemonSocketFile = canonPath(nixStateDir + DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH);
// should be set with the other config options, but depends on nixLibexecDir
#ifdef __APPLE__
preBuildHook = nixLibexecDir + "/nix/resolve-system-dependencies";
keepFailed = false;
keepGoing = false;
tryFallback = false;
maxBuildJobs = 1;
buildCores = std::max(1U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
readOnlyMode = false;
thisSystem = SYSTEM;
maxSilentTime = 0;
buildTimeout = 0;
useBuildHook = true;
reservedSize = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
fsyncMetadata = true;
useSQLiteWAL = true;
syncBeforeRegistering = false;
useSubstitutes = true;
buildUsersGroup = getuid() == 0 ? "nixbld" : "";
useSshSubstituter = true;
impersonateLinux26 = false;
keepLog = true;
compressLog = true;
maxLogSize = 0;
pollInterval = 5;
checkRootReachability = false;
gcKeepOutputs = false;
gcKeepDerivations = true;
autoOptimiseStore = false;
envKeepDerivations = false;
lockCPU = getEnv("NIX_AFFINITY_HACK", "1") == "1";
showTrace = false;
enableImportNative = false;
netrcFile = fmt("%s/%s", nixConfDir, "netrc");
caFile = getEnv("NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE", getEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE", "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"));
enableImportFromDerivation = true;
void Settings::loadConfFile()
Path settingsFile = (format("%1%/%2%") % nixConfDir % "nix.conf").str();
if (!pathExists(settingsFile)) return;
string contents = readFile(settingsFile);
unsigned int pos = 0;
while (pos < contents.size()) {
string line;
while (pos < contents.size() && contents[pos] != '\n')
line += contents[pos++];
string::size_type hash = line.find('#');
if (hash != string::npos)
line = string(line, 0, hash);
vector<string> tokens = tokenizeString<vector<string> >(line);
if (tokens.empty()) continue;
if (tokens.size() < 2 || tokens[1] != "=")
throw Error(format("illegal configuration line ‘%1%’ in ‘%2%’") % line % settingsFile);
string name = tokens[0];
vector<string>::iterator i = tokens.begin();
advance(i, 2);
settings[name] = concatStringsSep(" ", Strings(i, tokens.end())); // FIXME: slow
void Settings::set(const string & name, const string & value)
settings[name] = value;
overrides[name] = value;
string Settings::get(const string & name, const string & def)
auto i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return def;
return i->second;
Strings Settings::get(const string & name, const Strings & def)
auto i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return def;
return tokenizeString<Strings>(i->second);
bool Settings::get(const string & name, bool def)
bool res = def;
_get(res, name);
return res;
int Settings::get(const string & name, int def)
int res = def;
_get(res, name);
return res;
void Settings::update()
_get(tryFallback, "build-fallback");
auto s = get("build-max-jobs", std::string("1"));
if (s == "auto")
maxBuildJobs = std::max(1U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
if (!string2Int(s, maxBuildJobs))
throw Error("configuration setting ‘build-max-jobs’ should be ‘auto’ or an integer");
_get(buildCores, "build-cores");
_get(thisSystem, "system");
_get(maxSilentTime, "build-max-silent-time");
_get(buildTimeout, "build-timeout");
_get(reservedSize, "gc-reserved-space");
_get(fsyncMetadata, "fsync-metadata");
_get(useSQLiteWAL, "use-sqlite-wal");
_get(syncBeforeRegistering, "sync-before-registering");
_get(useSubstitutes, "build-use-substitutes");
_get(buildUsersGroup, "build-users-group");
_get(impersonateLinux26, "build-impersonate-linux-26");
_get(keepLog, "build-keep-log");
_get(compressLog, "build-compress-log");
_get(maxLogSize, "build-max-log-size");
_get(pollInterval, "build-poll-interval");
_get(checkRootReachability, "gc-check-reachability");
_get(gcKeepOutputs, "gc-keep-outputs");
_get(gcKeepDerivations, "gc-keep-derivations");
_get(autoOptimiseStore, "auto-optimise-store");
_get(envKeepDerivations, "env-keep-derivations");
_get(sshSubstituterHosts, "ssh-substituter-hosts");
_get(useSshSubstituter, "use-ssh-substituter");
_get(enableImportNative, "allow-unsafe-native-code-during-evaluation");
_get(useCaseHack, "use-case-hack");
_get(preBuildHook, "pre-build-hook");
_get(keepGoing, "keep-going");
_get(keepFailed, "keep-failed");
_get(netrcFile, "netrc-file");
_get(enableImportFromDerivation, "allow-import-from-derivation");
void Settings::_get(string & res, const string & name)
SettingsMap::iterator i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return;
res = i->second;
void Settings::_get(bool & res, const string & name)
SettingsMap::iterator i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return;
if (i->second == "true") res = true;
else if (i->second == "false") res = false;
else throw Error(format("configuration option ‘%1%’ should be either ‘true’ or ‘false’, not ‘%2%’")
% name % i->second);
void Settings::_get(StringSet & res, const string & name)
SettingsMap::iterator i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return;
Strings ss = tokenizeString<Strings>(i->second);
res.insert(ss.begin(), ss.end());
void Settings::_get(Strings & res, const string & name)
SettingsMap::iterator i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return;
res = tokenizeString<Strings>(i->second);
template<class N> void Settings::_get(N & res, const string & name)
SettingsMap::iterator i = settings.find(name);
if (i == settings.end()) return;
if (!string2Int(i->second, res))
throw Error(format("configuration setting ‘%1%’ should have an integer value") % name);
string Settings::pack()
string s;
for (auto & i : settings) {
if (i.first.find('\n') != string::npos ||
i.first.find('=') != string::npos ||
i.second.find('\n') != string::npos)
throw Error("illegal option name/value");
s += i.first; s += '='; s += i.second; s += '\n';
return s;
void Settings::unpack(const string & pack) {
Strings lines = tokenizeString<Strings>(pack, "\n");
for (auto & i : lines) {
string::size_type eq = i.find('=');
if (eq == string::npos)
throw Error("illegal option name/value");
set(i.substr(0, eq), i.substr(eq + 1));
Settings::SettingsMap Settings::getOverrides()
return overrides;
const string nixVersion = PACKAGE_VERSION;