Alois Wohlschlager 0dd1d8ca1c
tree-wide: unify progress bar inactive and paused states
Previously, the progress bar had two subtly different states in which the bar
would not actually render, both with their own shortcomings: inactive (which
was irreversible) and paused (reversible, but swallowing logs). Furthermore,
there was no way of resetting the statistics, so a very bad solution was
implemented (243c0f18da) that would create a new
logger for each line of the repl, leaking the previous one and discarding the
value of printBuildLogs. Finally, if stderr was not attached to a TTY, the
update thread was started even though the logger was not active, violating the
invariant required by the destructor (which is not observed because the logger
is leaked).

In this commit, the two aforementioned states are unified into a single one,
which can be exited again, correctly upholds the invariant that the update
thread is only running while the progress bar is active, and does not swallow
logs. The latter change in behavior is not expected to be a problems in the
rare cases where the paused state was used before, since other loggers (like
the simple one) don't exhibit it anyway. The startProgressBar/stopProgressBar
API is removed due to being a footgun, and a new method for properly resetting
the progress is added.

Co-Authored-By: Qyriad <>
Change-Id: I2b7c3eb17d439cd0c16f7b896cfb61239ac7ff3a
2024-07-01 18:19:34 +02:00

300 lines
11 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include "cmd-profiles.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
#include "local-fs-store.hh"
#include "logging.hh"
#include "processes.hh"
#include "profiles.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "filetransfer.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "eval-settings.hh"
#include "attr-path.hh"
#include "names.hh"
using namespace nix;
struct CmdUpgradeNix : MixDryRun, EvalCommand
Path profileDir;
std::string storePathsUrl = "";
std::optional<Path> overrideStorePath;
.longName = "profile",
.shortName = 'p',
.description = "The path to the Nix profile to upgrade.",
.labels = {"profile-dir"},
.handler = {&profileDir}
.longName = "store-path",
.description = "A specific store path to upgrade Nix to",
.labels = {"store-path"},
.handler = {&overrideStorePath},
.longName = "nix-store-paths-url",
.description = "The URL of the file that contains the store paths of the latest Nix release.",
.labels = {"url"},
.handler = {&storePathsUrl}
* This command is stable before the others
std::optional<ExperimentalFeature> experimentalFeature() override
return std::nullopt;
std::string description() override
return "upgrade Nix to the stable version declared in Nixpkgs";
std::string doc() override
#include ""
Category category() override { return catNixInstallation; }
void run(ref<Store> store) override
evalSettings.pureEval = true;
if (profileDir == "") {
profileDir = getProfileDir(store);
auto canonProfileDir = canonPath(profileDir, true);
printInfo("upgrading Nix in profile '%s'", profileDir);
StorePath storePath = getLatestNix(store);
auto version = DrvName(;
if (dryRun) {
warn("would upgrade to version %s", version);
Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, fmt("downloading '%s'...", store->printStorePath(storePath)));
Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, fmt("verifying that '%s' works...", store->printStorePath(storePath)));
auto program = store->printStorePath(storePath) + "/bin/nix-env";
auto s = runProgram(program, false, {"--version"});
if (s.find("Nix") == std::string::npos)
throw Error("could not verify that '%s' works", program);
auto const fullStorePath = store->printStorePath(storePath);
if (pathExists(canonProfileDir + "/manifest.nix")) {
// {settings.nixBinDir}/nix-env is a symlink to a {settings.nixBinDir}/nix, which *then*
// is a symlink to /nix/store/meow-nix/bin/nix. We want /nix/store/meow-nix/bin/nix-env.
Path const nixInStore = canonPath(settings.nixBinDir + "/nix-env", true);
Path const nixEnvCmd = dirOf(nixInStore) + "/nix-env";
// First remove the existing Nix, then use that Nix by absolute path to
// install the new one, in case the new and old versions aren't considered
// to be "the same package" by nix-env's logic (e.g., if their pnames differ).
Strings removeArgs = {
printTalkative("running %s %s", nixEnvCmd, concatStringsSep(" ", removeArgs));
runProgram(nixEnvCmd, false, removeArgs);
Strings upgradeArgs = {
printTalkative("running %s %s", nixEnvCmd, concatStringsSep(" ", upgradeArgs));
runProgram(nixEnvCmd, false, upgradeArgs);
} else if (pathExists(canonProfileDir + "/manifest.json")) {
this->upgradeNewStyleProfile(store, storePath);
} else {
// No I will not use std::unreachable.
// That is undefined behavior if you're wrong.
// This will have a better error message and coredump.
false && "tried to upgrade unexpected kind of profile, "
"we can only handle `user-environment` and `profile`"
printInfo(ANSI_GREEN "upgrade to version %s done" ANSI_NORMAL, version);
/* Return the profile in which Nix is installed. */
Path getProfileDir(ref<Store> store)
Path where;
for (auto & dir : tokenizeString<Strings>(getEnv("PATH").value_or(""), ":"))
if (pathExists(dir + "/nix-env")) {
where = dir;
if (where == "")
throw Error("couldn't figure out how Nix is installed, so I can't upgrade it");
printInfo("found Nix in '%s'", where);
if (where.starts_with("/run/current-system"))
throw Error("Nix on NixOS must be upgraded via 'nixos-rebuild'");
Path profileDir = dirOf(where);
// Resolve profile to /nix/var/nix/profiles/<name> link.
while (canonPath(profileDir).find("/profiles/") == std::string::npos && isLink(profileDir)) {
profileDir = readLink(profileDir);
printInfo("found profile '%s'", profileDir);
Path userEnv = canonPath(profileDir, true);
if (baseNameOf(where) != "bin") {
throw Error("directory '%s' does not appear to be part of a Nix profile (no /bin dir?)", where);
if (!pathExists(userEnv + "/manifest.nix") && !pathExists(userEnv + "/manifest.json")) {
throw Error(
"directory '%s' does not have a compatible profile manifest; was it created by Nix?",
if (!store->isValidPath(store->parseStorePath(userEnv))) {
throw Error("directory '%s' is not in the Nix store", userEnv);
return profileDir;
// TODO: Is there like, any good naming scheme that distinguishes
// "profiles which nix-env can use" and "profiles which nix profile can use"?
// You can't just say the manifest version since v2 and v3 are both the latter.
void upgradeNewStyleProfile(ref<Store> & store, StorePath const & newNix)
auto fsStore = store.dynamic_pointer_cast<LocalFSStore>();
// TODO(Qyriad): this check is here because we need to cast to a LocalFSStore,
// to pass to createGeneration(), ...but like, there's no way a remote store
// would work with the nix-env based upgrade either right?
if (!fsStore) {
throw Error("nix upgrade-nix cannot be used on a remote store");
// nb: nothing actually gets evaluated here.
// The ProfileManifest constructor only evaluates anything for manifest.nix
// profiles, which this is not.
auto evalState = this->getEvalState();
ProfileManifest manifest(*evalState, profileDir);
// Find which profile element has Nix in it.
// It should be impossible to *not* have Nix, since we grabbed this
// store path by looking for things with bin/nix-env in them anyway.
auto findNix = [&](std::pair<std::string, ProfileElement> const & nameElemPair) -> bool {
auto const & [name, elem] = nameElemPair;
for (auto const & ePath : elem.storePaths) {
auto const nixEnv = store->printStorePath(ePath) + "/bin/nix-env";
if (pathExists(nixEnv)) {
return true;
// We checked each store path in this element. No nixes here boss!
return false;
auto elemWithNix = std::find_if(
// *Should* be impossible...
assert(elemWithNix != std::end(manifest.elements));
auto const nixElemName = elemWithNix->first;
// Now create a new profile element for the new Nix version...
ProfileElement elemForNewNix = {
.storePaths = {newNix},
// ...and splork it into the manifest where the old profile element was. = elemForNewNix;
// Build the new profile, and switch to it.
StorePath const newProfile =;
printTalkative("built new profile '%s'", store->printStorePath(newProfile));
auto const newGeneration = createGeneration(*fsStore, this->profileDir, newProfile);
"switching '%s' to newly created generation '%s'",
// TODO(Qyriad): use switchGeneration?
// switchLink's docstring seems to indicate that's preferred, but it's
// not used for any other `nix profile`-style profile code except for
// rollback, and it assumes you already have a generation number, which
// we don't.
switchLink(profileDir, newGeneration);
/* Return the store path of the latest stable Nix. */
StorePath getLatestNix(ref<Store> store)
if (this->overrideStorePath) {
"skipping Nix version query and using '%s' as latest Nix",
return store->parseStorePath(*this->overrideStorePath);
Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, "querying latest Nix version");
// FIXME: use
auto req = FileTransferRequest(storePathsUrl);
auto res = getFileTransfer()->transfer(req);
auto state = std::make_unique<EvalState>(SearchPath{}, store);
auto v = state->allocValue();
state->eval(state->parseExprFromString(, state->rootPath(CanonPath("/no-such-path"))), *v);
Bindings & bindings(*state->allocBindings(0));
auto v2 = findAlongAttrPath(*state, settings.thisSystem, bindings, *v).first;
return store->parseStorePath(state->forceString(*v2, noPos, "while evaluating the path tho latest nix version"));
static auto rCmdUpgradeNix = registerCommand<CmdUpgradeNix>("upgrade-nix");