Eelco Dolstra 447089a5f6 * Catch SIGINT to terminate cleanly when the user tries to interrupt
Nix.  This is to prevent Berkeley DB from becoming wedged.

  Unfortunately it is not possible to throw C++ exceptions from a
  signal handler.  In fact, you can't do much of anything except
  change variables of type `volatile sig_atomic_t'.  So we set an
  interrupt flag in the signal handler and check it at various
  strategic locations in the code (by calling checkInterrupt()).
  Since this is unlikely to cover all cases (e.g., (semi-)infinite
  loops), sometimes SIGTERM may now be required to kill Nix.
2004-01-15 20:23:55 +00:00

219 lines
4.7 KiB

#include "nixexpr.hh"
#include "storeexpr.hh"
ATermMap::ATermMap(unsigned int initialSize, unsigned int maxLoadPct)
table = ATtableCreate(initialSize, maxLoadPct);
if (!table) throw Error("cannot create ATerm table");
ATermMap::ATermMap(const ATermMap & map)
: table(0)
ATermList keys = map.keys();
/* !!! adjust allocation for load pct */
table = ATtableCreate(ATgetLength(keys), map.maxLoadPct);
if (!table) throw Error("cannot create ATerm table");
for (ATermIterator i(keys); i; ++i)
set(*i, map.get(*i));
if (table) ATtableDestroy(table);
void ATermMap::set(ATerm key, ATerm value)
return ATtablePut(table, key, value);
void ATermMap::set(const string & key, ATerm value)
set(string2ATerm(key), value);
ATerm ATermMap::get(ATerm key) const
return ATtableGet(table, key);
ATerm ATermMap::get(const string & key) const
return get(string2ATerm(key));
void ATermMap::remove(ATerm key)
ATtableRemove(table, key);
void ATermMap::remove(const string & key)
ATermList ATermMap::keys() const
ATermList keys = ATtableKeys(table);
if (!keys) throw Error("cannot query aterm map keys");
return keys;
ATerm string2ATerm(const string & s)
return (ATerm) ATmakeAppl0(ATmakeAFun((char *) s.c_str(), 0, ATtrue));
string aterm2String(ATerm t)
return ATgetName(ATgetAFun(t));
ATerm bottomupRewrite(TermFun & f, ATerm e)
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e);
int arity = ATgetArity(fun);
ATermList args = ATempty;
for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--)
args = ATinsert(args, bottomupRewrite(f, ATgetArgument(e, i)));
e = (ATerm) ATmakeApplList(fun, args);
else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) {
ATermList in = (ATermList) e;
ATermList out = ATempty;
for (ATermIterator i(in); i; ++i)
out = ATinsert(out, bottomupRewrite(f, *i));
e = (ATerm) ATreverse(out);
return f(e);
void queryAllAttrs(Expr e, ATermMap & attrs)
ATMatcher m;
ATermList bnds;
if (!(atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs" >> bnds))
throw badTerm("expected attribute set", e);
for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) {
string s;
Expr e;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e))
abort(); /* can't happen */
attrs.set(s, e);
Expr queryAttr(Expr e, const string & name)
ATermMap attrs;
queryAllAttrs(e, attrs);
return attrs.get(name);
Expr makeAttrs(const ATermMap & attrs)
ATermList bnds = ATempty;
for (ATermIterator i(attrs.keys()); i; ++i)
bnds = ATinsert(bnds,
ATmake("Bind(<term>, <term>)", *i, attrs.get(*i)));
return ATmake("Attrs(<term>)", ATreverse(bnds));
Expr substitute(const ATermMap & subs, Expr e)
ATMatcher m;
string s;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Var" >> s) {
Expr sub = subs.get(s);
return sub ? sub : e;
/* In case of a function, filter out all variables bound by this
function. */
ATermList formals;
ATerm body;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Function" >> formals >> body) {
ATermMap subs2(subs);
for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) {
Expr def;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "NoDefFormal" >> s) &&
!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "DefFormal" >> s >> def))
return ATmake("Function(<term>, <term>)", formals,
substitute(subs2, body));
/* Idem for a mutually recursive attribute set. */
ATermList bindings;
if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> bindings) {
ATermMap subs2(subs);
for (ATermIterator i(bindings); i; ++i) {
Expr e;
if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e))
abort(); /* can't happen */
return ATmake("Rec(<term>)", substitute(subs2, (ATerm) bindings));
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) {
AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e);
int arity = ATgetArity(fun);
ATermList args = ATempty;
for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--)
args = ATinsert(args, substitute(subs, ATgetArgument(e, i)));
return (ATerm) ATmakeApplList(fun, args);
if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) {
ATermList out = ATempty;
for (ATermIterator i((ATermList) e); i; ++i)
out = ATinsert(out, substitute(subs, *i));
return (ATerm) ATreverse(out);
return e;
Expr makeBool(bool b)
return b ? ATmake("Bool(True)") : ATmake("Bool(False)");