Instead we generate data bindings (build and match functions) for the constructors specified in `constructors.def'. In particular this removes the conversions between AFuns and strings, and Nix expression evaluation now seems 3 to 4 times faster.
121 lines
2.8 KiB
121 lines
2.8 KiB
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include "globals.hh"
#include "normalise.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "parser.hh"
#include "constructors.hh"
#include "help.txt.hh"
void printHelp()
cout << string((char *) helpText, sizeof helpText);
static Expr evalStdin(EvalState & state, bool parseOnly)
startNest(nest, lvlTalkative, format("evaluating standard input"));
string s, s2;
while (getline(cin, s2)) s += s2 + "\n";
Expr e = parseExprFromString(state, s, absPath("."));
return parseOnly ? e : evalExpr(state, e);
static void printDrvPaths(EvalState & state, Expr e)
ATMatcher m;
ATermList es;
/* !!! duplication w.r.t. parseDerivations in nix-env */
if (matchAttrs(e, es)) {
Expr a = queryAttr(e, "type");
if (a && evalString(state, a) == "derivation") {
a = queryAttr(e, "drvPath");
if (a) {
cout << format("%1%\n") % evalPath(state, a);
throw Error("bad derivation");
} else {
ATermMap drvMap;
queryAllAttrs(e, drvMap);
for (ATermIterator i(drvMap.keys()); i; ++i)
printDrvPaths(state, evalExpr(state, drvMap.get(*i)));
if (matchList(e, es)) {
for (ATermIterator i(es); i; ++i)
printDrvPaths(state, evalExpr(state, *i));
throw Error("expression does not evaluate to one or more derivations");
static void printResult(EvalState & state, Expr e, bool evalOnly)
if (evalOnly)
cout << format("%1%\n") % e;
printDrvPaths(state, e);
void run(Strings args)
EvalState state;
Strings files;
bool readStdin = false;
bool evalOnly = false;
bool parseOnly = false;
for (Strings::iterator it = args.begin();
it != args.end(); )
string arg = *it++;
if (arg == "-")
readStdin = true;
else if (arg == "--eval-only") {
readOnlyMode = true;
evalOnly = true;
else if (arg == "--parse-only") {
readOnlyMode = true;
parseOnly = evalOnly = true;
else if (arg[0] == '-')
throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%`") % arg);
if (readStdin) {
Expr e = evalStdin(state, parseOnly);
printResult(state, e, evalOnly);
for (Strings::iterator it = files.begin();
it != files.end(); it++)
Expr e = evalFile(state, absPath(*it));
/* !!! parseOnly ignored */
printResult(state, e, evalOnly);
string programId = "nix-instantiate";