Combine `AbstractPos`, `PosAdapter`, and `Pos` (cherry picked from commit 113499d16fc87d53b73fb62fe6242154909756ed) === this is a bit cursed because originally it was based on InputAccessor code that we don't have and moved/patched features we likewise don't have (fetchToStore caching, all the individual accessors, ContentAddressMethod). the commit is adjusted accordingly to match (remove caching, ignore accessors, use FileIngestionMethod). note that `state.rootPath . CanonPath == abs` and computeStorePathForPath works relative to cwd, so the slight rewrite in the moved fetchToStore is legal. Change-Id: I05fd340c273f0bcc8ffabfebdc4a88b98083bce5
333 lines
8.8 KiB
333 lines
8.8 KiB
#include "logging.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "config.hh"
#include "source-path.hh"
#include "position.hh"
#include <atomic>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace nix {
LoggerSettings loggerSettings;
static GlobalConfig::Register rLoggerSettings(&loggerSettings);
static thread_local ActivityId curActivity = 0;
ActivityId getCurActivity()
return curActivity;
void setCurActivity(const ActivityId activityId)
curActivity = activityId;
Logger * logger = makeSimpleLogger(true);
void Logger::warn(const std::string & msg)
log(lvlWarn, ANSI_WARNING "warning:" ANSI_NORMAL " " + msg);
void Logger::writeToStdout(std::string_view s)
writeFull(STDOUT_FILENO, s);
writeFull(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n");
class SimpleLogger : public Logger
bool systemd, tty;
bool printBuildLogs;
SimpleLogger(bool printBuildLogs)
: printBuildLogs(printBuildLogs)
systemd = getEnv("IN_SYSTEMD") == "1";
tty = shouldANSI();
bool isVerbose() override {
return printBuildLogs;
void log(Verbosity lvl, std::string_view s) override
if (lvl > verbosity) return;
std::string prefix;
if (systemd) {
char c;
switch (lvl) {
case lvlError: c = '3'; break;
case lvlWarn: c = '4'; break;
case lvlNotice: case lvlInfo: c = '5'; break;
case lvlTalkative: case lvlChatty: c = '6'; break;
case lvlDebug: case lvlVomit: c = '7'; break;
default: c = '7'; break; // should not happen, and missing enum case is reported by -Werror=switch-enum
prefix = std::string("<") + c + ">";
writeToStderr(prefix + filterANSIEscapes(s, !tty) + "\n");
void logEI(const ErrorInfo & ei) override
std::stringstream oss;
showErrorInfo(oss, ei, loggerSettings.showTrace.get());
log(ei.level, oss.str());
void startActivity(ActivityId act, Verbosity lvl, ActivityType type,
const std::string & s, const Fields & fields, ActivityId parent)
if (lvl <= verbosity && !s.empty())
log(lvl, s + "...");
void result(ActivityId act, ResultType type, const Fields & fields) override
if (type == resBuildLogLine && printBuildLogs) {
auto lastLine = fields[0].s;
else if (type == resPostBuildLogLine && printBuildLogs) {
auto lastLine = fields[0].s;
printError("post-build-hook: " + lastLine);
Verbosity verbosity = lvlInfo;
void writeToStderr(std::string_view s)
try {
writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, s, false);
} catch (SysError & e) {
/* Ignore failing writes to stderr. We need to ignore write
errors to ensure that cleanup code that logs to stderr runs
to completion if the other side of stderr has been closed
unexpectedly. */
Logger * makeSimpleLogger(bool printBuildLogs)
return new SimpleLogger(printBuildLogs);
std::atomic<uint64_t> nextId{0};
Activity::Activity(Logger & logger, Verbosity lvl, ActivityType type,
const std::string & s, const Logger::Fields & fields, ActivityId parent)
: logger(logger), id(nextId++ + (((uint64_t) getpid()) << 32))
logger.startActivity(id, lvl, type, s, fields, parent);
void to_json(nlohmann::json & json, std::shared_ptr<Pos> pos)
if (pos) {
json["line"] = pos->line;
json["column"] = pos->column;
std::ostringstream str;
pos->print(str, true);
json["file"] = str.str();
} else {
json["line"] = nullptr;
json["column"] = nullptr;
json["file"] = nullptr;
struct JSONLogger : Logger {
Logger & prevLogger;
JSONLogger(Logger & prevLogger) : prevLogger(prevLogger) { }
bool isVerbose() override {
return true;
void addFields(nlohmann::json & json, const Fields & fields)
if (fields.empty()) return;
auto & arr = json["fields"] = nlohmann::json::array();
for (auto & f : fields)
if (f.type == Logger::Field::tInt)
else if (f.type == Logger::Field::tString)
void write(const nlohmann::json & json)
prevLogger.log(lvlError, "@nix " + json.dump(-1, ' ', false, nlohmann::json::error_handler_t::replace));
void log(Verbosity lvl, std::string_view s) override
nlohmann::json json;
json["action"] = "msg";
json["level"] = lvl;
json["msg"] = s;
void logEI(const ErrorInfo & ei) override
std::ostringstream oss;
showErrorInfo(oss, ei, loggerSettings.showTrace.get());
nlohmann::json json;
json["action"] = "msg";
json["level"] = ei.level;
json["msg"] = oss.str();
json["raw_msg"] = ei.msg.str();
to_json(json, ei.errPos);
if (loggerSettings.showTrace.get() && !ei.traces.empty()) {
nlohmann::json traces = nlohmann::json::array();
for (auto iter = ei.traces.rbegin(); iter != ei.traces.rend(); ++iter) {
nlohmann::json stackFrame;
stackFrame["raw_msg"] = iter->hint.str();
to_json(stackFrame, iter->pos);
json["trace"] = traces;
void startActivity(ActivityId act, Verbosity lvl, ActivityType type,
const std::string & s, const Fields & fields, ActivityId parent) override
nlohmann::json json;
json["action"] = "start";
json["id"] = act;
json["level"] = lvl;
json["type"] = type;
json["text"] = s;
json["parent"] = parent;
addFields(json, fields);
void stopActivity(ActivityId act) override
nlohmann::json json;
json["action"] = "stop";
json["id"] = act;
void result(ActivityId act, ResultType type, const Fields & fields) override
nlohmann::json json;
json["action"] = "result";
json["id"] = act;
json["type"] = type;
addFields(json, fields);
Logger * makeJSONLogger(Logger & prevLogger)
return new JSONLogger(prevLogger);
static Logger::Fields getFields(nlohmann::json & json)
Logger::Fields fields;
for (auto & f : json) {
if (f.type() == nlohmann::json::value_t::number_unsigned)
else if (f.type() == nlohmann::json::value_t::string)
else throw Error("unsupported JSON type %d", (int) f.type());
return fields;
std::optional<nlohmann::json> parseJSONMessage(const std::string & msg)
if (!hasPrefix(msg, "@nix ")) return std::nullopt;
try {
return nlohmann::json::parse(std::string(msg, 5));
} catch (std::exception & e) {
printError("bad JSON log message from builder: %s", e.what());
return std::nullopt;
bool handleJSONLogMessage(nlohmann::json & json,
const Activity & act, std::map<ActivityId, Activity> & activities,
bool trusted)
std::string action = json["action"];
if (action == "start") {
auto type = (ActivityType) json["type"];
if (trusted || type == actFileTransfer)
std::forward_as_tuple(*logger, (Verbosity) json["level"], type,
json["text"], getFields(json["fields"]),;
else if (action == "stop")
activities.erase((ActivityId) json["id"]);
else if (action == "result") {
auto i = activities.find((ActivityId) json["id"]);
if (i != activities.end())
i->second.result((ResultType) json["type"], getFields(json["fields"]));
else if (action == "setPhase") {
std::string phase = json["phase"];
act.result(resSetPhase, phase);
else if (action == "msg") {
std::string msg = json["msg"];
logger->log((Verbosity) json["level"], msg);
return true;
bool handleJSONLogMessage(const std::string & msg,
const Activity & act, std::map<ActivityId, Activity> & activities, bool trusted)
auto json = parseJSONMessage(msg);
if (!json) return false;
return handleJSONLogMessage(*json, act, activities, trusted);
try {
} catch (...) {