2011-04-11 08:06:14 +00:00

333 lines
11 KiB

use strict;
use DBI;
use Cwd;
use File::stat;
use File::Path;
sub addPatch {
my ($patches, $storePath, $patch) = @_;
$$patches{$storePath} = []
unless defined $$patches{$storePath};
my $patchList = $$patches{$storePath};
my $found = 0;
foreach my $patch2 (@{$patchList}) {
$found = 1 if
$patch2->{url} eq $patch->{url} &&
$patch2->{basePath} eq $patch->{basePath};
push @{$patchList}, $patch if !$found;
return !$found;
sub readManifest {
my ($manifest, $narFiles, $patches) = @_;
open MANIFEST, "<$manifest"
or die "cannot open `$manifest': $!";
my $inside = 0;
my $type;
my $manifestVersion = 2;
my ($storePath, $url, $hash, $size, $basePath, $baseHash, $patchType);
my ($narHash, $narSize, $references, $deriver, $copyFrom, $system);
while (<MANIFEST>) {
next if (/^$/);
if (!$inside) {
if (/^\s*(\w*)\s*\{$/) {
$type = $1;
$type = "narfile" if $type eq "";
$inside = 1;
undef $storePath;
undef $url;
undef $hash;
undef $size;
undef $narHash;
undef $narSize;
undef $basePath;
undef $baseHash;
undef $patchType;
undef $system;
$references = "";
$deriver = "";
} else {
if (/^\}$/) {
$inside = 0;
if ($type eq "narfile") {
$$narFiles{$storePath} = []
unless defined $$narFiles{$storePath};
my $narFileList = $$narFiles{$storePath};
my $found = 0;
foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) {
$found = 1 if $narFile->{url} eq $url;
if (!$found) {
push @{$narFileList},
{ url => $url, hash => $hash, size => $size
, narHash => $narHash, narSize => $narSize
, references => $references
, deriver => $deriver
, system => $system
elsif ($type eq "patch") {
addPatch $patches, $storePath,
{ url => $url, hash => $hash, size => $size
, basePath => $basePath, baseHash => $baseHash
, narHash => $narHash, narSize => $narSize
, patchType => $patchType
elsif (/^\s*StorePath:\s*(\/\S+)\s*$/) { $storePath = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*CopyFrom:\s*(\/\S+)\s*$/) { $copyFrom = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*Hash:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $hash = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*URL:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $url = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*Size:\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { $size = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*SuccOf:\s*(\/\S+)\s*$/) { } # obsolete
elsif (/^\s*BasePath:\s*(\/\S+)\s*$/) { $basePath = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*BaseHash:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $baseHash = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*Type:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $patchType = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*NarHash:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $narHash = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*NarSize:\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { $narSize = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*References:\s*(.*)\s*$/) { $references = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*Deriver:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $deriver = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*ManifestVersion:\s*(\d+)\s*$/) { $manifestVersion = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*System:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $system = $1; }
# Compatibility;
elsif (/^\s*NarURL:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $url = $1; }
elsif (/^\s*MD5:\s*(\S+)\s*$/) { $hash = "md5:$1"; }
return $manifestVersion;
sub writeManifest {
my ($manifest, $narFiles, $patches, $noCompress) = @_;
open MANIFEST, ">$manifest.tmp"; # !!! check exclusive
print MANIFEST "version {\n";
print MANIFEST " ManifestVersion: 3\n";
print MANIFEST "}\n";
foreach my $storePath (sort (keys %{$narFiles})) {
my $narFileList = $$narFiles{$storePath};
foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) {
print MANIFEST "{\n";
print MANIFEST " StorePath: $storePath\n";
print MANIFEST " NarURL: $narFile->{url}\n";
print MANIFEST " Hash: $narFile->{hash}\n" if defined $narFile->{hash};
print MANIFEST " Size: $narFile->{size}\n" if defined $narFile->{size};
print MANIFEST " NarHash: $narFile->{narHash}\n";
print MANIFEST " NarSize: $narFile->{narSize}\n" if $narFile->{narSize};
print MANIFEST " References: $narFile->{references}\n"
if defined $narFile->{references} && $narFile->{references} ne "";
print MANIFEST " Deriver: $narFile->{deriver}\n"
if defined $narFile->{deriver} && $narFile->{deriver} ne "";
print MANIFEST " System: $narFile->{system}\n" if defined $narFile->{system};
print MANIFEST "}\n";
foreach my $storePath (sort (keys %{$patches})) {
my $patchList = $$patches{$storePath};
foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
print MANIFEST "patch {\n";
print MANIFEST " StorePath: $storePath\n";
print MANIFEST " NarURL: $patch->{url}\n";
print MANIFEST " Hash: $patch->{hash}\n";
print MANIFEST " Size: $patch->{size}\n";
print MANIFEST " NarHash: $patch->{narHash}\n";
print MANIFEST " NarSize: $patch->{narSize}\n" if $patch->{narSize};
print MANIFEST " BasePath: $patch->{basePath}\n";
print MANIFEST " BaseHash: $patch->{baseHash}\n";
print MANIFEST " Type: $patch->{patchType}\n";
print MANIFEST "}\n";
rename("$manifest.tmp", $manifest)
or die "cannot rename $manifest.tmp: $!";
# Create a bzipped manifest.
unless (defined $noCompress) {
system("@bzip2@ < $manifest > $manifest.bz2.tmp") == 0
or die "cannot compress manifest";
rename("$manifest.bz2.tmp", "$manifest.bz2")
or die "cannot rename $manifest.bz2.tmp: $!";
sub updateManifestDB {
my $manifestDir = ($ENV{"NIX_MANIFESTS_DIR"} or "@localstatedir@/nix/manifests");
my $dbPath = "$manifestDir/cache.sqlite";
# Open/create the database.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbPath", "", "")
or die "cannot open database `$dbPath'";
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
$dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
$dbh->do("pragma foreign_keys = on");
# Initialise the database schema, if necessary.
create table if not exists Manifests (
id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
path text unique not null,
timestamp integer not null
create table if not exists NARs (
id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
manifest integer not null,
storePath text not null,
url text not null,
hash text,
size integer,
narHash text,
narSize integer,
refs text,
deriver text,
system text,
foreign key (manifest) references Manifests(id) on delete cascade
$dbh->do("create index if not exists NARs_storePath on NARs(storePath)");
create table if not exists Patches (
id integer primary key autoincrement not null,
manifest integer not null,
storePath text not null,
basePath text not null,
baseHash text not null,
url text not null,
hash text,
size integer,
narHash text,
narSize integer,
patchType text not null,
foreign key (manifest) references Manifests(id) on delete cascade
$dbh->do("create index if not exists Patches_storePath on Patches(storePath)");
# !!! locking?
# Read each manifest in $manifestDir and add it to the database,
# unless we've already done so on a previous run.
my %seen;
for my $manifest (glob "$manifestDir/*.nixmanifest") {
$manifest = Cwd::abs_path($manifest);
my $timestamp = lstat($manifest)->mtime;
$seen{$manifest} = 1;
next if scalar @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
"select 1 from Manifests where path = ? and timestamp = ?",
{}, $manifest, $timestamp)} == 1;
# !!! Insert directly into the DB.
my %narFiles;
my %patches;
my $version = readManifest($manifest, \%narFiles, \%patches);
if ($version < 3) {
die "you have an old-style manifest `$manifest'; please delete it";
if ($version >= 10) {
die "manifest `$manifest' is too new; please delete it or upgrade Nix";
$dbh->do("delete from Manifests where path = ?", {}, $manifest);
$dbh->do("insert into Manifests(path, timestamp) values (?, ?)",
{}, $manifest, $timestamp);
my $id = $dbh->sqlite_last_insert_rowid();
foreach my $storePath (keys %narFiles) {
my $narFileList = $narFiles{$storePath};
foreach my $narFile (@{$narFiles{$storePath}}) {
"insert into NARs(manifest, storePath, url, hash, size, narHash, " .
"narSize, refs, deriver, system) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
{}, $id, $storePath, $narFile->{url}, $narFile->{hash}, $narFile->{size},
$narFile->{narHash}, $narFile->{narSize}, $narFile->{references},
$narFile->{deriver}, $narFile->{system});
foreach my $storePath (keys %patches) {
my $patchList = $patches{$storePath};
foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
"insert into Patches(manifest, storePath, basePath, baseHash, url, hash, " .
"size, narHash, narSize, patchType) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
{}, $id, $storePath, $patch->{basePath}, $patch->{baseHash}, $patch->{url},
$patch->{hash}, $patch->{size}, $patch->{narHash}, $patch->{narSize},
# Removed cached information for removed manifests from the DB.
foreach my $manifest (@{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select path from Manifests")}) {
next if defined $seen{$manifest};
$dbh->do("delete from Manifests where path = ?", {}, $manifest);
return $dbh;
return 1;