This allows us to have links to peoples' GitHub and Forgejo profiles. I used YAML because I don't want to introduce a dependency on having a working Nix evaluator to be able to build release notes, and we already have a YAML parser in this script. Change-Id: Idf2813f79e0407460c796cba6c383496465e152d
167 lines
5.5 KiB
167 lines
5.5 KiB
from collections import defaultdict
import frontmatter
import sys
import pathlib
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Tuple
import dataclasses
import yaml
GH_ROOT = ""
KNOWN_KEYS = ('synopsis', 'cls', 'issues', 'prs', 'significance', 'category', 'credits')
None: 0,
'significant': 10,
# This is just hardcoded for better validation. If you think there should be
# more of them, feel free to add more.
'Breaking Changes',
class AuthorInfo:
name: str
github: str | None = None
forgejo: str | None = None
display_name: str | None = None
def show_name(self) -> str:
return self.display_name or
def __str__(self) -> str:
if self.forgejo:
return f'[{self.show_name()}]({FORGEJO_ROOT}{self.forgejo})'
elif self.github:
return f'[{self.show_name()}]({GH_ROOT}{self.github})'
return self.show_name()
class AuthorInfoDB:
def __init__(self, author_info: dict[str, dict], throw_on_missing: bool):
self.author_info = {name: AuthorInfo(name=name, **d) for (name, d) in author_info.items()}
self.throw_on_missing = throw_on_missing
def __getitem__(self, name) -> str:
if name in self.author_info:
return str(self.author_info[name])
if self.throw_on_missing:
raise Exception(f'Missing author info for author {name}')
return name
def format_link(ident: str, gh_part: str, fj_part: str) -> str:
# FIXME: deprecate github as default
if ident.isdigit():
num, link, base = int(ident), f"#{ident}", f"{GH_REPO_BASE}/{gh_part}"
elif ident.startswith("gh#"):
num, link, base = int(ident[3:]), ident, f"{GH_REPO_BASE}/{gh_part}"
elif ident.startswith("fj#"):
num, link, base = int(ident[3:]), ident, f"{FORGEJO_REPO_BASE}/{fj_part}"
raise Exception("unrecognized reference format", ident)
return f"[{link}]({base}/{num})"
def format_issue(issue: str) -> str:
return format_link(issue, "issues", "issues")
def format_pr(pr: str) -> str:
return format_link(pr, "pull", "pulls")
def format_cl(clid: int) -> str:
return f"[cl/{clid}]({GERRIT_BASE}/{clid})"
def plural_list(strs: list[str]) -> str:
if len(strs) <= 1:
return ''.join(strs)
comma = ',' if len(strs) >= 3 else ''
return '{}{} and {}'.format(', '.join(strs[:-1]), comma, strs[-1])
def listify(l: list | int) -> list:
if not isinstance(l, list):
return [l]
return l
def do_category(author_info: AuthorInfoDB, entries: list[Tuple[pathlib.Path, Any]]):
for p, entry in sorted(entries, key=lambda e: (-SIGNIFICANCECES[e[1].metadata.get('significance')], e[0])):
header = entry.metadata['synopsis']
links = []
links += [format_issue(str(s)) for s in listify(entry.metadata.get('issues', []))]
links += [format_pr(str(s)) for s in listify(entry.metadata.get('prs', []))]
links += [format_cl(cl) for cl in listify(entry.metadata.get('cls', []))]
if links != []:
header += " " + " ".join(links)
if header:
print(f"- {header}")
print(textwrap.indent(entry.content, ' '))
if credits := listify(entry.metadata.get('credits', [])):
print(textwrap.indent('Many thanks to {} for this.'.format(plural_list(list(author_info[c] for c in credits))), ' '))
except Exception as e:
e.add_note(f"in {p}")
def run_on_dir(author_info: AuthorInfoDB, d):
d = pathlib.Path(d)
if not d.is_dir():
raise ValueError(f'provided path {d} is not a directory')
paths = pathlib.Path(d).glob('*.md')
entries = defaultdict(list)
for p in paths:
e = frontmatter.load(p)
if 'synopsis' not in e.metadata:
raise Exception('missing synopsis')
unknownKeys = set(e.metadata.keys()) - set(KNOWN_KEYS)
if unknownKeys:
raise Exception('unknown keys', unknownKeys)
category = e.metadata.get('category', 'Miscellany')
if category not in CATEGORIES:
raise Exception('unknown category', category)
entries[category].append((p, e))
except Exception as e:
e.add_note(f"in {p}")
for category in CATEGORIES:
if entries[category]:
print('\n#', category)
do_category(author_info, entries[category])
def main():
import argparse
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument('--change-authors', help='File name of the change authors metadata YAML file', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
ap.add_argument('dirs', help='Directories to run on', nargs='+')
args = ap.parse_args()
author_info = AuthorInfoDB(yaml.safe_load(args.change_authors), throw_on_missing=True) \
if args.change_authors \
else AuthorInfoDB({}, throw_on_missing=False)
for d in args.dirs:
run_on_dir(author_info, d)
if __name__ == '__main__':