John Ericson cb5052d98f Revert "Revert "Use template structs instead of phantoms""
This is the more typically way to do [Argument-dependent
generic serializers in C++. It makes the relationship between the `read`
and `write` methods more clear and rigorous, and also looks more
familiar to users coming from other languages that do not have C++'s
libertine ad-hoc overloading.

I am returning to this because during the review in, it came up as something that
would make the code easier to read --- easier today hopefully already,
but definitely easier if we were have multiple codified protocols with
code sharing between them as that PR seeks to accomplish.

If I recall correctly, the main criticism of this the first time around
(in 2020) was that having to specify the type when writing, e.g.
`WorkerProto<MyType>::write`, was too verbose and cumbersome. This is
now addressed with the `workerProtoWrite` wrapper function.

This method is also the way `nlohmann::json`, which we have used for a
number of years now, does its serializers, for what its worth.

This reverts commit 45a0ed82f0. That
commit in turn reverted 9ab07e99f5.
2023-05-17 22:44:47 -04:00

192 lines
5.1 KiB

#include "serialise.hh"
#include "util.hh"
#include "path-with-outputs.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "build-result.hh"
#include "worker-protocol.hh"
#include "archive.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
namespace nix {
std::string WorkerProto<std::string>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
return readString(from);
void WorkerProto<std::string>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::string & str)
out << str;
StorePath WorkerProto<StorePath>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
return store.parseStorePath(readString(from));
void WorkerProto<StorePath>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const StorePath & storePath)
out << store.printStorePath(storePath);
std::optional<TrustedFlag> WorkerProto<std::optional<TrustedFlag>>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
auto temp = readNum<uint8_t>(from);
switch (temp) {
case 0:
return std::nullopt;
case 1:
return { Trusted };
case 2:
return { NotTrusted };
throw Error("Invalid trusted status from remote");
void WorkerProto<std::optional<TrustedFlag>>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<TrustedFlag> & optTrusted)
if (!optTrusted)
out << (uint8_t)0;
else {
switch (*optTrusted) {
case Trusted:
out << (uint8_t)1;
case NotTrusted:
out << (uint8_t)2;
ContentAddress WorkerProto<ContentAddress>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
return ContentAddress::parse(readString(from));
void WorkerProto<ContentAddress>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const ContentAddress & ca)
out << renderContentAddress(ca);
DerivedPath WorkerProto<DerivedPath>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
auto s = readString(from);
return DerivedPath::parseLegacy(store, s);
void WorkerProto<DerivedPath>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DerivedPath & req)
out << req.to_string_legacy(store);
Realisation WorkerProto<Realisation>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
std::string rawInput = readString(from);
return Realisation::fromJSON(
void WorkerProto<Realisation>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const Realisation & realisation)
out << realisation.toJSON().dump();
DrvOutput WorkerProto<DrvOutput>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
return DrvOutput::parse(readString(from));
void WorkerProto<DrvOutput>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const DrvOutput & drvOutput)
out << drvOutput.to_string();
KeyedBuildResult WorkerProto<KeyedBuildResult>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
auto path = WorkerProto<DerivedPath>::read(store, from);
auto br = WorkerProto<BuildResult>::read(store, from);
return KeyedBuildResult {
/* .path = */ std::move(path),
void WorkerProto<KeyedBuildResult>::write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const KeyedBuildResult & res)
workerProtoWrite(store, to, res.path);
workerProtoWrite(store, to, static_cast<const BuildResult &>(res));
BuildResult WorkerProto<BuildResult>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
BuildResult res;
res.status = (BuildResult::Status) readInt(from);
>> res.errorMsg
>> res.timesBuilt
>> res.isNonDeterministic
>> res.startTime
>> res.stopTime;
auto builtOutputs = WorkerProto<DrvOutputs>::read(store, from);
for (auto && [output, realisation] : builtOutputs)
return res;
void WorkerProto<BuildResult>::write(const Store & store, Sink & to, const BuildResult & res)
<< res.status
<< res.errorMsg
<< res.timesBuilt
<< res.isNonDeterministic
<< res.startTime
<< res.stopTime;
DrvOutputs builtOutputs;
for (auto & [output, realisation] : res.builtOutputs)
builtOutputs.insert_or_assign(, realisation);
workerProtoWrite(store, to, builtOutputs);
std::optional<StorePath> WorkerProto<std::optional<StorePath>>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
auto s = readString(from);
return s == "" ? std::optional<StorePath> {} : store.parseStorePath(s);
void WorkerProto<std::optional<StorePath>>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<StorePath> & storePathOpt)
out << (storePathOpt ? store.printStorePath(*storePathOpt) : "");
std::optional<ContentAddress> WorkerProto<std::optional<ContentAddress>>::read(const Store & store, Source & from)
return ContentAddress::parseOpt(readString(from));
void WorkerProto<std::optional<ContentAddress>>::write(const Store & store, Sink & out, const std::optional<ContentAddress> & caOpt)
out << (caOpt ? renderContentAddress(*caOpt) : "");