
387 lines
12 KiB
Raw Blame History

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#include "fetchGit.hh"
#include "primops.hh"
#include "eval-inline.hh"
#include "download.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "pathlocks.hh"
#include "hash.hh"
#include "tarfile.hh"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <regex>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using namespace std::string_literals;
namespace nix {
extern std::regex revRegex;
static Path getCacheInfoPathFor(const std::string & name, const Hash & rev)
Path cacheDir = getCacheDir() + "/nix/git-revs";
std::string linkName =
name == "source"
? rev.gitRev()
: hashString(htSHA512, name + std::string("\0"s) + rev.gitRev()).to_string(Base32, false);
return cacheDir + "/" + linkName + ".link";
static void cacheGitInfo(const std::string & name, const GitInfo & gitInfo)
nlohmann::json json;
json["storePath"] = gitInfo.storePath;
json["name"] = name;
json["rev"] = gitInfo.rev.gitRev();
if (gitInfo.revCount)
json["revCount"] = *gitInfo.revCount;
json["lastModified"] = gitInfo.lastModified;
auto cacheInfoPath = getCacheInfoPathFor(name, gitInfo.rev);
writeFile(cacheInfoPath, json.dump());
static std::optional<GitInfo> lookupGitInfo(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & name,
const Hash & rev)
try {
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(getCacheInfoPathFor(name, rev)));
assert(json["name"] == name && Hash((std::string) json["rev"], htSHA1) == rev);
Path storePath = json["storePath"];
if (store->isValidPath(store->parseStorePath(storePath))) {
GitInfo gitInfo;
gitInfo.storePath = storePath;
gitInfo.rev = rev;
if (json.find("revCount") != json.end())
gitInfo.revCount = json["revCount"];
gitInfo.lastModified = json["lastModified"];
return gitInfo;
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo != ENOENT) throw;
return {};
GitInfo exportGit(ref<Store> store, std::string uri,
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev,
const std::string & name)
assert(!rev || rev->type == htSHA1);
if (rev) {
if (auto gitInfo = lookupGitInfo(store, name, *rev)) {
// If this gitInfo was produced by exportGitHub, then it won't
// have a revCount. So we have to do a full clone.
if (gitInfo->revCount) {
gitInfo->ref = ref;
return *gitInfo;
if (hasPrefix(uri, "git+")) uri = std::string(uri, 4);
bool isLocal = hasPrefix(uri, "/") && pathExists(uri + "/.git");
// If this is a local directory (but not a file:// URI) and no ref
// or revision is given, then allow the use of an unclean working
// tree.
if (!ref && !rev && isLocal) {
bool clean = false;
/* Check whether this repo has any commits. There are
probably better ways to do this. */
bool haveCommits = !readDirectory(uri + "/.git/refs/heads").empty();
try {
if (haveCommits) {
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", uri, "diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD", "--" });
clean = true;
} catch (ExecError & e) {
if (!WIFEXITED(e.status) || WEXITSTATUS(e.status) != 1) throw;
if (!clean) {
/* This is an unclean working tree. So copy all tracked files. */
if (!evalSettings.allowDirty)
throw Error("Git tree '%s' is dirty", uri);
if (evalSettings.warnDirty)
warn("Git tree '%s' is dirty", uri);
GitInfo gitInfo;
gitInfo.ref = "HEAD";
auto files = tokenizeString<std::set<std::string>>(
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", uri, "ls-files", "-z" }), "\0"s);
PathFilter filter = [&](const Path & p) -> bool {
assert(hasPrefix(p, uri));
std::string file(p, uri.size() + 1);
auto st = lstat(p);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
auto prefix = file + "/";
auto i = files.lower_bound(prefix);
return i != files.end() && hasPrefix(*i, prefix);
return files.count(file);
gitInfo.storePath = store->printStorePath(store->addToStore("source", uri, true, htSHA256, filter));
gitInfo.revCount = haveCommits ? std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", uri, "rev-list", "--count", "HEAD" })) : 0;
// FIXME: maybe we should use the timestamp of the last
// modified dirty file?
gitInfo.lastModified = haveCommits ? std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", uri, "log", "-1", "--format=%ct", "HEAD" })) : 0;
return gitInfo;
if (!ref) ref = isLocal ? "HEAD" : "master";
// Don't clone file:// URIs (but otherwise treat them the same as
// remote URIs, i.e. don't use the working tree or HEAD).
static bool forceHttp = getEnv("_NIX_FORCE_HTTP") == "1"; // for testing
if (!forceHttp && hasPrefix(uri, "file://")) {
uri = std::string(uri, 7);
isLocal = true;
Path repoDir;
if (isLocal) {
if (!rev)
rev = Hash(chomp(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", uri, "rev-parse", *ref })), htSHA1);
repoDir = uri;
} else {
Path cacheDir = getCacheDir() + "/nix/gitv3/" + hashString(htSHA256, uri).to_string(Base32, false);
repoDir = cacheDir;
if (!pathExists(cacheDir)) {
runProgram("git", true, { "init", "--bare", repoDir });
Path localRefFile =
ref->compare(0, 5, "refs/") == 0
? cacheDir + "/" + *ref
: cacheDir + "/refs/heads/" + *ref;
bool doFetch;
time_t now = time(0);
/* If a rev was specified, we need to fetch if it's not in the
repo. */
if (rev) {
try {
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", repoDir, "cat-file", "-e", rev->gitRev() });
doFetch = false;
} catch (ExecError & e) {
if (WIFEXITED(e.status)) {
doFetch = true;
} else {
} else {
/* If the local ref is older than tarball-ttl seconds, do a
git fetch to update the local ref to the remote ref. */
struct stat st;
doFetch = stat(localRefFile.c_str(), &st) != 0 ||
(uint64_t) st.st_mtime + settings.tarballTtl <= (uint64_t) now;
if (doFetch) {
Activity act(*logger, lvlTalkative, actUnknown, fmt("fetching Git repository '%s'", uri));
// FIXME: git stderr messes up our progress indicator, so
// we're using --quiet for now. Should process its stderr.
try {
runProgram("git", true, { "-C", repoDir, "fetch", "--quiet", "--force", "--", uri, fmt("%s:%s", *ref, *ref) });
} catch (Error & e) {
if (!pathExists(localRefFile)) throw;
warn("could not update local clone of Git repository '%s'; continuing with the most recent version", uri);
struct timeval times[2];
times[0].tv_sec = now;
times[0].tv_usec = 0;
times[1].tv_sec = now;
times[1].tv_usec = 0;
utimes(localRefFile.c_str(), times);
if (!rev)
rev = Hash(chomp(readFile(localRefFile)), htSHA1);
if (auto gitInfo = lookupGitInfo(store, name, *rev)) {
if (gitInfo->revCount) {
gitInfo->ref = ref;
return *gitInfo;
// FIXME: check whether rev is an ancestor of ref.
GitInfo gitInfo;
gitInfo.ref = *ref;
gitInfo.rev = *rev;
printTalkative("using revision %s of repo '%s'", gitInfo.rev, uri);
// FIXME: should pipe this, or find some better way to extract a
// revision.
auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & sink) {
RunOptions gitOptions("git", { "-C", repoDir, "archive", gitInfo.rev.gitRev() });
gitOptions.standardOut = &sink;
Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
AutoDelete delTmpDir(tmpDir, true);
unpackTarfile(*source, tmpDir);
gitInfo.storePath = store->printStorePath(store->addToStore(name, tmpDir));
gitInfo.revCount = std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", repoDir, "rev-list", "--count", gitInfo.rev.gitRev() }));
gitInfo.lastModified = std::stoull(runProgram("git", true, { "-C", repoDir, "log", "-1", "--format=%ct", gitInfo.rev.gitRev() }));
cacheGitInfo(name, gitInfo);
return gitInfo;
GitInfo exportGitHub(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & owner,
const std::string & repo,
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev)
if (rev) {
if (auto gitInfo = lookupGitInfo(store, "source", *rev))
return *gitInfo;
if (!rev) {
auto url = fmt("",
owner, repo, ref ? *ref : "master");
CachedDownloadRequest request(url);
request.ttl = rev ? 1000000000 : settings.tarballTtl;
auto result = getDownloader()->downloadCached(store, request);
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(result.path));
rev = Hash(json["sha"], htSHA1);
// FIXME: use regular /archive URLs instead?
// might have stricter rate limits.
auto url = fmt("",
owner, repo, rev->to_string(Base16, false));
std::string accessToken = settings.githubAccessToken.get();
if (accessToken != "")
url += "?access_token=" + accessToken;
CachedDownloadRequest request(url);
request.unpack = true; = "source";
request.ttl = 1000000000;
request.getLastModified = true;
auto result = getDownloader()->downloadCached(store, request);
GitInfo gitInfo;
gitInfo.storePath = result.storePath;
gitInfo.rev = *rev;
gitInfo.lastModified = *result.lastModified;
// FIXME: this can overwrite a cache file that contains a revCount.
cacheGitInfo("source", gitInfo);
return gitInfo;
static void prim_fetchGit(EvalState & state, const Pos & pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
std::string url;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
std::string name = "source";
PathSet context;
if (args[0]->type == tAttrs) {
state.forceAttrs(*args[0], pos);
for (auto & attr : *args[0]->attrs) {
string n(;
if (n == "url")
url = state.coerceToString(*attr.pos, *attr.value, context, false, false);
else if (n == "ref")
ref = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, *attr.pos);
else if (n == "rev")
rev = Hash(state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, *attr.pos), htSHA1);
else if (n == "name")
name = state.forceStringNoCtx(*attr.value, *attr.pos);
throw EvalError("unsupported argument '%s' to 'fetchGit', at %s",, *attr.pos);
if (url.empty())
throw EvalError(format("'url' argument required, at %1%") % pos);
} else
url = state.coerceToString(pos, *args[0], context, false, false);
// FIXME: git externals probably can be used to bypass the URI
// whitelist. Ah well.
if (evalSettings.pureEval && !rev)
throw Error("in pure evaluation mode, 'fetchGit' requires a Git revision");
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, url, ref, rev, name);
state.mkAttrs(v, 8);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sOutPath), gitInfo.storePath, PathSet({gitInfo.storePath}));
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("rev")), gitInfo.rev.gitRev());
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("shortRev")), gitInfo.rev.gitShortRev());
mkInt(*state.allocAttr(v, state.symbols.create("revCount")), *gitInfo.revCount);
if (state.allowedPaths)
static RegisterPrimOp r("fetchGit", 1, prim_fetchGit);