
182 lines
5.8 KiB
Common Lisp
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; QuickLisp-to-Nix export
; Requires QuickLisp to be loaded
; Installs the QuickLisp version of all the packages processed (in the
; QuickLisp instance it uses)
(ql:quickload :cl-emb)
(ql:quickload :external-program)
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(ql:quickload :alexandria)
(ql:quickload :md5)
(defvar testnames (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defun nix-prefetch-url (url)
((stdout nil)
(stderr nil))
(with-output-to-string (so)
(with-output-to-string (se)
(list url)
:search t :output so :error se)))))
((path-line (first (last (cl-ppcre:split (format nil "~%") stderr))))
(path (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "path is .(.*)." path-line "\\1")))
:sha256 (first (cl-ppcre:split (format nil "~%") stdout))
:path path
:md5 (string-downcase
(format nil "~{~16,2,'0r~}"
(map 'list 'identity (md5:md5sum-file path))))))))
(defun escape-filename (s)
nil "~a~{~a~}"
(if (cl-ppcre:scan "^[a-zA-Z_]" s) "" "_")
for x in (map 'list 'identity s)
(case x
(#\/ "_slash_")
(#\\ "_backslash_")
(#\_ "__")
(#\. "_dot_")
(t x)))))
(defun system-depends-on (system-name)
((decode (name)
(typecase name
(ecase (car name)
(:version (second name)))))))
(let* ((asdf-dependencies (asdf:system-depends-on (asdf:find-system system-name)))
(decoded-asdf-dependencies (mapcar #'decode asdf-dependencies))
(clean-asdf-dependencies (remove-if-not 'ql-dist:find-system decoded-asdf-dependencies))
(ql-dependencies (ql-dist:required-systems (ql-dist:find-system system-name)))
(all-dependencies (concatenate 'list clean-asdf-dependencies ql-dependencies))
(sorted-dependencies (sort all-dependencies #'string<))
(unique-dependencies (remove-duplicates sorted-dependencies :test #'equal)))
(defun system-data (system)
(ignore-errors (asdf:find-system system))
(ql:quickload system)
(asdf:find-system system))))
(ql-system (ql-dist:find-system system))
(ql-release (ql-dist:release ql-system))
(ql-sibling-systems (ql-dist:provided-systems ql-release))
(url (ql-dist:archive-url ql-release))
(local-archive (ql-dist:local-archive-file ql-release))
(local-url (format nil "file://~a" (pathname local-archive)))
(ql-dist:ensure-local-archive-file ql-release)
(nix-prefetch-url local-url)))
(ideal-md5 (ql-dist:archive-md5 ql-release))
(file-md5 (getf archive-data :md5))
(raw-dependencies (system-depends-on system))
(name (string-downcase (format nil "~a" system)))
(remove name (mapcar 'ql-dist:name ql-sibling-systems)
:test 'equal))
(remove-if-not 'ql-dist:find-system raw-dependencies)
:test 'equal)
:test 'equal))
(deps (mapcar (lambda (x) (list :name x :filename (escape-filename x)))
(description (asdf:system-description asdf-system))
(release-name (ql-dist:short-description ql-release))
(version (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all
(format nil "~a-" name) release-name "")))
(assert (equal ideal-md5 file-md5))
:system system
:description description
:sha256 (getf archive-data :sha256)
:url url
:md5 file-md5
:name name
:testname (gethash name testnames)
:filename (escape-filename name)
:deps deps
:dependencies dependencies
:version version
:siblings ql-sibling-names)))
(defmacro this-file ()
(or *compile-file-truename*
(defun nix-expression (system)
(merge-pathnames #p"nix-package.emb" (this-file))
:env (system-data system)))
(defun nix-invocation (system)
(merge-pathnames #p"invocation.emb" (this-file))
:env (system-data system)))
(defun systems-closure (systems)
((seen (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
with queue := systems
with res := nil
while queue
for next := (pop queue)
for old := (gethash next seen)
for data := (unless old (system-data next))
for deps := (getf data :dependencies)
for siblings := (getf data :siblings)
unless old do
(push next res)
(setf queue (append queue deps)))
do (setf (gethash next seen) t)
finally (return res))))
(defun ql-to-nix (target-directory)
(load (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-overrides.lisp" target-directory))
(format nil "~%")
(format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-systems.txt" target-directory))))
(closure (systems-closure systems))
(loop for s in closure
collect (list :code (nix-invocation s)))))
for s in closure
do (alexandria:write-string-into-file
(nix-expression s)
(format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-output/~a.nix"
target-directory (escape-filename s))
:if-exists :supersede))
:env (list :invocations invocations))
(format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix.nix" target-directory)
:if-exists :supersede)))