lib.fileset: Create tests for union and unions

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Silvan Mosberger 2023-09-13 23:30:30 +02:00
parent bd52895222
commit f78d65067f

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@ -361,6 +361,88 @@ expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. null) "/foo" ""' 'false'
expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = "regular"; }) "/foo" ""' 'true'
expectEqual '_toSourceFilter (_create /. { foo = null; }) "/foo" ""' 'false'
## lib.fileset.union, lib.fileset.unions
# Different filesystem roots in root and fileset are not supported
mkdir -p {foo,bar}/mock-root
expectFailure 'with ((import <nixpkgs/lib>).extend (import <nixpkgs/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix>)).fileset;
toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./foo/mock-root ./bar/mock-root; }
' 'lib.fileset.union: Filesystem roots are not the same:
\s*first argument: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root"
\s*second argument: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root"
\s*Different roots are not supported.'
expectFailure 'with ((import <nixpkgs/lib>).extend (import <nixpkgs/lib/fileset/mock-splitRoot.nix>)).fileset;
toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./foo/mock-root ./bar/mock-root ]; }
' 'lib.fileset.unions: Filesystem roots are not the same:
\s*element 0 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root"
\s*element 1 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root"
\s*Different roots are not supported.'
rm -rf *
# Coercion errors show the correct context
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./a ./.; }' 'lib.fileset.union: first argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./. ./b; }' 'lib.fileset.union: second argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./a ./. ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: element 0 of the argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./. ./b ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: element 1 of the argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.'
# unions needs a list with at least 1 element
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions null; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list, but got a null.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ]; }' 'lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list with at least one element, but it contains no elements.'
# The tree of later arguments should not be evaluated if a former argument already includes all files
checkFileset 'union ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!"))'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!")) ]'
# union doesn't include files that weren't specified
checkFileset 'union ./x ./y'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]'
# Also for directories
checkFileset 'union ./x ./y'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]'
# And for very specific paths
checkFileset 'union ./x/a ./y/b'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x/a ./y/b ]'
# unions or chained union's can include more paths
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x/a ./x/b ./y/a ./z/b ]'
checkFileset 'union (union ./x/a ./x/b) (union ./y/a ./z/b)'
checkFileset 'union (union (union ./x/a ./x/b) ./y/a) ./z/b'
# TODO: Once we have combinators and a property testing library, derive property tests from
echo >&2 tests ok