- Use socket-activated epmd - that way there won't be any trouble when
more than one erlang system is used within a single host.
- Use new automation-friendly configuration file format
- Use systemd notifications instead of buggy 'rabbitmqctl wait' for
confirming successful server startup.
'wait' bug: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/issues/463
- Use 'rabbitmqctl shutdown' instead of 'stop', because it's not
pid-file based
- Use sane systemd unit defaults from RabbitMQ repo:
- Support for external plugins
1. The chmod 400 with the preset cookie prevented restarts, as
on the second boot it would fail to write to the cookie. Oops.
2. As far as I can tell, sasl logs were disabled because of the
following error:
Not because we actually wanted to disable them. This meant the
management plugin wasn't usable due to a bug set to be fixed in
Using pkgs.lib on the spine of module evaluation is problematic
because the pkgs argument depends on the result of module
evaluation. To prevent an infinite recursion, pkgs and some of the
modules are evaluated twice, which is inefficient. Using ‘with lib’
prevents this problem.