OS X by default has a case-insensitive filesystem, and fetching
all-cabal-hashes there fails due to a hash mismatch caused by package
pairs like compactable and Compactable. This partitions the package set
such that each partition contains no equivalent-up-to-case pairs.
This commit changes callHackage to use a deterministic version of the Hackage
checkout from https://github.com/commercialhaskell/all-cabal-hashes by default.
This means that packages uploaded to Hackage after today will be available to
callHackage only after "pkgs/data/misc/hackage/default.nix" has been updated.
People who want the previous behavior where we always had the latest version of
Hackage available -- at the cost of frequent downloads from Github --, can add
the following override to their "~/.nixpkgs/config.nix" file:
packageOverrides = super: {
all-cabal-hashes = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/all-cabal-hashes/archive/hackage.tar.gz";