import ../make-test-python.nix ({pkgs, lib, ...}: {
  name = "php-fpm-nginx-test";
  meta.maintainers = lib.teams.php.members;

  machine = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
    services.nginx = {
      enable = true;

      virtualHosts."phpfpm" = let
        testdir = pkgs.writeTextDir "web/index.php" "<?php phpinfo();";
      in {
        root = "${testdir}/web";
        locations."~ \.php$".extraConfig = ''
          fastcgi_pass unix:${};
          fastcgi_index index.php;
          include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi_params;
          include ${pkgs.nginx}/conf/fastcgi.conf;
        locations."/" = {
          tryFiles = "$uri $uri/ index.php";
          index = "index.php index.html index.htm";

    services.phpfpm.pools."foobar" = {
      user = "nginx";
      settings = {
        "" = "nginx";
        "listen.mode" = "0600";
        "listen.owner" = "nginx";
        "pm" = "dynamic";
        "pm.max_children" = 5;
        "pm.max_requests" = 500;
        "pm.max_spare_servers" = 3;
        "pm.min_spare_servers" = 1;
        "pm.start_servers" = 2;
  testScript = { ... }: ''

    # Check so we get an evaluated PHP back
    response = machine.succeed("curl -fvvv -s")
    assert "PHP Version ${pkgs.php.version}" in response, "PHP version not detected"

    # Check so we have database and some other extensions loaded
    for ext in ["json", "opcache", "pdo_mysql", "pdo_pgsql", "pdo_sqlite"]:
        assert ext in response, f"Missing {ext} extension"