if [ -e .attrs.sh ]; then source .attrs.sh; fi source $stdenv/setup set -x if ! [ -f "$cacheDB" ]; then echo "Creating cache DB $cacheDB" mtn --db "$cacheDB" db init fi header "getting revision $selector"; done=; for source in $dbs; do if mtn pull --db "$cacheDB" "$source" "${branch}"; then revision="$(mtn --db "$cacheDB" au toposort $(mtn --db "$cacheDB" au select "$selector") | tail -1)"; if [ -n "$revision" ]; then if mtn --db "$cacheDB" au get_revision "$revision"; then echo "found revision $revision" done=1; else echo "revision $revision does not exist"; fi else echo "selector $selector does not match any revision"; fi else echo "pulling branch $branch wasn't successful"; fi; if test -n "$done"; then break; fi; done; stopNest; header "checking out the revision $revision"; if test -n "$done"; then mtn checkout --db "$cacheDB" -r "$revision" "$out" -b "${branch}" else echo "Needed revision still not found. Exiting"; exit 1; fi; stopNest header "clearing _MTN in the output" rm -rf "$out/_MTN" stopNest