import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import sys tree = ET.parse(sys.argv[1]) # the xml tree is of the form # {all options, each an attrs} options = list(tree.getroot().find('list')) def sortKey(opt): def order(s): if s.startswith("enable"): return 0 if s.startswith("package"): return 1 return 2 return [ (order(p.attrib['value']), p.attrib['value']) for p in opt.findall('attr[@name="loc"]/list/string') ] # always ensure that the sort order matches the order used in the nix expression! options.sort(key=sortKey) doc = ET.Element("expr") newOptions = ET.SubElement(doc, "list") newOptions.extend(options) ET.ElementTree(doc).write(sys.argv[2], encoding='utf-8')