This is very useful in conjunction with meta.pkgConfigModules, as the new tester can use the list provided by this meta attribute as a default value for moduleNames, making its usage in passthru.tests very convenient. For backwards compatibility, a shim under the old name is maintained with a warning.
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# cd nixpkgs
# nix-build -A tests.testers.hasPkgConfigModule
{ lib, testers, zlib, openssl, runCommand }:
lib.recurseIntoAttrs {
zlib-has-zlib = testers.hasPkgConfigModules {
package = zlib;
moduleNames = [ "zlib" ];
zlib-has-meta-pkgConfigModules = testers.hasPkgConfigModules {
package = zlib;
openssl-has-openssl = testers.hasPkgConfigModules {
package = openssl;
moduleNames = [ "openssl" ];
openssl-has-all-meta-pkgConfigModules = testers.hasPkgConfigModules {
package = openssl;
zlib-does-not-have-ylib = runCommand "zlib-does-not-have-ylib" {
failed = testers.testBuildFailure (
testers.hasPkgConfigModules {
package = zlib;
moduleNames = [ "ylib" ];
} ''
echo 'it logs a relevant error message'
grep -F "pkg-config module ylib was not found" $failed/testBuildFailure.log
echo 'it logs which pkg-config modules are available, to be helpful'
# grep -v: the string zlib does also occur in a store path in an earlier message, which isn't particularly helpful
grep -v "checking pkg-config module" < $failed/testBuildFailure.log \
| grep -F "zlib"
# done
touch $out