Before this change, buildRustCrate always called rustc with --extern libName=[...]libName[...] However, Cargo permits using a different name under which a dependency is known to a crate. For example, rand 0.7.0 uses: [dependencies] getrandom_package = { version = "0.1.1", package = "getrandom", optional = true } Which introduces the getrandom dependency such that it is known as getrandom_package to the rand crate. In this case, the correct extern flag is of the form --extern getrandom_package=[...]getrandom[...] which is currently not supported. In order to support such cases, this change introduces a crateRenames argument to buildRustCrate. This argument is an attribute set of dependencies that should be renamed. In this case, crateRenames would be: { "getrandom" = "getrandom_package"; } The extern options are then built such that if the libName occurs as an attribute in this set, it value will be used as the local name. Otherwise libName will be used as before.
186 lines
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186 lines
7.3 KiB
# Code for buildRustCrate, a Nix function that builds Rust code, just
# like Cargo, but using Nix instead.
# This can be useful for deploying packages with NixOps, and to share
# binary dependencies between projects.
{ lib, stdenv, defaultCrateOverrides, fetchCrate, rustc }:
# This doesn't appear to be officially documented anywhere yet.
# See https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-forge/issues/101.
target_os = if stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin
then "macos"
else stdenv.hostPlatform.parsed.kernel.name;
makeDeps = dependencies: crateRenames:
(lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (dep:
extern = lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] dep.libName;
name = if builtins.hasAttr dep.crateName crateRenames then
lib.strings.replaceStrings ["-"] ["_"] crateRenames.${dep.crateName}
in (if lib.lists.any (x: x == "lib") dep.crateType then
" --extern ${name}=${dep.out}/lib/lib${extern}-${dep.metadata}.rlib"
" --extern ${name}=${dep.out}/lib/lib${extern}-${dep.metadata}${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}")
) dependencies);
echo_build_heading = colors: ''
echo_build_heading() {
if [[ "${colors}" == "always" ]]; then
start="$(printf '\033[0;1;32m')" #set bold, and set green.
end="$(printf '\033[0m')" #returns to "normal"
if (( $# == 1 )); then
echo "$start""Building $1""$end"
echo "$start""Building $1 ($2)""$end"
noisily = colors: verbose: ''
noisily() {
if [[ "${colors}" == "always" ]]; then
start="$(printf '\033[0;1;32m')" #set bold, and set green.
end="$(printf '\033[0m')" #returns to "normal"
${lib.optionalString verbose ''
echo -n "$start"Running "$end"
echo $@
configureCrate = import ./configure-crate.nix { inherit lib stdenv echo_build_heading noisily makeDeps; };
buildCrate = import ./build-crate.nix { inherit lib stdenv echo_build_heading noisily makeDeps; };
installCrate = import ./install-crate.nix;
crate_: lib.makeOverridable ({ rust, release, verbose, features, buildInputs, crateOverrides,
dependencies, buildDependencies, crateRenames,
preUnpack, postUnpack, prePatch, patches, postPatch,
preConfigure, postConfigure, preBuild, postBuild, preInstall, postInstall }:
let crate = crate_ // (lib.attrByPath [ crate_.crateName ] (attr: {}) crateOverrides crate_);
dependencies_ = dependencies;
buildDependencies_ = buildDependencies;
processedAttrs = [
"src" "buildInputs" "crateBin" "crateLib" "libName" "libPath"
"buildDependencies" "dependencies" "features" "crateRenames"
"crateName" "version" "build" "authors" "colors" "edition"
extraDerivationAttrs = lib.filterAttrs (n: v: ! lib.elem n processedAttrs) crate;
buildInputs_ = buildInputs;
extraRustcOpts_ = extraRustcOpts;
stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
inherit (crate) crateName;
inherit preUnpack postUnpack prePatch patches postPatch preConfigure postConfigure preBuild postBuild preInstall postInstall;
src = if lib.hasAttr "src" crate then
fetchCrate { inherit (crate) crateName version sha256; };
name = "rust_${crate.crateName}-${crate.version}";
depsBuildBuild = [ rust stdenv.cc ];
buildInputs = (crate.buildInputs or []) ++ buildInputs_;
dependencies =
(dep: dep.override { rust = rust; release = release; verbose = verbose; crateOverrides = crateOverrides; })
buildDependencies =
(dep: dep.override { rust = rust; release = release; verbose = verbose; crateOverrides = crateOverrides; })
completeDeps = lib.lists.unique (dependencies ++ lib.lists.concatMap (dep: dep.completeDeps) dependencies);
completeBuildDeps = lib.lists.unique (
++ lib.lists.concatMap (dep: dep.completeBuildDeps ++ dep.completeDeps) buildDependencies
crateFeatures = if crate ? features then
lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (f: "--cfg feature=\\\"${f}\\\"") (crate.features ++ features) #"
else "";
libName = if crate ? libName then crate.libName else crate.crateName;
libPath = if crate ? libPath then crate.libPath else "";
depsMetadata = builtins.foldl' (str: dep: str + dep.metadata) "" (dependencies ++ buildDependencies);
metadata = builtins.substring 0 10 (builtins.hashString "sha256" (crateName + "-" + crateVersion + "___" + toString crateFeatures + "___" + depsMetadata ));
crateBin = if crate ? crateBin then
builtins.foldl' (bins: bin: let
name = (if bin ? name then bin.name else crateName);
path = if bin ? path then bin.path else "";
bins + (if bin == "" then "" else ",") + "${name} ${path}"
) "" crate.crateBin
else "";
hasCrateBin = crate ? crateBin;
build = crate.build or "";
workspace_member = crate.workspace_member or ".";
crateVersion = crate.version;
crateDescription = crate.description or "";
crateAuthors = if crate ? authors && lib.isList crate.authors then crate.authors else [];
crateHomepage = crate.homepage or "";
crateType =
if lib.attrByPath ["procMacro"] false crate then ["proc-macro"] else
if lib.attrByPath ["plugin"] false crate then ["dylib"] else
(crate.type or ["lib"]);
colors = lib.attrByPath [ "colors" ] "always" crate;
extraLinkFlags = builtins.concatStringsSep " " (crate.extraLinkFlags or []);
edition = crate.edition or null;
extraRustcOpts = (if crate ? extraRustcOpts then crate.extraRustcOpts else []) ++ extraRustcOpts_ ++ (lib.optional (edition != null) "--edition ${edition}");
configurePhase = configureCrate {
inherit crateName buildDependencies completeDeps completeBuildDeps crateDescription
crateFeatures crateRenames libName build workspace_member release libPath crateVersion
extraLinkFlags extraRustcOpts
crateAuthors crateHomepage verbose colors target_os;
buildPhase = buildCrate {
inherit crateName dependencies
crateFeatures crateRenames libName release libPath crateType
metadata crateBin hasCrateBin verbose colors
installPhase = installCrate crateName metadata;
} // extraDerivationAttrs
)) {
rust = rustc;
release = crate_.release or true;
verbose = crate_.verbose or true;
extraRustcOpts = [];
features = [];
buildInputs = [];
crateOverrides = defaultCrateOverrides;
preUnpack = crate_.preUnpack or "";
postUnpack = crate_.postUnpack or "";
prePatch = crate_.prePatch or "";
patches = crate_.patches or [];
postPatch = crate_.postPatch or "";
preConfigure = crate_.preConfigure or "";
postConfigure = crate_.postConfigure or "";
preBuild = crate_.preBuild or "";
postBuild = crate_.postBuild or "";
preInstall = crate_.preInstall or "";
postInstall = crate_.postInstall or "";
dependencies = crate_.dependencies or [];
buildDependencies = crate_.buildDependencies or [];
crateRenames = crate_.crateRenames or {};