The nixOS test failed sporadically with a timeout. This is due to a race condition in the startup of the scheduler vs the task-queue. The scheduler runs the migration scripts in "pre-start" and celery isn't available, yet. The celery worker (paperless-task-queue) was already started by systemd but was unable to connect (as the migration scripts from "pre-start" still ran). This fix adds the necessary "after" condition in the systemd worker unit and adds a test to "paperless" Signed-off-by: Florian Brandes <>
56 lines
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56 lines
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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, ... }: {
name = "paperless";
meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ erikarvstedt Flakebi ];
nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ imagemagick jq ];
services.paperless = {
enable = true;
passwordFile = builtins.toFile "password" "admin";
testScript = ''
import json
with subtest("Add a document via the file system"):
"convert -size 400x40 xc:white -font 'DejaVu-Sans' -pointsize 20 -fill black "
"-annotate +5+20 'hello world 16-10-2005' /var/lib/paperless/consume/doc.png"
with subtest("Web interface gets ready"):
# Wait until server accepts connections
machine.wait_until_succeeds("curl -fs localhost:28981")
# Required for consuming documents via the web interface
with subtest("Task-queue gets ready"):
with subtest("Add a document via the web interface"):
"convert -size 400x40 xc:white -font 'DejaVu-Sans' -pointsize 20 -fill black "
"-annotate +5+20 'hello web 16-10-2005' /tmp/webdoc.png"
machine.wait_until_succeeds("curl -u admin:admin -F document=@/tmp/webdoc.png -fs localhost:28981/api/documents/post_document/")
with subtest("Documents are consumed"):
"(($(curl -u admin:admin -fs localhost:28981/api/documents/ | jq .count) == 2))"
docs = json.loads(machine.succeed("curl -u admin:admin -fs localhost:28981/api/documents/"))['results']
assert "2005-10-16" in docs[0]['created']
assert "2005-10-16" in docs[1]['created']
# Detects gunicorn issues, see PR #190888
with subtest("Document metadata can be accessed"):
metadata = json.loads(machine.succeed("curl -u admin:admin -fs localhost:28981/api/documents/1/metadata/"))
assert "original_checksum" in metadata
metadata = json.loads(machine.succeed("curl -u admin:admin -fs localhost:28981/api/documents/2/metadata/"))
assert "original_checksum" in metadata