# SeiĆ°r An experimental Rust GitOps/symlinkfarm orchestrator inspired by GNU Stow. Highly unstable project, expect each change to be breaking. [![Built with Nix](https://img.shields.io/badge/Built_With-Nix-5277C3.svg?logo=nixos&labelColor=73C3D5)](https://nixos.org) [![Contributor Covenant](https://img.shields.io/badge/Contributor%20Covenant-2.1-4baaaa.svg)](code_of_conduct.md) [![Unit tests](https://github.com/cafkafk/seidr/actions/workflows/unit-tests.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/cafkafk/seidr/actions/workflows/unit-tests.yml) ![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/seidr?link=https%3A%2F%2Fcrates.io%2Fcrates%2Fseidr) ![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/seidr?link=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcafkafk%2Fseidr%2Fblob%2Fmain%2FLICENCE)
[![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/TVmnEYR3PK40GtoZnwavun0dP.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/TVmnEYR3PK40GtoZnwavun0dP) > **Warn** > This is experimental, and not in the Nix sense. I'm gonna change how links work soon. A Rust GitOps/symlinkfarm orchestrator inspired by GNU Stow. Useful for dealing with "dotfiles", and with git support as a first class feature. Configuration is done throug a single yaml file, giving it a paradigm that should bring joy to those that use declarative operating systems and package managers. Although this isn't really a case where it matters *that* much for performance, being written in rust instead of e.g. /janky/ scripting languages does also mean it is snappy and reliable, and the /extensive/ (hardly, but eventually) testing helps ensure regressions aren't introduced. That said, we're in 0.Y.Z, *here be dragons* for now (although a little less each commit). ### Installation git clone https://github.com/cafkafk/seidr cd seidr cargo install --path . ### Configuration If you want a template, you can copy the file from src/test/config.yaml: mkdir -p ~/.config/seidr/ cp src/test/config.yaml ~/.config/seidr/config.yaml You should *seriously* change this file before running any commands. The configuration format will likely break regularly in versions 0.Y.Z. #### Dhall I already daily drive seidr, and here's an example of how I keep it manageable with dhall. Writing the `.yaml` files by hand and keeping them up to date quickly felt like writing aterm `.drv` files for Nix by hand... that is to say not pleasant. This somewhat makes it better. ```dhall let {- First, we define some useful variables -} home : Text = "/home/ces/" let config : Text = "${home}/.config/" let gitProjectsDir : Text = "${home}/org/src/git/" let nixosConfigName : Text = "afk-nixos" let nixosConfigDir : Text = gitProjectsDir let nixosConfigPath : Text = "${home}/org/src/git/${nixosConfigName}/" let seidrConfigPath : Text = "${nixosConfigPath}/seidr/" let {- Now, we create some schemes and types and such to make our lives easier TODO: We could totally also write some functions, but I haven't gotten to that yet. -} Flags : Type = < Clone | Fast > let Repo : Type = { name : Optional Text , path : Optional Text , url : Optional Text , kind : Optional Text , flags : Optional (List Flags) } let Link : Type = { name : Optional Text, rx : Text, tx : Text } let {- Here, we define our repositories -} nixosConfigRepo : Repo = { name = Some nixosConfigName , path = Some nixosConfigDir , url = Some "git@github.com:cafkafk/afk-nixos.git" , kind = Some "GitRepo" , flags = Some [ Flags.Clone, Flags.Fast ] } let ezaDevelopmentRepo : Repo = { name = Some "eza" , path = Some gitProjectsDir , url = Some "git@github.com:eza-community/eza.git" , kind = Some "GitRepo" , flags = Some [ Flags.Clone, Flags.Fast ] } let {- Here, we define our repositories -} starship : Link = { name = Some "starship" , tx = "${seidrConfigPath}/starship.toml" , rx = "${config}/starship.toml" } let {- And now we pull it all together -} categories = { seidr.repos = { -- dots = { name = "seidr", path = path }, nixosConfigRepo , ezaDevelopmentRepo } , starship.links.starship = starship } in { categories } ``` Then it's as easy as running something like this: ``` dhall-to-yaml --file seidr.dhall --explain --output seidr.yaml seidr -c seidr.yaml --help ``` Ofc, you replace `--help` with whatever you wanna do here.