#+options: toc:nil * gg - git gut #+html: A Rust GitOps/symlinkfarm orchestrator inspired by GNU Stow. Useful for dealing with "dotfiles", and with git support as a first class feature. Configuration is done throug a single yaml file, giving it a paradigm that should bring joy to those that use declarative operating systems and package managers. Although this isn't really a case where it matters *that* much for performance, being written in rust instead of e.g. /janky/ scripting languages does also mean it is snappy and reliable, and the /extensive/ testing helps ensure regressions aren't introduced. That said, we're in 0.0.Z, *here be dragons* for now. ** Installation #+begin_src sh $ git clone https://github.com/cafkafk/git $ ./install #+end_src ** Configuration If you want a template, you can copy the file from src/test/config.yaml: #+begin_src sh $ mkdir -p ~/.config/gg/ $ cp src/test/config.yaml ~/.config/gg/config.yaml #+end_src You should *seriously* change this file before running any commands. The configuration format will likely break regularly in versions 0.Y.Z.