Manage your default applications with ease using `handlr`!
## Features
- Set default handler by extension or mime-type
- Intelligent mime type detection from files based on extension and content
- Open multiple files at once
- Set multiple handlers for mime/extension and use rofi/dmenu to pick one
- List default associations
- Automatically removes invalid/wrong `.desktop` entries from `mimeapps.list`
- Helper commands like `launch`, `get --json` for your scripting needs
- Unnecessarily fast (written in Rust)
- Single compiled binary with no dependencies
## Usage
# Open a file/URL
handlr open ~/.dotfiles/pacman/packages.txt
handlr open https://google.ca
# Set default handler for png files
handlr set .png feh.desktop
# Set default handler based on mime
handlr set application/pdf evince.desktop
# List default apps
handlr list
# Get the handler for a mime/extension
$ handlr get .png
# Launch a handler with given path/URL
handlr launch x-scheme-handler/https -- https://google.ca
## Compared to `xdg-utils`
- Can open multiple files/URLs at once
- Can have multiple handlers and use rofi/dmenu to pick one at runtime
- Far easier to use with simple commands like `get`, `set`, `list`
- Can operate on extensions, **no need to look up or remember mime types**
- useful for common tasks like setting a handler for png/docx/etc files
- Superb autocomplete (currently just fish), including mimes, extensions, and `.desktop` files
- Optional json output for commands like `get`
## Setting multiple handlers
1) Open `~/.config/handlr/handlr.toml` and set `enable_selector = true`. Optionally, you can also tweak the `selector` to your selector command (using e.g. rofi or dmenu).
2) Add a second/third/whatever handler using `handlr add`, for example
handlr add x-scheme-handler/https firefox-developer-edition.desktop
3) Now in this example when you open a URL, you will be prompted to select the desired application.

## Screenshots
## Installation
### Arch Linux
yay -S handlr-bin
Optionally you can also install `xdg-utils-handlr` to replace `xdg-open`:
yay -S xdg-utils-handlr
### Rust/Cargo
cargo install handlr
### Binaries
1. Download the latest [release binary](https://github.com/chmln/handlr/releases) and put it somewhere in `$PATH`
2. Download completions:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chmln/handlr/master/completions/handlr.fish --create-dirs -o ~/.config/fish/completions/handlr.fish
## Attribution
Icons made by Eucalyp from www.flaticon.com
Cover photo by [creativebloq.com](https://creativebloq.com)