mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 23:45:54 +01:00
feat: upgrade to PhotoSwipe v5
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 88 additions and 232 deletions
@ -1,186 +1,92 @@
declare global {
interface Window {
PhotoSwipe: any;
PhotoSwipeUI_Default: any
const wrap = (figures: HTMLElement[]) => {
const galleryContainer = document.createElement('div');
galleryContainer.className = 'gallery';
const parentNode = figures[0].parentNode,
first = figures[0];
parentNode.insertBefore(galleryContainer, first)
for (const figure of figures) {
interface PhotoSwipeItem {
w: number;
h: number;
src: string;
msrc: string;
title?: string;
el: HTMLElement;
export default (container: HTMLElement) => {
/// The process of wrapping image with figure tag is done using JavaScript instead of only Hugo markdown render hook
/// because it can not detect whether image is being wrapped by a link or not
/// and it lead to a invalid HTML construction (<a><figure><img></figure></a>)
const images = container.querySelectorAll('img.gallery-image') as NodeListOf<HTMLImageElement>;
for (const img of Array.from(images)) {
/// Images are wrapped with figure tag if the paragraph has only images without texts
/// This is done to allow inline images within paragraphs
const paragraph = img.closest('p');
class StackGallery {
private galleryUID: number;
private items: PhotoSwipeItem[] = [];
if (!paragraph || !container.contains(paragraph)) continue;
constructor(container: HTMLElement, galleryUID = 1) {
if (window.PhotoSwipe == undefined || window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default == undefined) {
console.error("PhotoSwipe lib not loaded.");
if (paragraph.textContent.trim() == '') {
/// Once we insert figcaption, this check no longer works
/// So we add a class to paragraph to mark it
this.galleryUID = galleryUID;
let isNewLineImage = paragraph.classList.contains('no-text');
if (!isNewLineImage) continue;
const hasLink = img.parentElement.tagName == 'A';
private loadItems(container: HTMLElement) {
this.items = [];
let el: HTMLElement = img;
/// Wrap image with figure tag, with flex-grow and flex-basis values extracted from img's data attributes
const figure = document.createElement('figure');
figure.style.setProperty('flex-grow', img.getAttribute('data-flex-grow') || '1');
figure.style.setProperty('flex-basis', img.getAttribute('data-flex-basis') || '0');
if (hasLink) {
/// Wrap <a> if it exists
el = img.parentElement;
el.parentElement.insertBefore(figure, el);
const figures = container.querySelectorAll('figure.gallery-image');
/// Add figcaption if it exists
if (img.hasAttribute('alt')) {
const figcaption = document.createElement('figcaption');
figcaption.innerText = img.getAttribute('alt');
for (const el of figures) {
const figcaption = el.querySelector('figcaption'),
img = el.querySelector('img');
/// Wrap img tag with <a> tag if image was not wrapped by <a> tag
if (!hasLink) {
figure.className = 'gallery-image';
let aux: PhotoSwipeItem = {
w: parseInt(img.getAttribute('width')),
h: parseInt(img.getAttribute('height')),
src: img.src,
msrc: img.getAttribute('data-thumb') || img.src,
el: el
if (figcaption) {
aux.title = figcaption.innerHTML;
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = img.src;
a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
a.setAttribute('data-pswp-width', img.width.toString());
a.setAttribute('data-pswp-height', img.height.toString());
img.parentNode.insertBefore(a, img);
public static createGallery(container: HTMLElement) {
/// The process of wrapping image with figure tag is done using JavaScript instead of only Hugo markdown render hook
/// because it can not detect whether image is being wrapped by a link or not
/// and it lead to a invalid HTML construction (<a><figure><img></figure></a>)
const images = container.querySelectorAll('img.gallery-image');
for (const img of Array.from(images)) {
/// Images are wrapped with figure tag if the paragraph has only images without texts
/// This is done to allow inline images within paragraphs
const paragraph = img.closest('p');
if (!paragraph || !container.contains(paragraph)) continue;
if (paragraph.textContent.trim() == '') {
/// Once we insert figcaption, this check no longer works
/// So we add a class to paragraph to mark it
let isNewLineImage = paragraph.classList.contains('no-text');
if (!isNewLineImage) continue;
const hasLink = img.parentElement.tagName == 'A';
let el: HTMLElement = img;
/// Wrap image with figure tag, with flex-grow and flex-basis values extracted from img's data attributes
const figure = document.createElement('figure');
figure.style.setProperty('flex-grow', img.getAttribute('data-flex-grow') || '1');
figure.style.setProperty('flex-basis', img.getAttribute('data-flex-basis') || '0');
if (hasLink) {
/// Wrap <a> if it exists
el = img.parentElement;
el.parentElement.insertBefore(figure, el);
/// Add figcaption if it exists
if (img.hasAttribute('alt')) {
const figcaption = document.createElement('figcaption');
figcaption.innerText = img.getAttribute('alt');
/// Wrap img tag with <a> tag if image was not wrapped by <a> tag
if (!hasLink) {
figure.className = 'gallery-image';
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = img.src;
a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
img.parentNode.insertBefore(a, img);
const figuresEl = container.querySelectorAll('figure.gallery-image') as NodeListOf<HTMLElement>;
let currentGallery = [];
for (const figure of Array.from(figuresEl)) {
if (!currentGallery.length) {
/// First iteration
currentGallery = [figure];
const figuresEl = container.querySelectorAll('figure.gallery-image');
let currentGallery = [];
for (const figure of figuresEl) {
if (!currentGallery.length) {
/// First iteration
currentGallery = [figure];
else if (figure.previousElementSibling === currentGallery[currentGallery.length - 1]) {
/// Adjacent figures
else if (currentGallery.length) {
/// End gallery
currentGallery = [figure];
else if (figure.previousElementSibling === currentGallery[currentGallery.length - 1]) {
/// Adjacent figures
if (currentGallery.length > 0) {
else if (currentGallery.length) {
/// End gallery
currentGallery = [figure];
* Wrap adjacent figure tags with div.gallery
* @param figures
public static wrap(figures: HTMLElement[]) {
const galleryContainer = document.createElement('div');
galleryContainer.className = 'gallery';
const parentNode = figures[0].parentNode,
first = figures[0];
parentNode.insertBefore(galleryContainer, first)
for (const figure of figures) {
if (currentGallery.length > 0) {
public open(index: number) {
const pswp = document.querySelector('.pswp') as HTMLDivElement;
const ps = new window.PhotoSwipe(pswp, window.PhotoSwipeUI_Default, this.items, {
index: index,
galleryUID: this.galleryUID,
getThumbBoundsFn: (index) => {
const thumbnail = this.items[index].el.getElementsByTagName('img')[0],
pageYScroll = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
rect = thumbnail.getBoundingClientRect();
return { x: rect.left, y: rect.top + pageYScroll, w: rect.width };
private bindClick() {
for (const [index, item] of this.items.entries()) {
const a = item.el.querySelector('a');
a.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
export default StackGallery;
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
* @website: https://jimmycai.com
* @link: https://github.com/CaiJimmy/hugo-theme-stack
import StackGallery from "ts/gallery";
import StackCodeBlock from "ts/codeblock";
import menu from 'ts/menu';
import createElement from 'ts/createElement';
@ -22,7 +21,6 @@ let Stack = {
const articleContent = document.querySelector('.article-content') as HTMLElement;
if (articleContent) {
new StackGallery(articleContent);
@ -1,68 +1,20 @@
<!-- Root element of PhotoSwipe. Must have class pswp. -->
<div class="pswp" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
{{- $opts := dict "minify" hugo.IsProduction "format" "esm" -}}
{{- $galleryScript := resources.Get "ts/gallery.ts" | js.Build $opts -}}
<!-- Background of PhotoSwipe.
It's a separate element as animating opacity is faster than rgba(). -->
<div class="pswp__bg"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/photoswipe@5.2.7/dist/photoswipe.css"
integrity="sha256-olf9rfn3AG8zR6lkPXkN3PZq63z8tElx7Ela6T4eklo=" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- Slides wrapper with overflow:hidden. -->
<div class="pswp__scroll-wrap">
<script type="module">
import StackGallery from '{{ $galleryScript.RelPermalink }}';
import PhotoSwipeLightbox from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/photoswipe@5.2.7/dist/photoswipe-lightbox.esm.min.js';
<!-- Container that holds slides.
PhotoSwipe keeps only 3 of them in the DOM to save memory.
Don't modify these 3 pswp__item elements, data is added later on. -->
<div class="pswp__container">
<div class="pswp__item"></div>
<div class="pswp__item"></div>
<div class="pswp__item"></div>
<!-- Default (PhotoSwipeUI_Default) interface on top of sliding area. Can be changed. -->
<div class="pswp__ui pswp__ui--hidden">
<div class="pswp__top-bar">
<!-- Controls are self-explanatory. Order can be changed. -->
<div class="pswp__counter"></div>
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--close" title="Close (Esc)"></button>
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--share" title="Share"></button>
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--fs" title="Toggle fullscreen"></button>
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--zoom" title="Zoom in/out"></button>
<!-- Preloader demo https://codepen.io/dimsemenov/pen/yyBWoR -->
<!-- element will get class pswp__preloader--active when preloader is running -->
<div class="pswp__preloader">
<div class="pswp__preloader__icn">
<div class="pswp__preloader__cut">
<div class="pswp__preloader__donut"></div>
<div class="pswp__share-modal pswp__share-modal--hidden pswp__single-tap">
<div class="pswp__share-tooltip"></div>
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--left" title="Previous (arrow left)">
<button class="pswp__button pswp__button--arrow--right" title="Next (arrow right)">
<div class="pswp__caption">
<div class="pswp__caption__center"></div>
{{- partial "helper/external" (dict "Context" . "Namespace" "PhotoSwipe") -}}
const lightbox = new PhotoSwipeLightbox({
gallery: '.article-content',
children: '.gallery-image a',
pswpModule: () => import('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/photoswipe@5.2.7/dist/photoswipe.esm.min.js')
Add table
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