specifically this corrects the misleading statement that `env` takes environment variables for the derivation.
8.6 KiB
Trivial builders
Nixpkgs provides a couple of functions that help with building derivations. The most important one, stdenv.mkDerivation
, has already been documented above. The following functions wrap stdenv.mkDerivation
, making it easier to use in certain cases.
runCommand :: String -> AttrSet -> String -> Derivation
runCommand name drvAttrs buildCommand
returns a derivation that is built by running the specified shell commands.
name :: String
- The name that Nix will append to the store path in the same way that
uses itsname
attribute. drvAttr :: AttrSet
- Attributes to pass to the underlying call to
. buildCommand :: String
- Shell commands to run in the derivation builder.
::: {.note} You have to create a file or directory
for Nix to be able to run the builder successfully. :::
::: {.example #ex-runcommand-simple}
Invocation of runCommand
(import <nixpkgs> {}).runCommand "my-example" {} ''
echo My example command is running
mkdir $out
echo I can write data to the Nix store > $out/message
echo I can also run basic commands like:
echo ls
echo whoami
echo date
This works just like runCommand
. The only difference is that it also provides a C compiler in buildCommand
's environment. To minimize your dependencies, you should only use this if you are sure you will need a C compiler as part of running your command.
Variant of runCommand
that forces the derivation to be built locally, it is not substituted. This is intended for very cheap commands (<1s execution time). It saves on the network round-trip and can speed up a build.
::: {.note}
This sets allowSubstitutes
to false
, so only use runCommandLocal
if you are certain the user will always have a builder for the system
of the derivation. This should be true for most trivial use cases (e.g., just copying some files to a different location or adding symlinks) because there the system
is usually the same as builtins.currentSystem
, writeText
, writeTextDir
, writeScript
, writeScriptBin
These functions write text
to the Nix store. This is useful for creating scripts from Nix expressions. writeTextFile
takes an attribute set and expects two arguments, name
and text
. name
corresponds to the name used in the Nix store path. text
will be the contents of the file. You can also set executable
to true to make this file have the executable bit set.
Many more commands wrap writeTextFile
including writeText
, writeTextDir
, writeScript
, and writeScriptBin
. These are convenience functions over writeTextFile
Here are a few examples:
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path>
writeTextFile {
name = "my-file";
text = ''
Contents of File
# See also the `writeText` helper function below.
# Writes executable my-file to /nix/store/<store path>/bin/my-file
writeTextFile {
name = "my-file";
text = ''
Contents of File
executable = true;
destination = "/bin/my-file";
# Writes contents of file to /nix/store/<store path>
writeText "my-file"
Contents of File
# Writes contents of file to /nix/store/<store path>/share/my-file
writeTextDir "share/my-file"
Contents of File
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path> and makes executable
writeScript "my-file"
Contents of File
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path>/bin/my-file and makes executable.
writeScriptBin "my-file"
Contents of File
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path> and makes executable.
writeShellScript "my-file"
Contents of File
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path>/bin/my-file and makes executable.
writeShellScriptBin "my-file"
Contents of File
, concatText
, concatScript
These functions concatenate files
to the Nix store in a single file. This is useful for configuration files structured in lines of text. concatTextFile
takes an attribute set and expects two arguments, name
and files
. name
corresponds to the name used in the Nix store path. files
will be the files to be concatenated. You can also set executable
to true to make this file have the executable bit set.
are simple wrappers over concatTextFile
Here are a few examples:
# Writes my-file to /nix/store/<store path>
concatTextFile {
name = "my-file";
files = [ drv1 "${drv2}/path/to/file" ];
# See also the `concatText` helper function below.
# Writes executable my-file to /nix/store/<store path>/bin/my-file
concatTextFile {
name = "my-file";
files = [ drv1 "${drv2}/path/to/file" ];
executable = true;
destination = "/bin/my-file";
# Writes contents of files to /nix/store/<store path>
concatText "my-file" [ file1 file2 ]
# Writes contents of files to /nix/store/<store path>
concatScript "my-file" [ file1 file2 ]
This can be used to easily produce a shell script that has some dependencies (runtimeInputs
). It automatically sets the PATH
of the script to contain all of the listed inputs, sets some sanity shellopts (errexit
, nounset
, pipefail
), and checks the resulting script with shellcheck
For example, look at the following code:
writeShellApplication {
name = "show-nixos-org";
runtimeInputs = [ curl w3m ];
text = ''
curl -s 'https://nixos.org' | w3m -dump -T text/html
Unlike with normal writeShellScriptBin
, there is no need to manually write out ${curl}/bin/curl
, setting the PATH
was handled by writeShellApplication
. Moreover, the script is being checked with shellcheck
for more strict
This can be used to put many derivations into the same directory structure. It works by creating a new derivation and adding symlinks to each of the paths listed. It expects two arguments, name
, and paths
. name
is the name used in the Nix store path for the created derivation. paths
is a list of paths that will be symlinked. These paths can be to Nix store derivations or any other subdirectory contained within.
Here is an example:
# adds symlinks of hello and stack to current build and prints "links added"
symlinkJoin { name = "myexample"; paths = [ pkgs.hello pkgs.stack ]; postBuild = "echo links added"; }
This creates a derivation with a directory structure like the following:
|-- bin
| |-- hello -> /nix/store/qy93dp4a3rqyn2mz63fbxjg228hffwyw-hello-2.10/bin/hello
| `-- stack -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-
`-- share
|-- bash-completion
| `-- completions
| `-- stack -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-
|-- fish
| `-- vendor_completions.d
| `-- stack.fish -> /nix/store/6lzdpxshx78281vy056lbk553ijsdr44-stack-
Writes the closure of transitive dependencies to a file.
This produces the equivalent of nix-store -q --requisites
For example,
writeReferencesToFile (writeScriptBin "hi" ''${hello}/bin/hello'')
produces an output path /nix/store/<hash>-runtime-deps
You can see that this includes hi
, the original input path,
, which is a direct reference, but also
the other paths that are indirectly required to run hello
Writes the set of references to the output file, that is, their immediate dependencies.
This produces the equivalent of nix-store -q --references
For example,
writeDirectReferencesToFile (writeScriptBin "hi" ''${hello}/bin/hello'')
produces an output path /nix/store/<hash>-runtime-references
but none of hello
's dependencies because those are not referenced directly
by hi
's output.